India's agony,what's L'arc~en~Ciel?
I thought they're Osaka people against Tokyo people in Japan.
Then I thought they're Italian Republic people or Christian.
Or Franch people?
楽園とは 7
Or Christian Korean?
青いカーテンの部屋 RAINBOW
Or they're British people from Thailand.
Actually they're British people in the old Empire of India?
Laal Dupatta !
Today I got an idea.
Italy in UN 74th Session
They're Curry shop BGM.
ハンバーガー屋の町の噂 カレー屋編
They're as same as Japanese Emperor's Musical Instrument Club 嵐 or Exile
Love,Dream and Happiness
At the Japanese TV,do you want L'Arc~en~Ciel speaks in Spanish to the 7th Fleet or to the US President,why?Is there princess?
Did they have name in Europe?
When looking at the situation, they look like Italian royals.
ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 23
European is not Sony and L'Arc~en~Ciel from North Africa.
From Singapore or Taiwan"You have to sell Egyptian music"will set up a big city?
Korean artists also sell Music CDs,and the decendant of Japanese Emperor,which is more popular?
The most disappointing attitude Savoy(italian royal family)?
Who knew his face?
Were you a king of France?
What is established in the Tokyo bay in Japan?I don't know.
You make understand that I was an French maybe but in the no photograph age,the castle were very far and I couldn't write and read.
Maybe I didn't know French Queen Marie-Antoinette,I thought Marie's her name,Antoinette's her family name.
Do you have name?
Did you have the same name?
If they were real palace people in Europe they should make it clear.
So I want to say this!"America is not a European palace."
They say that any Japanese people can be renamed Marie Antoinette d'Autriche, at the government office.
It was a European woman's name in the Japanese comic.
I think Italian Palace still treats us a small animal in the town.
Then the Italian prince become Japanese who has a very strong feeling of discrimination in the palace.
We chose the American president.
Do you think is he a very bad person?
So you,Italian? are coming for business?from Singapore or Taiwan?
Do you say "It's wrong,president Trump wears a dress."from the palace saide?
But it's also our feelings.Blue eyes Iran's palace?
At such a palace,do you say “There's a bazaar for tomorrow's kindergarten” at the Italian banquet.
“I like Italy and I was given new clothes”?
“Where should I go to get things?
I just want to take it home as a souvenir today. ”
If you say "I'm looking for a place to go,"
All you need to do is get away from France, Muslim!
To make sure there are no strange names in Europe!
Just move it!
The fire can take all of Savoia family ownership and the ingredients and to the Middle East.
You think you have an airplane,Do you have an airplane?
"We always partner with someone, "who has an airplane" "?
Grand Atlas?América Latina
That's a plane,Monk from Christian church has a plane.
Musulim,Al Qaeda has a plane.
Where is al-Qaeda
"You can borrow it at the airport.
If you don't do that, you won't get an airplane ..."
After terrorism, maybe ... the train people come out of the Air Force fighting with regular Air Force units?
L'Arc~en~Ciel,where do you have the air force?
イラクの妃の位 続き31 L'arc~en~Ciel DIVE TO BLUE
The story that you should get a way to borrow a plane.
If it ’s a train who is selling that ...?
After all it's a train.
Trains sold to Japan.
tomorrow never knows
"I don't have it ...that was ugly in terrorism."
If so, would you...and you got from...?
Does L'Arc~en~Ciel have the air plane in Japan from Egypt?
ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 1
青いカーテンの部屋 AD/BC
I thought they are British.
They are " アルカイダと対立 "?
看護婦は、シリアに巨大な包帯を巻きます。 ?
アラブ人を全滅させてから誕生日会しよ! ?
Their Friends,British in U.S.Airforce?
Ruins of thieves and Greek temples ?
But L'Arc~en~Ciel are British who like Kate Middleton,they have only the car?
Faith leads you to the east
Then,L'Arc~en~Ciel is Greek?
President Assad answers to Greece.
I thought about Israel first.
I thought L'Arc~en~Ciel might have lived in Greek.
安禄山の乱 39 In The Air
Somehow they became close to Japanese.
In Japan they're Israel people?
Recently they became close to the Prince of Italy in the Middle East.
A Veteran's War Sheds Damning Light o... http://www.theintercept.com
Marine Corps facts and knowledge
Osama Bin Laden was a tiny you get bored out there. There are only so many world you can gather up a group of 5 or more guys happened to leave them unsupervised for more than 10 minutes,
return to to lead destruction of property you can imagine.
rocks, rocks are eventually going to be in Afghanistan .
It never starts with a statement of intent like, “I’m going to throw a rock now.”
Somehow a rock magically appears in the young man’s hand and he is now faced with a question.
wikipedia 10th century BC
I think their music were,for me, suddenly"I want to check the point on the map",in the old time.
イラクの妃の位 続き 3 砂の都
I think it's probably wrong but I think you can see a story close to the fact.
I think it's about what is L'arc~en~Ciel and when I talk to the locals,you can speak correctly.
Addition :
Babylonia> Ágora , イタリアのアフリカの話11 , Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif Interview
The celebrity house was impregnable?
They're home of the Iranian Foreign Ministry?
Italian noble house?
A movie studio?
They're not small ?
What makes you different from celebrities?
order ?
What is an order?
Borghese,a celebrity house?
slits kill it into eight,a hand,foot and other parts.
" Are you an important person?" ?
What is it?
Is Borghese a base?
He's still alive?
Blue eyes,his hair is just black luxury slave from Ethiopia,
Spanish closer to Ethiopian?
Africans're great,in Italy ...?
Someone restaurant owner who speaks Italian is strange.
Is there a kingdom he made for status system?!
How does he decide you are below or above ?
Who?I don't know even his name.
Do you know Japanese royals? I don't know.
Where is Italy? I don't know.
The US shopping district went bankrupt and I lost my income.
What do those rich people want to be after they make money?
I told to you sometimes,they're strange that Those Japanese want to be slaves,black skin Africans.
We donate money to something with interesting and they make a lot of money,their dream will come true.
After that JICA and Turkish President,Korean Southeast Asian Mongolian Bengali,
Borghese family or the Italian royal family appeared.
Those People say that "Black American jazz is Japanese with Japanese players".
The Japanese McDonald's, which I also ate, should be written in Arabic and it should be only brought to Egyptian.
President Trump says, "I hate Obama but meet Japanese."
The Japanese are black people for president Trump.
Recently Egypt and Rwanda were the presidencies of the African Conference.
And Egyptian president Sisi talked with some Japanese words.
Ithink he means he's McDonald's in Cairo,would be higher Japanse.
He wants to be recognized a very higher family with the Jazz Japanese in Africa.
The Egyptian president always has a house in Cairo.
From the Afghanistan goverment,he should transport "the Japanese are high-class families"to Rwanda to make them black too.
Mongolia or Indian Chinese Korean South East Asian seeing "I'm down,"were their utterance "why the lower status Japanese corresponds".
I think because I am a lower status in the world,
they mean for the time being they're African and higher royal family in Africa.
"They should end Japanese." are foreigners in the sexshop in Japan.
Who can win and who died,
what they gave birth weren't European or royal family.
"Did you do the crown ceremony somewhere in the European Royal Palace?"
The population of Africans in Rwanda and Egypt will only grow.
Because McDonald's face is cute and big tits,in Egypt.
Because if I speak Japanese and work in a shop,
so,in Japan,I said Bring me to work at the store,because I am a Japanese.
India took my clothes and say that foreign languages are more expensive.
3000 yen per hour?
India says that Japanese man is better to get higher class Indian and othe Foreigners for 3000 yen per hour.
So I have no work.
Who say I want to talk in English,
I should just say something in English.
Does she want to shout in English to a foreigner in a small bed room?
Princess Diana's relatives?
Is she a rare person?
What is a Jew?
Does it mean that Japanese people could not enter?
So I think Japanese government will be gone.I don't know.
Egypt cut out "Japanese area" and we didn't call it selfish.
You said there was a Muhammad Ali government in Egypt.
Egypt says there's only America,there are both McDonald's and high-rise buildings.
You can talking about a contract between the Muhammad Ali dynasty,
the returnning of Israel(?) from the Chinese empire, the Russian empire,and the Ethiopian empire.
He sings Jazz,he says it's really African language
and recently Turkish president Erdogan often speaks Japanese in his speech.
Jazz player might have had the ship to trade,it's Japanese SDF ship now.
Why doesn't he retaliate to U.S?
記事こんなのかなと思うんですけど・・「あの子誰」とか言う子誰?ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 23
Friends,I think it's coming in until you say Tuekey.
Is that so called Middle East policy?
Do you know Mr.Mark Esper?
Is he Chinese at the American concert?
He's proud his wife has blue eyes.
Is he a person who wants to live a normal life in the American concert halls?
What's going on?
From the concert hall what does he say?
L'Arc is better than you in Africa?
Is that Japanese really Arabic?
"It's valid in Japan" "I'm telling you guys black guys,the white one is the great to win.",so originally L'Arc're not Japanese.
Africans are saying that Africa is an easy country like Japan.
They always make a country with songs?
Singing a song from the army, do you want to give African currency at the concert halls?
What's country?
Is this also L'Arc in Africa?
NARINARI (Swag Se Swagat )
President Erdogan is speaking Japanese recently,
does it mean you can meet at LINE?
He with the dog says can he buy it from Italy.
I think that he thinks he can do it.
Many Japanese are
"Yes, I'm going to be European!
Blond girl who is said to be an American genius? "
Recently I can see the photos by China,she goes to Harvard University.
ヘタリアの抱き枕 中国編
Will Japanese gather around Oman?
Mr.Esper said TICAD in Africa.
青いカーテンの部屋 - Way to ShangHai
Does it mean US Secretary of Defense kill Africans?
Is the musician in charge of collecting money without dying?
They'ren't killed because they're important persons for Mr.Esper?
Excuse me they're checking out a woman's house.
Besides, do they say that they are great?
Is the police calling those musicians king?
Who are they talking to?
Thousands of Japanese, Chinese and some Russians pay for me?
What is an Arab?
Did you tell me they gave the money and made the entertainers rich?
I'm telling the UK too,what is that movie?
Hoax History?
Who says Christ will always give him because he was converted?
I'm telling India,he says he's Christ...
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate
He says Christianity always give things to him.
So he got something from India?
In LA ??
What if the house was sold and Arab asked to withdraw?
The US troops were converted to"LA is bad",
I think Christ will give Christ to him.
I think "India first" (return to Laal Dupatta or Swag Se Swagat )
Next,the song the Japanese boy sang
"You're flying over the earth " means he wants to speak English?
安禄山の乱 39 In The Air
He's in jealous,what do you think?
The the news said he moved to LA!
Is it Israeli and American residents exchange?
And Tokyo is already abandoned by Americans long time ago.
I have a Russian dating site that calls the Russian army to Tokyo.
The Russian people want the Japanese who have become American.
米軍の愛するアジア人はイスラエル人?2 - 宇宙開発費の増額
Is it okay?
I wonder if the story of after that will come.
it wants to "You're flying over the earth." ?
What was President Bush and Iraq War?
Is the foreigner speaking English on the plane envious?
I don't know yet, but it's a long time ago in India.
Am I going back to England with Trump country in Japan?
It means I speak English.
るろうに剣心 京都大火編 ?
"Greek? Kosovo? What is it?"
I thought Britain would be a state of America.
Is it okay to let President Trump succeed to the Japanese Imperial Palace forever in Trump Country?