You showed the picture after rebuilding. I say "There is no mistake in your report."
You said that the top of the building was burning,but the lower hierarchy remained. It was dismantled by the construction company for rebuilding.
Then you said about Pentagon,"From the entrance, the 2nd and 3rd floors burned. Documents burned near the entrance. Seven people died including 2 or 3 guards at the entrance."
That was a small incident.
You are wearing a uniform in New Caledonia for several terrorists. A recreation worker instructed the murder to kill the terrorists.
You wanted to restore the burned top office document. Your work have achieved the terrorists, the top floor documents will be restored.
And then what will you do? Everything you lost are regained.
You are silent and I am not watching TV anymore. I am not an American security guard. I think you are no longer obliged to report. アルカイダのテロの顛末
(ZI÷KILL Rocket Lyrics: "You can't show me even 8 seconds ahead Tell me little by little Yo're not the only bad one If you are here, you should get ready because I can't see nothing through the window I ca see that some dead people are drifting ashore To pass the bridge we made I don't have anything I want to know anymore I go to places behind the infinitely shines Beyond this man ,freedom is the movement in front of me for me. I will return to a funny life ,you should not running away too. Let's go find it together. Now you can fly anywhere I'll put you on my rocket because I can see the whole world Let's get on my rocket Now spread these my wings we can fly forever Because you will see the whole world ,come on, get on my rocket."
It was my first time to have such a dream... I think you found a very beautiful station too...
(Russian? Убежать очень сильно? куда ? "Что ты"? Станция ... (даже 8...?) )
I found there's some US army ↓ wrong words"There is launched in cross. It is shaking now." ?
Вы называете это Дружбой, Республикой Российская? Или Россия Республика? (Статья 12 течение десяти лет и будет автоматически продлеваться на последующие пятилетние периоды, если за 12 месяцев до истечения очередного периода ни одна из Сторон не уведомит в письменной форме другую Сторону о своем намерении прекратить его действие. ..?) )
Linkin Park ? Next G20 in Saudi Arabia what ? The Chinese Imperial Family? JAY CHOU? They got the concert halls and the surrounding area,we're seriously ignored.
In Southeast Asia I'm busy, can you ask the U.S. military? I don't have anything I can do for it.
Once in a while,I said the whole Indochina (especially Malaysia) should be bombed. But the American soldiers are going to marry the strange people, What is this? It's quite tall,it's true,their eyes are black, the mixed race entertainer with blue eyes and Southeast Asians are dancing. It's better to look at them to call people British and who live on Britain Island. Musicians can't speak English, so you bring the real English too. It's almost British people are talking.
You intend to complain to me with the military power? You're saying Italy,what is Syria? Do you usually want the mainland but stick to Japan or Taiwan Island?
I can't forgive you.Everyone in this movie will die! I think the ordinary British people are in such a great service.
Do you say about Michael Jackson? Black Or White ? Remember The Time ?
But I don't know about NY city and I don't know about it too,)
Theat is written "Turkey can be made with ITALY, ROMANIA, and THE SERB-CROATIAN-SLOVENE STATE.
(In this case Iran(Japanese Buddhist temple) means TALY, ROMANIA, and THE SERB-CROATIAN-SLOVENE STATE ?)
Party who has been preparing it since 1914 to be these States in respect
The Right Honorable Sir Horace George Montagu Rumbold,
Baronet, GCMG, High Commissioner in Constantinople (French Republic?):
Commissioner of the Republic in the East,
Grand Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honor of Athens Of Italy ,His Majesty the Emperor of Japan(!?): Mr. Kentaro Otchiai?