2016/03/09 12:48:02
The Village Trailer https://youtu.be/sZSk48cYCKk
Okinawa Off Base Housing
ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 23
習氏、ボーイング社工場を視察 - 大型商談も成立
Egypt confirms Russian plane crashes in Sinai ?
(Okinawa Off Base Housing )
障害者支援を充実して byアメリカ アメリカ人だけキレイで身分
→最近書いた記事 ブッシュ大統領とイラク戦争って何?
浜辺の水着のグラビアアイドルは偉い人 続報? The Old Game
The Princess Diaries(プリティプリンセス)&The Prince
この人→Market's model - the girl with the silver spoon
Israel used to sell vegetables in Kyoto.
安禄山の乱 8 架空世界のモスク
Israel had recently sold vegetables too.
Israel sold the land in Japan after the world war.
The Japanese buy land with Japanese money.
Some people traveld with only money.
I think Japanese currency that can be used in the US.
So I think the United States says "Japanese are dead".
Many Japanese became the vegetable seller.
You can buy.
The story that so how does Israel do it? It is a story to say.
Perhaps it is to sell that can't be cultivated by people.
Japan says "Independence of handicap affliction School".
It is said that the school is independent.
The story is that people with disability read a note written by Israel and eventually sells the field.
Are they Israeli in Turkey?
The fields make a government Israeli and sell products from the United States.
It's a world that the United States trusted the Japanese as Israelis.
A field with disabilities trusts Japanese to be in their school for business.
The previous story Japanese was Israeli was completely wrong.
Then the Turkish government came out.
If you think about Middle Eastern old tales, it was useless.Turkish Empire had gone.
So would the Japanese want to get credit again?シリアの花嫁
wiki カルロス2世 (スペイン王)
湾岸の偉い人 ?
Prince of Persia ?
2016/08/19 15:48:25
GO - Fire Work
農林水産省 http://www.maff.go.jp/j/keiei/koukai/wakariyasu.html
How American buy agricultural land in Japan
White mother merely sending things to eat whimsically from Europe.
White mother are always speaking their opinion.
They say
We thought you were African person.
We thought you were Chinese.
Do you hate them?
White aren't our children.
People in land in Japan are excellent.
Are you a prisoner?
Your agricultural parents Japanese don't give you something to eat.
If Japan dry up things to eat, your life is over.
You can not touch something to eat in Japan.
Japan is a government agency that is called "education".
Even President Obama does not meet adoption criteria.
So,Japan can't put him in top government agencies in Japan.
We want to kill white mother. don't we?
But where is our mother living?
I don't know, but do you know?
You isolated and she has food at unknown place.
White don't tell us where holds something to eat in Japan.
There is only a telephone and a desk at this address and you can buy a suit at the shop,
but she will not tell you the location of the factory sewing suit.
She does not tell me the location of the field of the suit material.
Do you buy Hatake?
Get better than Japanese.(=White)
<量産されるサイン - デリー高層ビル街の破壊>
高層ビル街が映っている動画 https://www.youtu.be/g0eO74UmRBs
What kind of story India was talking about because the Indians were threatening me.
I thik the story is almost over.
The red castle
Queen Victoria treaty with the US military in Japan don't understand English.
The British palace is droped and no British in it.
Is it such a place?
Grandmother's country,Foreigners who do not have a of British bloodline.
It's easy to enter in it,I don't know where the palace is.
輝くほとりに17 The Black Prince
Is there any point to do now?
I don't know because I live in a country that has a...I didn't know.
→ ドラえもん~
→ イタリアで豪華客船が転覆4
青いカーテンの部屋 Game三国志のこと
Bolesław II Rogatka という人の家系図を持ったべるばらのオスカルのようなキャラクターがいたとして・・・ということで、結構、整合性の取れた話を書いているつもりなんですけど、
ちょっと検索したらその戦いに関わっているオーストリア公フェルディナンド オブ ハプスブルグという人がいるみたいなんですけど・・・(妄想物語のBolesław II Rogatka という人とは)結婚していないみたいなんですよね~
うみねこの国 は、ぼんやりと書き始めて、曖昧な内容なのですが、
Someone rebuilt Japan with the apartments
I thought that's the town of McDonald but McDonald withdraws to the United States...?
That's why everyone says something strange..
"Anyway how do you do a revolution / lockdown?
Japan is also Muslim and All U.S. forces withdraw outside Japan.
When the U.S. military returns to the United States Emperor restores castle territory"...
Umineco also should go out to some foreign country.
TV says, "There are Internet cafe refugees."
Japanese TV says "Did a Turkish ship come to the rescue for those in need?"
Does it mean that Umineco was abandoned by an American, but she's waiting for rescue?
It's completely different.
Is Japanese TV going to be a criminal?
Turkey just talked about JICA's story that Japan has something to do with it.
In fact, I've never met Turkish government,
I personally don't ask the Turkish government for help.
Perhaps the criminal is like an Indian who wants Microsoft?
"Umineco doesn't have home is in great trouble.
That's why she really needs Bill Gates.
So Bill Gates may have been kidnapped by Turkey."
Do you think does it mean that the internet cafe is first called Turkey and then Italy?
The Italian prime minister said, "(At comune shiodome?), we will announce a political activity called a five-star movement."
According to the TV story, there were refugees in Japan, and with the support of Turkey, they started running their ranch
and sold Turkish food to people around the University of Tokyo.
But now,is comune shiodome (Internet cafe?) the place where President Erdogan brings food to sell?
You're asking if you can live there together.
Was it a cafe for Mr.Bill Gates?
Umineco was supposed to be a worker in the town of McDonald
McDonald withdraws from the town and the town becomes for other American shop I 'm a worker.
But Turkey starts business with Japanese ,Turkey says that the store must be a Turkish restaurant.
Are workers Turkish?
Everything has disappeared under the Turkish name.
Who says, "Turkey is sold to this Umineco country."...
Is there a country like this?
Even after returning to McDonald's, there is another American store.
That's why Umineco doesn't say "I'm a native (Japanese)".
Is it a student?
For the time being, the University of Tokyo should escape from the kidnapper's house and stay in the University of Tokyo?
They've heard that there are goods to support Africa in Japan.
With JICA,a 13-year-old African girl with her children is going to be the president of the area ,Russia can be doing it.
Who traded slaves? Was it the Kingdom of France?
Southern Sudan is the same chocolate story?
It has nothing to do with Umineco.
To make a new state Russia has to have the imperial rescript.
Country name Ancient Libya?
Did Prime Minister Conte say
"I didn't have enough costumes
Italian companies are making too much money
The prime minister just wears the clothes for the race. "?
(イタリア企業儲かる? )
Actually everyone needs the Turkish hat in Comune Shiodome.
And he was the Prime Minister?
Who did think about "Rise of American army" in the same area?
Bringing the country together You say you're Russia?
What is Syria?
Many people already got babies and they won
"Maybe we can make hats for everyone at a gold mine in Brazil."?
(★Do you recognize Japan?
What is Japan? I 'm Japanese but I don't know.
India forgot egypt India says Peyton
and was he a half-breed at Sogdiana?
Peyton killed Sogdiana Philippos?
The place I'm telling about is Lydia
Menandros was a general.
Ptolemy's name appears from his page ,in Japanese.
He appears soon to have attached himself to the party of Antigonus and was the first to give Antigonus information about the ambitious schemes of Perdiccas for marrying Cleopatra.[3] In the new distribution of the provinces at Triparadisus (321 BC) he lost the government of Lydia, which was given to Cleitus;[3] but this was probably only in order that he might liaise more easily with Antigonus,
Peyton, you better stop
You say you want india
I say are you saying you(India) are me(Japanese)?
It says that Ptolemy being asked anything before.)
Then you just have to wear the dress.
All Turkish hats are made of golden.
Then Turkish hats come into the US Army to ask "Why is the medical team of colored races in the lower position?"
and rebuilt...
"If the structure of The apartment is built as it is,it's strange."?
The story of Turkey is strange.
"It's already creating a story without permission.
I'm starting to talk about that."?
Who doesn't know who has no Japanese pedigree?
This story was very far from Japan.
Turkish President, President Fahri Korutürk. His last name was given by the first president, Kemal Ataturk.
He worked in Rome, Berlin, Stockholm.
In 1936, he participated in negotiations to conclude the Montreux Treaty as a military expert.
What was the Montreux Treaty?
He retired from the Navy Commander in 1960.
Shortly after his retirement, President Gemal Gulsel appointed him the Federal Ambassador to the Soviet Union and then the Ambassador to Spain.
In 1968, he was appointed to the Senate by President Jevdet Sunai.
He was elected the 6th President of Turkey by the Turkish National Assembly on April 6, 1973.
President Gemal Gulsel was a man from the Ottoman Empire?
Is he the topic of the battle of Galipoli?
In China, the Korean Peninsula, Japan ...?
What are you saying is that president Erdogan will give the gas in the Mediterranean in Turkey?
Did the oil nation make it in Iran?
Are those Japaneselike Clothes shops, Italian restaurants, Turkish Kebab shops foreign country in "Umineco country"?
Where is President Erdogan is bringing food for "Lockdown"?
Is thipresident Xi really China? イタリアで豪華客船が転覆4 ??
They also called India ...
"Japanese restaurant e will return to India ..."
"The country name was India"
But it never happened, right?
What are they doing in Tokyo?
Who is he (from India)?
I think he says...
He has TV in India?
Then, is it okay to say that presidente Conte is the top clerk of the aprons?
Is it okay to call the group of restaurants Comune Shiodome?
But the government is in Italy,it's a rented house in Italy,but there are houses in Japan?
Is it something like realizing your dreams in Japan?
Did restaurants borrow the Quirinale during the time of President Napolitano?
I don't know ...
When I went to a restaurant to work part-time, there were scary customers who said, "Who buy food with money?"
After that,those customers are clerk at the restaurant ,"You should buy it"?
Nobody care about religion before but the customers who got the restaurant are a kind of Italian and the religion is only Christianity.
That's why I'm asking, "Is the school system changing?"
People from public schools was jealous of Christian private schools.
To make the public school called Eton College in England, which is also attended by royalty,
"Into a public school I didn't have a uniform at school, but I'll have time to create a uniform and read the Bible or sing hymns.."
Christian private schools mean that someone remained at school?
At first, they said they were Chinese with Lamian(Chinese food) shop.
But I think "what happened to the former store manager" is a lie.
I cared the contract farm of the stores ,and McDonald's also returned to the United States?
But I was just a part-time job,that's why I can't know anything.
Then you look at this map of Japan,is it okay to say that there are Turkish gas ships and Russian troops in addition to the US troops?
Anyway, the wedding magazine that wears that wedding dress is a Turkish wedding magazine,
It has nothing to do with Europe.
They are saying that they are "selling"
They said "Don't come to the store" and then who can say "Let's make the store together"?
If you say ," the store manager and the store can be left as they are, right?" I think it's a lie.
Comune Shiodome is the residential area for Christian churches, schools, hospitals, city halls, "in the Turkish area" ?
So I need to return to Yokohama now,
"When the US government signed a treaty with other Europe, Russia, and Japan about 300 years ago.
I was a geisha around Yokohama and I have foreigner's children. "
Comune Shiodome you're saying, "It's the country of mothers who buy foreign children in Yokohama,"
Is it Giuseppe Conte restaurants in charge of food in Italy( or Europe?)
But in reality, Comune Shiodome is the ancient Egyptian royalty (Libya?)
They also sell at recycle shops, and they are souvenirs from the Egyptian exhibition, right?
With the different status(, but what is it?)
"Japanese " "I need Japanese language"?
"I heard that you have a relationship "?
"Everyone goes to the store, you should just buy it at the store."?
What do you buy?
But I didn't have a house, and I had them prepare something to sell at my part-time job, so I just worked ...
Does it mean Italian Comune Shiodome need Japanese language in the Japanese shops?
"I'm in trouble there is no choice but to say that who wishes it was free of charge .."?
But in the end, I wonder if people are eating Lamian in such areas.
I'd like to find it, what does it mean for ? Is it independent?
Even if people say,"restaurant with Italian president" ,what is it is n’t it?
Trailer https://youtu.be/Vu494-Dr5po
Turkey President Erdogan said " Open your doors " https://youtu.be/I10SfBZPwRk
In short,will Turkey live in a part of Japan without the US army?
My Government,My Minister UK Leaves Europe
シルト攻防戦 11
American think about the movie Ágora ?
But I don't know why I think of this movie.
Is the lock down to make a room for children by children?
Europe should be independent in America and the other immigration is a problem.
I wrote that there is also colored government in America for immigrants.
African government Ethiopia is ok for me.
Do you say Iran will do Egypt (Africa)? I was an Iranian too.
I think government of Ethiopia.
But Japan will broadcast that Japanis the African government in America.
Japan is saying it but the language is Latin or Italian and Japanese Prime Minister is Mr.Conte?
He is an Italian who supports immigrants..
イタリア人は誰になりたいの? 2
This is written in Japanese about it インドが変、多分そういうこと
"Of course I know many people thought President Obama is okay.
What do you think of President Obama? "
President Obama? says ここはイギリスじゃないんですか?!
なぜキプロスは・・ but he is from Hawaii.
The more ,President Obama met former Italian Prime Minister Letta.
謎の国イタリア ?
Fox News :Texas will not allow a hostile surge
Where should this article (お姫様になりたくないの? ) go?
President Bush of Texas is in Africa, the Imperial Palace of Japan, right?
Do you say, "What do they think about the people of this cross?"
What does President Obama say to the Japanese Imperial Palace?
Is it a conflict?
Anyway, what is it?
Texas → New Jersey?
NJ gov candidate Jack Ciattarelli responds to Murphy's comments about lockdown orders
What is this threatening news?
He is doing lockdowns to trying to manage immigrants?
You call him "Africa" or Libya?, right? Is Russia also there?
"How to report in the Empire of Japan"?
McCarthy: Biden is making every city in America a border city
Does he(Japanese emperor?) became head of state of the United States of colored people, but does it mean domestically?
He says he's doing something like the European government.
Is lockdown a threat to self-destruct in the United States with a nuclear explosion?
Ingraham: Democrats use kids as props
Yokosuka U.S. Navy's stupid town isn't small,the town is full of suspicious shops to make Japanese emperors.
Made in Japan is Christian product similar to American products ,moreover, Chinese workers also use it.
Is Made in China product of a Christian country similar to Europe?
China does not admit it.
When you buy the Chinese product, savage Chinese to destroy the Christian room appear and you can't live in China with products.
The U.S. military is telling us
"If you live in Japan ,you should use those shops you can make it true Christian city."
Convenience store McDonald's Mister Donut pizza shop , because Japan is small ,is it bout 10 store names?
I'm very painful.I can't keep up with the theory of that US military.
What was the products?
They want to buy Isram things ,Israel now?
Japanese landowner's town grows in line with American economic growth.
After working at the factory, after returning home from the office,you eat at the table with a glass cup, right?
You also put beer in a glass bottle, right?
Is it a product sales contract with a foreign country, or is it a domestic product?
"Italy is the inventor of glass,
do you like talking about glass cups?"
The person who sells Italian goods and becomes rich must be Italian.
So the Japanese language is not in Vatican.
But Japanese say they're independent of the Turks in Tokyo Camii, right?
Turks are good at grabbing food and water.
Have Turkish treaties sent Europeans living in the territory to travel?
However, there are real Europeans living in Turkish territory,
Japanese who speak Italian are Italian.
The Japanese who speak English are British, right?
Suddenly, Turkey says, "Japan is also a member of Europe."?
What do you think of the US military saying that you should listen to the suspicious European Christianity story?
I want my kitchen at home.
I don't think it has anything to do with their Christmas.
It is better than living in suspicious Europe.
I want to do Christmas in America, with a European who was kicked out of Turkey.
does everyone go to Europe or America anyway?
I have to listen to what the real Europeans are saying in Japan too.
Just say "You are of color, so you should live in Iran"
Distributing Beanie Babies and caring for Buddhist temples is also the military power of the US military.
The frog is ours and others are for Christmas.
For the time being, I would like Japan to be divided into two.
You can do that with the American government of color (Ethiopia).
I hope you can talk about coffee transactions too.
Can I buy rice at your McDonald's town?
Is McDonald's in Ethiopia?
You're telling me to make a world with a McDonald's door only in Turkey and Egypt recently?
The food in the town made by that Yokosuka U.S. Navy is McDonald's, but that Europe(Japan and Turkey) say it's not European food?
Besides, that US military in Japan says they don't like Christmas.
"Don't say Christmas is strong, everyone."
It means that I am impossible in my parents' house.
Like a Turkish treaty revision I'll be kicked out from the house.
I have to leave the house. Are you going on a trip?
I can be someone like Iranian in Japan,if there is a good man...
Match.com is made for me in Japanese, by Someone kind person ...and only those Japanese kids are lined up in the photos.
That's why it's hard to find.
So what I want is the more stronger port city and match.com.
I asked for his help ...because he was wearing crucifix clothes and he said Spain.
He became UN? ..Leonardo DiCaprio?
( Or is he Egyptian President Sisi? He didn't talk.
Iraq unity in meeting )
Why are only other families prospering?
Their Kids are also called special kids.
All the kids are Christians,Europeans who gives orders to the status of a Christian above the Christians.
Are they relative of the European royal family?
There are a lot of amazing people.
"I have a college diploma" ?
"Paying for kindergarten I am having children."?
Does their house mean Turkey? Is it Egypt?
What is their home town?
Anyway, they say it's an enviable place to dream about, which has all the enviable American and European things.
What is the bloodline ...
Do you recognize the King of Egypt in the United States?
I don't understand English General James Mattis talked he hoped UN ,Leonardo DiCaprio?? ↓ )
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate2
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate3
What's gay?!
General James Mattis speech in 2019 October
The business "There is a country called the United States" first went to space,
a man and I are told "I'm thinking about getting married" by aliens,my mom will come out
"I'm a parent""He's the one who wants me, what is it?"
"I forgot to tell you to such a store."
I'm learning "Don't meet anyone" "your mom is anymore"
What does it mean for me to run away from home many times?
Did you run away from home because you didn't like it?
When I look at American entertainers, there are some moms who come out
"I'm imitating an American entertainer you're watching"
"So don't look at foreigners anymore." Is that Leonardo DiCaprio?
Does he often say, "I'm going to leave home many times and go abroad."?
Do they make a Japanese translation site that you are interested in your favorite singer?
"You say, "This is the one who can speak English" or "I'll teach you" , right?" ?
Russia is coming to Tokyo, so you can do it, right?
Who was "I want to prepare a dating site"?
Conversation with Russians?
I haven't learned Russian but I need blue eyes people ...
Well,blue eyes in Turkey?
Say "Would you like to become my rival Russian?"
Anyone who says "Don't talk to ugly!" can be lovers like Russians.
"You can easily register for a Russian dating site."
If President Obama also comes, it will be a more complicated story, right?
The Russians said, "That strange people are family", right?
Still, there is a treaty between Korea and President Obama and Russia.
Turkey has also come out by President Erdogan.
Are Russian women already using it?
No, Russia thought about Spain.
Spain is bad ,liar?
comune汐留 ?
Um, I think Italian predecessors are good to get things in Japanese island.
What is that?
Was that my marriage and parenting costs in Japan?
イタリアのアフリカの話12 ?
米軍の作ってる神 ? (return to オバマ大統領の敬称は殿下? )
オランダ - ドイツ人のお父さんの作った国 ?
Ukraine story was PM Letta and 100 Euro bill?
I'd like to talk about such a complicated story.
Does President Erdogan mean the treaty signed in Turkish ?
Is it a sentence full of expressions of a sex shop?
Is it also called Spain?
I want to talk freely to people I want to talk to,
"Are you only wearing US military clothes?"
"Only acquaintances of the Turkish president?"
"I can't trust the U.S. military"
That complicates the great story.
Am I such an important geisha?
Will Leonardo DiCaprio try it?
I've been doing it me and I want some results.
I don't know what American interests are ...when I get it ,is it funny?
" Say I get it for the(german) Emperor's wedding" (ドイツ人のいる場所 ?)
It ’s not the face of such a descendant of the imperial family.
It means that the guy who is dating me will be like an leader.
Who is it?
I'm saying that it is using nuclear weapons in India and this time it is going to use it for Iranian people.
Will the hearts of the descendants of the Iranian imperial family be filled with hatred?
Is that kind of story?
"So why don't you go to America to get your man?"?
Who is General Mattis?
"NASA guy smart"?
"Why don't you use a NASA man to throw it away?"?
"Why don't you beat the beautiful blonde girl? She 's your rival TV announcer"?
"Did the announcer tell you that you were equal?"?
What kind of relationship do I go to that TV station?
"You think something is wrong, right?
Why did Trump appear?" ?
No.1 man I want to date in the United States?
Is Melania the woman I'm aiming for?
Is that a sample of the child I want?
Is the successor an old man named Biden?
What shall we talk about later?
"Americans lost
America is hurt
Is it surprising that my boyfriend is the Secretary of Defense?" ?
How can the Secretary of Defense date me?
I just think to live normally and date a normal guy normally.I'm wondering.
Do you want me to say, "I'm reflecting on it now and aiming for it"?
Someone who says what to buy. (return to ドイツ人のいる場所 ↑)
(★★The customer gave money to the builder to make their dream come true.
So the apartments lined up like in a mountain
So who is the employees who got the money?
There are a lot of people from Japanese Self-Defense Forces.
It was the sales of the condominium.
"Make your dreams come true ..."
Anyway I should pay it to school
When I was looking for the place I found Rilakkuma and the game center.
(庶民派プリンセス and リラックマ写真集 )
"Make your dreams come true." I gave it.
Then I don't know ,because I didn't know.
India said come back to India, the place for us in India should be Yokohama.
And I think I was looking for my friend ↑(image)
I think I live in an American town in Yokohama and I am talked by President Erdogan.
Is my translation correct?
He said ,because he is a father he has to have something to give to his children.
Is it the ship, Blue...? )
That's not my cafe but that's my coffee.
They need the same seat."
Are you saying that?
Japanese article オスマン帝国の行方5 ?
President Obama needs my seat?
Are there also people from Iraq? Iran? Turkey?
What is it?
Why do they all want to be a geisha in Yokohama in the end?
What is that?
Is the beautiful woman President Erdogan representative Leonardo DiCaprio?)
Japanese article オスマン帝国の行方7 ?
I tell Iran about a singer,he has good face 哪咤
Is he also Leonardo DiCaprio ?
He needs his stage actually...
"Turkey needed Queen but there's Emine Erdogan"?
What is the United States on this table?
(★★Prime Minister Conte said that the cost of studying abroad would be free
"Help him ,realize hismy dream"to Italians.
His dream is in the American port town in Yokohama.
Realize his dreams right away and Close his university gate!
He will come with his children to someone over the gate.
Un anno fa Giuseppe Conte annunciava il lockdown: "Non c'è più tempo" ?
Dichiarazioni del Presidente Conte | 11/3/2020 | video con sottotitoli ?
Giuseppe Conte 31/10/21 ?
You have to stop him at a place like the Quirinale, too.
Is it a white house?
White House is not reliable recently.
Go to Hickam?
The United States is about to lose its foothold in Yokohama.
Yokohama is small ... you don't need it, so give your money to residence.
I think Leonardo DiCaprio means withdraw to California.)
I don't know about Mr.Biden's face,ok?
I don't know.
I don't understand foreign language.
安政五カ国条約 ?(湾岸の偉い人)
What is the Izu Shimoda tour now?
"What is this ship?" (USS Susquehanna )
Do you think the geisha's dream was a tour of Izu Shimoda?
Taxi drivers were also surprised.
In front of that ship,a mental illness walked with a woman...
Do Americans want to know about that ship too?
It's already a child's generation.
When I want to email someone from the Navy, the person in the photo is writing the text.
I don't know if a Japanese write it on your behalf it ’s a really funny story, isn’t it?
Well, after that email I want say "I feel like I'm just surprising."
I expect the mental illness will appear in the world I don't know ...
It is also about Hakone.
Hakone was a memorial place for foreigners.
To take a woman around in Hakone ,anything to say?
"View of the mountainous For foreigners only"?
I say "what is it?"
"The big panorama is what you see from the cable car is Kannon somehow"?
"It is a big grave at the temple after the war.
"Sei Shonagon" or "Murasaki Shikibu"'s grave.
anyone can buy a grave with money.
The tomb of "You can build it"
Well, your mom can buy it now." ?
After that,"My baby wins." appeared.
I don't know about their face they're man with woman and children.
Next was a man of magnificent Turkey,"What the hell she can't say anything."?
In the treaty,Japan is only about Yokohama, Hakodate, Shimoda, Nagasaki, Niigata ...?
The elite company of the P-5 states, the United States, Russia, China, Great Britain, and France?
The geisha is not the people of Izu Shimoda.
Thanks to the people of the foreign government, I finally write this blog.
In Shimoda ,a train is called "Dancer" ran to Izu.
Maybe a geisha Izu Shimoda became the destination of the treaty between the United States and Japan.
I've always said that Yokohama is an American city,the same treaty has the name of Yokohama.
Izu Shimoda says "five ports is the place you always live in"?
USS Susquehanna belongs to any of the territories of the five ports?
Because I think the other people are the same, but you don't know?
Well,there are races that seem to be entertain.
Do you have "habits of the countryside"?
"I didn't take anything before" ?
There is a strange person next to me who says, "I gave birth to you."
Is that a person who ask to my Callsign?
"Don't you meet face-to-face?"
Well, I'm imagining.
The territory of Japan has become ...what?
What would you do if I said which one was...
Well, a similar person ?
I don't know ,From 安禄山の乱 50 Dark Angel ,there is President Obama.
My family might have been come from India long time ago,it's legend.
I think I was in the south in China,once I thought to moving but I didn't.
I have been writing Grass Valley's articles and this time I will be going to use Chinese musicians.
His Home City Nara19
安禄山の乱 22 日本人の(?)心のふるさと
日本人の(?)心のふるさと2 イスラエルを探す旅
日本人の(?)心のふるさと3 ~ Silent Mebius
+English 天空戦記 シュラト
crossroads 昔見たアニメの夢 3 の続き
It's not 1300years ago 水上灯
Optimistic - My neighbor's bonfire smokes badly
In China town Mr.Deguchi doesn't have any Chinese songs.
Kyoto University?
But I don't see China yet.
After all, from "FAKE",I am impossible in that Chinese town.
In Spain, is there someone else?
Is Letizia Ortiz good for that job?
Do her two girls have confidence in Letizia?
I don't have my microphone and he is the voice of myself or the whole Japanese.
It's also the voice of all Europeans.
Letizia Ortiz is the announcer clasping her microphone?
It takes longtime to reach England,Queen Elizabeth.
Is this the Spanish port that opened in Yokosuka?
Does Spanish king goes between China and Japan and finally go to England with Japanese?
Are you doing something like that?
I Really Like You / Carly Rae Jepsen
Well,is it a dish cooked by a girl in the school?
So he has elder wife. Honey, you like making me wait for it
What's "Walking up to the room oh yeah Late night
waching television"?
He says to his wife "How'd we get in this position"?
McDonald's and Iran are incompatible in the status.
So ,in Japan,Iran's Chaihan or kiosk withdraws.
McDonald's and the Chinese bananas selling in vending machines are ready right now?
India doesn't say anything in that situation?
After the withdraw I'm talking about a donut shop I'm an Israel by India?
On the contrary, India said to stop McDonald's.
Well then, Chinese and banana restaurants are left.
All Chinese.What's that black Indian?
He told us he doesn't need the curry shop in Japan too.
"Let's open the Chinese store"?
I can't do it.
India is the introduction of Arab dancers too,Japanese dancer , Sony Music??
What's that?
I often said "I want you to destroy the military base"
Egypt is so distant that Egyptian people don't understand the language after all?
Is the president in Chinese bread business?
India needs only their business from Egypt to Japan through India?
What do you mean?
India needs only their business.
When Spain comes,those Chinese say Spanish Christianity Italy?
I know the Philippines also live in China after all.
That must be their Church.
Chinese bread community.
The ones you sell are Chinese from Egypt.
別記事のリンクです 首相、中央アジア5カ国歴訪、資源確保、中国けん制狙う
President Trump is in the English area with 天空戦記 シュラト?
"Shura" is in No.10 in the other animation.天馬の国7 , 天馬の国9
Shura's kid His Home City Nara33
I don't know
Do you understand the language in India?
Shura calls "Yukki" ,the story goes to SONY
イラクの妃の位 続き 6
青いカーテンの部屋 AD/BC
Everyone sees President Obama who survived the slave ship is 2m tall and has a great body!
"You've never seen such a big person, haven't you?"
天馬の国62 おばあちゃんの国
Well, I don't know the true story.
Because, when I noticed,the Japanese government prepared by someone,
Stores from the United States prepared by someone were just looking for a part-time job.
In Japan is there a US military port town to become independent as American for me?
Telling me I can't enter the US military port town in Japan,then, is it okay to arrange a Dutch ship for that story?
Because the American stores hired "other Japanese".
What is it?
Does white just mean President Obama?
"President Trump is 2m tall too." ?
And from Japanese stores ,about 120 cm tall just to ride it?
"the ship gave us birth and won."
Some Africans say they decided to wear a kimono.
Why is Queen Rania wearing a kimono?
I think it's a slave.
"I want to be an American with short stature" are gathering around 120 cm tall people.
When I thought I would wear a kimono all the time,
People and President Obama on board inaugurated the president Trump. ?
Actually he went to the ship as an fish.
Pepsi Ship?
What's Dhoom?
L'Arc's US Marine Corps says that the Japanese professor's ancient delusions.
url https://www.egypt.co.jp/
(Kyoto?)university people enters the temple in Japan and sell Shura cloth.
You're in a temple and college.
Actually does Mr.Trump say that he bought American office with debt ...?
The story of "I'm just picking up American "looks like his club.
青いカーテンの部屋 夜と星空
Story of Ken
輝くほとりに14 架空世界のペルシャ湾
天馬の国69 デリー 高層ビル街 (イスラエルまんが2 )
I'm supposed to be on that slave ship ,I'm saying I was thinking.
Is it set for those who don't have royal family in the Kingdom of Japan, that's what the story means.
Regardless of the people of the Japanese kingdom.
And yet ,that white man is
(Dull work in New Caledonia , 天馬の国21 )
Because that's all I'll talk about!
Is it okay to be "I'm stunned." ?
It ’s because ... does that mean President Obama won't board the same ship?
How to write?
"Excalibur !"
"The God Sword !"
FFT 古のフランスの王
"Damask Sword !"
青いカーテンの部屋 聖地への巡礼
Anyway the woman voice is singing in the area.
(Return to I Really Like You / Carly Rae Jepsen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMQqCXf0bQk ↑)
If we're the same place ,the ship has arrived.Is it Juan Carlos I's Spain??
Ship's image ,Indian Movie 天馬の国18
Actually they speak in Chinese
滄海龍吟 https://youtu.be/oPgVxWxFdLQ (I WILL ) for Tokyo Olympic games ,for example.
( Or return to 哪咤 for what? ↑ )
I don't know I'm in the other story...
安禄山の乱 41 2001年のアフガニスタン仏教寺院襲撃 - 修行僧はよく喋る
If my family is sick I work in town, live in different places, and separate the tableware they use.
How bad a parent called the US government was saying a recycling policy.
What if recycled products have pathogens?
What to do if you get infected?
I want you to stop selling it.
"You can buy all the famous major Americans at Narita Airport."
I want it to be something that can be placed in a place called Japan.
(because the space is expanding and opening up).
Americans starts screaming?"I'm an ordinary person, not a disabled person"?
President Obama has been ill, but he still looks like an African.
So, I thought I'd talk about sending people , such as 120 cm tall, to the ship.
This story is a decision.
If you say that the Japanese enemy is American, go to America and harass that white face!
The US government suddenly sent people with disabilities to the town.
When illness ran out of money, they went to those hospitals and got the money to buy Chinese products again.
A Speech said that the hospital with a country name called Trump Country.
I lived with ordinary people in the town,I have no job,
and you're saying that no matter how cheap the product is made in China, I shouldn't be able to buy it because I don't have salary.
"You don't have the money, so it's better to get tableware from someone who is discriminated by illness"?
No factory made in China.
People with disabilities are doing it!
That's what it means to say "Made in Japan is no good" ...
Japanese city office should distributes 400,000 yen to ordinary people every month too, I said.
It means I want to keep those store closed for long years.
In short, what kind of store is opening in this strange town?
All are from "made in China"?
It says "Trump Country Made in China"?
It can only be called abnormal city.
"You don't have the money, so it's better to get tableware from someone illness."
So, I was surprised that there was Italian prince who wanted such a thing.
I'm saying that 200 million people will move to Europe with pathogens, so I'd like to decide immediately.
If you want so much, you can get all the used items from all over Japan.
It's a European , who won by having a child, right?
"the emperor wouldn't grow tall", "he would be in a wheelchair", "and he would have his hands and feet",he says he will continue to own Japanese second-hand goods.
Chinese order from America?
Does that mean Chinese shouldn't use ordinary things in the city?
BADOO? child with the ordinary face?
It's almost the same inside the fence, so does it mean to touch it with your hands?
At first American said that Chinese products are used by Africans, so I decided to use them.
You don't need it
I like white people, like President Trump.
To get back Japanese things , I say 赤ちゃんが欲しいー in Italy? but I don't feel anything.
The white malformed skin, the strange eye color, and the hair color look like old people!
Why do you brag about having a more ordinary child in China on an airplane?
I took a picture of the white malformed child's face, which is normal?
President Trump and Chinese or BADOO I don't get the money ...
News From Egypt
Egyptian protesters call on Sisi to step down
The story was started , Kenshin comes from Spain to Egypt
The Last Samurai ?
ルワンダ大統領がイスラエルを訪問 ?
Go to Italy and this was the movie.
What's Dhoom?
イタリアで豪華客船が転覆 ~ 楽しい踊りの歌 12
I think the ship returns to Italy.
My Government,My Minister UK Leaves Europe ~
(Egyptian war?
シルト攻防戦 9 Dichter in der Trümmerstadt
シルト攻防戦 10 ?)
~ 国際結婚相談所 ~ Orinoco flow?
President Trump said the border between Canada and the United States,China few days ago.
I think one American ship ,that's called "Isenburg" ?
USNA Spirit Spot Army Navy 2019 https://youtu.be/u2apVuXLtKA
The Greek princess, the wife of the Italian prince, do you say the God's ship?
Hetalia - 俺様の女神コレクション
What happened on the ship?
"Do you speak Greek?"is another ship ?
Libyan Minister says that he tells to the wife of the Italian prince, the Greek princess ?
イタリアのアフリカの話 17
Air plane says there's a treaty between Egypt and Russia.
Do you call it Principally of Isenburg?Why is it in Afghanistan too?
Where is the area for crazy people ,first of all, Iran , China, right?
Mongolia, right?
Iran's Islam kicked me out 1300 years ago but the Iranian government 1300 years ago is the Japanese government,
Iranian Islam government meets Japan to admit itself?
Where is the area for crazy people in Japan?I get tired.
Let them do politics?
Great Mongolia ,Korea? "China has Japan" Who is Kawashima's child for everyone?
To use America to listen to what America says Kawashima is talking."My prince is...."
President Trump is coming into the US military town and making a noise about making it a temple or Tokyo Jermy?
Let them do politics?
Is it Trump Country?
Everyone wants to be great, so let me be great.
A large number of oriental Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans have entered the US military.
They cannot beat the power of India even Japanese believers in temples will try to become Americans.
It was said that only President Trump's US military had no ability to control them.
Say hello, everyone is greeting Kawashima and I don't say hello, right?
Kawashima will say that the Iranian empire has just been attacked.
Or "People from the Iranian empire have been burned out."
Why don't the Turkish president bring Kawashima to Tokyo Jermy with her children?
India sent the Japanese emperor to the temple.
Telling us that his crown prince's going to be crowned at the palace at the temple.
It's impossible , what does it mean for everyone.
Then did you call President Trump to India?
Because the president of the United States does politics at the temple.
If the President of the United States can't do anything,
The family of the crown prince and his younger brother will be managed in Tokyo Jermy.
Yokosuka Port of the 7th Fleet of the US Army?
You say that you are in trouble because there are ordinary towns people in the port town of the US military ,because the United States does nothing.
"Yokosuka is a town of black slaves."
Did you meet President Obama after all in Tokyo Jermy or the Buddhist temple? Is it a royal family?
Strangers say that there is a place called Japan ,
"There is a Japanese town like the Republic of Texas ,in Yokosuka"
Houston, a city created by a real estate agent from NY , how many square kilometers is there?
they need a Japanese real estate agent because they want to buy Houston from Japanese real estate agent in Japan.
A town where the Japanese Crown Prince and his younger brother's family live to know the temple as well?
There is a town that the Japanese say is that there is always a Buddhist temple.
It means that there is an Islamic mosque too,
Japanese gods will be enshrined on the premises in "Shinbutsu Shugo", right?
Economy means doing business in the temple areas.
Japanese doesn't recognize the sister cities but I don't know it too,
I should have married a kingdom, but there is no kingdom in Japan, it's not a kingdom, a temple, that is the dissolution of sister cities.
To a temple, you can put those Japanese cities on the pilgrimage map of the temple.
(return to 青いカーテンの部屋 聖地への巡礼 )
Is it Trump Country?
"If I were a Japanese in the 7th Fleet, it would be a conflict with me.
It's a war.
If I don't do it until I I won't be disappointed, right?
All you have to do is take a picture of the sutras."
Didn't you get cut all your hair off to adapt to Japan?
Even if they use their power I'm saying someone with a strange religion pamphlet has to catch the emperor.
I'm scared to believe in the teachings of the temple.
Because they are listening to what the United States says , then the Emperor is at Buddhist temple.
"A strange religious was annoying."?
I don't know.
"Annoying Christmas cakes
it's a new year's dish before Christmas."?
So where is the area for crazy people?
Even though other people are doing Christmas,
I tried to swear that I think ,I want you.
What should you do with that music CD in Italy?
India says there is no electrical equipment in the temple.
When I saw Hagia Sophia, it was repaired and had an escalator and electricity.
Do you also make electronic payments in Hagia Sophia, Turkey?
Is it the United States or whether American travelers will be reelected as president?
Trump supporters gather for a rally in Washington.D.C
What is my job?
I was working at the restaurant in town.
When there is no guarantee of life what do you do with the Chinese story?
So I told you that Savoia family and Spanish royal family must be Chinese.
In EU it's useless just to issue banknotes .
It's Chinese.
Progresso means talking about China.
You're saying that you'll quit all your work in USA, right?
You can talk about China as much as you like.
What does America mean without electricity and a refrigerator?
I was British, but Jamaica is a British territory with a coffee port.
Moreover, there is a route to India ...
The story of the elephant opens a route to the port on the Indochina Peninsula.
Japan is the port of the story of the elephant.
Ships are coming and going from Japan to China.
Even if it spreads all over the world Coffee means Ethiopian
There are Ethiopian ports and ship routes.
Why is there something in Japan when the birthplace of the refrigerator is America?
It has a refrigerator port and route that originated in the United States, but says it's not Ethiopia.
That's why you're talking about coffee parents.
You said America is not a coffee country, right?
You say you're often the master at McDonald's.
And the bonus Japanese are making noise ...
Speaking of Italy, coffee arrives in Japan.
Japan is a coffee harbor too. Who is Deus?
To talk about China I tell this story to American people.
Why does Spanish king come to the UAE from Spain?
Mr. Deguchi is Japanese.
He sells CDs ... maybe TV?
You're saying there's no ship from America.
Which port is it?
The only trade route I don't know is the Russian route ...
If you don't do anything?
I'm telling you to demo story of China as much as you like.
"I have a refrigerator in the restaurant."
If you say so, it means that all the TV are Chinese TV.
That ’s why I ca n’t enter CNN.
What is China with TV?
You shouldn't ignore it.
I wonder if Japan is in the War of the Spanish Succession, Spain said it would be used jointly with France at the port.
It's a port in France, but I speak English and coffee arrives.
I like that port town.
"What do you mean?" ?
I think there are people who say that ...
You can understand my feelings.
Would you like to go back to the English town after graduating?
I think I was British and I don't want to talk to foreigners.
If there was no British shopping street at that time?
There are a lot of office workers who don't understand the language in TOYOTA cars.
There are many Japanese entertainers in the shopping street too.
"Why don't you buy my CD?"
I wonder they are from foreign port UK France or Germany...
But he says, "I ate apple pie for the first time"!
So I think he is a great person in the country of coffee.
When you think about all Americans are acquainted with Africans and are taught about coffee business.
I think Mr. Deguchi came to the United States because he is a Japanese parent of Ethiopia.
Mr. Deguchi is a great person in the country of coffee?
Before British ,I was Iranian, right?
Iranians want to learn a lot about the world from Japanese people too.
It was the story of that Samawah.
Many Japanese people don't know the story of Achaemenid Persia.
If the American president is in trouble I'll understand.
In short, who is Mr. Deguchi complimenting?
He's already president,however, Japanese was going to America to buy CD.
Is it ディズニーランド??
ディズニーランド has 29 articles now.
フランスの国内6ヶ所で同時テロ etc
I wish my friends could live in luxury in the United States.
But is he saying goodbye to others? ,from the white house??
APECとポンチョ ?
I want to see something like this kind of book about him??
This Google Rresults or
This kind of photobook? Google Results
Who will be published in more international National Geographic?
That's why he(?) says Trump country?
The Bank of Yokohama is European you are picking up and "Return to Japan"?
I don't like such a case.
If European have no money ,it sells itself.
Spanish sells European children,first of all he should sell his Leonor and Sophia.
He can also sell a land called Astorias!
Why does he sell the land first and leaving money for Leonor she can shop.
If that ship is amazing, it would be nice to live in it.
Abu Dhabi?If you have a white child, your status will rise.
He's selling, do you buy land in Spain it's an important succession to the throne of Spain.
Money is really easy,he can easily become King of Spain and Islamic Alhambra will come back!
"Let me shop with the geisha's gold
I want land, I don't need a single family in the land called Astorias."?
He has money my mother has money and Chinese Korean and Japanese sell things.
Malaysian Vietnam ...what?!
He looks like a Japanese customer.
Does that mean he's trying to buy Japan with European gold?
Who bought the apartments from America I have the money of the customer.
It's money to buy American products with Japanese money.