


US army in Afghanistan





US army in Afghanistan

2021/01/25 01:32:30・追記を書きました。
2020/10/19 22:45:26・★★を追加しました。
2020/10/11 22:13:17・★リンクを追加しました。
2020/09/17 23:08:56・追記を書きました。
2020/09/01 04:36:13・追記を書きました。
2020/08/26 01:57:46・追記を書きました。
2020/08/24 01:42:53・追記を書きました。
2014/06/09 00:56:37

Because we canの別バージョンみたいなの発見。

Because We Can  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4joz_9oSRcE

U.S. Army people first danced to the old royal palace in Afghanistan.
Then I can be a small official in an abandoned old Chinese government office,
because Afghanistan called the story of Susa.
It's just my drawing. 
Because the old Chinese government office was also abandoned and empty too.

There was a song in that movie screaming Roxanne.
I just saw that movie in Japan.

Moulin Rouge! El Tango de Roxanne 

With the image of that soundtrack was probably the story in Afghanistan.

Pink's song this year released four years ago, but I discovered it this year.
アメリカの州になれなかった話 ?
"Are you talking to Greece and Cyprus,so far away?
Did you talk about Afghanistan?" was a little difficult?
They should find palace by chance.That's the story.
It's not that song ...Is this the song of the US military"Call Me Maybe" ?in Canada?
I thought it  , Don't you say that palace is in London? )


I'd like to summarize the articles about this video.

ヘタリアの抱き枕 has about 58 articles.
The articles have been written by drunk.

Are they saying they're black in the Middle East?

"There is a few white person in (my) unit!!!"

"How can I express this surprise to everyone?"

I wroteフランスという場所
You can't go to travel to France

He said about Syria with Japanese army to me too.
Why is there peace in Syria?

He said about Italy to me too,who is he?His eyes are black.
(American story is red color with Sony?
 https://youtu.be/yKDWXC4o5nA ?

Red says ニジのほうに He has a Boy friend and Close the gate2

A very young boy is comming...Lion 4 years old? 
輝くほとりに14 架空世界のペルシャ湾
Basque? バスク照明 

About the treaty,Turkey is talking about a little boy and an elder girl wedding?

Indo https://youtu.be/uBaqgt5V0mU  ?
English https://youtu.be/QShq1KGbEOk ? 

I thought  輝くほとりに 10  , Happy Birthday 

Are you red?
イギリスで結婚式 with Canadian musician?
Are you Sony? 何でかインドの国旗がある

アメリカのエスパー国防長官が来日  )

Mutual link about the wedding of Jerusalem (songs?) goes to UK
My Government,My Minister UK Leaves Europe (エジプト死者の書 I wear pink )

But I am not French king.

You were talked by girl?
I was talked by girl?

I was talked by Chinese?
You were talked by Chinese?

Christian money and ship and the old roman empire, 防衛大臣の国 日本 2 ?

リビアのモスク ....?
( 青龍永夜 ?
"国防総省(you call it DoD)" was appeared once again and Mr.Mattis called the United States.)

Is Mr.Mattis your commander?( wikipedia )

Who doesn't wear the veil in the swimsuits people?
In the United States to wear in a mountain like in Afghanistan , you'll lose ...

The Air Force?
If you put it out from Afghanistan , SONY ... doesn't wear a veil?
Is that Russia the Air Force?
Is Tokyo okay to be taken by BADOO?

An American port town in Japan to wear underwear was "Japan" going to American Port Town first...but I am still left in it.

Russian is already in Tokyo ,there is no America.

Because ,who is McDonald's coffee?
Is it the same US merchant fleet that has coffee with veil people?

Did the Indian borrow their coffee? is the true story?

Yemen coffee is landed in Japan this year,
"Japan, Do you have anything to say?"

(go to What's Dhoom? ↓)

Why is the Japanese imperial family okay with great momentum ...

Is the person a companion to the person ?
"Because Japan is" ? , it is designated as something.

If you don't keep hitting in Afghanistan,
"Why are you Russia", are you saying in Japan ?


Is it a dog-like person who I want to be  and I'm going to clothes of the US Marine Corps?But even I walk in my way, but I think I was doing it too.

I wonder I'm collecting kimono by myself ...
(go to  BETTER TOGETHER 16 in Hetalia - 俺様の女神コレクション or イタリアのアフリカの話12 )

invitation to Tokyo Olympic

"After recycling almost Japanese kimonos,let's go to the city of McDonald's,
I'm also studying English at the store", making us all American.

Pinks are dancing.

Are you a Christian?
"Your song 2? https://youtu.be/NgSFun7F8dI "

Do you want to get on my ship? with your plane?
In Yokosuka ...this? (wikipedia Carrier Strike Group 5 )
Why is my voice a woman's voice?

(President Conte in Firenze 

After Dive,Conte,army.
What happened to Conte's army?
Army , I'm seriously doing country.
Then,Country is that area with Juan Carlos I?

What's that?
Do you want to do about 5 airplanes?) 

I watched a program on TV introduced Saudi Arabia.

People in Saudi Arabia have different colors (purple, yellow-green, etc.) ,introducing a pen stand with a pen,they asked
"Which color do you think is the most luxurious?"

"It doesn't matter what the color is," was the opinion of many Japanese people.
However, when I looked it up, it seems that the traditional colors still remain in Japan.

India ,I donate money to India
You can stop McDonald's.

"Red was bad."

The Japan McDonald's has a brown sign,meaning luxury,what is it?
Should I make it pink anyone can wear pink India's story is difficult.

"I want a more regular color." ?

Pink made it sellers what's that?
インドの神様? ピンクの呪い
イラク復興支援特別措置法 - 米軍は普通、PKOは普通

"Anyone can do " is Iraq?
Why were those Japanese comming to Iraq?I don't know.
"Anyone can do it " wears Japanese Kimono in all Africa.
Do it in your country Japan.
If you donate it,Italy was good.
"I'm not giving up"

I'll try another one.

After Mr.Mattis came to here our status became better.
And he was changed to Mr.Mattis.

And I rewrote the articles.
Call Me Maybe

I took one man to write articles.

Is he saying "I'm the King of Iran, I'm black"?
Is he saying he's also a black people?

I'd like to join his unit...
I wrote the letter to him in French.
Is this correct?
Do you understand this?

Dit :écrit préférées la famille royale.
Vous dites de faire la chose le royal,vraiment de robes vrai!
Alors, toujours Oh, je vais les voir, je française des Dauphins apparaissent des Afghans Web spécial pour l'Afghanistan royal de de l'Égypte?

Is this US Army still in Afghanistan?

My swimsuit is also pink.
Am I the Air Force?
One man is from Kyoto University? , but maybe some of them also have my mother or other parents. 

I thought this was made by India, to talk to us.
結婚式の話 続き8 Visitors run through the empire
The story of Israel?
I'm not sure, but I thought I can make a story "the girl in the seat is me."
Man is Ken.

Turkey came to sell turquoise but I bought this cup(→ イタリアのアフリカの話 1 ↓)

After all,Ken is too many people.
The power of the royal family is great,they managed me to write the story.
go to るろうに剣心 京都大火編  )

Do you want to recreate this yourself with SONY?
Give it a try,after all, I'm from the ship.
安禄山の乱 10
Such delusional activities in Afghanistan,swimsuit guy, Air Force, maybe use this video story...
I'm talking about "Christians is over."
What happens when I wear Afghan from Japanese Akachan Honpo?
I think Snoopy was probably a friend of Afghan.
Later there's also Rilakkuma.
Are they all the same kind ,what does an Afghan baby mean?
To Japan what does it mean to be a Roman emperor in Italy?
From the republic , what is the Savoia family? He said he was the King of Italy.
Will it be a united group on the voyage to Italy?
If Juan Carlos I came and entered Italy with Chinese and Japanese, is it a republic? different ?

Did you come from Tokyo Disneyland?!
You tell the Italian government that it's the British government , Olymics?

I wrote they're people from Turkey.
Only Turkish people have a relationship to Afghan people.
"A child was born became the Queen of the Muhammad Ali dynasty."
Isn’t it?

So I say "the Queen of Turkey" in Japanese manga.
So what?
Now in the comics, is Japan good for the South China Sea?
But I'm talking about the Aegean Sea with Turkey.

What is Spain?
What is Russia?
Disneyland from Florida, suspiciously air force? Navy? Do you mean Afghans?

Did the Italians give up a French prince?
I wonder if it's in Disneyland there are red people in Afghanistan? ,
so they say body paint...Iran, the story of friends?

Is that defense minister an Afghan person?
What would you say if it dressed like that Afghanistan princess?

"It seems that she ...." !?

What's arguably from Paris Shanghai Tokyo?
Is it an base nearby Disneyland Florida ?!! 
The Chinese Ty toy factory says Iranian empire, Chinese factory, ordinary people in USA.
What is Iran?

China says it's modernized to look like Russia were transformed into the high-class Muslim.
Disney made an Islamic movie in that case, they should rebuild the castle for their Kingdom of Iran.
But they live in the United States,
the United States and Iran conflict from the United States they said,
so the Turkish President, the Egyptian President and the Syrian President are Muslim.

In the city of McDonald's you say I have no money and you have
then, the dollar can be Iranian gold from the United States with president Trump..

Christians have collected dollars ,almost in Italy.
at least 5,689,770 million dollars?
Hetalia - 俺様の女神コレクション

We can use it for Ottoman Turkish money.
That's how the Emperor wins.
The United States is already dominated by Muslims in Iran.

Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia,the long road of Allah

What do you mean?
Iran said it was Italy and it gave money from Iran?
Iran is burning my bicycles.
輝くほとりに17 The Black Prince
Is there anything they want to say?

"Christians and native Americans?
President Erdogan will get the money.
What is that religion?" ?

"Hey, I don’t like that kind of Muslim."?

Through the many weddings,are natives native.


Your army and western Chinese govenment 1300 years ago,
in fact, there is a country called Afghanistan.
Under the  Egyptian wedding, Afghanistan has the name of Israel in my territory in 1300 years ago.
Impossible,President Sisi you to Babylonia is involved in such an interesting story?
And do you think the royal family?

About Britain Englishman wants to be an official at my office in 1300years ago.

The story "I'm Jane Gray, a high school girl who is familiar with 7 languages"
wikipedia Jane Grey
I found her on the internet.

So this is Little Gray in America. (天馬の国9 ) This Little Gray has 14 articles in this blog.
Can you be asked "what's Laputa People?" from Little Gray?

What if I'm a real Jane Gray?
A story is telling that was a white girl. ?)

The army has already been dispatched to Iran from New Year this year

What is it?
Whole area Israel of the Marine Corps, all over the country found a sentence that wrote about the King.
To guide people who say Italy ?
If there will be a story in Europe of military bases in my area.
Because the army will return to Iran ,
some Iranian woman were taking pictures with American soldiers during this time.
Was it the Christian Islam engagement?

" there was somewhere in France."?
"You say Israel, so you made the area  is all lie..." ?
"Is my word covered and my government is Israeli government?" ?

Besides,Well, What's more amazing?

"Well, is it meant later to Italy?" ?

Later, the destruction in the Middle East.
Actually, you can wait in France to get married French prince.
Or is it Germany?
 What's Dhoom?

The Israeli army 1300years ago is complete pretty well.
I rewrote the Bible.that's amazing, who is that?

The swimsuit girls are speaking in Russian
What does China in the south mean ,international? German?
Almost delusional but there is your great army.

Maybe he's a great way to talk.
Play with the revival of government offices in Japan
Is it a little Iran who married to Egypt
"It's easy I'll take it  later anyway, I'm going to Babylonia." ?
Iran's story is good.
That worked.
That should come out.
Is it Japan?
President Trump and Trump Country?What is it?

Marriage relationship of Egyptian Islamic dynasty?

"Princess Fawzia Fuad, was the first wife and consort of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi."
"Muhammad Ali, Prince of the Sa'id married Princess Noal Zaher Shah of Afghanistan, daughter of Prince Muhammed Daoud Pashtunyar Khan."

I saw the name of Turkey in Japanese cartoon...
Iran is making anime and I read Turkish manga first...
The story of Africa and Turkey from JICA someone wants to order
"I want to order my troops"
"Is it my unit?"

If you order me... ,a delusional story from a government office 1300 years ago you’ll be called the emperor.
I think he's Chinese.
Well, Iran is a place where many people come and go,you say the United Nations, right?

Those American guys... I don't know at all.
I don't know because I'm not retreating or being an American.
"Turkish topics now right now... that I talked to ,I would love to marry Turkey if my territory were there after that."

Iranian? I wrote one.
Is it correct?!

Do you read  ( ダマスコへ下る道 / President Conte in Firenze ↑) ?
And this Japanese translation is my imagination.

But I am not Egyptian.
Are those swimsuit girls speaking in Russian?

Ваше сердце, волнующее в тот момент, скрыто, чтобы узнать истинное грусти и злости очень похож.профиль призрак увидеть свет в полдень?
Мальчик, который может видеть луг, идеален, силен с луком. ?

Boy? https://youtu.be/m4BnQdMgIP0 
イタリアのアフリカの話 1

I'm in Turkey manga story with the US navy now.

Turkey's Erdogan accuses EU of using Greece as 'bait'
That's why "Dive!"

 (go to Dull work in New Caledonia  ↓ or  G7 France ↓)

Are you planning to run away again?
Is it Britain?

Those Japanese people with some US units want Denali.
Christ also wanted it in the age of Christ.
Islam talks about Islamic gold coin called Dinar.

What is Denali doing now?
What is dimes?
(I wrote 日本人妻標準装備?  ,have you read it?)
Flying unicorn,  person-I'm Bad air force
空飛ぶユニコーン Call Me Maybe
Your true figure is the woman in that swimsuit in the Air Force?
Which woman?some videos said.

They're  so Bad  talking about Taiwan from the Sky,Dutch Air Force?
They have already reached Egypt .
イスラエルまんが59 (ダマスコに上る5 )

Do you call it Principally of Isenburg?
イスラエルまんが54 PARADE
(I can't tell,return to 輝くほとりに1 ↑)

(maybe)he's not.He's an Iranian...
Does he say Sayonara to me?
I(?) can answer...Sayonara


Please speak Greek for a while,
after the promise , one Italian navy ship speaks for example

Ο χρόνος δεν πήρε τα χέρια μου στη ο διάβολος μου.
διάβολος τα χέρια,"Ο διάβολος " στη νύχτα

and I ansewr from the US Yokosuka naval base,
η ζωή ,οι φλόγες πάντοτε ήδη υποσχέθηκα δεν λόγια, οι μέρες ήταν αγαπώ θα πω ότι όσα τα λόγια. 
Queen speaks English and British attended G7...
G7 France

And is this English?
I wrote but I don't know.
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate3

"I'm an American woman",all the pictures of women serve corn just because it's food over the fence, right?
who eat it...
American food?
Thai court food
I also got the royal food of the country of tapioca.
The Chinese food is open for birds, is it Chinese food?
Food is what you want is Chinese food ,I want to be high-end
Family of Japan who sell tapioca You've changed to artificial tapioca
We say it's Japan McDonald's,

The kingdom of kiko Kawashima, we're the one who strips off and sells them.
You say Kawashima, you don't have to eat in front of Tokyo Station
Nuclear attack on Japan until tapioca appears
Nuclear attack on the Japanese Imperial Palace
tapioca will come out , material is detected in the grass in the garden

Are you really the US Army?

so I'm looking for support , I'll win with such a trifle
I have no food because my enemies are eating
The foreign army that orders is saying Asia.
What's that Asia selling to me?
Kyoto Nara is too great to be sold in ordinary towns, but what is my meal today?

What's the difference with the Imperial Palace?
Trump says from foreign countries" I’m eating only a good plate"
What should McDonald eat only McDonald's?
Trump attacked McDonald's and the world returned to its original kingdom?
Pick up all Trump dishes
America has ability system,  so that I can go to McDonald's every day?
Asian court foods are hidden by enemies!

I suppose the US military the one who says to me that don't listen to the U.S. military
A child American is saying that others than me are the same?
Can I drink tapioca juice?
You said you can't.
People who drink it are not good people.
Is it safe for me to eat ?
Until I got sly and sold all Japanese court dishes
I like the country of tapioca  to be sold.

You say that Russian is not like that Americans
Even though you should get it and sell it, it is the children of the noble and won't sell anymore.
Bloody and tightened up my tapioca must be sold by me.

The kingdom of the kingdom is McDonald's
so that woman's clothes are the McDonald's clerk must have been American.

Even if one court dish, you say it's luxury.
What is the lockdown for?

Will you build another WTC building in front of the Tokyo station? 
Is that a building that Americans can enter?

I think  when radioactive I can't includes the Japanese SDF into it, if you come from America,
McDonald's means the Asian royal restaurant we sell!

To sell anything,all the luxury goods in the world are supposed.

he's an enemy because he's got luxury goods and sells them.
That’s why I'll do it until I destroy Mr.Trump plate and table!

"It's an enemy of McDonald's,grade order."

I should have adopted it doesn't support Asian children!

Who was in Egypt and loved the story of the youngest child in Egypt being promoted?
You're the Emperor of Japan, right?

What is that news ?
Why did it come out from Syria first?
Who is fleeing people to Jordan ,President Assad is a local people.
Who are fleeing to Jordan,that boy born by Kawashima in the Japanese Imperial Palace got cancer is the news of Jordan.
President Assad has no army.
The news is about the people from Jordan is boys have cancer?

Is Mr.Trump Slave?Who had stolen Nuclear power by Japan?

I don't need it.
Japanese terrorism are to be subordinate race in Europe.
There's no need of Kawashima boy in Italy or Isenberg.

"I say Japan there is an Iranian lord." is the terrorism of Iran?

The Japanese ,Replace the monarch.

Their answer to those swimsuit girls must be in Japanese.
Still  How about it.

The medley has disappeared, and this is the one left,
Can you write?

Sen's portrait I can't write..水底の歌 - Sketch of "Lady in the water"
I can't write English too.

President Napolitano to those swimsuit girls ,
"Húmedos escapé.
No se que es ese gesto.
La radio del Derretir , escupemos en la sueño que desborda sentirme mas y mas.
No quiero besar el sueño. "?

I think ビール has 19 articles with 自衛隊の写真 now.

If you throw away Japanese, only Chinese remains
I'm telling you to be my Russian.

Is Korea an escape way?
A red bull pot story?
What happens if I stop talking about the red bull pot?
Korean is Chinese,should talk to china.
What do you mean by yourself?

So you entered that Jordan.
Does that mean you won't return to China anymore?

The swimsuit girls with Japanese ?
African Blue
・Look What You Made Me Do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tmd-ClpJxA

Blue eyes are great,what's "it"? IT - CALLING

"I feel warm wind from spring
It's your unfamiliar smile.

But I think it's for you
it's for you

feelings tension is strength

Don't escape if you run away you can't escape.
May my wishes can be perfect

I go on by this wind

Do you like me
I love you

I need you
If you open the window so the biggest clouds are going around .

What is the heart we can't see.
At that time we will realize these hearts.
These hearts will feel something surrounds around us.
I'm sure.
We will look it together."


I thought "You" in this song isn't about me.
I think it's in this photo!IT - CALLING 2 - The Passengers 

Don't you know ,"L'Arc(What's L'arc~en~Ciel ) was the Navy student."?
I am the best & Gangnam Style
If I think super hornet is out,"Dive..." is only a song?
American troops says defense ,is there a Korean sea?
I don't understand English What is darling?
That recently became Ken.
Ken calls someone darling.
But he's not similar.
So he's a believer who walks with his lion.
But everyone knows who Ken is.
He said he was called a man many times.
A man calls to a man. It's abnormal.

(I don't know Lybia.シルト攻防戦 2)

Do you mean was United 175 a British plane?
It means A11 was good.
What was the accident done with it?

I can still hear the voice, "I'm asking"
"Your smile can be seen from the verandas of apartments around here?"

"Here? or Here?" ?


I think  Maybe "You" was in that building at that day.

"What is the heart?"
"The days when you felt heart suddenly ,what did you think about heart."
"What was that like?"

I think it means it wants to see "your smile".

Is it asking to me a question with Japanese??

So what is that?
I'm scared.

"Foreigner?I want to ask, where are you live in?" ?

I want to ask them too.Where are they live in ?

What's that?The police are lying.
Hospital ?!
Where are those people came from?

In this blog "マンションに住んでいる・・" has two articles.
スターリンの夢は・・ , "インディアンの逆襲が始まる "?
Should I rewrite them in Russian??

English people PAYPAY was decided by Indians,US dollars
That kind of country if Turkey was made independent of the dollar.
With the name of a place Babylonia? Is Turkey saying that it is possible to conclude a treaty?
English people, so why are those men dancing with the royal engineer?

Russia? Her husband Duke Edinburgh?
I think there's so meny colored people in the Russian Empire.
Does UNICEF mean that New York City gives you a little land?
the United States to release the slaves
there is a country of black slaves, Israel?

I'm telling India what do you live in the countryside ?
In a person?
Are you an Jesus Christ?
Is it the same person?
Where are Afghans involved the story?
And the TV too.

That person's show in the countryside in Japan
Is it a video regularly?
And do a lot of shopping,what is PAYPAY?
Is it all card payment?

Does it mean I'll buy it?
You say you don't know your address
If I said that I couldn't think of rural things to be done but it will actually be that Indian... Indian?
You are asking .
Does it mean that you are not the same as Indian ?

Afghan Chinese restaurant called Bamiyan saying they're Chinese.
Well,what were you saying ,is Afghanistan China?

No matter how many Afghan people are told by Chinese because it's close it's almost China.
I didn't know anything about the wedding between Afghanistan and Egypt.
Afghan Chinese restaurant says that household goods made in China are all right too.

I bought one for him, I bought an extra one,
After all, is that the person at the recycling shop?
They took it all through recycling.
There are temples, so accepting donation materials through India,
if the air strikes in the Middle East would make it easier to accept refugees from Iraq and Iran.
Are people come from Turkey planned?
What's more, 2500 international students coming from Egypt to Japan? ?

The Middle East or only Egypt prepared 1400 trillion yen for raising children stood up in Tokyo, is the story.
So his child was born in another house and my house is a warehouse or something?

They went so far too.
Now they are Italian government too...?
Now the Italian government is also saying...it would deal with products made in China.
And I have moved because Tokyo is preparing land for the Olympics.
But Juan Carlos I will come.るろうに剣心 京都大火編
Does Spain come to Yokosuka?
So I'm not saying ,I mean Japanese Chinese Korean Asian Italy, Spain, are calling Tokyo for Russia. And Afghanistan, right?
No,but the stoty of the contract with the name Kosovo or Babylonia is going Olympic games with Made in China?

Well, this time made in Japan.
Well, this time made in Japan are involved refugees from the Middle East.
I'm saying my house is not a warehouse anymore.
It's awful that they try to take the key of those warehouses,
is that also the work of Italy?
So Japan has moved because it is preparing land for the Olympics?

The Italian government said this time,
"Because customers come,please prepare something for your customers."
Well, so I'm tellingthose Japanese department store that I'm not from the Middle East.
I don't have yours.
Afghan Chinese restaurant is saying they're Chinese.
Is that also the work of Italy?


In the US Army,I can't contact you because there is no mark about your unit.
I wonder the large number of immigrants who will move to Japan in this time means the great people as customers?
Does it mean you?
What's Japanese, SDF? Wow
Japan is made in China and Japan.

If you talk to the 7th Fleet appropriately U.S. forces for the recycling  of USA-made products in the United States brought everything.
I look like an angry American.
After all,the illegal products for immigrants such as Afghanistan was made in USA too?

A white child has been born, so it's safe to make in China and Japan.
Afghanistan baby
 It's like a King's child.
You say the prince, right?
Is that child also American?
His Home City Nara31 アメリカのパントリーのある家
FACEBOOK, a friend of the Ottoman family who studied in England?
China and Japan?
You call him a big Italian, right?

"I want to disconnect Broadcast of Afghanistan."?

What's that?
The British aren't surprised, too?
British people know the points that British people set
What does it mean to be UNICEF?
If Britain settles, that UNICEF means black slaves with Harvard, right?
Will it disappear in England?
I think it's funny.
When coffee arrives in Italy Army drives away is the Italian Army?
Well, is that person talking about that Italian prime minister?
The American Army  the prince born in Afghanistan for made in China and Japan?

And American is doing it means that there are Japanese who have run away to Afghanistan.
"But the US military won't withdraw" ?

You ,I wonder I hate restaurants, but it's not my restaurant...
There is no field for my restaurant.
So I'm not sure what to do as the old Chinese.

Because customers come
I should prepare something for customers...

I'm telling you my house isn't a warehouse.
Is that really an Afghan person  that  treat me with respect?

Without attacking Afghans, "I wonder if I can get married the same story"goes "I worked and bought", is it the product itself ?

With some of my colleagues you say Americans,or the royal family?
Just The Way You Are 2
Dull work in New Caledonia

"You can write the Japanese translation on your own,because it's made in Japan."

"I've mixed a little Japanese  in the achademy" with the starange pale woman is singing in strange words.
"I'm not a British person "? Who is Japanese ?

What kind of war?
After all, I saw a man in the swimsuit(?) girls,what is it in short?

Meet Me In The Pines : https://youtu.be/IgxBoXi2U3g  ?

It wasn't in Afghanistan.I wrote it.
防衛大臣の国 日本 4
Different place , different languages I can't handle it in China.

But are restaurant clerks happy about getting married? (return to  青龍永夜 ↑ )

Who married the Swimsuit Air Force girls? Duke Edinburgh?
You can find the picture somewhere on this blog.

Did you mean the wedding was actually Kidnapping?
Japanese manga story?
イスラエルまんが72 (青いカーテンの部屋 counter bar番外編 Dharavicha Sukhakarta )

If you marry me the story "return to the home town" is waiting with Zexy story.
President Xi meets France

I think this is also the story in Afghanistan,Babylonia(?).
Is this a typical conversation on the dating site?
( return to インドが変、多分そういうこと ↑ )

What do you mean? in Egypt?
The British Prince William and the Air Force are Russia, the Islamic Socialist Republic?
Does Christmas mean Christmas ?
But what is the story ?

"The same family with me?"
My story is in my dream.I live in another place.
I think you can make it, but are you making it?

Is this okay?

USNA Spirit Spot Army Navy 2019  https://youtu.be/u2apVuXLtKA

Make the ship and the Air Force always talks to this ship,
Marine Corps song to the Air Force ,it's a ship for children.
And This is the Japanese I wrote.チキンカレー13 ポーランドにチェックメイト
( What's L'arc~en~Ciel ?  イタリアのアフリカの話16 ?)

What does  "exchange accepted withdrawal." mean? リビアのモスク

You're a recycle shop in Japan, right?
"The children plays in different places."
Are you saying there are adult places in USA?
Mr.Mattis pants, publish your photos on the internet!

Indians are kind.
I am invited by India for trip.

Actually Mr.Mattis is good soldier?
How do you go to India?
"I heard that there are Japanese flight attendants on Air India."?
Then I like the India pants.
(Japanese:)"Does it mean that I have no job other than a flight attendant?" ?

Why are you going to India?
"In the air plane ,please treat the Indian and Japanese differently?" ?

Japanese fellow flight attendants,where your pants can go?
Internet is adult place,what is it? "Money for NTT companies"?

"I added Haneda Airport.
Then it's an airport for  children,who can't go to Narita?" ?

Oh is it different?

"Why are you suddenly invited to India?" ?

Who is Mr.Trump next to Mr.Mattis?
Who was welcomed by tens of thousands of Indians?
Recently, it's like in the Japanese hospital. what do you think it is?
Mr.Trump is trying to be the parent ,so white Eskimo.

"When has it become a place to shout discrimination with white languages?" ?
I say that clothes are dancing at children's homes Afghanistan and only the parents' homes are locked.

"He says he doesn't want to be an Indian."?

What is the parent area?
Africa America,you can live in your parent's area, but be naked!

Is that ↑ Russian wrong?

"Call me maybe"?
Я беру что почувствую сдержан я что что встретил , вошел, я так по
что позвони , я только что встретил тебя и мальчики что я должен не дал ?

"I really like you"?

что держи ждать ,
я хочу в голову
хочешь ?
хочешь ?
голове  ?



