


イタリアのアフリカの話 1





イタリアのアフリカの話 1

2020/10/14 23:45:07・追記を書きました。
2020/09/02 02:22:55・追記を書きました。
2020/08/25 15:49:03・追記を書きました。
2020/08/20 14:51:23・追記を書きました。
2020/08/20 00:55:47・追記を書きました。
2020/08/07 23:50:24・追記を書きました。
2020/08/07 01:16:26・追記を書きました。
2020/08/05 14:27:29・追記を書きました。
2020/08/02 20:52:55・追記を書きました。
2020/06/09 20:32:04・追記を書きました。
2019/12/25 17:20:40・★追記を書きました。
2019/12/19 13:45:54・追記を書きました。
2019/12/11 18:39:43・追記を書きました。
2019/03/04 04:41:45


Do you know how to speak in Italy?
I don't know but I think he was in Torino and talked luxury Italian this day .

That feeling when you are convinced that money is gold coins!
Buono Italy!
you feel there is something really big!


Yesterday,the important question was solved,
I thought something was wrong about Italy,
since the Governo Letta,is it Monaco?!
Speed of Life
シルト攻防戦 9 Dichter in der Trümmerstadt

I thought Canada and Queen ElizabethⅡ.
イタリアのアフリカの話 3
In Monaco what's the Italian Republic?

Governo Letta who lived in the palace knows the face of the prince?
Is it okay to trust your name as a Prime Minister?
I'm really worried every day.

Who is that person?
エジプトのクリスマス3 新曲? 劍歸  

★The rich man gets FORBES ranking?
Italy,you're talking about JICA for a long time,
and your favorite Japanese celebrities are Turkey's reconstruction support,
the Sable Treaty is absolutely necessary in Japan.
The place where African blacks ask for help must always be Turkey.
I'm only proposing coastal areas but I'm a Japanese who have no army.
So I am asking the Italian Prime Minister to understanding this story.
The Italian government says it won't talk to people who have no money.
Italy will be a ... Are thirsty poverty Africans? Rich?


Well then, When did you leave the EU?


Elettricità degli Stati cinese sia allineato ottenuto il Stati Uniti.
Se parli con quelle persone per ritirarti può essere un paese bianco è africano che chiama solo etiopi italiani.
L'Italia non è affatto buona.
Una schiava sono schiavi vanno in giro africani. Quindi sono arrabbiato andare il Primo Ministro non ministro italiano "Voglio un palazzo italiano"?
Stai sono
 "Penso la persona" "Penso che ci fosse che il palazzo basso africani."


Italians,what are you talking about?
To buy in the US  Electricity town and Chinese town in the United States,
and Chinese think that the food is lined up in the shops.
They bought a house with electricity,they got the field to buy electricity in the United States.
What is that territory in that territory of American town??
If you talk to those people to withdraw from Japan,Japan can be a white country,really?

But the U.S army is African who calls only Italian Ethiopians.
Italy is not good at all.
It looks like a slave.Independent woman,a slave! 
"Are Italians slaves?"
Many blonde girls in the congress are walking around.
African slaves do not enter Japan.
Did this Italian prime minister say "I want an Italian palace"?
So I am angry.
There is no place to go
Who is dancer in India?
Of course?
We are prepareing the dancer's seat in India to bring the Ethiopian Prime Minister to dance.

Are you saying you eat pasta with?
"What you want is electrical appliances."?
"I think Japanese is the person who managed the shop in Italy."?
"I think there was a Japanese "?
"It is better to be independent."?

Why do you think  Italian palace is low status.
We're not commanded by Africans.

エジプトのクリスマス5 Advent


Is my imaginative Japanese translation close to the real content?

When I thought about adding it to the article about Rome Road, I don't know about Rome,
There was only one article about the road.
His Home City Nara29 FEEL THE WIND  ( Project Italy?(2) Regard Europe)

It's hard to writing in English for me.

( adding other  articles about Project Italy?(2) Regard Europe

President Napolitano has anything to say with Japanese musics?
He likes in theater and became an Italian president?
偽トルコ軍の踊り  ? It has other 5 articles...
Does he speak English recently?( I WILL ?)

Scappato con una solitaria ,velocità Velocità così trabocca sorridi sorridi cosa  con le passione notizia, sputiamo che abbiamo profondamente in un sogno infinito Ah a cercare che Ah. ?

Húmedos escapé.
No se que es ese gesto.
La radio del Derretir , escupemos en la sueño que desborda sentirme mas y mas.
No quiero besar el sueño. ?

I saw a picture President Napolitano and Spanish Crown prince, and I wrote it.
If President Napolitano talks about my territory ,I mean that Spanish king and my lineage are similar.
So I can talk.

Do you say Japanese Emperor?I think he's different person.

The greeting is from PM Conte ?
President Conte in Firenze
He's not arab.
Coffee sellers are Ethiopian but he's so white.
Does he say Libya?North African?

What is he talking to Europe with the Prime Minister's microphone?
What is his Italy?
It means I can say I'm the King of Italy.
How does he get in between the talk?
What is his Italy from Libya??
I think Libya and Europe talking has an end urgently.

"Fantasia " was related to Spain. (カタルーニャ州の危機に際し、スペイン王の演説 )
The article was disappeared suddenly.

( 安禄山の乱 8 架空世界のモスク
Just The Way You Are 2

the song can move to "Ken"
輝くほとりに13  (中国を理解するために )
→ He has a Boy friend and Close the gate)

Do you want to replace the song?

Still is good (Still )

Still is good Finland, Grand Duke Peter I of Finland from "Russian disease".
Are Chinese people recently Italian friends?

The U.S. forces are Porto in Japan, are they Porto in Europe?

What is it?

I don't understand the story, but I can't help it, because it was such a story.

"That day China suffered " is singing with a good mood...
Fantasia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfwf4gx8-eg

"I'm seeing recently is a sickin a delusional in the hospital."
Don't you say from the hospital?
Who's over Italy?
Who can't do anything like that?

I get tired.
It's my turn, is it Italy's politician.
Do you say "I'm not motivated it's a foreign story it's not related to Japan."?
"Teacher Italian? politician? He's pretty cool"?
"Why is there his child ?" ?

What's that?
I'm not motivated by that teacher...
When he says I don't really have anything , you should make good friends.
Are you satisfied with high class?

Why are you talking about that now?
Recently, you got married to a company.
Is it a Russian company?
So who will you be next?
Who doesn't speak Russian for high-class people?

イタリアのアフリカの話 6
イタリアのアフリカの話 2

Do you say Small Russia?
(= Project Italy?(2) Regard Europe ?)

Many people decided to do it because the Indians had too much gold in the Americas.
Do you say that African money will do it?

Do you have to trade with Africa and the Mediterranean because you have to do it with African money?

謎の国イラン その2
カエルの結婚式 カエルの池

If you settle down in a high-end residential area in Italy, you can put it in the patient ward of a hospital.
Is there someone ?
That's why I tell you to do a play that I say is high-class and attractive.

That teacher also should be turned African and Andromeda.
Does the five-star movement mean Cassiopeia, the mother of the princess in Italy?

A country should be called Ethiopia?

It looks great when you say you don't really have anything,
where did Cassiopeia come from? Does it mean Italy?

I have known a Chinese for a long time and I have no money.
Money  , it looks great.
Don't get involved with me.
Because I think I'm not your citizen in your country Ethiopia(?) or even in your little Russia.

Grado?( return to He has a Boy friend and Close the gate ↑)

https://www.facebook.com/GiuseppeConte64/posts/1002268403588458 said

"Italiana per la prima volta il Governo che introduce nella legislazione della Regione Puglia a tutti  in occasione  competizione  tra candidati.

Politico a consentire le altre Regioni "che ancora" di parità dal Consiglio convertito in legge all’unanimità dal Senato

Camera( what's the picture?)"

The story George W. Bush's Portraits Kennedy Center  ?

Intervento del Presidente Mattarella alla cerimonia di consegna del Ventaglio

「プレスト ノストレコンチッタディーニ」 って言うのは、



モティーヴォ ディフェンサ?防衛上の理由を共有ということ?









そういうことを、「ノストレ コンチッタディーニ」って言うことにしますか?

「ノンポッシアーモ!」 というのは、突然聞こえる意見だろうか?

リスペクト ア フロンターレ ノストレ コンチッタディーニ










デモクラツィーア・リベルター そんなのうまくいくわけない。






























ソーリデ エスプリメンターレ?

リフォルモ ノヴァティーヴェ、





ストラーダ ヌォーヴァ、ヨーロッパは評価機構だ、ヨーロッパは基準だ。

ヨーロッパは、何とか・デルモンド・プロタゴミズモ プロタゴニズモ?


(別の言い方では、グローバル化は)ローマ ストラーダ(ローマ街道?)って言うんですか?


リッカ デ フィドゥーチャ?(それは、あなたから私への、新しい話ですか?)


その場所は「リプブリケ リアーナ?」という名前の、あなたの親愛なる郷土?







新世界に向けては、ノヴァティーヴェ プロフォンダメンテ ネガティーベ デラパンデミーア という(本?の)話ですか?
エコノミカ ソシャーレ?


ラ スクォーラ?(学校の食堂?)


プレジデンテ リフォームズ?








「レ ディスィパーレ アウトラレルジーエ」?
「ノストラ グラッツィエ」?


「コント テリトリアーレ ノストロ パエーセ? ・・・イターリア?」?

「クエスタ ディ ラツィオーネ」?




私も、「ラ ポッシビリター ラツィオーニ?」 なんていう、前向きな発言してみるよ。

「フトーロ ミリオーレ」?





別記事のリンクです イタリアと言う一枚の絵


Ita-chan, so please send Italian coffee to a store right now.
I don't have enough Italian.
I'm gonna tell you what I'm doing, you just have to put my favorite ones in your store.
Your store must be near to my house, and I just need to get some money.

You love talking about government offices, right?

Japanese was proved to be as African anyway,
because Japanese tea doesn't make money.
You say you like it.

Send me coffee to Japan immediately.
How many Japanese have money?

What kind of government territory do you think of for the other party?
It should be larger than one apartment in a rental house.

I need a lot of money to buy coffee.
That's what that entertainer says in the territory, can you make a government office for that coffee?
So, I bought a lot of coffee,I have no money though.

What are you saying about this prime minister?
Put his coffee in our bag and attach his photo on the package.
It's no use saying that he has Japanese tea in Japan and the color is white.

You're saying it's like in a mountain ,because he's just printing money?
I don't know who it is.

Do you want to talk with me ?
"You're doing affairs ,Tiramisù is not enough. " ?
So make it cheap.

I'm not interested in ordinary public offices called Japanese government.

Coffee production America

Money printing Japanese government

Store Staff American

Customer Japanese

Coffee production America

Money printing Japanese government

Store Staff Japanese

Customer American

Are Japanese telling the US to return the money at the checkout counter?

No response?
Italy is kind.
Was Mr. Fukuzawa(Japanese bill) a coffee trader ...?
Japanese,would you like to see the picture called Italy?

"In the US, dollars are supposed to be issued by Indians." ?

イタリアのアフリカの話 6
Before G20 Osaka, something got angry through the screen. to me ? !!

ARRIVAL is not printed when you return.
Go back to Japan but there is the Immigration Bureau in Japan.
Who says you're a nobleman,in China?
I can speak English Who is in NARITA? Only Russia?
Does the Pope suddenly speak in Japanese?

"Japan" is printed on the passport,are you reading English?
What was your family crest?
Who have the crest of their own house in Israel.

It is strange that the Japanese Immigration Bureau can stamp "the entry" in Japanese Kanji
and we can see the double stamps are placed.

Departure is IMMIGRATION stamp.
People or your diplomatic partners are strange in Iran?
"There's Japanese government to talk"?

I can't and leave it to the Immigration Bureau ,Papal territory?
It says that the crest is pressed on the same passport.

Do you say Small Russia?

(return to イタリアのアフリカの話10 ↑)

Your Italian Embassy can issue visas in Japan.

Then 米軍などが訓練した反体制派、75人がシリア入り ?

Oh do you run to Jordan?
President Conte in Firenze


Now you can speak Italian.

You got Tableware from the Italian royal palace?
Richard Ginori the words of the Italian royal palace can be spoken...?

Italian President was changed.
Then President Sergio Mattarella to the Prime Minister of Italy now you can speak Turkish...?

In Turkish vessels found at an exhibition called World Souvenir Market,I was so worried and I chose a glass with the silver color.

This is the article I wrote about it...

ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 6

The Turkish wedding story is quite Egyptian and the language is Greek.
(return to Project Italy?(2) Regard Europe )

I found a similar product in the search, so I introduce it.

I found a similar coffee cup in the search. (I think it maybe in the same culture...)
I also found something like the final transform on amazon.

I also bought a Turkish scarf with a similar image.

Italian pasta dish to become Italian,did you bring the Turkish plate recently ?

I deleted the article,and I talk about Italy and I'm far from Turkey,  and I don't have the opportunity to speak Turkish.
So I don't see many products.

Does it mean a little different Italian?


Do you buy this coffee cup?
and money?
Money is attached to this cloth...(スカーフを買った)

I think it's silver coin the stars have arrived with the intention of becoming EU money.
Do you want to replace with Euros?

Do you buy it with this coin?

You can tell it in the Turkish Bazaar.
Maybe you can teach me at the bazaar?

"You made money."
"You can join the Celtic family."
Mini Skandinavsky

Issuance of Japanese Yen is already wrong.

Well, this euro has become armed money.(イタリア王子様「本」のインタビュー )
シルト攻防戦 5 蜻蛉的光是願


USA are trying to enter Greece and Italy
The Eastern Roman emperor spoke to Japan with Turkey, Syria and Egypt.
So I think I'm talking from Yugoslavia, Greece.
Italy means Italy and North Africa based in Mediolanum, Italy.
Spainish king Juan Carlos I says France, Spain, and England.
From wikipedia information , this is all Roman Empire.

I want to go to Italy,
Italian pasta shops,do Japanese people live there with Italian people?
Then I'll do my best.

TRT: President Erdogan warns Greece and France

"We become ambitious incompetent rules with a louder voice."

Opportunities from international laws will face this reality in the field."

In the other articles I think I was a Chinese officer 1300 years ago and that's why I need an Iranian woman.
Hey...so I did it.

I think this Chinese singer sings about me.
Memories of Lapis-Lazuli
Iran told us it was a story.

So big story from such a marriage with the Roman bloodline.
I think actually I have never ruled from China,
I can't talk I think I was a lower servant at the wedding march.

In fact, the 7th Fleet dispatched to the Middle East is stationed
I am a woman but those Americans are blue eyes men.
The United States government dispatched like a Marine Corps infantry, not the Navy?

The story the Marine Corps was created by France made me King of France,

My Yokosuka fleet if you are spoken in Greek you will answer in Greek.
US army in Afghanistan
Why is it Greek? I don't know.
After that I am all in Greek.

What happened to China?

So I am still in Japan.
The United States army lives outside of the fence in English.
Greek? What is it? It's an alliance.
I know President Erdogan needs some help but I have no army in Japan...

He has a Boy friend and Close the gate


Russia's Victory Day Parade 2023

This year we achieved friendship with the faraway friends,I didn't know it,

I see the Soviet flag.

There are Italian politics at the same time and I also learned about a place called Syria.

The other stories are all new to me. 

It is the first time I see the star mark.

Russian was difficult, why did you call me, can we end the story?

Stretta amicizia con ciò che sapevo.

Vivendo in Giappone, cosa sapevo?

Sovietico italiano, il posto è tutto nuovo.

Che stella!

Allora, concludi la storia, presidente?


Prime Minister Office's classes to politics, there are some great comics there.

A high school girl travels back in time to the Hittite Empire

At the peace treaty a dream to marry President Erdoğan or the Ottoman Emperor is every girl's dream,

Umineco was also in a manga setting in my blog,I created a dream royal family tree.

I want to dream, but that can't be Umineco's father's family,he's not a person from Umineco's imagination.

But I told you I think he's in China really!

Or I think there is probably a person with a close bloodline (with my imagination?)

Anyway he's a Chinese ,and I am not a Chinese.

If he came to Japan, he might be told that he was a descendant of a Roman emperor and it's a hassle ,so he isn't in Japan,is he?

China is okay to say something like, "I didn't like Umineco, so I got another Japanese children I wanted."

Where can they contact the real person directly ,I think they're Chinese...It's supposed to be a Chinese system.

I think Turkey also wants to make a fuss around me.

When a delusional Umineco approaches President Erdoğan... you say,"There's no such thing as a manga story"

Does he say "That girl is really family , and her name is Emine Erdoğan(?)"

You're married and have children!

Are there Japanese and Turkey around me?Who are thay?

Perhaps Turkish people are Turkish people.

Ethiopia said "let the Japanese make coffee"

I saw a teacher ,PM Conte in Italy.?

Was he a Japanese?

Colored people are living in Italy to work in coffee shops? That's what I said at first...

All we need to do is run a coffee shop,

But a very annoying delusional person was put on the government in foreign countries?

The highly delusional said it's going to send troops to the Zagros Mountains (Iran) using Italian soldiers (foreigners)?

Is that the intention of the Chinese government?

I saw China written on the signboard for the event,and I thought is it okay for all?

He's going to withdraw in Italy 

If Prime Minister Conte's government becomes the Japanese government,

the annoying coffee shop government will be tied down by the chains of the United States and will not be able to move.

He will claim "Freedom" or "whose tree I admire"(?) That's what I thought.

Some Iranians say that someone is creating a peace treaty in Japan,a royal Iranian in Japan married a Japanese person.

Is that(what?) a peace treaty or a promise?

Why was Umineco working at some kind of unnecessary restaurant?

When it comes to doing something with the government or meeting foreign dignitaries,I want you to be lenient ?

"Japanese people are from islands...", (Is that Japan main land of China now?)

I think I don't know ,and I need to work in the town...what's that government?I don't know...

I don't have time to listen to Japanese songs,Japanese don't have free time.

But President Erdoğan is strong to organize it in Japan?

So, I changed ,was I a people from Alexander's country working in Japanese restaurants?

Where is the Zagros Mountains?

I think that Japanese government gained support in Italy, why not return to Japan and run the government there?

If they were there,  what is illegally occupying Japan?

It's "conflicting"...?

"The food is Japanese food, and Japanese people married Italian people, right?" ?

"Are you saying that there is Umineco country? ,or an Alexander country in Japan?" ?

"Catch them all!" ?

If that's the case, Illyria(Italy) is the only country in Alexander's country.

I said the province of Illyria was acquired during the Tetrarchy.

I can't change this way of speaking even if it's just a delusion.

So can you have a conversation in Japan?

Something without food is something with food?

(In addition ,is Prime Minister Kishida also a singer?)

Are they speaking into the microphones in the congress?

"Her family tree would be taken away from her.

I think she doesn't exist in Japan.."

Who did actually exist in China? 

I asked Prime Minister Conte needs the Japanese and Italian government now.

Is that Italy(Japan?) Africa? 

イタリアと言う一枚の絵  ?

What is the Italian unity between Italy and Japan?

By the way why is he speaking in French?





