


President Conte in Firenze





President Conte in Firenze

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2020/09/24 05:42:10・追記を書きました。
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2019/05/17 03:26:41


presentazione Nazionale Giorgio La Pira tre volumi dell'Edizione  ?

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giuseppe Conte, interviene alla dei primidegli scritti del giurista e politico ?


リファーレ クエスト ロウゴ(老後? ←日本語?)メン、ポルトガーロ?



私が、こうして、1つの、ウナ レスポンサビリターポリティカという形で対話を返すことができた。

ラストラーダ ドメニカーンダ サンマルコ 感謝している。

「メディチ家」という名前の学習?眼下に無数に歩いている市民を鎖で繋ぎ隊列を作るドミナーティ、エ ルシア?

イマジナーレデルコーサ、ラヴィラ ラプログラマーアストラータ ルシアパルティコラーレ

リアリーズモ ラツィオーネ コンクレテーサ 



スピリトアーレコーメディフィータ みたいなのがプレジデンテグロッシー?




「コンクレテンサ、ローマ 、フォールモラ?クエストディレンマ」?とか

セコンドイマジニカフィタ フォルゲリアーナ...?それが本当の故郷の名前?

エコノミケ プロフィーロ ペルソナロマーナ・・・ ソーシャーレデローモのほうがいいか?


そのマニフェスタ ローモで、自分を「ダメだな」と思って自信がない私のような人を消してしまったらどうですか?

フォールメ メディアツィオーネ? シングルレプブリコ?(TVのこと?)

「フレンド ポリティカ」と話し相手の外人を評価する時、(近代化してすごくなったと)実感が湧く。


イタリア首相は、ラツィオーネという物ですか? カレーシー?(彼氏? ←日本語?)ジュネーブラ?
ラモンド フィレンツェ?コムニスタ?フェリョーリ? ラヴィーラ レスポンディーバ? ロマーナ?
インテグレツィオーネ ネッセサーリア?ドラマティカメンテ トアーリ?
TV ラツィオーネ インターナツィオナーリ?


ラリベルターセンソペルティマジナッジオ? グロッシー?

ジェスペレンサロマーナ システマティカメンテ 
ソシャーレ プログレッソ・・」





ロマーノ パルテーインカオサ?エクインソーマエローマ?

「マネーラ プロビレーミ」?


コロナソーシャーリ? ラ・ディフェンサ、「契約だったでしょう」と言う?


「コントロール ディス エリア」?

「フィーネ?」 ?


「デリット ラツィオーニ」?


「デリッティ ラ ストーリア」?
「ラツィオーニだと認めるよ、プレジデンテ」ヴィア ポリティカ?





(村の風景には)木が生えているでしょう? ただ、それだけの話ですよ。





Firenze eats in Europe.
You don't know waitress has a problem for travelers only a few times.
If that has been kicked out from Europe I say who is eating my pasta.
What I mean is I am Italian?
You say I don't know,do you understand why do Japanese dishes become pasta and pizza at all?
That's why there are problems who come to the store.Who is that to eat food.
Well, I told you I was Italian?
I usually say it's an Italian noble.
Well, I already speak in Italian.
Who say they don't understand.My heart is already fixed.
He can do it himself as the Italian Prime Minister.

I think many Italian has been swung around it for a long time.
I didn't know he was called the king of Ethiopia.
What is Ethiopia?I didn't know did he come back to Italy?
But you should listen to him."Geneva is kind."
Something great he will tell me to be a foreigner also?
Italian sky is already telling you to stop foreign countries.
I think it's a religion or I know it is to settle down under the but I'm  talking about other, I was gone.

Another peninsula in the other article A deal of Caracas Nicaragua Pompeo 


President conte Osaka Japan G20 ...I know I know.

Who do you want to become to disturb me?
You will usually come to the police.
To get the police to do it is the fence a border line?
What a country that I don't know Africa in the fence?
You will not teach English in a way like their own country.

Who are you saying to African people,
Are you a criminal?
Because if you work for violent in town
that's why the police came to me.
Is it "a sin not supporting Africa"?

"The Syrian president wants a border" to talk to ordinary people.
I think he's better American  I can use English also.
It's a cafe, you can't do it.

I want to get along well with Syrians.
But there is a problem but will I tell you that I'm a member of Baas' party?
I want to get along very well with the Ba'ath Party.
I think with the Baath party,I am not a Baathist, but in my town China is putting African teaching English in the fence.
So who are you guys?Who is it?Buildings are called the city.

In the shop I say to me, "I love Israel."
In China, I like the great clothes,all such clothes were taken up by Italy.
Israeli ruins San Pietro temple is perfect for everyone with cool clothes.
People were not involved in the Pacific War.
"President Hussein is no good?"I can't go along with that party?
"You mean he was not a noble in Italy."

It's a few years ago,but in a town building,
who ordered them to say Rome had cool Christian clothes.
Through a factory it was recycled, and it was said that religious person is ok in Rome?
The amazing cool American is going to be in Japan.
Political activity start from a small town.
But I said that I think I'm supposed to be a non-Christian.

What is native religion to return to the Christian palace.
You are working with Japanese nobles and Christianity?
But are you saying that Something is wrong.
China talks to me again, "I love Israel".

I didn't know is this wrong?
from wikipedia  Ba'ath Party

"Declaration was made by the US Army.
The Ba'ath Party were expelled from public office.
Who have worked under the old government,servants and teachers judges, all lost their jobs at the same time.
"Neocon" "Iraq National Assembly" (INC) approaching to be pushed for this policy.
Resources needed the US occupation policy along with the Iraqi military for Iraq's reconstruction.

When the Hussein regime collapses in April 2003 due to the American invasion,most party leaders fled to neighboring Syria.
In May, the Baath Party's dissolution ,the Allied Provisional Authority issued the Debasing Directive.
As a result, civil University professors, police officers and doctors (Omitted)a group close to the so-called in the Pentagon or White House,opposition organization  the neocon
 were criticized as a failure of dismantling.
Former Executives of Ahmad Chalaby strongly“de-basing”.
This measure later wiped out the human.


イタリアのアフリカの話 6
G20 って何・・?
Support Africa
Forum PA

It is quite cheap.No,one bullfighting is expensive.
No one is in Golan heights


I'm just eating pasta.
Bring wine.
Italian royal family only have to make my favorite wine.
I have not eaten bread for a long time.
There is no way for such a farmer.

How do you kill Italian family members?
But others will make the same wine too.
But others are more beautiful.

Carefully with disabilities to come out with a suit,
what is that Italian royal family?

To replace the poor guest in the restaurant,
To change their faces is the better and Italy will be more chained.

Italian royal family goes the more lower status.
I know only thing I can do is to look at astonish photos of the Italian prince.

All you have to do is..I really think so.
タイムマシーンに乗って  ??

He is a tall,his face is No1 in the world?

I'm such a person.
Are you still eating Japanese...?
I'm talking about eating even Japanese food.
Did you ask me there is no mechanism to eat only pasta and fine food in Japan?


Which was impossible for Italy others may be the more rich people,
and I can't understand foreign language.

I think Italy says that Italy recognizes Iraq.
Are Iraqi people offering food to that blue eyes?
Was it Turkish food?

I think your wedding that was brought to Japan is also something strange.
トルコ大使館前 乱闘騒ぎで12人けが

Is Savoy also 135,000 pounds  141 carat diamond?
Philippe II, Duke of Orléans

Savoia?is discriminated out of the fence by blue eyes?
I'm white, bring a black person.Is it Savoia?
Are you OK?
You think white people don't have to have the US military fence?
Position would be nice if you are walking in it?

The blue eyes my naked of the church,a bath, naked white skin blue eyes you're in to fold the knee.
Clothes recently clothes in Italy for recycling in Africa is free clothes and are collecting for Christ.
All the pictures he can only show the picture of breaking his knee.There is no photograph.
His babies are wearing and you're like that.
What church?

Does his house Savoy family and use empty Japanese house?
I was stripped of all my clothes by Italy because what?
Why does he want to get it from Japan for Africa? Did he get something from Japan?
Do you take anything from my home for Africa again?

He said he was "black."But was it a lie?
Other people are naked.
If he say everything and you will be naked.

The liar lives long.
African can rent a luxury home,
but African don't lend his home from him and can't say it's a children's study room?

Support Africa ?



I'm saying  Saizeriya.
I asked if it was part of the European territory,do you mean that I am a Japanese traveler?

(Japanese article)
天馬の国69 輝ける丘陵ベルーノ
Princess Kiko of Japan

When you tell lie,you can tell it.

If Saizeriya was in the country called Japan,I think I was a European immigrant.

Japanese royal family wasn't religious married yet,
then, the territories are still separated, right?

"If that child(me) is a customer, othe all the customers must be white",
the picture of the menu  is officially recognized by the Italian government ,
"a foreigner who has no choice to say EPA Japanese", right?

Russian also opens it in Russia?
今、欧州の求めるものは何か? (イタリアのアフリカの話12)

President Trump,have the Japanese government and the immigrants from Europe were below,a territory separately?

This Italian Prime Minister is speaking from Italy ,who is called TV Italy's prime minister.
So this time, it's supposed to be a Turkish hospital.
I want you to do the same in Japan.
Is there such a suspicious store in Italy?

Does hospitals locking mean setting a fence?
I don't understand your story,Italy.
Turkey plans to build in Brussels are Christians part of the territory?

Fences in Italian territory I'll either to Japan,give it the name of Japan what it means to set up Japan in Brussels.
American people I'm talking and I say I'm a Christian from Japanese and I and didn't have power in the church.
Do you?
Project Italy?
President Trump suggests he made a mistake over North Korea ’s denuclearization at the White House
イタリアのアフリカの話 3

Japan McDonald's would be better I'm going to travel through the fence and I will say"what this shop Italy says".
It's a story saying that there is a person Prime Minister of Italy or president Trump?
I don't like the store that produced I say ..."President Trump(?) is..." but is it in China?


I don't understand,what if I locked up in Japan? Then we will win.
So I'm not saying There are also ...It's a hassle, so lock it up in an Italian hospital or repatriate it.
Do you say "What's that child in his mother" ?
That's the Christ.That's his work.

To that school,when I was in town, is the Saizeriya clerk as a guest was not good?

Where should I live with the Europeans?
"I don't understand the politics and I'm not Christian."
Is that the concentration camp?

(Quando il russo lo chiamato Giappone sotto, separato giapponese?, tutti i clienti essere italiano.

Italiano , che si chiama TV Primo Ministro italiano,turco in Giappone così sospetto in Italia?
Recinzioni in territorio italiano Arriverò in Giappone, Italia.
La Turchia territorio? ,un cristiano religiosa, i territori prodotto dico ... "Il presidente Trump (?) È ..."

La recinzione in Italia primo ministro italiano o presidente Trump?

Cristiano di concentramento? ,italiano è il Cristo, questa è la sua opera.
A quella scuola, quando ero in città, l'impiegato di Saizeriya come ospite non era buono? )


Saar...?I wrote it.
Did you mean (wikipedia)Saarbeckengebiet ?

I wrote it in ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 6 


May 2019 was calm and 18 pieces.
Is that all the story?
I need military power US Army for Searching Terrorists.
What is this world of colored races?

Buio parla nella foresta che dice triste?
La loro parola parlarmi parlare di poter quegli nel tuo mondo,dichiarano di umano che in una casa il crepuscolo.
Che l'oscurità stanno parlando la notte un fiume,riposerò.
Poi troverò il re che governa campi di nuovo nella foresta?
Non riesco solo la tua,Io sono con te.

( I tried to understand Italian in my dream.イタリアのアフリカの話9)

I wrote it in 2020年 中国国家主席のメッセージ

I think you may have a serious personality,
and I am a more casual,am I missing something?

Do you say "He died?"

After that, I don't have enough 1 letters. How do you write?
I wrote other name.
Libia religion often changes its spelling?
I wrote his name several times.


I think Firenze was also my town.

I think I was also a people in Firenze.

But is Firenze his wedding place?

イタリア王子様の芸能活動 ? 

"The terrorist died"?

How do I write it from Japan???

Everything is imagination.

Uno stendardo viola and ponte The glory of Ecbentana,Osman palace Muslim

Was the meaning of the piano wrong?

(  ( アメリカのエスパー国防長官が来日 ( 狼煙は上げられた )   :

He never writes Arabic .
If he has trouble, he can call me is mystery.
I wrote Arabic by google.
イタリアのアフリカの話 17 

Adding the story  Freezin returns to Libia religion often changes its spelling?   )

I want to talk a little more stable.
"Have a family"
It's like looking at the government while looking at the face of my child and husband... for me.

Oh, that was enough?

Do yo say 王族のお言葉  ?

"Why can't you decide on a kingdom wedding?" ?

Does it mean that I am an Italian living in Japan?
Do you say I am an Italian and also Japanese?

I don't know you.

Did you say that "Temple and McDonald's are enough"?
謎の国イラン その2

I think your condition is stable ,
You're perfect for talking to the government.
What is it like to lose?
Then did Israel lose?

What are you dissatisfied with?

Is this the reason I lose in Italy?
IDEA Μεγάλη Ιδέα

Scende Italia ,Italia  e l'Italia i vecchi che si trovano nella tomba.

strega  perfetto.

イタリアのアフリカの話 1
The song can move to "Ken"
輝くほとりに13  (中国を理解するために )
→ He has a Boy friend and Close the gate

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte resigns - BBC News

The US navy is waiting for you.

"Your song 2? https://youtu.be/NgSFun7F8dI "

o Brother https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCnmYSIzZBc

Do you run to Jordan? ダマスコへ下る道

There're the towns for parents, for children.

The Japanese government town is for parents.

But the government is led by the United States.
That's why I said that it's okay.

Those adult parents in the US McDonald's town said they got toys for free.
What is it?

president Assad retirement is good for USA?
アメリカ(bag shop)の言ってることがわからない (English translation: イタリア企業儲かる? )
(Supplement  General James Mattis speech in 2019 October  )

What a kid's town in Italy?
"You can't do it in the McDonald's town,
I have to go to a more expensive place." is Palazzo Chigi.

If that PM is an Oriental,he would say that everything in Italy is for free, from the palace.
Do children in the adult town mean higher status than children in the children's town?

You said you were high class?
"My country has something like an Egyptian straw shoes."
In their own country they are used by the peasant class ,they said so.

Is the Japanese government ordering the US shopping district?

More expensive than Italy than the city of McDonald's looks the US military ship?

(return to アメリカロシアパイプライン?  ↑)

He should run to somewhere.
Osaka ? イタリアのアフリカの話10 ? 尖閣諸島 ?

If you're a foreigner,speak with your interpreter.
The Japanese government just have to leave.

The Japanese kimono I want is...many recycling shops in the city of Japan McDonald's town.

Did you sell recycled kimonos?
So...I've never heard of the manufacturer name such as Noritake or Narumi in those shops.
What was happened suddenly?

"What you want to buy was different..."
Foreigners are noisy in the shops.

Tiffany?  Noritake or Narumi?
Something made in France?
"There are the real kimonos made in China"?

The foreigners had appeared in the recycle shops.
Did the same person make Yahoo auction too?

You tell me to remember the names of luxury goods around the world.
But I'm not interested in products made by foreigners so much.
If you go to a part-time job , the thing you want to buy is a second-hand Louis Vuitton?
Shanghai from a country called France??
Shanghai Five or Trade Organization?
Does French export used trash ?
What kind of Shanghai Five?
Who is that Chinese President?

"I go to Harvard" should be on Beijing TV, your young lady!
You might be a recycle high-class American Tiffany to such American dishes..
Why do you introduce a dish that is not worth it?
That China was over.

You don't need too,it was the Chinese who came to complain suddenly to a part-time job in Japan.
American servants invaded to Japan.
If Chinese haven't asked for it,the 100-yen shop for poor people doesn't like Seven-Eleven or American-style convenience stores ,
you should bring your favorite Japanese convenience store and your 100-yen shop to China.

After all, I haven't had a contract of part-time job for 10 years
if the other Japanese aren't working either,there are no convenience stores with Chinese people,in Japan.
I can't finish it , but it's like poverty support in China, right?

Because you're a thief,
"If you replace it with something supports for the poor, even a child from Japanese recycling shop can come to your convenience store?"

"With a very low status" is coming to your convenience store so you have to reduce it from potato salad.
"Potato salad is too expensive" in your America?
You said you shouldn't sell at such a convenience stores.
You have to replace it for Chinese poor children whose packages are discriminated?
"Himuro-kun is for rich entertainers", so are you asking me to leave the convenience store?

What are you talking about recently, Jay Chou !?
Is it a recycle shop town with Chinese urn in a box from Chinese old palace??
In such a town in Japan ,when you look at your kimono, you bring a lot of foreigners to be doing something wrong.
Take care of it.


"It's Jay Chou's American theory" !?
You, how to spell the name of your country Italy?
What are we..."What you want is supposed to be a second-hand sari" in India?
Everyone to be swung around goes to India to get a second hand goods with the Japanese government expense, right?

"It would be better to have a new recycling shop" ??

That's really annoying.
You sell Japanese kimonos to foreigners...
Foreign tableware or branded product names you want with such boring things,what is the foreigner?
Do you mean to see the same thing as your friend foreigners?
Who wants to get the Japanese products in Japan McDonald's town...?
For some reason, you don't need any Japanese-made housing supplies with me...?
I'm always in the rental house, so ...
I'm surprised that I want kimono,you said "buy used clothes" and kept me away from the kimono stores.
I don't need clothes sold by Japanese at some store in Paris or Italy or other countries.
I'm talking... I don't want to talk to foreigners, everyone.

If those used clothes are the same as those of Arab people,
to wear clothes they can buy in Japan with blue eyes shouldn't be used in Japan.
In particular,if Turkish and African suddenly take the photo of the Japanese geisha on the internet,
you might say, "Everyone can't take the picture."
I don't have a camera...but I don't need it···
When you become an Arab slave, what is a photo?

You don't have to say ,people with blue eyes wear and take pictures with new kimonos
It's a way of talking.
You can remember the name of the foreigner's store with Arab people.
Chinese factories sell European -style , such as English princes, European princes, Russians, and so on.
It would be nice if you could do it.
The store was established in Japan.
It was perfect and could you do the dream story in Italy?
Fortuity, I was able to link to the article called "Fantasy Italy".
I'm not very confident in the Japanese translation and I just wish I had such a story.

Fantasy Italy 

A foreigner?in the US government?
If you hug Mr.Esper something, you'll die.
Air India flight Japanese  of the Japanese government,who has the phone?
What Owada-san or Kawashima-san has kids! ?
What if the pillars for "Return of Etorofu Island" or posters were built in Italy?
I see. Arab slaves in China... it will be moved to the place called Italy.


I don't care.
"Is there an interpreter?"
"I can only get the interpreter money."
and speak to your interpreter.

I'm often really quiet at my favorite shop with the warm pottery, what is the foreigner?
Am I telling the Chinese government officials
and you'll make a fuss.
It's a deal with ...
"Nobody pays attention "?
" Is it garbage?"?
"It's strange. "?

I wonder why you suddenly talked to Japan?
Is it a servant of the US government? !!
Don't ask,and have purchased nothing.
 so the Chinese do it, right? Arbitrarily.
Even if  there are lunch boxes in Japan,
"I'm in trouble because I don't have Seven-Eleven China
It's Japan's support for our salary, right?
Check the products in the convenience store.
Did you say,

The products made in Japan are not exhausted.
Indians appear at the end of the story.
That's why he said that and many color Indian sari are lined up in your convenience store.
You don't use it,
It doesn't need to have high-quality
Even if, foreigners have already made a fuss,
Arab slaves have the same problem.
I'm not really using it.
As long as there is the store that hires me on a part-time basis, my clothes are brand new... maybe... so,to the staff.

At the Japanese product recycle is in the way,"I'm having trouble."
Who is President Erdogan?  that everyone already knows the name.
I'm saying that , so please ask me to share them.
Ask them,I 'd like to move a many Japanese to Italy.

I thought ,maybe is it Owada-san ?
What are Americans?
Are flight attendants Arab slaves as a representative?
Is it in Mr.Owada's house? !!
"It's a Japanese boy owned by someone called Kawashima." ??
(↑return to ★エジプトのクリスマス  ) ?

What is it closed?
What does "no longer sell" mean?
The hospital area has shrunk from all over Italy.
"I want to make the area very small",in a hospital in Milan?
Do you spend money when your family visits you?
Why are you going out from the hospital?
"Everyone is an Italian national, right?" ?
King came from the hospital?
You said you closed Japan and regained Japan
"It was all around McDonald's" ?
"Increase McDonald's"?
What that?
British immigrants? American?

All of Italy is good at Japan McDonald's.
Think that to some areas.
"I can not sell it nationwide anymore." is in only Italy.
Hundreds of stores are perfect for hospital food.
Hospital business is thinking to say hello to the people?
from McDonald's?
"I just closed the store during this time..."
Studying Indian religion? What does that mean?

I can talk to President Napolitano,
President Napolitano said something,
イタリアのアフリカの話 3

The president was elected as the empress,
because the Spainish Crown Prince is still single.

Commemorative photo of two people

Is Prime Minister Conte Prince, in Belgium?
Chinese Prince?

What I think about Japan gains in Japan.
Work from Europe ,something from anything during the French Revolution, how to become a citizen?
The retaliation I want thorough management to university have anything else to do.
So everyone will work at the government office and become great?
"Please",you said you would give me a car, right?
In Japan,who is " am I an American leader?" ?
"Who says McDonald's of the US military base?
Set it up in his base." ?

Where does my baby go to?
You're dating Japanese.

That's why I want to be an Islamic dancer in Africa,
That's why I want to make everything in African to show off my dark skin.
It was decided that they could marry Africa in the city of McDonald's.

The Japanese are naked race it should be my town, my food,  to talk to citizens in Europe
Europeans were entertainers about your thoughts,and you can't talk about political thought, right?
The political thought means that the top Chinese citizen will do it?
That's why ,is Italy small? that there are many pictures of Italians taking off...
If we say that the times have changed,  how much you can I decided to get  Japan but this teacher wanted to talk to Japanese citizens
Wanting to be the top of the public and to do the country what did everyone think of?

Is it okay to have their car number and their nude photo?
The story "The naked group attacked McDonald's town" is a proud item.

The naked African attacked the US and is that not the case?
Is everyone's skin color black?

Nude American are saying there's school and town.

Even though I had immigrated to Japan,
the topic is mostly local.

If you go to local...it's normal China may have really come to that time.
You have to think.

I wrote it. モノクロームの王族の写真 , イタリア王子様の芸能活動

Teacher,why don't you go back to China early?
What if it like in Syria?
Germany said  Prime Minister Monti is okay.
Did you see the color of the eyes of  Prime Minister Letta? ( Italian Fashion )

Because I'm very busy,I'm really busy...I spend many years to write this blog.
I have written . あなたの体験できない熱愛報道

Before this Italian Prime Minister said something in Italian I don't understand...
(return to He has a Boy friend and Close the gate )

Please,chairman ,what's that woman!
Jewish is pretending to be Italy,says "Istanbul" at all?
Friends Japanese says Arabia,I know it, it's "grandma's country".
天馬の国62 おばあちゃんの国 続き その3
Because the activity area in the Middle East is just the same, right?

"Large merchant travels on the sand with a camel,
Merchant-Islamic Girl of the Great Merchant ,beautiful woman!
What kind of man do you think is Arabia?"

Collecting 120 cm tall people from Japan,this is their chance to talk about their favorite person.
Grandma's country is boasting that there are Arabic people.
There are gentle men boasting her body.

What is it for the old Chinese government office?
US army in Afghanistan ?

If you say so much, are you proud of something ...?
I'm in trouble.
Japanese say that "I usually deal with it"
How about having a world standard set for how to respond in Queen Elizabeth Office first?

It is quite cheap.No,one bullfighting is expensive.
"Look at my body" ...
Who says "I want you to see the face of my woman ,I like her great body."?

I don't do Japanese government officials.
Olympic Committee is running the government for Grandma's country.
I don't know because it's a Greek territory.
When the swimsuit or naked came to the window of the government office the Olympic Committee would respond.
That's why I'm complaining about Greek.

Tokyo is talking about Istanbul,the big Arabian merchant now.
What kind of port has Tokyo become?
Is there called Piedmont?
TBS イタリア王子特集 ?

You want to bring a naked woman to the town hall and talk about your favorite face.
Envy of the Great?
Is that it?
If you take off the swimsuit ...?

Dull work in New Caledonia ?

People who suddenly come to the town hall start to take off their clothes and say
"There will be a strange man in the central office in China"

It's reorganizing the land in Tokyo and building the new house.
Such as rebuilding the house the countries of China are created in the government offices?
Some people say it's the Japanese government, but I should stop to say it.



Giuseppe Conte: la prima lezione al ritorno da professore all'Università di Firenze è sulla pandemia

司会の人:Ritorno...nostra comunità.. attivita formatore... una Lazione.
「共同体に帰ろう 先生のお話です」っていう意味かなぁ?

Distanza Mascherina?
Giornata questa normalmente conto quindi con gioia...
Does it mean a gorgeous flower bloom?

Invito repeat economia pandemia ,restorenti in queste finale IDEE?
Progeniti( figli?) tutte Accademia?
Personale Ministativo? passerella chi amato?
"Tutte Republica" is strange...

Divita corrective civile reale ,la politica? Profondo governo sono stati?
"Ritorno Portogallo?" ?

Una porta di condizionale futuro ,tiempo la condizionale de Chronic della land?
"La storia possibilli Lazioni" means the role of the failure?
Dove Rome?
"In my opinion, "Rispetto" ... questa flessioni."?
"Compressi Lune"?

Does it mean that you have your own theory?
"I don't know about the European and Internazionale." ?

"Lazioni Memoria" Is it Marriage Agreement?
Giovani,is "la Memoria" the funeral?

関連記事かなと思った。違うかもしれない・・・2020/2021年 中国国家主席のメッセージ



