


His Home City Nara33





His Home City Nara33

2023/10/22 04:49:31・★追記を書きました。
2023/09/04 04:02:34・追記を書きました。
2023/09/03 05:03:02・英文を追加しました。
2017/09/06 06:37:14

The other day, I received some French brand cosmetics in a crushed box from Italy.

So I think I can get something while writing in Italian.

I can say that The Republic is run by ordinary people, but they have something...

So, I think I don't talk to Italy too much...

There's nothing I really want in Italy...Actually, I was just passing by and listening to the stories.

Will Italy give me Leonardo DiCaprio next time?!

Italian Prime Minister Conte visited Turkey

But I don't understand English, and an Academy Award-winning actor is not the cosmetics left over from you.

You can't afford to throw it away, can you?

He is a descendant of a Roman emperor from the island of Capri is the twin brother of Louis XIV?

In Titanic, the young Scottish man who falls in love with the woman who wears Louis XV's Order of the Golden Fleece around her neck?

The Roman Emperor of Capri was of a slightly different kind, perhaps a Latin from Latium?

Are you going to record a delusional conversation between Theodosius I's family and another Roman emperor's family?

I think we should get something from America, but

"Is Joe Biden the president?

He's here to get paid.''

If you become Joe Biden you'll get paid dollars, right?

It makes no sense to exchange 25 francs in Europe for 5 dollars...

Joe Biden says he's still looking for people who want to be European.

I think Joe Biden is from Babylon. perhaps.

"The Man of Babylon is rumored to be making a new Louis XV movie starring Johnny Depp."?

At first, France was decided that welcome a foreign bride into the French royal family,is it okay for Louis XV to be an actor and a foreigner?

Babylon also has the Sony movie Napoleon...

surround Mrs. Dubarry, who is quite a foreigner?

Does that mean the King of France can be a foreigner? 

That's what I mean, it's the Emperor of Japan.

Maybe, but...the Emperor of Japan wears the real clothes and dresses.

In the Japanese (Babylon) manga, he's Sumeragi(皇) and his fellow fortune tellers.

I feel like he's saying that he wants to be great because he's being discriminated against in a foreign country.

He said he would buy Taishakuten's child, Tennou(天王), and Ashurao's child, Asura(阿修羅).

三国志11 ?

The Japanese yen is now saying that it can buy anything with money.

They say Israel is the Emperor of Japan, but that seems a lie...

All you have to say is``Why,someone who isn't a high school student has come to the Elysée Palace this time.''
That high school student says  , ``Do you(president Macron) keep me out and open the door for actors?''
Why do you think I'm also in the drama club, right?
The more ,when making a movie... for a while, the movie's stage set will be the Elysée Palace for president Macron?
"I don't understand French
I have no particular business at the Elysée Palace.
Please give me something, even a scrap of cloth."
"The black slaves really have no use for the Christian church.
How do you do something like that(Louis 15)?"
"What is that Pope doing?
Oh, that Pope has nothing to do with me, right?"
"Do you or that Pope need another one called San Marino?
That was made during the recent NY terrorist attack, right?"?
They say he's the most important person in the temple in India anyway, right?
He can sell the fabric of the statue of Asura at Kofukuji Temple of course, but  if he says he was the real Asura?
Is it a great man a mummy?
Foreign language is interesting mother means mummy?
"Are you really a mummy?"
Are you talking about Brazil too?
When they opened the tomb during excavations, they discovered that the cloth Asura-chan was wearing before was dyed purple.
What is it, it's purple...it looks like Peacock(孔雀)...
Do you want to decorate Peacock doll? 
How many peacocks are there? 

(★I found it youtube: 破雲來
Russian made this video to you who lives in the clouds?
Η σκιά και η μία χόβολη και το φεγγάρι είναι ίδια.
«ίδιο», σημαίνει ξένη γλώσσα;
Η σκόνη οδηγεί μόνο τη γη ή όχι;
(The shadow and the one ember and the moon are same.
"same", means foreign language?
The powder only drives the earth or not?)

I'm sending it too,where did we put this?
Before we should put it in Beijing.

Junior high school?
Who built what in 30,000 places in China?
How about saying everyone doesn't understand Chinese?
This time I think I'll put it in fictional world,or anime world.
Blue clothes spoke arabic ,when it turns purple what language was that?

These are google results about old Roman emperor Tiberius.

When that UK ship from Iran arrive to Japan?

After that , this blog left only this article for "Nara City" .
I wrote
"Actually they were Turkish slaves , right?
It wasn't seen in Tokyo, but Nara's children love acting.
I saw it in Nara. So ...what is Tokyo?"

Is Tokyo Iran in this case?
Tokyo has the Japanese congress with him...but he's not an emperor....
From Tokyo , Nara is appearing with other person.

After the transfer , Nara still has the biggest temple ,
and your fishes in the supermarkets.
After that in Japan , Iran will mean supermaket fishes.
What was the story?

So I wrote those fishes from Iran are strange for Iran ( and Japanse) , Iran is a Muslim country.
The biggest temple Todaiji will get the old coins of Tiberius ,like that?
What do you think?
安禄山の乱 41 2001年のアフガニスタン仏教寺院襲撃 - 修行僧はよく喋る)
★★ end )

Is it Christ?
Manga says his origin is unknown!
Come to think of it, in the manga, he's older than the child Asura and he's quite a big brother!

from Eastern Orthodox Church?
What is the Orthodox Church (by a girl(me?)?)?
How do we do religion?
What word does it (me?)say ?

Does it say "I said what was that?"
I wrote 昔見たアニメの夢 3 の続き ,
イタリアのアフリカの話 1  and
天皇即位式にバチカンが枢機卿を派遣  ??

This video was made by Japanese?
I'm sending it too,,where should we put this?)

The Pope made goods with his own photo, but is he the same person as Peacock?
Is he a Peacock doll preaching to Asuras at Tokyo Dome?
"You know , Japanese people also buy the Pope, right?"
"What is the teaching of Christ?"
wow scary...
What is the Japanese emperor(天皇) for Tenno(天王)?!
So you're saying that suspicious groups in Europe will be withdrawn (with president Obama?)to Japan too?
Japanese people refuse foreigners too...but  that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is half Japanese and half Italian and has a strong bloodline?
"Call him the Prime Minister and the multinational people the Republic of Israel?"
"The 1stCav of the US and Russian Royal Guard Cavalry will do it, right?"?
Russian sex doll (Japanese ,king of Israel?) has no clothes...after that, it will be displayed at a shrine somewhere .
Is it 1st Cav shrine?
Single housing for Russian men...because it's a church?
I don't know about it  ,do you know the story of Veda?Buddhist temple has some statues already...
Obama country won't make it, so don't give it to President Obama.
How about using the power of the Christian church to take over Brazil's gold mines, establish a naval base in the port, and then claim that the mummy of Christ(Peacock) in Christian church?
When he came to Japan, he said, "I don't think I knew your name until now because I'm a relative with a higher status than you, but I suddenly decided to name myself." ?He's a relative of Princess Diana...!?
"Don't you know how to pray?"
"Is it very expensive to wear lace dress of Franz I?" ?
But it is said that the era when the French royal family ruled Europe is over'....
When you think of it, is" Japan" similar to "Italy"? (Meaning that the country was over)
But at first, Japanese said, "Japanese people want to buy Israelites (mother of Ashura and Tenno) with money!"
Something is strange.
Japanese are suspicious in the Buddhist temple, who decided to manage it by car license plate number and phone number?
I don't know what
Japanese started picking up all the Egyptian stuff too
saying, ``There's something (gift) about the copyright for us...''
Someone is yelling about the copyright wearing  Asura's clothes too...
When you say ``I'll give you something,'' President Obama came to Nara.
There are times when he has to collect such things...
When he said, The person you're talking to is a deer doll or a deer, right?
He looks like a deer is wearing deerskin...
Is there a purple deer...Purple...
Deer only at Obama's naval base?
Dove's wings were purple...even in Japan.
When President Obama speaks to me, I have to immediately switch places with the doll.
maybe a deer...?
President Obama should thinking about returning to Africa soon or becoming a naturalized Hawaiian.
There are some weird African poor people who have started activities for the indigenous people of Japan, and even though they live in Africa, they can't go back to Africa.
When theysay that people are being discriminated against in Israel, people like Prime Minister Netanyahu come up.
So President Obama going to stop looking like Japanese and become pure white people in Israel to replace them, right?
First of all, is he trying to become like Prime Minister Netanyahu, right?
Who returned from Israel?
"In Japan .I still have white skin, but it's a different kind of skin of Japanese." ?
"The real Asura is white (from Israel mother) and he's me!!", right?
So I thought something was a little different.
Afterwards, white people wearing a kimono say, ``I'm from Israel and I want to replace Japan.''?
"Why are my snacks made in Israel?!" 
Japanese Emperor brought it to Japanese store and he(?) said to us, ``I found something to eat for Israel!''
Is there people from Israel?
Everybody is Japanese...can he talk to the Asura statue at Kofukuji Temple?
"Asura,why is the Emperor of Japan in such a place?"
Do you know what is Religious refrigerator for hina cake? 
Of course, Hina cake should also be made with ingredients imported from Israel...
Foreign governments can just hand over dolls when Japanese people talk to them.
Or are those white foreigners orphans looking for a mother?
There is no mother statue in the temple.

She is decided and she lives in the palace of Tokyo but she doesn't speak about it?
"If President Obama says he will display dolls, then Japan will also display dolls..."?
Are you saying that because of Japan's military power, he can display dolls of Japanese religion on Obama's naval base?
In Tokyo Babylon , Sumeragi-kun is a high school student and his religion is quite creepy.
He's a guy who talks like a woman (Because he is a mother from Israel) he says to the Asura statue, ``I'm the only one eating what Asura-chan eats.''
He's Sumeragi ,he must have been a member or founder of a creepy religious group...he has a symbol Torii...
"I think it's not very popular in the world.." but this time is he from America?
He always uses JICA and children under the age of 5 and he also looks like children(Asura...?)...
Who isn't Prime Minister Modi?
He also like making dolls and some kind of doll went back to Hiroshima?
(I think it's Peacock doll that's older than Asura...)
"I wondered why they had to make dolls for election campaigns.
There was an Obama doll and a Trump doll..."?
Who says, "I kicked out that guy from the temple," and holds another doll in his hand...
"I went to the temple the other day
Give me back Ty's Egyptian doll (unicorn)"?
What about the news
"Indian newscaster who came the other day died?"
Because we don't need it in India.
It's not an Indian TV station to have a white person on a TV station.
Just make them all marry Indian celebrities, wear black clothes, and do traditional Indian dance.
Let their children have dark skin. 
All we need is local Indian cuisine, traditional Indian dance, and Indian language.
I 'll watch black children on TV, so I don't need to know about blue eyes mother.
India  show me a dance (sample) always.
Does he(↑ in the movie) say he's speaking in English(HongKong?) ?

What does "I, a British colleague in China, give my opinion to Beijing"?
What is HongKong?I think I don't need it...
Is Salman Khan and what Khan? I don't know the name of it though...
People in Chinese government or the emperor are angry.
I haven't played with Egypt.
It's better to go back to be naturalized Indians.
What does "Britain do" mean?
"When they got married an Indian male actor said that he wanted to speak English?" ?
I heard that Queen Elizabeth was searching for someone to marry her by bombing the Middle East.Do you mean that person?
This time, will they build a special temple in India to bury English Egyptians (people from Babylon?)?
(Are temples startd to making different kinds of dolls...by the United States or State Obama?)







("Wedding dresses...Asura-chan! How do Syrian brides do it?" ?
I think there's something different about it.
But I don't think there's anything to complain about.
It looks like green cloth, pink cloth, and the French flag, but it's actually a field of pale snow.
 Summer, green meadows, and fruitful autumn.
It's spring water.
I wonder who is the girl in this video, why are there so many people in .)
India's Rig Veda is written in Japanese too , it is in an Indian language.
So I think it's a little easier to talk.
Descendants of the Israelites of the Rig Veda live in Tokyo,
It speaks for the manga of Tokyo Babylon...in Japanese this time.
I thought that Babylonian and Israelite were almost the same, but my impression is completely different.

日本の結婚式は、ローマの教会の仲間のキリスト教会の結婚式じゃなくて、東大寺じゃなくて、 阿修羅像のいるお寺が建てたキリスト教風教会での結婚式ですか?
(I think it's just my imagination, but
Are weddings in Japan held at Christian churches built by temples with statues of Ashura, not at Todaiji temples, not at Christian churches in Rome?)


Russia and America?


Russia, Europe, and the Orient are like imperial territories.

In the fantasy story of the Roman Empire, Napoleon is the one who retreats to Japan Roman emperor?

Is that black hair from Kyoto?

Prime Minister Conte is also from Kyoto?

President Erdoğan is also  from Kyoto?

"Pay the phone bill, you can see the personal information of the royal family”?
What kind of business is it ?
Information commerce forever?
I don't know the names of Europe.
I think the worst, the name of Bill Gates is a pseudonym.
Because even that Turkish people says he has an arrest record...
This time it feels like a crime of using poor people in developing countries to spread false information on the Internet.
The worst he really wants his Foundation now, because he doesn't have it yet.
Turkish people were looking for something in Japan.
Is that what president Erdogan can get?
People in China also say "Silver box (PC) is bad"...
Do you think because I hate America and Europe I'm saying that , right?
Or rather,  they haven't released any information,everything foreigners say might be a lie?
Is Napoleon's kingdom worth what everyone is talking about?
Is it renamed to Roman Empire?
Napoleon's newest descendant is a tall good model...
President Obama?
President Obama says he's Chinese.
I think he's a good model too.
Recently, there are also photography machines, so you can have sculptures and real photos together.
I read an old treaty and they said the emperor of China met with Napoleon's facility...
Was that so?
If he likes their face, he should do it.
What kind of souvenirs are naked sculptures and photographs?
The Bourbon family has a real naked one...Is that what they're like?
Information such as the birth of a child to a European royal family such as Obama or Napoleon is handled at the Japanese Imperial Palace?
I don't know what it is,Chinese people don't have any souvenirs lately, that's why he's dissatisfied with the response!
" We'd just like to get you a souvenir."





