


Hetalia - 俺様の女神コレクション





Hetalia - 俺様の女神コレクション

2020/08/18 23:27:01・★追記を書きました。
2020/05/18 16:23:25・追記を書きました。
2020/05/17 21:06:32・追記を書きました。
2020/04/30 05:36:09・追記を書きました。
2020/04/26 23:36:25・追記を書きました。
2020/04/23 10:48:15・追記を書きました。
2014/02/05 23:02:31
















(3)女神写真2 ティアラ・・もっと大きいのないの?もっと大きいのが欲しい!

(4)女神写真3  今日から、ギリシャの守護神になるワ~






























(23)コレは、ギリシャ風神殿造りっていうの?ギリシャ王の別荘?(by うみねこ)

























日本カルチャー(マンガ)とコラボ? → ヘタリアって言うんだねー 



重大な話→ ヘタリア政府の名前 亡命政権 宮殿 ポタラ宮 って言ってる?

This cute manga pictures and beautiful dresses is called Collaboration with Japanese culture Hetalia?
Articles has increased so I thought I should put links

The most important story → You say the Hetalia government is The Exile Government,Palace of Potala?



内容合ってるかな・・? google翻訳で英語の文章も作ってみました。

This is the my manga story that was recently called Pakistan in old India.
I write English with google translation.

Pink is the fabric of the sofa in Trianon Palace.
It can't be given to people with blue eyes.

the castle conservations 3
青いカーテンの部屋 水玉関係

The green color also dressed Trianon Palace sofa.
The same green color dressed the Emperor of Austria.
French queen Marie Antoinette was also dressed in a similar green color.
It made Mrs.Pompadour portrait in a similar green dress.
The return of Anne Boleyn, the princess of a civilian of Henry VIII wears green in the movie.
The British civilian women recently in the British royal family also wears green.

Mousl -マリア・テレジアの帝国
La grande bellezza 2

Hetalia - ドイツのつぶやき①
天馬の国23 PR

Green? うみねこの出会いサイト体験

little christian Japanese looks like green 
イラクの妃の位 続き 6
His Home City Nara27 TROY

In the US recycling policy,
President Obama also went back to the United Kingdom.He says Europe?
Princess of greenery Emerald?
It's strange,he was sold as a slave from Africa in the reign of the Ottoman Empire.
What he says to Versailles?
The Emperor of the Ottoman Empire, before that he is Alexander the Great?
It's strange he hates green,isn't it?


Even if USA say it's slave liberation,British is strange to take liberation to England, right?
Well, the US recycling policy is already decided to destroy the United Kingdom.
Or the United Kingdom is destroying African Americans.

Then president Obama is"Who can give Africans pink cloth in EUrope?" can give a pink cloth to the American fashion model prince ...
He is a real British person who vandalizes in the United States.
I told Africans to wear a pink cloth and I was in Europe.

He says pink is disqualified of African,Indian palace bandit, European slave?
People in Rwanda are extremely rare to say "I'm not wearing pink dress."?

I think many fellows of the United Kingdom were not from Ottoman Empire.
Does it mean people in Saudi Arabia originally had blue eyes?
The Kingdom
シルト攻防戦 2

Do you say Queen Elizabeth?
I can say that purple is a problem.



Japan is forgery European?

Royal family lives in the palace
Wedding is Palace wedding

(2) Royal families who moved to the United States
Living in an american building
Citizen wedding is ceremony hall

Roppongi Hills?
There're camera shop and Louis Vuitton Uniqlo in the shopping district of the residential area?
Foods in the basement of a department store?

(3) Even Omotesando.
They're  envious.
Where has torii in shopping street or in the royal residence town in Europe?

(4) I rent a rental house
going to work part-time ...
Children who work part-time are imitation of American royalty?

I've never heard of such a story.
In China how you can understand so much foreign information?
Are Japanese and Chinese and Korean all imitation?

If you say so much,
Why do I have to talk about that story even though I don't live in the  (1) palace?
Who says such an interesting thing in the European royal family?
I said it was strange,I'm not talking to a foreign government.


Ah,those girls are wearing my pink cloth but I'd rather wear a pink cloth?
I don't have my house in a rental house.
If it's a UN controlled area,there are no houses in fields.
I was in the Mughal empire in the past I think I used to do business with pink cloth.
The Mughal Empire lost that old Mughal woman wants to live in an interesting place(Japan).
I still live there in the Japanese burnt fields after the war.
I don't know about equal life.

Do you want to make it a burnt field in the part of Moscow or something like WHO?
Someone said the story of Berlin was decided too.

What kind of Chinese (1)-(4) to say "What should I do at the Royal Palace in Berlin?" ?
"Why don't you try on a dress?"
There are 1.3 billion official candidates to the Chinese government,and none of them is possible?

I can't show my family name in Berlin anymore.
"Can you talk about Russia?" ?
"That's right,I haven't visited the Royal Palace in Berlin yet.",(1) people.

I don't know politics.But I need my living area in Japan.
I don't know.
From Japan that I suddenly talk like a great politician to say "I don't know".

When the ideas came up I used this blog like a memo pad
After that, I should work to gether articles to one and translate it into Russian?
What person of the Japanese government do the imitation of a Japanese ,me?
It's a rental house.I think it means the burnt field.
It's troublesome,you get tired.

European royalty and equality.
Citizen wedding with the general public at the palace is wedding ceremony with the general public Christianity.

Only a part-timer with the information gathering business, from the beginning.
Does it mean that you imitate someone?
And you wander.
I think it's water.

When you have that,does that mean to make it.
That's it, what that?

"I'm not a confident""the Imitate" "me?" !!


What happened?

African Blue

Hey girl, did you marry you?
Hey man who are married?

Why is she pair-look with me?
I'm not her family.

Hey, why is she in a pair look with me?

Does she often like a man?
She married prince of Germany ?
I thought what does she want to me...

Meaning it's the play lines for the Japanese imperial family?
Are there other royal family in Europe?

I think "I can talk but there is no evidence for you."
Does she mean the high status person without evidence in Japan is good?

So I thought who is she?
Is she a kind of Dutch royal family?

I am looking somewhere something lives in.
Is it Japanese musician for example?
イスラエルまんが54 PARADE

イタリアのアフリカの話 1

In Europe What do you mean when you compare farmland in Japan to the Netherlands?

Are you sure that $1.2 billion at least 5,689,770 million dollar? will be paid to Turkey to move to Europe?
Is Japan demanding Japan?

google results:

Because you say it's not India,don't you?
I wrote some articles but ,that's why(?) Japanese royal family is good to say my Japanese musician says Austria and Libya?
Japanese emperor also says the Italian government is his government?
And you?
England?シルト攻防戦 11
Italy visited to Cairo ?
イスラエル国からの難民受け入れ ?

But Berlin called Italian government to talk?
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate3 (エジプトのクリスマス2 ? emoji)
I'm a pair look with some blacks in America,I'm Indian.
the castle conservations 
the castle conservations 2
the castle conservations 3

But I was an immigrant from Europe, so when I married an Indian, what did the Indian say to me?
So I mean that I was able to live in an American town as a Japanese, who lost in a war with British.
Because the Japanese became honorary whites.
So I think when I was in India I went to Japan.
It's a British immigrant,I was a small official, but I don't know anything.
It looks almost Japanese, but I don't wear kimono ...
Is it in a Japanese town?
When I saw a Japanese kimono with the US recycling policy,there was a lot of Indian religion.

Pakistan lost the war and decided to marry Japanese.
Japanese took all the costumes from a drawer in Pakistan and brought them to the shop.

"Are you Japanese royal family? You decided to use them ,European white people ...?"
The Japanese imperial people wore European dresses, said they were on par with Europeans.
On the other hand,Japanese were collecting clothes in India,the losing Pakistan  or the losing foreign country.

Recently I worked in McDonald's town.
Only the people of the Japanese imperial family are still collecting costumes,
and I don't have any use for clothes or tableware like that. Do you understand?

国際結婚相談所 ? I think the story moves to pale blue green from pink.

Amending the law of marriage of the Japanese imperial family, the imperial family to allow me to marry.
I'm in the American town of McDonald's
In Japanese towns, adults lie to children and talk about the imperial family.
Is it the same for the entertainment world and for TV stations?
There aren't enough Japanese  in the bookstore manga is Hetalia?
Disneyland mice recently, who are those guys?
Disneyland mice are wearing kimono.
We're saying  "fishing in the drawers",
people in the royal family sometimes wear clothes, but I don't even need those clothes.

Girls are strange.
India gives me pink clothes ,some African people say, "Is it pink?"
It was pink when I was in Pakistan.
I don't wear it,I said my drawer clothes were branded clothes like Gap.
Equal marriage you want to catch pink clothes, you should marry the Japanese imperial family.
After the war,Japanese people wore Pakistani costumes only Japanese Inperial people wear it now.

This year when President Trump visited India Japanese were in pink in India.
There were no white child.
Does it mean that there is only an equal marriage between African and the royal family?


Africans living with me in the US say that my drawer clothes are branded clothes such as GAP.
Do you say that African people are pink?
But it means moving to the US where Japan McDonald's is located.

I'm not the important person with Europe...,Japanese lose and are equal means Prince of Germany?

He's also talking about the pair look in sweater,isn't he?

Saying that you were in the same status as prince of Germany,
so when we say what this is and what it is,haven't you even dressed up?
Who is that manga?ヘタリアの作者さんに興味津々

I don't know.I really can't think about it.
So I was looking for a child in Yokosuka.

British territory?What is it?
kalafina - symphonia ?

What's TICAD?Spain?
青いカーテンの部屋 - Way to ShangHai ?
防衛大臣の国 日本 3 ?
イラン政府から日本にメッセージ ?

Turkey: "Open your doors" https://youtu.be/I10SfBZPwRk
(return to emoji)
壁をよじ登る努力の力 ?
謎の国イラン ?

Japanese Emperor says other musician in EU.
ウクライナ情勢 / オランダハーグ宣言採択 / ちっちゃなロシア ?)

Queen Elizabeth's Region of Germany for the story of Syrian people moving to Japan "I want a campaign Korea."

Favorite American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq in a campaign can be great too.
South Korea was connected to the US military ,
the result was Korean marriage to the daughter of the Russian president.

I know you r question but I think Korea is Korea,it's a part of the ground of the history.

The US military says campaign Japan too,the campaign that Japan proposes to American soldiers,
first is the movement of residents by ship.

Then centered area on Liechtenstein must be created by the Spanish King,
their rank must be obtained from the Spanish King.
The goal of Japanese immigrants is the engagement of Prime Minister Abe and Liechtenstein.
The area is called Japan,the US Secretary of Defense is Mark Esper.
I think that must be in Europe, the country of primary.
Japanese News may be often announced from that area.
I am not surprised do you like your rank that makes a country by doing a self-promoting campaign.

防衛大臣の国 日本 5
Ruins of thieves and Greek temples

Is it the Tripartite Alliance of Japan, Germany and Italy?
Is it the world that Germany and Italy dreamed of?
What are those royal family Hohenzollern and Savoia?
You told me they weren't European.
Are they Russian fellow?
Russia says that the Russian royal family lost inthe revolution and Japanse Emperor(?)realizes their dreams.

It's hard to say I don't know what do you think about Charles VI of France(wikipedia)?
Christmas present?

I wonder if this can be used who is this? 
I wonder if I can use this ,later I will release something like this.
Do you mean to sell them all?
All Japanese are candidates for the imperial family recently,
all Japanese should selling princess set to the world from Europe.
What's that ZEXY story?

But I wonder if that pink dress is good the UK has released something boring.

UK sold this to Japanese town ,is this good?
I wonder if this is good then you can sell that pink cloth.






