


Swag Se Swagat





Swag Se Swagat

2020/05/07 17:33:28・追記を書きました。
2020/05/04 08:21:09・追記を書きました。
2020/05/01 20:10:20・追記を書きました。
2020/04/09 00:39:07・追記を書きました。
2020/04/06 06:47:27・追記を書きました。
2020/04/04 03:26:14・追記を書きました。
2020/04/01 22:30:26・追記を書きました。
2020/03/31 19:17:19・追記を書きました。
2019/01/15 22:11:53・リンクを追加しました。
2018/05/25 14:33:36・☆にリンクを追加しました。
2018/05/08 23:03:42・追記を書きました。
2018/02/13 15:24:34

イギリス人になってみる か、イギリス人がギリシャ人になってみる か、










同じ女優さんの出演作 結構沢山記事にしました。


1)多分アフリカから出発 天馬の国43 & 安禄山の乱36 架空世界のアフリカ海岸


3)インドにいるのかな。地中海沿岸に戻っちゃいそう。天馬の国51 &安禄山の乱 15 



6)想像ですけど、繁華街で売れる商品は元々余らないんだよね・・。金色の雨の降る街 (7) 王族のベッド



崖っぷち Special


(1)安禄山の乱 39 In The Air  

(2)天馬の国85 人魚姫の落し物


崖 人気?

私の想像→ みんな同じ場所の出身。  イスラエルまんが20

(4)リンクを追加します。 home tonight be lost with you


白い天使と黒い天使 崖じゃなくて屋根の上


There is the same Japanese video as this video.
I think they're also from Tunisia through Greek.

What's L'arc~en~Ciel

安禄山の乱 39 In The Air

Does Christ like Tunisia?

Soccer is better in Africa but in Japanese news paper they're with baseball.

The most favorite way at Buckingham Palace,
Queen's favorite high-quality English means European royal Indian.
In Russia people who don't speak Arabic are popular recently.

サマーワ温泉 ?

Bollywood wants Hollywood "but I don't speak English",
are you very good at the language of Indian temples?
Are you very good at Israeli?
There's a movie studio called Bollywood.
Who are the great,is it still Queen Victoria?
Merchant fleet plays soccer?,matters if you're playing baseball with Japanese.
For the Japanese, what did Princess Diana want in the concert halls?

Entertainers,are you called Aimone, the son of the celebrity's son Savoy Aosta?
McDonald's makes pasta so discriminating who looks like a Hollywood star with strange eyes
Face Will the language of merchant fleet?

Then sing a song?it was unusual in the basket, the palace was a royal photo.
The Victorian is another female dynasty
The Italian prince, you can live in the Italian Royal Palace.

What is the Italian royal family, of president Erdogan?

Emine Erdogan, your favorite queen?
Entertainer,who speaks English at the highest level and top of Islam,
Justice Development Party is speaking best.
Is the Italian Royal Family lined up so Aosta ??

To talk Japanese Prince English?
You've recently married a people, like people who lived Islamic State ship L'Arc~en~Ciel alone quite a bit  ...
Or Turkish Traveling in Indian? Indians? A soccer ?
"I'm an entertainer ( only ) Prince"?
Who is it?

A similar restaurant next to SONY to be Indian in Christian.
Islamic State is the same type as L'Arc~en~Ciel?

I thought that the picture of the bread inside...

イタリア予告編 ?

By the way, with two female kings,
in short, who is the King of India?
Are you the king of Denmark?
Is Bollywood entertainer L'Arc~en~Ciel alone?

If the stage name marries,now the Greek woman,
you're very entertainer,she is a woman of Turkish President,
Leader of Islamic State!

"Is L'Arc~en~Ciel talking to me?"
Do you know  are they talking to me?
Who do they think I am?

I'm saying L'Arc~en~Ciel is the Japanese government
and Mr.Mark Esper came to Japanese government.

I think L'Arc~en~Ciel should meet Mr.Esper to eat.

Is it different from Esper as an entertainer?
Their incomes are very different from Mark Esper?What is it?

"Who can speak English on TV?"
Who use "LINE"  or "Insta"?

President of SONY in English usually on TV?
Queen likes L'Arc~en~Ciel 's high level English.


The U.S. Army the Indian Chief of Takarai
When the US government comes with the president of SONY he can meet.
He will tell you impression from the highest position.
The U.S. government does not admit such a great person.
The United States is a European immigrant who has been fighting with natives

"A guy like an Indian chief can't kill you "would it be an entertainment activity?

So they look to a Japanese,with the United States Mattis.
"European migrants have no money."
"The U.S. military activity changed to protect foreigners?"

Criminals who declare that Mattis has lost to the last US Secretary of Defense Indian.

At first JICA(?) talked to Japanese government with Turkey.
I thought about Japanese musicians I wrote it in Japanese.

I heard Indians want to use Japanese products, but Japanese grocery stores are American stores.
Japanese convenience stores are hard to use Indians.

Japanese TV is usually modeled by American English TV.
Japanese schools are not educated to model Arabic culture.

L'Arc~en~Ciels are to translate Arabic into Japanese at first.
For Arabs, the country is IS.
Turkish court restaurants are not shops.


The Japanese government to Africa is Transport ship.
I tell you the story I was told in the Japanese government.
But you may think my story maybe wrong so you should call the Japanese government too.

"I think the US government is talking" is ancient Egyptian Roman story.
Everything looks like a play only in the Japanese government.
That's why L'Arc~en~Ciel got money from Europe and fled to LA.
They say that the special care of the King of Spain has beaten the United States.
Magazine news was written in Japanese.
Does that mean LA can be in Rwanda territory too?

King of Spain says that he gives his company and territory.
I want English territory of Japanese grandma and his L'Arc~en~Ciels.
Is the President of Rwanda special?

天馬の国62 おばあちゃんの国
天馬の国62 おばあちゃんの国 続き
天馬の国62 おばあちゃんの国 続き その2
天馬の国62 おばあちゃんの国 続き その3

Do Rwandans have any grudge against India?
It should be the same slave, but the photos are wrong wedding and the title is royal ...
Super star in India Aishwarya Rai

Beethoven is not music.

What do they mean?
Rwanda's favorite royal family to be naked should be the same photo book.
They're saying slave liberation in English Deguchi - san?

Who says the prince? Macron? Who?
皇太子さま エジプト大統領と会見
"I have a status like the Prince" can be called the Prince.
In the foreign country of mothers,anyone is called the Prince.
Because Grandma is watching TV in her country.

Who can't play musical instruments,they have small hands or feet but everything is new.
Ah, the Prince are still on the television.
You say he's got his hands and feet, he's a Macron.

Let's do ourselves it's almost garbage city, they know Grandma's grandchildren are her dream."I am not to be the Prince"
città all'Italia di Trump in Israele?
The blue eyes foreigner Queen Elizabeth, she's equally to the Prince?
What Empire said about special man and woman?

Wedding Treaty with UK?
My Government,My Minister UK Leaves Europe

BBC moves to LA too?

L'Arc~en~Ciel said 衛星放送 treaty(?) ,from Japanese magazine.
In this blog 衛星放送 has some articles.
IS、リビアを狙う 内戦2勢力、統一政権へ動き活発化
solitary stroll

I'm a U.S. government the satellite broadcasting.
Who is speaking on the microphone on the TV?
Who is the contractor to speaking on the TV in the satellite broadcasting?
It's not related to SONY President.
Who appear on TV screen,who want the satellite?
"What is the relationship between Sony President and the Japanese government?" from the musicians?
They are not related too.

This is also about 衛星放送?ロシア関係のマンガ
You forgot to sell nude videos at a bookstore.
You forgot the Italian flag to the nude video actress.
With Manga L'Arc~en~Ciel married to Italian or Italian product nude Sakai and next time his children!

Prince William wouldn't be in the Queen's celebrities?
It's better to have British entertainer.
But  Prince William is treaty to withdraw all the facilities from the Spanish King's LA?
WHO is "There's a queen celebrity,it's better to interview." ?

Bollywood bought a story about how Indians get more greater by Africans than Umineco.
How many people we can get from Africa? To India,and Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran and other countries.
So what do you do to save Africans without killing them?
"Is it also for L'Arc~en~Ciel's Isramic State?" is strange.
Are they force with Japanese SDF in the Middle East?
That India status has risen specifically, in photographs can be seen to all people around the world.
African photograph for India changed to LA photo is strange.

Is  L'Arc~en~Ciel great,it's like "Italy realized Italy by Japanese language"?

Is it International Conference,International China to say opinions?
Do you say the international China's leadership is Japanese music?

If they are great,Senate member or something who is telling about Europe.
For the CCP,it means that they're on par with the Italian Communist Party Representative,in China?
イタリアのアフリカの話 3
Really they have a position in Italy. Do you say it?in India?

L'Arc~en~Ciel  has a funny vocal,he worships the Japanese Emperor's photo as Christ and he sings as the Christ.
The CD cpackage is a picture of Christ.
"Song of Christ"Language is Japanese.
"Believe in the story of Christ" launches religion in Africa to be recognized in Africa.
It is a real Christian church, Roman empire.
So,the story for the Japanese government is already talking about transport to Africa about  about food  and assistance of the Turkish government.
Who really works?
I don't know.I don't make any music in Japanese.
There should be talks for Africans from the actually music actives.
They can say they are doing Roman Empire, Ancient Egypt and Christianity nowadays, all in Japanese with Japanese SDF.

<Supplement about solitary stroll >
I don't know I 'm only read the texts,maybe for India or Pakistan.

In this blog Tokyo Dome in Japanese 東京ドーム has some articles with solitary stroll, ロシアと条約!

青いカーテンの部屋 AD/BC

tetsuya and  LA  in French is this story?

Rock L'Arc-en-Ciel, raison de Le19 du mois dernier, le député a écopé cette le chef et la basse testuya (47) problèmes: les problèmes, Le premier est le 15e anniversaire être répartie des membres. Hyde et Tetsuya, comme «indépendants»?
indépendants est resté silencieux, la relation entre hyde et tetsuya est responsables familiers de la témoignent:

"la relation,l'événement." chacun des membres "VAMPS" de Hyde et un événement de L'Arc-en-Ciel est Les événements?

"il était prévu de membres, le personnel de Tetsuya : "Hé, hé." J'étais terrible,
hyde: "Ça va ..."
Le passé de L'Arc-en-Ciel  pour cette raison,c'étaient des goélands.
"Hyde l'opposition. Tetsya a dit:" l'eau. "leur relation." (de la musique) (la même personne) est une question de temps.

Italian Prime Minister Conte visited Turkey
When translated into a foreign language, a translation came out from another article, so I added a link.Turkey president Erdogan asked tetsuya ? ギョル島(ギョレメみたいなの)、愛理ちゃん??


To write LA correctly,
I heard they were coming from "Osaka" at a live hall in Tokyo
In a magazine, Los Angeles is his hometown in this magazine.

A new four-piece rock band to independence on the 19th of last month,independence from his office "Maverick"is not the only problem.
(48) and the leader (47) are in a tense.

The charismatic 25th anniversary live of “complete collapse”scoop from two problems:
anniversary live held in November 2006.
WOWOW, made an exclusive broadcast,about 6 million yen was promisedto the office and members.
It was discovered that the office had been left behind.
The second story is about makingng Osaka in 2015.
The office proceeded the consent of the members, of the members peaked.
Hyde, who are particularly resentful, are “independent”and will be independent  as the four people agree.

In this newspaper,the L'Arc-en-Ciel "fire" was not the only one.
It is said that the relationship between officials with the internal situation.
"You've been working for a long time,more or less,the relationship between them is Currently of the four members also hosts a solo event is called “android”."

In performing live as L'Arc-en-Ciel,must be held early.
The 16-year events
"In May of that year,there was a plan to perform including rehearsals,the members were informed personal schedule"

The members who had no schedule were protesting, "But I didn't give up".
After all, hyde returned to his hometown in Los Angeles,"It's enough ..."

"Members are not intimate,you keep this"is a matter.


25th anniversary liveの前に2006年にそのライブは既に開催された。












Это получившая не единственная в остался, Хайд город в Анджелесе. かな・・? )


I haven't heard many Japanese songs.
Many Japanese songs I didn't hear were bought by the Japanese emperor.
Many songs should be interesting of the emperor.

L'Arc-en-Ciel is talking to Israel.
Some people are interested in ancient Egypt too.

I think Mr.Deguchi is often singing to Roman Empire.
I think he's also interested in Egypt.

And few decades later,my memory will be getting smaller.
I think Rome had the larger territory to have more office, and a more stable government.
Roman Empire had much more officers than kingdom of Israel.
I think there's some lineage of French or Italian kingdom in his song.
Hungary? Maybe he lived in west.

The story of Israel had also the government office,
And there're singers "I'm a singer with rich songs that beat you."
Oh yeah? who might that be?I think they were Muslims.
There is a real king in Saudi Arabia.
Do you think about continuing that story with L'Arc~en~Ciel?

I thought I say goodbye to the CD with that school.
Some people say "what do you mean"?

Usually The kingdom is the status system.
Who is the mother's leader in Japanese schools?
Nude model or something of a celebrity ,a musician?

Those Japanese can enter many overseas schools.

I usually don't like to go to school,I hate Japan.
While I was at that school I thought Mr.Deguchi is the best,
When I came back to Port Town, the Japanese came with the Jazz CD.
So first of all,they have to go to Africa to build a Japanese Orthodox Church through the Japanese tea trade.

How do you sell Japanese tea?
Did you say that the religious music and songs should be Japanese?
What is Japanese?

休戦海岸とアラブ首長国連邦 -casablanca

McDonald's in Iran is Japanese tea from Africa?
If it was Japanese tea there can be any slave dynasty in India,New Delhi?

His Home City Nara13
NARI NARI India  https://youtu.be/7DE3SDrzYlE

They're saying they're Greek temple in India.

"On the ship schools are also a part of the status system of India"? What is it?
(Return to My Government,My Minister UK Leaves Europe  )

kalafina - symphonia ?

Are you on the US fleet now?

What is it?
輝くほとりに17 The Black Prince

"So it means that the royals should follow everyone, right?"
Japanese people sell Jazz but they don't have a Christian church yet.


What brings  the rebellious period?
Are you proud of the celebrity?

"American education is wrong."?
You're saying "he has his own cloth"?
He said "soon""immediately" to get Instagram story?

In English,
I will teach you anything in cool English.

all the blondes were taking off their uniform.

"Why don't they get naked? "
Isn't he talking about yet?unlike Senko at school,
Why isn't he getting naked?

They are the same.
Walk together



青いカーテンの部屋 - Way to ShangHai








