ロシア人 |アメリカ人
東欧人 |日本人
If you want a dreamy marriage for people for example,
Who want Eastern Europe from Southeast Asia,called Eastern Europe near Russia,will be Russian
In addition, Eastern Europe Missile Alliance, MD, etc ...
Southeast Asians must not pave the way for marriage to Americans,or Russians.
This world the Internet wasn't popular.
All the information about the world that no one knew,The British royal broadcast, but the Dutch royal family and the Luxembourg royal family appeared on such a closed world.
The role was to promote another European royal family, what the royal family is?
It's not the British royal family.
You mean Southeast Asian and Russian the royal family,it was a socialist country,but there are many marriage fee, American men is free ...
"I found a lot of sites" get married to rural Asia,and Vietnamese women(?) is Buddhism?
He(General Tokugawa?) seems to be interested in teaching Buddha.
If you marry an American, you will have a family home in the United States, Return to the United States.
Southeast Asian person will become "even you can do".
You,a member of the U.S. , the majority of Americans is Europe.
Who were specially married to Americans?
Will it enter the EU tomorrow?
African, European and American, President Obama, of course join the EU mean old feelings?
Joining the EU, homes is in Asia,the Japanese have been forgotten to enter the EU.
It's strange Southeast Asians and the United States immigrants aren't really Japanese.
Immigrants will not just bring the nuclear accident to this country?
I cannot saying things,I would like you to move to the EU, you moved to Japan during this time.
"I got a lot of money from the Japanese people"," I had to bring it all back to the EU ...",
Japan has a deep relationship with people on the Silk Road,there is no problem in converting to Islam.
I feel that The U.S. Army recognizes Buddhism,freedom in this country.
Islamic countries I don't know but if a man would migrate from Iran or Syria to collect Turkish people,
No Greeks ...There are also no Italians don't see Russian men at all.
If the moving group returns to the EU, it seem to be a group called the Warsaw Pact?
Russia is not a country of immigrants,what are Jews?
"The US military's land rent would normally go to the premises, because "we're renting people's land." "
I wonder if you are in the obligation or promise to restore the original condition.
I would like to have met Russians to return to Russia ...
It wouldn't be better to return to Russia,an intelligence agency,president.
In Japan,political power were allowed to marry a Russian.
special qualifications, International dating agency marrys Russian woman?
Southeast Asians speak of themselves,There seems to be a region.
It is said that the status raised the status that will be higher than that of the Japanese only after marrying.
Hungary somehow ... Hungary is not Austria, Eastern Europe, the extent of Eastern Europe ...
It seems that there is a need for differentiating regions.
In order to get out of a discriminatory society, who are competitive society?
Until about 20 years ago it became possible to know that kind of thing is called " glasnost "?
It seems that Japan had only Japanese TV.
After all, the new immigrants,the existence of I don't know but it's being broadcast on television?
I thought that I disliked because I heard that it was unexpected ...
In addition counseling offices,and Japanese people required a registration.
But registration of that helped rich Americans.
Americans seem to like Thai and Since religion.
So when are the blood-bleeding children of a eventually Congress or the United States President,
General commander of the US military,The teachings of Buddhism, not Christianity,
permeate the US military ...The hometown of ,"The hometown of Asians" already treated as European?
US President Obama is a descendant of an internationally married couple,
so the US which elected in the election the idea of US independence will be joining the EU,European and American.
Does that seem to be a group called the Warsaw Pact?
Russia is not a country of immigrants,Southeast Asians have migrated to Japan.
So there seems to be no sudden talk to be the majority of Japan but suddenly their status has risen in Japan and I'm jealous to dislike the United States.
The fickle parties that want to be seen as a matchmaking area exclusively for Russia.
But ...after all, if you look at the results, or the defolian suddenly,you can pass across the land to such immigrants country by travel.
Since ancient times, emerging religions and all religious,"those are not Communist nations ...",
there are some , maybe there are so I wondered.
Household items and tools, but I don't see any ...
The Israeli man is dead who had never seen "The US military is not interested in the Japanese…" all the while,a real Japanese bank, right?
Don't do strange experiments on people ...?
Who does also look like President Putin?
He got a job and went to elections to become...I can't think of regaining , but those who weren't given envy are self-proclaimed Japanese immigrants.
If you want to enter the EU from Russia(?) with the procedure,a women of most Japanese(?),because she seems to be above dating sites,by the way,just because one of her parents(?),
"The generation of immigrants around "the Emperor proclaiming" is over."
→ イギリス領日本があったらどういう場所
G20 summit SaudiArabia meets US president
(I listened to the video again and changed the Japanese translation a little.
Foreign Minister Kono has recently become Minister of Defense,New International Order? )
ミサイル・ニュークリヤー ケーパビリティーはもはや北朝鮮が専用で使える用語ではない。
(BBC) So you prepare a long game?
(大臣)Yes it is.
well coordinatorがすばらしいということです。
Some kind of military actionですべてが実現してしまう。
(BBC) 国境の先にChinaがいるということを考えますか?
(大臣)China realizes that North Korea
それと millions of refugeesが欲しいものです。
North Korean borderはあると思います。
( google翻訳で英語の文章も作ってみました。
(Minister)North Korea can use it exclusively ,I think North Korea knows that
(due to the age of the leader).
In the center of North Korea,various resources flowed into one person(Mr.Kono),
Missile , Nuclear ,Capability is no longer the intimidation that I'm the scary one and a threatening man and I was realized.
(BBC) So you prepare a long game?
(Minister)Yes it is.
I don't work,Well coordinator is great.
Some kind of military action will realize everything.
In the middle of North Korea I'm alone.
Only that very well coordinator is my reliance.
(BBC) Do you think that China is at the end of the border?
North Korea has North Korea, I want to destroy it,
I want something like the remains,
I also want millions of refugees.
China realizes that I know China.
I don't recognize its existence.
After that, that and that will be remained.
North , I think there is a Korean border.
(BBC) China is big, what are you going to do?
(Minister) I think China is also thinking about this story, of course. )
省略します。(多分 テロの後は米軍と国際結婚 ?)
(In the second half, BBC reporter says the story should move to the US.
In the United States, I think Mr.Kono'll be a Marine Corps general or the Secretary of Defense, but he's "from UK", right?
I think it's the question from the BBC reporter.)
エデッサ - 最初のイスラエル
シルト攻防戦 2
the castle conservations
「アメリカ軍が暴れているので仕方がないことなんです。」日本人は、偉い人にならないといけない。 アメリカのエスパー国防長官が来日
It's good for officials to have become business people called TPP,a kind American,Trump Country ,the authority of the US military.
From the Japanese who won the baby emperor of China as a throne?
The story moved to Turkey ,I would not be accorded Turkey a part of Europe,
The members of the EU want to create a "TPP people" area in Japan with Russia and USA that is almost the same as Turkey.
Only TPP people join the European group.a treaty with Turkey with President Erdogan's name.
President Erdogan and Ephesus (a type of Greek) falls after the US Army attacks.
The Ankara library fled to Russia from the Republic of Turkey.
Language was Greek,became the name "Japan (Hapon)"under the control of the Kingdom of Spain.
To go to Japan,you should take a boat from Italy and go to the Philippines at first.
If you can always use the name TPP in Japan, TPP wins.
Congress is also held with the King of Spain.
The words should be mentioned in the news.
You want Japan,perhaps the story will be decided by the government of TPP people.
Some TPP people say that Japanese people get a lot of things from TPP are sly.
After all, the Emperor of China does not take the throne,
Prime Minister Abe is replaced with the name of President Erdogan soon.
Many people think that decided North Korea is not satisfied the story.
These were problems.
Is this Japanese translation correct?(I don't know.)
The Same Vatican (TPP people language is Japanese?)
エジプトのクリスマス4 is something strange.
América Latina is PC game.
TPP people(?) sings in Chinese?
MASK? https://youtu.be/s-VFpsrbWLk
There are many Italians.
And how to get back money from Japanese Christian school immediately?
Does he win?
Money is available in the car shops.
Money in the temple,Italy steals your money, I'm telling you that.
China didn't have Christian schools.
Traitor Buddhist's school and traitor's lamian shop will be in Chinese Town?
To say that Japanese people people,
There is a man who says "Landed in Japan" and "I used to taking life".
If that person is among the members there has been a story.
Because I was told that has become by the ship.
Which country has an equal treaty with Russia?
If you signing a contract to conclude or treat it as a Turkish ship,
One candidate for unifying Japan ,Ankara ,the president, and the national which came from ship,
is the ship wrong to talk about the payment?
Spain, Greece and Russia when you become Japanese,you say you don't need Japan.
So the name of what Turkey ?with the TPP people is good.
Therefore, he will be replaced PM Abe's name later.
To say that Japanese people people?I think I don't need it.
☆First was crowned as the queen Elizabeth she will not be realized unless become Spanish.
For cars and household items,Hundreds of thousands of migrants in Europe are waiting for politics.
Japan is beyond the fence.
Leave unattended like a prairie without a refrigerator like Mongolia.
I can't help it, I think there will be no electricity in Japan.
Americans are being talked on the ship, to the Italian prince.
"Letizia was one of the Spanish king, then the emperor of Japan will be transported" and
Transport 200 million Japanese people, meaning bring all Japanese money to Spain.
in Spanish politics US troops only gets permission to destroy buildings in Japan.
"I won't come back anymore. I wish I could. Anyone can be a Christian?"
Is Jay Chou the US commander?
He's about rewriting Japanese textbooks made by the United States.
An American enemy who collects money to England is attacking the American army.
A history textbook will be called The Glory of Queen Elizabeth with Taiwanese.
What's the Taiwan Army to the UK?
Ottoman family and Italian prince?
Celebrity ship development to discuss with Australia about the immigration was made by war.
Well, if you replace the entire US military base in Australia, you can get things.
It will be Ottoman Turkish slaves over there. "Happon, he says something in the news."
I'm telling China, but only Japanese are saying it's shipping to Spain.
Me alone?
Setting up a Japanese residential area in Spain,
I remain in Japan and have no interest in the US troops are stationed.
If Japan disappeared in Spain,I don't like it.
Because if it says in the UK,it would be transported.
Is there an entertainer who loves space in the population?
Australia and the setting of Japanese residential areas with Prince Charles has no treaty for foreigners to live in China, Japan, or Taiwan.
It means only British soldiers.
And about 30,000 immigrants from Japan will be problems.
France has banned the Union of Spain with royal family.
河野外務大臣のスピーチ https://youtu.be/YyKiRwcHHmI
Japan's effortsって何だろう?
TowardNuclear weapon? 何のことなんだろう?
First committee of United Nations General Assemblyという集団にならない?
標榜するタイトル(王冠)は、United Action
Towards the...何ですって?
Nuclear weapon states?何なんだその国は・・・?
International securityが全て失敗する場所のことだろう。
further complicateというのは、
In these Circumstances,
rebuild corporation (First committee of UN..)という話を、儲け話として、受け入れるんじゃないだろうか?
そして、「信じて」TRUST among all states と言う。
To take United Action(First committee of United Nations General Assembly)は、あなたがしなければいけない義務になる、ということをあなたは自分で知るだろう。
Japanはevery effort に消極的になっている。
1994年以来 日本は、Outline of the Resolution を作ることに熱心だった。
Building Momentumって、時限爆弾の時計部分だけですよ、だったらいいな。
...of Neclear weapons なんですよ・・の時計部分だけは作っちゃったかなぁ?
Old 23 of them は、その頭脳明晰な解決方法の中で一応儲け話として、掴めそうな物の数だと思っている。
それをUnited Actionとして皆にお見せすることができました。
皆も、International community というものについて、よく分かったんじゃないかと思う。
NPT Regime という物(穴の組織?)が、できてしまいました。ロシア時代から。(?)
ICBM Bolistic missileは、感情的なもので、
北朝鮮の人は、「Security concerns」と言う存在になって日本の周りを徘徊する。
それは「Nuclear statesとNon Nuclear weapon states 、それからAnother areaもある、NPTと言う」と言われた。
NPTは フレームワーク(何かの外側を囲む境界線のようなもの)という、よく分からないものだけど。
Nuclear statesと Non Nuclear weapon states は、協力して、
NPTの意見は、「NPDIが欲しい、Prospective という物です。」
Japanじゃないその団体(NPDI Prospective?)のefforts なら、
多分、International community という物を皆に配ることができると思っています。
「ただ、土地の名前はcommon groundという物になります」という話です。
Step to International communityのために Nuclearでない別の軍事力を信じてみようと思う。
ところが、言い分では、「Nuclear TestからはCTBTが得られる」ということなんですよ。
それをResolution of the UN Security Concilと呼ぶんでしょう。
World free Nuclear wearpons?
あなた1人の力で、立ち上がってください。( World )free of Nuclear weaponsとして。
「地面の上には、World Leaderとか、子供とか、いるなー」って思いますよ。
一緒に、International Organization, Civil Societyという団体になりましょう。
(I will tell everyone what is Japan's efforts?
What's going on to make money?
Stories will come out.... what?
After all "the whole world becomes air" weapon states,what's that country ...?
The earth where all international security fails talks about some profitable profits.
Find Complicate in a distant place outside the earth!
And look around, the story of rebuild corporation (First committee of UN ..), we all have trouble.
Find some kind of international organization.
You will know (First committee of United Nations General Assembly)that you must do.
"What is the story of Nuclear .. what ?!"
Since 1994 Japan has been enthusiastic about creating an Outline of the Resolution.
I wonder if I made only the clock part?
All danger detectors think that Old 23 of them to be grasped as a United Action.
"Who are they?"
A symbol who says"I'll be flooded with that story" with you,you're sitting in front of the screen
Missiles from the Russian time has conducted three nuclear tests on the ground.
This year,you own the latest missiles.
It means "I want you to see it from North Korea."
They are totally unacceptable from North Korea.
You can see it "International is worried about North Korea,"
You should throw it away. (The word "nuclear disarmament" is used in the subtitles.)
In other words, Making ... Nuclear is "Difficult".
From others for sponsorship,it was said to be "NPT, Non Nuclear weapon states,
NPT is a framework outside of something."
You got a Christmas gift.
Non Nuclear weapon states are working NPT framework with lots of Christmas decorations.
In other words, throw what you should throw away in the place of that framework.
Space will increase.
Who receives what everyone has thrown away?I want NPDI.
If it is we can distribute the thing called International community,"the land will be common ground".
Next time, I (Minister Kono) would like to carry out a nuclear test.
Power will destroy about the wall.I'm still a military force.
I will believe in another military force,the result will be better than North Korea.
You can get CTBT from Nuclear Test.
Which did carry out this in the world?
Forces of nuclear weapons, you will get some treaty.
"Japan" becomes a place with only transparent air."
North Korea is disappearing in the name of International.
You have Interforce?
You can reach the top of the CTBT, from the ground?
World free Nuclear wearpons with nuclear weapons will be launched from the ground?
"Japan will become a country where you will have one in the world."?
What does that mean?
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs,I visited Hiroshima Nagasaki.
That was my first experience.
"Feel the threat of an atomic bomb,You're a hibakusha."
I'll throw it away.
Japan feels a very important responsibility for discarding them.
Who feels the reality of atomic bombs?
World Japan will visit each region and the world that "Japan has come".
I want to fill my heart with something.
A feeling in my mind that something has increased.
I would like to visit the area.
International Organization, Civil Society ,the same thing , I say "I think I can make a better world," with the word of "If ...".
That is the solution.
Today,there is a profitable story.
Toward Nuclear weapon?
I need everyone's support.
A good way to solve various unpleasantat once,
Would you like to become a First Committee of United Nations General Assembly?
The advocating title (crown) is United Action.
.. If you add various things afterwards, only an unpleasant story Towards the
"Unfortunately ..." isn't enough ...
The approach from the other direction is the same.
It isn't clear.
That is destroyed so that becomes transparent?
Nuclear ,it's a place. "Further complicate" is.
It means that there is a place outside to stand in these Circumstances.
Each one is a detector ,accepted story isn't as a profitable story,and they say "Trust" TRUST among all states.
After all, so "we have to take United Action for ourselves"is an obligation.
Japan is reluctant to make every thing.
Create ...?
When I try to create something, everything starts to say Nuclear ..
Building Momentum is just the clock part of the time bomb.... of Neclear weapons ...
Such a clear solution began to permeate from the top.
The number of things are likely a profitable story in the clear solution method.
I was able to show it to everyone.
I think everyone should have a good understanding of the International community.
I see people with an interest "If I think it's profitable"
After all, the profit story is Nuclear ..
On October 11, I shared an important story.
And I'm talking about that.
I envy the development of North Korea,
The development of North Korea is due to the possession.
Does it mean that the person who digs a hole in the ground and escapes has too bad personality?
NPT Regime (hole organization?) Has been created. . (?)
North Korea will be repeated ,I envy you, probably because ICBM Bolistic missile is emotional,in the vicinity of Japan.
I understand the beginning of the dialogue.
The story from the Japanese side in an international gathering said
"Unfortunately ...
People wander around Japan, becoming "Security concerns.""
It's not Christmas, don't please.
I was angry and I have received support with Nuclear states and, and then "another area."(a boundary line that surrounds), which is not clear?
You shouldn't be as happy as Nuclear states and together.
It is an important obligation for people of all countries.
Otherwise, the transparent the NPT,will use its power on the contrary, and it will give an opinion as the NPT.
NPT's opinion is "Prospective"
The comforts of the organization (NPDI Prospective?) is not Japan,
Perhaps I think to everyone.
"However, the name of .."
If you try something called CTBT, I think that is tremendous destructive problem,I haven't tried it yet.
For the Step to International community, that is not Nuclear.
We can get water, and however, the argument has been said North Korea,that is the most unusual country by the armed governing.
I call it the Resolution of the UN Security Concil.
"Why don't you sign, CTBT?"?
I don't think the name "Japan" is unnecessary anymore,until the day.
Does Japan mean,does it mean the inside of the CTBT?
Does it mean that one person inside the CTBT for sabotage?
Japan participated in the place under the name "CTBT Support",
Instead of impress the name of Japan.
Unique experience is taking an office
It's not Christmas,
The sense of hibakusha in the NPT framework.
Everyone of all ages, people of all countries, everyone,
Please stand up by yourself as free of nuclear weapons.
Where are you in order to tell for some reason, with the hibakusha?
I think, "There are world leaders or children on the ground."
I am the only one, but I would like to cooperate with everyone in each region as the "Government of Japan".
Let's become an organization called together.
When I will make Nuclear again so ,let's start talking!)
○Independence of music company area is called "together" ?
Enya Book of days https://youtu.be/2cj9yez4n00
Project Italy?(2) Regard EuropeOrinoco flow https://youtu.be/2zkjQVh5KmQ
Tripoli answered at first.エジプトのクリスマス2
Sebu,what's Power of Babylon? At the Gate of Babylon
My online travel has sttoped.
Golden age of basket ball in W.DC
In the cold war,Dr.Green proposed Alliance?
60 years ago,and I realize that there're 60 years.
This Alliance is based "Common values"shared by 2 democracy?
"Japan is a US military training facility"
"Self-defense force is a practice partner"
"Concern Effort"
"Demonstrate Capability to the region"
First North Korean crisis in 1993 was an attacking.
Revision guideline 1997 was limited law.
I thought there was something surrounding Japan.
1998 North Korea Bolistic missile and terrorist attacks sep 11.
The war in Afghanistan and Iraq war ,Beijing in 2011 and Japan was hit by Global security
that depends on military technology.
It was setting new guidelines.
Response Capabilities of Alliance,2015 guidelines
(Japanese or SDF's?)Registration to the US forces also including enhancement under JAXA?
Development was the United States is expanded(by Japanese people.)
Capability Japan and US Alliance is stronger.
Environment of "International order" is expanding influence.
Interstate composition is Increasing on Technology.
How we fight?
We(Japan and US?)lost in contemporary, but we lost in the sea too, but there're still in space and cyberspace.
Advanced military capability is enhancing military capability.
We were allowed to play a game called military activity in "India Pacific Region."
The area also includes the Japan and archipelago.
I was told that the country is in this region.
"Country" has a different mindset in terms of security and property protection.
We need "a regional security framework" that integrates two interests just like NATO.
We're also doing DPRK in North Korean,the South China Sea issue is the only problem.
Only the area around Senkaku Island is Our Territorial Water.
I am surprised that the Chinese army is in control of the military.
In another play called maritime activity, China is expanding and increasing.
Aircraft carrier? the runway ...?
China harass our South China Sea by marriage.
I think the threat isn't a military force, it's such a sudden marriage behavior for now.
I thought the Pacific Ocean was the sea of Japan, but China is doing something different with the United States.
I said "Chinese plane has passed over our Pacific Ocean".
China responded it by CJ20.
I thought China also had missiles.
“China” is increasing as a missile shape like the CJ20.
China isn't party of INF tree.
I signed at cold war.
China engages the frame work, what is INF? Russia?
But it's not Russia.
It's a story "I can get Mutual Interesting in Russia too" for me.
It's also Freedom and democracy, Asian countries.
It can be called a Complicated Social Structures too.
It can be called "Myanmar and Cambodia" too.
Then can be translated into Advancing democracy,
after that,it will be converted to a name called Indo-Pacific Region.
The conference brought together many foreign ministers from the Pacific Australia, New Zealand France and UK.
So I finally visited Beijing last month.
I was said that Japan would be better to take action to expand the PRA East China Sea.
We welcomed President Xi jinping as a national guest too.
China wants to expand China but we have to say that we are in a difficult environment.
Activities are trying to get the United States into the territory.
"Indo-Pacific" is possible to give it to China as a share, but India-Pacific cannot be given "China".
"Indo-Pacific" is the Newer type of destroyers or Japanese IZUMO class destroyers air craft?
I want to provide the safe flight environment by participating in outer space defense.
In other words, we want to fly over the Pacific Ocean instead of China.
So far the area is very small.
What is the Human Resources?
We decided to exclude women from the story.
Tthe environment was the 1st ever female helicopter operator,Aegis Destroyer Commander..
Sometimes we need a woman.
Her name is Russia.
There are no plans for Russia to appear this year.
Japan and United States share it, such as freedom or the rule of law.
You may think Japan has a bad personality, but I decided that only Japanese and American men should share such values.
The name is TPP Transpacific Partnership.
This year, a region called the Pacific region will be created, and New rules will serve to distribute something to the countries participating in TPP.
Such countries include Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
I will return to TPP12 with the harvest, in the near future.
You should know how the world sits next to you to explain the situation surrounding Japan,
It is better to recognize on the map what is the most important in the world?
Japan US alliance is the strongest in the world
The Indo pacific region will take you to the new platform.
There are 50,000 troops of US troops stationed on the platform in Japan.
Japan is an ally of the US military, so Japan will be an ally of the United States to protect own safety.
"What is stability? "
"It maybe Universal value."
Just paraphrase it like that.
The United States said "all work is done." ?
I am grateful that I get the job of the Minister of Defense to see the limits as a Foreign Minister.
the castle conservations
the castle conservations 2
the castle conservations 3
the castle conservations 2 の話です。分かりにくい内容になっているのですが、
関連記事 イタリアのアフリカの話10
(I want to select the best Italian Prime Minister's comment for the topic.
The former prime minister was talking about a brochure, is the story related to Japan too?
A movie called Others? アザーズ
I thought the Queen said how many British friends(Others) are there. イギリス学習中)
Did you get that kind of CD technology,the results of the modern revolution, or the Middle East?
Can you be Arabs?
TV broadcasting technology was also behind China and people in the Middle East, Europe?
So which country can do government TV broadcasting?
I think I'm in the US military area.
The area is supposed to be a slave dynasty that continues Japan.
There is also an Arabic video because it has an Arabic language.
Or is India's Prime Minister Modi ready to announce the government?
Is the Italian government good?
American scholars Many European scholars,want Italy really on TV.
Germany and the United States decided the Pacific concept from eastern Africa.
So I want something like a government announcement
The Italian government would be able to broadcast government TV to the United States or Germany to say hello.
Rosetta Stone in England and the independence of the British Museum speak European.
the British people want a rare British royalty in Bollywood.
That's the story.
Afghanistan enters the slave dynasty?
Will Afghanistan build a palace to go to the central of that slave dynasty?
The Turkish Empire did not appear in the Muhammad Ali dynasty,
It is written in Iran that the Golestan Palace of the Slave Dynasty was completed by the Soviet Union and England.
So I think it's about going Europe is not integrated with the slave dynasty (Italy)
I think I can understand it.
Who want the ones from Israel in India?
Britain said Israel Before.
The slave dynasty doesn't make the mystery that is the behavior of himself.
The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs went to the United States.
Yesterday, I saw it on the Internet for the first time.
wikipedia 日本国との平和条約 ?
Is it important?
I know only the title of the treaty ...
It's unnecessary for the conversation in the town ...
Foreigners are too interested in Japan.
I'm not thinking of engaging with foreigners ...
I know they're the foreigner in Japan. 銀座には立ち入り禁止! ・天馬の国40
47 countries with Japan and the United States is the enemy of America.
49 countries go to easy game, US-UK composition.
There will be two countries.
Recently "Ethiopia was attacked by nuclear weapons." is the story.
The French plan to set up a Yemen support center and the Japanese plan to flee to Yemen.
In the treaty are those Ethiopian Liberia in Africa?
This is a daydream.ファン・カルロス1世のメッセージ1979年
Or are those Ethiopian from South Africa?青いカーテンの部屋 - Way to ShangHai
To sell Japanese tea Ethiopian have signed treaties ,they build Japanese Tea Christian church in Africa?イギリス学習中
What is it?
Indo Pacific の話、別記事を更新しました。ラニア王妃5