


Dull work in New Caledonia





Dull work in New Caledonia

2025/02/05 05:45:04・追記を書きました。
2025/01/16 09:18:04・追記を書きました。
2021/12/02 00:28:30・★追記(3箇所)を書きました。
2020/02/28 02:11:19・追記を書きました。
2018/05/25 19:24:48・追記を書きました。

2018/05/08 01:29:00



You are stationed on New Caledonia.
You are wearing your uniform.

You said about 2001 NY accident, "There are no special problems."
You reported the facts with images.


September 11 attacks

You showed the picture after rebuilding.
I say "There is no mistake in your report."

You said that the top of the building was burning,but the lower hierarchy remained.
It was dismantled by the construction company for rebuilding.

Then you said about Pentagon,"From the entrance, the 2nd and 3rd floors burned.
Documents burned near the entrance.
Seven people died including 2 or 3 guards at the entrance."

That was a small incident.

You are wearing a uniform in New Caledonia for several terrorists.
A recreation worker instructed the murder to kill the terrorists.

You wanted to restore the burned top office document.
Your work have achieved the terrorists, the top floor documents will be restored.

And then what will you do?
Everything you lost are regained.

You are silent and I am not watching TV anymore.
I am not an American security guard.
I think you are no longer obliged to report.

A week ago I saw the picture 17 years before.

The first fact took 13 years to claim the fact.

The second incident took 17 years.

Islands,New Caledonia ?

Your flag or wappen?

Clothing color?






Japanese article B'z WANDERING SAPPHIRE BULLET (孤独のRunaway  )

青いカーテンの部屋 AD/BC )
Who's comming to my room ?青いカーテンの部屋 Game三国志のこと

(ZI÷KILL Rocket Lyrics:
"You can't show me even 8 seconds ahead
Tell me little by little
Yo're not the only bad one
If you are here, you should get ready
because I can't see nothing through the window
I ca see that some dead people are drifting ashore
To pass the bridge we made I don't have anything I want to know anymore
I go to places behind the infinitely shines
Beyond this man ,freedom is the movement in front of me for me.
I will return to a funny life ,you should not running away too.
Let's go find it together.
Now you can fly anywhere
I'll put you on my rocket because I can see the whole world
Let's get on my rocket
Now spread these my wings we can fly forever
Because you will see the whole world ,come on, get on my rocket."

It was my first time to have such a dream...
I think you found a very beautiful station too...

Убежать очень сильно?
куда ?
"Что ты"? Станция ... (даже 8...?) )


I found there's some US army ↓
wrong words"There is launched in cross.
It is shaking now."  ?

Are they from Canada? New Ca....?
Esna、"Electricity Bridge"    ?)

Have you had too many boats?

They have a sandy beach and a rope.
And they also need an audience.

(★ I wrote that , it erected the power of the bear
Party Rock - Iraq https://youtu.be/0E8YLDDzR9I ? I'll answer
"Who speaks in Korean?" ?

Did you know about Pegasus head in Persepolis?(return to 孤独のRunaway)

Do you know Persepolis? wikipedia Persepolis

Do you know Egyptian scarabs?
It was about Queen of Iraq?
イラクの妃の位 続き 27

New Movie ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKqnwbqtOpM
Because I'm in Japan...オバマ大統領の敬称は殿下? 
Вы называете это Дружбой, Республикой Российская?
Или Россия Республика?
(Статья 12 течение десяти лет и будет автоматически продлеваться на последующие пятилетние периоды, если за 12 месяцев до истечения очередного периода ни одна из Сторон не уведомит в письменной форме другую Сторону о своем намерении прекратить его действие. ..?)  )

唐突にフィリピン ?

Christmas? It may be snow as we expect  ?

Is he Chinese?(安禄山の乱 23 Memories of Lapis-Lazuli )
Do you think I can pass the exam in state of Obama?


By the way ,do you know what's WHO? but I can't answer.
wikipedia Déclaration d'Alma-Ata (1978) ?

State Obama in Chinese said  My neighbor smokes badly?
Optimistic - My neighbor's bonfire smokes badly ?

Chinese language became Japanese language,in Japan came to me?
青いカーテンの部屋 等风来  → 青いカーテンの部屋 Progress  
(return to  B'z WANDERING SAPPHIRE BULLET (孤独のRunaway  ) )


Linkin Park ? Next G20 in Saudi Arabia what ?
The Chinese Imperial Family?
They got the concert halls and the surrounding area,we're seriously ignored.

In Southeast Asia I'm busy, can you ask the U.S. military?
I don't have anything I can do for it.

Once in a while,I said the whole Indochina (especially Malaysia) should be bombed.
But the American soldiers are going to marry the strange people,
What is this?
It's quite tall,it's true,their eyes are black,
the mixed race entertainer with blue eyes and Southeast Asians are dancing.
It's better to look at them to call people British and who live on Britain Island.
Musicians can't speak English, so you bring the real English too.
It's almost British people are talking.

You intend to complain to me with the military power?
You're saying Italy,what is Syria?
Do you usually want the mainland but stick to Japan or Taiwan Island?

I can't forgive you.Everyone in this movie will die!
I think the ordinary British people are in such a great service.

I think some English is in Japan.
Can I say in English?That's why I'm in trouble
president Assad retirement is good for USA? 

Syrian or Italian with Chinese Korean Japanese dominates Queen Elizabeth's news
and we say that we're considering we're Japanese?

"I don't usually talk about British people in town"
That's why I thought to say that I understand Mr.Deguchi's foreign language.

(★Is River far away?
In my imagination it is around Hungary,Sayonara "It was my country"

"What's that ship?" ?)

Don't tell me  I don't know
US Marine Corps students in charge of Nara?
I just saw that story
What should the Marine Corps do?
They are songs with pools.
 the song in that video , blonde girl's song
I don't understand the meaning
and I recommend this one  劫 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiTSm9DBiqM
You can sing it in English
Say hello to him
Tell him you want to join the Lapis Lazuli song.
(安禄山の乱 23 Memories of Lapis-Lazuli )
I'm not a singer
But he's a Chinese singer so he might say something

Today I'm making a playlist of English songs.
Are those songs about a former Iranian official in China?
How do you feel?
(1)Medii - Kiss Goodbye (Lyrics) feat. Cat Cayenne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcvKtp2YY9M
(2)Jonas Blue, Galantis, Zoe Wees - Mountains (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MYBLif6AsQ
(3)Exede - Fancy Things (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSaK3cjY8xc
(4)Alec Benjamin - Match In The Rain (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8rfSwEb350
(5)Gryffin & Carly Rae Jepsen - OMG (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-p_-ueDBmU
(6)Stonebank - Let You Down (Lyrics) feat. Danyka Nadeau https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vANn1OusBb0
(7)WE ARE FURY - Don't Forget (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Mariah Delage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwUZOJ5kgvE
(8)Roses & Revolutions - The Pines (Lyrics / Lyric Video) Evan Gartner Remix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgxBoXi2U3g
(9)The Chainsmokers - Closer (Lyric) ft. Halsey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT2_F-1esPk
(10)OneRepublic - Counting Stars (Lyrics) | The Script, Vicki Vox, Coldplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=593ZpuXz_Bo
(11)Rod Wave - IRan (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr2PIvB-lrE

There's also his song..
(12) Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are (Lyrics) | The Script, Siine, James Arthur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNNbpXNtu_Y
I am watching also Japan and 
I find that I thought Sento-kun of Nara is the highest oplder Buddhist in Japan, but he may be a boy for that song?
Sento-kun is there→ ひさひと君のプライドを試すトプカプ宮殿

(13)The War and Treaty - Do You Hear What I Hear?
Images of Spainish costs
(14)Oceano - Josh Groban (Sub Italiano, Español, English) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1vJp1RKNXA

Spanish cost ,Nara? He sang to Nara?
(15)Josh Groban - To Where You Are (Official 20th Anniversary Music Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f322RjQIdsY
I also discovered songs of tulips. Are these Iran's songs too?
Honors - On Again (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Molly Kate Kestner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKG8Prv7nBc
In The Night - Fly By Midnight (Official Lyric Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eXFFOTGD1I
DId you say  Best thing I never had to me(?)  ??

(Ah...but I'm not an African...there's a song  休戦海岸とアラブ首長国連邦 -casablanca
but what is it?

But Count down is OK. (?)

US army in Afghanistan  ??

I thought about Korea is BETTER TOGETHER ? or  I am the best & Gangnam Style  ?

What's Lion king...Nara songs from China?
youtube: Nants Ingonyama Bagithi Baba 
What's he singing in other language?

" i have kies(keys)" ?  So...is it Turkey(?)  ?? to sing
Dear Diary  or ... but what is it ? シルト攻防戦3  ?

If I'm alone I think 青いカーテンの部屋 那一年 or 青いカーテンの部屋 背叛 ...(?)

Do you say about  Michael Jackson? 
Black Or White  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2AitTPI5U0 
Remember The Time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeiFF0gvqcc

But I don't know about NY city and I don't know about it too,)

Theat is written

(In this case Iran(Japanese Buddhist temple) means TALY, ROMANIA, and THE SERB-CROATIAN-SLOVENE STATE ?)

Party who has been preparing it since 1914 to be these States in respect 
The Right Honorable Sir Horace George Montagu Rumbold,
Baronet, GCMG, High Commissioner in Constantinople (French Republic?):

Commissioner of the Republic in the East,
Grand Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honor of Athens Of Italy ,His Majesty the Emperor of Japan(!?): Mr. Kentaro Otchiai?
wikipedia  Kentaro Ochiai  ?

His Majesty the King of the Hellenes, the Minister of Public Assistance to have found have agreed as follows....

wiki Treaty of Lausanne

article Egypt Christmas エジプトのクリスマス4 means Achaemenid Persia?

What is it...decision maker Iran?

Old emperors are also opposite shore(↑ (13) ~ シルト攻防戦3  ?
質素な服特集2 ?
Old Iranian emperor said something  to Iran...
Youtube: گفتگو با دویچه‌وله فارسی درباره انقلاب ملی ایران و چشم‌انداز دوران گذار  )

(Yesterday USA president said something (to Israel)  too.
Youtube: Trump says U.S. 'will take over the Gaza Strip’ in joint press conference with Neta )

Do they want this?
Youtube: Austria vs Slovakia military power comparison 2025 | Slovakia vs Austria military power 2025 

Switzerland vs Italy vs Austria Military Power Comparison 2023 | Global Power

Where is Japan? too far,but is it 7 in the ranking???!
Japan vs North Korea Military Power 2024 | North Korea vs Japan army power | world military power

Korea is there
South Korea vs North Korea Military Power 2024 | North Korea vs South Korea | world military power

Slovenia has an article in this blog. What's Londnon? (→ 金色の雨の降る街 (3) ?)
ロンドンを首都にする計画   by ROMANIA海軍 (Iran?) ?

I think to quit this blog in 2014. In summer I want to write other fun diary,my diary.

What's Russia? ロシアと条約!

In 1820, he married Joanna of Georgia (Princess Lovich) in a common-law marriage, losing his right to the throne.兄弟の肖像 )



