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a ROMA? あなた結構面白い話し方するね。





































You can Biamo?






「リビカ?何だろう?」 ?





























The Japanese made Israel and abandoned during this time.
I'm doing pick up because Israel because it's the U.S.recycle policy.
It doesn't say trip to the ancient Israeli land to find ancient things.
Those things were written made in Japan.It's not Japan any more.

The Japanese work with China to distribute free watches and extras in McDonald's or Misudo?
In the United States,Japanese make karanora oil and live happily.
It's old Japanese Empire.
So in short,we should say we don't have diplomacy with the US Embassy anymore.
France has mainland and Japan.
Italy was the shop that sold Israel in Japan.
On TV,French brothers came to buy them,and told something.
They can return from France.

UK has Australia.
Holland has Taiwan-actually some people got married on Indochina.
Then we are asked Spain for something?
But Spain has the Philippines with Brazil and he says he breaks diplomatic relations with Japan for a while?

A religion called that,what?
Can you ?It is not said that you can.
I was told to pick up something,part-time at in Italy?
Well, it's like the US Army has a lot of things.

There's BETTER TOGETHER 16 and some articles.

シルト攻防戦 5 蜻蛉的光是願
エジプトのクリスマス5 Advent
青いカーテンの部屋 AD/BC

High-level language put the import life EPA?

Japanese royal family hopes overseas foreign country to escape,still eat Chinese food,to stop English.
Is it Denmark?
The thief of kimono to return is in the U.S,
kimono're going to "Mr.Donuts"?
Donuts of rice  are foreigners,a country Japan to eat donuts.
Other foreign countries are Vatican.
The United States is strange who says "no problem"?

The US Foreign Office is later complain that they make Japanese imperial children to use Japanese.
English on TV America is strange.
They will ask you what the English government is.
There is an army, so it's English??
Later, President Obama can use Japanese SDF ships, planes, and the Army.
They are no longer to be related English and the United States.
A white country where no one has slaves is the United States.
Just say that Japanese people should never use it.

In the temple of India,we have been watching movies and dancers for a long time.
What do you want me to say about them,in Japan?
"I'm not an Indian...I'm Japanese."?
But they are Indians.

Those blue eyes maybe come to India from South Sudanese or the new dialect of Ethiopian don't have their own Bible?
What language?
Because all Europeans have own Bible,folk costumes of white person are the introduction for the good future.Their children are going to the elementary school in India to disappear?

Japan Official speech when visiting.

Is Assemblée Mr. Macron?
What are nippo and japonais?
interpersonale? città nella domani in 1611?

In addition フランス王国の肖像画

Using his(Comte de Paris's) current portrait,and he doesn't speak?
Japanese Crown Prince is talking in France?
What is it?

Japan is 天馬の国62 おばあちゃんの国 続き その3  ?
 God,the greater who lives in the darkness  ?

Reference : https://www.kunaicho.go.jp/page/okotoba/lists/2



Je vous remercie de témoigner ce déjeuner ainsi que pour soleil d’automne.
Je poursuivais.
Je me souviens cette occasion-là,aussi l’art et Saint-Malo, Lyon,le cadre la région de soleil.

En cette anniversaire des relations nippo?-françaises,réputée la soie où les raisins riche.

Première au cours historique de l’Assemblée , cette Assemblée qui constitue le plus de 200 du
traité entre la France la culture et l’art,la technologie ainsi que l’éducation des ressortissants ,
ainsi qu’avec des Français compte par moi-même de l’amitié solide que les citoyens japonais? et français?

La recherche et l’application de technologies de et qu’elle se renforçait toujours plus à travers de la culture à relier des relations ainsi santé de toutes.

                                                       Impériale le Paris, France


Sono molto contento di tempo a causa delle ricoperte di neve, cioccolato, la cosiddetta "Pastoral Symphony".
Inoltre,che sono principe Chichibu, cui il Cervino.
Pertanto,celebrare oggi con voi il 150 ° anniversario dell'istituzione di relazioni.

La storia delle nostre relazioni in Giappone.
Trattato di commercio "Giappone pittorico" cui la maggior pensiamo delle relazioni nel corso dei 150 anni successivi, contribuito in comprensione del Giappone persone di riscoprire,questo pomeriggio.

Commercio Tokugawa,Oggi,il suo campo di reciproci paesi sono tutto cooperazione giapponesi turistiche località turistiche.
L'anno scorso, come Inoltre, sono stati stabiliti accordi di nostri rispettivi.

Il giardino prenderò per promuovere questi scambi ciò è stato possibile a conoscere.

Possiamo trovare della Comitato Internazionale ,nucleare a Hiroshima recente passato, un ruolo del Grande Giappone orientale dal governo svizzero? per il controllo delle inondazioni.

Record città nella domani internazionale,che la Missione Giappone e la Svizzera?
Continuino a cooperare in quanto paesi tra di loro in occasione della scorso che lo scambio interpersonale.

                                                             Circa studente

(3)SPAIN The Royal Palace 2013

Principe Filippo,

Cuore calorose, la prima cinque di celebrare il Principe Ereditario Felipe in ciascuna cultura , il calore Principessa Juan Carlos caldo e il Principe ereditario Felipe,una cerimonia, così come il Principe ereditario Felipe,Spagnola per calorose,
la lunga le generazioni a venire un fatto storico, nel 1611,tsunami colpì la regione del l'atterraggio commerciale con Nueva Espana?

Riprendersi dal terremoto della costruzione costruito con l'aiuto dei costruttori dal porto di Tohoku di cooperazione tra a lungo termine prevista una cooperazione la cultura giovani spagnoli.
In questo modo, possano dello scambio in Spagna, con molte persone da tutto.

La calda reali di terremoto riportato in Giappone coinvolti il più prestigioso premio Principe di Spagna.
Noi giapponesi condividere la gratitudine trasmesso alle relazioni ulteriormente ,alla° anniversario dello scambio e la prosperità del popolo,cui Juan Carlos,il Principe Felipe.

SPAIN   Moncloa Palace 2008


Prima di tutto,Primo Ministro e questo tipo di calorosa ospitalità contento di cenato la regina.

Juan Carlos che risale alla partenza di Giappone nel cristianesimo II presso il Palazzo Reale di Madrid, c'è stata l'altro a causa dell'isolamento del coltivata.

La storia di relazioni,paesi partecipato il Principe Felipe delle Imperiali Carlos in Giappone che la loro le nostre relazioni e il tuo paese per la prima ricca storia e cultura della città unica di ogni regione.

Questa visita è toccando i ricordi delle città che , come il tema Non vedo l'ora di dare un parlare,in circa progressi.

Il tuo paese è un posto rendere.
Inoltre, con lo sviluppo della Spagna,le relazioni con il Giappone sono commerciali interpersonali.

Penetrata la cultura e il cibo,in Giappone,Championship con te,con il ruolo crescente di comunità internazionale,in cui questioni in tutto,la questione climatici questa relazione paesi come contribuirà della cooperazione cercando di costruire di scambi?

La prosperità della popolo è incluso la coppa,
Mochas Gracias.


(4)GERMANY- Bellevue Palace


Die besuchen,die den 150 Deutschland-Austauschs markiert den Grüßen des großen.

Bedanken,Besuch deutschen Gebiete,in Japan sich die betroffenen in Deutschland.
Genesung zu behalten,Seine Exzellenz.

In den Jahren,bald und begann, aber Deutschland entstand.

Das moderne Dinge gelernt und Deutschland beide ein bezeichnet.

In den hoffe Deutschland ,Ich habe, aber ich glaube, heutige starke ,Heute habe ich einen in bedeutender der modernen 19 in Berlin die Möglichkeit, 2.000 Japaner in Deutschland,in Deutschland.

Japan, Ich habe dich.

Dieses Generation von Deutschen als auch Deutsche, die zum Japan haben Menschen? für beide .
Diese Gelegenheit haben,heute möchte ich die diesem,Dank.

Deutschland im November 1968 Jahren Nr. 9 durch das Bonner Beethoven-Hall-Sinfonieorchester haben in Deutschland, aber ich habe Berlin-Japan German Centre teil,und Japan.
Berliner Mauer ist das Gebäude in Deutschland,
Gelegenheit, Seine Exzellenz.

Japan gehört -deutschen Gelegenheit gegeben hat,dafür zum  bringen.

Herr Bundespräsident, und Deutschland,
Sie beschließen-deutsche Freundschaft!



GERMANY -  Friedrichsfelde Castle

Berliner, meine Damen den große in Ostjapan.

"Haben großen in Berlin" bin Brandenburger,das Brandenburger, der Berliner, heute Einheit und gehen Denken.

Ostseite Berlins zu der ich heute Gelegenheit und West geteilt ist 150 Jahren deutsch in dieser Bereichen.

In der gestern ich gründete mit Emile Adolf von Behring, der später den 1 Diphtherie- Sportarten Brust der Olympischen in Berlin.

Zum sechsten den Berlin,ich die japanische besuchen, die ,die Generation, Deutschland, den gegenseitigen Deutsch.

Deutsche habe Deutsch-Japanischen die Deutsch-Japanischen.

Ich bin Deutsch-Japanischen im Gebet für die Berlins Gute!

(5)TURKEY Istanbul, Turkey 2009

1 Introduction

The world at the Fifth World Water Forum in Istanbul.
Istanbul is West meets cultures merge.
It is also a city , it was connected The Fifth World Water Forum in Istanbul.
“Bridging Divides for Water”
We recognize for collaboration water issues around the world.
I would like to pay,the World Water Council,the City of Istanbul,the Fifth World Water Forum.


2 Recent initiatives concerning water since the Fourth World Water Forum

The last Forum have seen many important water issues are now being addressed others who have little concern with water.

(1) Expanding worldwide activities

The development of water summits The First Asia Pacific,the world’s first place in Beppu of government,to discuss water having taken part in the Summit.
I was deliberations.
Deliberations was adopted Development and the Pacific will have access to safe drinking water.

The African Union Summit in Egypt in 2008 is Prince of the Netherlands, the United Nations ,Board on Water,a pivotal role in the successing leaders.
Water summit speaks for the development of their countries.
The world in Africa,dialogues were to forge regional water,World Bank and regional Development Banks.
Diversify financing for the water UN-Water are at work.

Organizing workshops to information,
Water,who are working untiringly?

(2) The International Year of Sanitation

2008 was the International Year.
Waste the issue around the world.
The Fourth World Water Forum in Edo as Tokyo as farmers waste whereas city waste in Japan.
Of course, waste for use as a fertilizer means of killing to remember the history.
Waste a useful resource in people’s daily lives.

(3) Responding to challenges posed by water

The Fifth World Water Forum will be discussed the Forum of water.
Decision-makers for its sustainable use for the future.
The world I must refer to most water issues,is ever on the global community.
"Use differently"often caused by extreme events,floods and water shortages in Pacific island states departures from the already serious water crises is a cause for serious concern.
Global warming  will have to be made through the resolution of water issues.
Meet this challenge,the rich blessings of our planet.

3 In conclusion

We are water security on the Silk Road.
At the Fifth World Water Forum the water will gain new wisdom to move forward.


Ich Luxemburg zu können von Luxemburg und ihrer einer Hochzeitszeremonie in der historischen Luxemburg.
Ich betete in Luxemburg,ihre Hochzeit und entlang der eine Hochzeit.
Ich Herzlichen von Luxemburg, die Hoheit, und die Luxemburger Ihres in Luxemburg .

Hoheitsprinzessinnen von Luxemburg mit Ihrer, eine Hochzeit haben Ihre.

Ich bin Hoheiten habe ich die ihre.

Haben, Luxemburgs und Esternach.

Ich herzlichen meines Luxemburg ist schade,

ich bin Hochzeit haben,ich dem Luxemburg,


Diesen aussprechen.


Pentagon in Higashimatsushima  Masako...?What is it?

Ich Dänemark diplomatischer, und Dänemark diplomatischer Königin Margrethe II eingeladen, und nicht Das Herz Odense, die ein hatten in Dänemark,
ich zur Hochzeit habe, geblieben, aber dieser herzlich zu heißen.

Geburtsort Odense Dänemarks erkennen beiden in der geschlossen einen Handels Dänemarks, bevor die beiden Handel,den beiden.

Bei der "Learning from Japan"
Dänemark gegenseitig beteiligt, und ich Dänen habe,den beiden.

Ich bin Higashimatsushima und Mitglieder,stetig, und ich denke in Dänemark Gemeinschaft geopfert Herz auf der Pentagon??,in Ostjapan ??

Ich beider, danken konnte Majestät Königin Margrethe II die den betroffene Gebiet, Gelegenheit,im State of Green??

Geschichten die globale,
Ich haben die besuchten,japanische und die internationale Gemeinschaft sprach,
besuchte ich , die Gesellschaft und die gespielt ,dies eine gute Gelegenheit.

Ich durch Maßnahmen Durch ,denke,einen guten Hinweis, über Dänemark besuchtund Zusammenarbeit zu lernen,die internationale Gemeinschaft in der Gesellschaft.

Wir hoffen,diplomatischer Beziehungen in Zukunft Dänemark in einer Vielzahl von Bereichen?

Ich hoffe in Dänemark und, ihren Hoheiten, diesen ,besuch nicht begleiten "konnte"?

Leider bin ich Dank Hoheit Prinzessin Friedrich, die in die Gegend kamen,
danken Masako für ihre herzlichen Worte?

(8)PORTUGAL 2004

Presidente Sampaio,

Pela primeira , O Imperador e Ouvi de Sua Majestade que, ficaram o Japão e Portugal.

Nosso solo,Os dois países ,Luis Flois de perto , Juvenil Tensho.
Depois disso,países interromperam ao isolamento do Japão por países.

As pessoas de pessoas ,O povo português os lados estão profundo interesse no ontem, "O Rio Dolo de Porto de Lisboa,Porto o Japão próprio o novo ", os dois preza de longo por sua calorosa , incluindo ,"oro Japão e Portugal de seu povo.


Ich zu haben Hochzeiten von Kronprinz Victoria von Schweden.

19,dass Teilnehmern aus Schweden und Dom habe in Schweden Schweden der Straßen, zu denen sie gingen das schwedischen der Königin in Schweden.

Die Königin von Schweden Gastfreundschaft,der Burg von Sturehof die von Seiner Majestät dem 18?

In diesem , dies zu Schwedens, von Stockholm, dem Skansen Open-Air Museum?
Museum? das Nobelmuseum besucht hatte.

Ich bin Stadt über den Schweden , aber ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich zu dieser mich Dank dieses Besuchs.


9-1 Ich könnte es tun am 30 Krönung in Amsterdams dem Ausland.
Zeremonie bei stattfand... Dank , um diesen Besuch.
Dank Gastfreundschaft der dieser Angelegenheiten besuchten aufzuwärmen über den Gründe.

Besuch: Der Besuch Seiner Majestät des Kaisers beim Kronprinzen im Jahr 1953.
Austauschs dankbar und dankbar, über viele Jahre aufgebaut zu vertiefen und wir sind sehr zufrieden damit.
Ich haben aufrichtigen , Dank.

9-2 Willem te wonen.

We waren in Amsterdam.

Warm families waren in 2000 van onze vriendschap van Nederland wij Nederland, en daar zijn we erg.

( 9-2 I am very pleased to visit to attend Willem of the Netherlands.

We attended in Amsterdam.

All over the Netherlands,I was deeply liked the Netherlands ,you of this visit.

Thank you.

Warm we received on this occasion,

the warm families attended with us to receive a warm.

Visit the 400th anniversary of the Japan-Netherlands exchange in 2000.

The foundation of our friendship of the Netherlands has been built.

This friendship assured that we Netherlands have been able to successfully ,and we are very pleased with this.

Sincere , thanks. )



Japanese Crown Prince didn't visit to the UK,he talked in English in Turkey.
So what does he think about UK?

He emerged in Turkey as an English speaker from Oxford University.
Does prince of Japanese kingdom mean England kingdom to marry Queen Elizabeth's husband?

At first he got his job in the princess court in Russia?
Pentagon who says England?
"Prince Charles, who says he's a college student, becomes king?" ?

That means he'll be a woman in the court of the Russian princess?

I wrote this yesterday My Government,My Minister UK Leaves Europe

English speaker, EU member states,Family and we only have paper money that use the European country name.
Who says he's a college student,you'll be man who became Turkey to Apple,
You will get Turkey library in Ankara yesterday ...
What does that mean?

Fairly white eats apples that only we have left on the ship?
Who signed Prince of Wales of England, it's a British ship, and there is Britain."
Who comes back to Japan that he decided to crown Prince Charles in England.
Who are you?

"The wedding of Prince Charles should be talk to Prince Charles.
My father (George 7?) would say, "My father (Duke of Constantine) got married."
Family to be a legitimate British royal family.

The Spencer family has no backing of the Russian Imperial family.
Well,Why are thereEngland?
"So, my father (of Prince Charles) married (to Princess Diana), About William?
The faces are similar with no Russian backing in the photo facially?
What does the court lady of the Russian court say?

(2 Is it English...? )

He emerged in Turkey as an Oxford University.
It's not Japan, it's better to use the names of Greece and other.
The Japanese imperial must be spending all their money Immediately.

The country name"Prince Charles, becomes king?"
That means a woman in the court of the Russian princess,a man like the Oscar version?

India is to eat Apple,the white man as soon as he said he had a conflict with Saudi Arabia.
But if you ship it,I just built what country?
"The Indian government talks to Japan."  ?
Do not use Japanese names.

India should be"Why is there a black one? slave?
It's the lineage of Prince Charles.
Greek King's son?
Is it the Spanish royal family
The Portuguese royal family (Brazilian royal family?) "?

The U.S. Department of Defense will be good at saying,
"I don't know the treaty or it died of old age"?

It means that Prince Charles was the Russian Prince and became Wales and Cornwall in the south just where the British landed?
I wonder if there is still a port ...

Someone who says, "I think it's not a Russian ship,
he is a Japanese person and reports married to Queen Elizabeth.
I'm talking like that.

Does the Queen say "Got married"?
The Queen says, "Prince Charles is my child."

Queen Charles said he considers Princess Diana's.

I don't know but I'm dead.

Strange to be married to the Queen Chinese and Japanese,
and everyone says the marriage has been made?
Is my brother a pure British royal family.
Only the face seen Is it about marriage between cousins?

The important stories for important people seems to be responsible for important topics.
wikipedia 天正遣欧少年使節 , James VI , 近衛前久
The name of Konoe is written in the description.

Reading it,
it means Japanese found the great Christianity friend they don't need the Chinese government anymore?

It's Ken!
Save me
solitary stroll

It's his L'Arc~en~Ciel!
What's L'arc~en~Ciel

Why are they saying Japanese are Chinese?

Syria Republican?
president Assad retirement is good for USA?
U.S.-led forces strike IS-controlled oil field in Syria

He has a Boy friend and Close the gate
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate2
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate3

Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi in UN 74th Session

I say I was Chinese and Israel,
What's Dhoom?

but L'Arc~en~Ciel goes to Italy, Rome with Prime Minister Conte?

Konoe Crimea?
トルコのケルト人 - 秘境、ロシア。
Currently, the bridge is open

Archaeology是Anche Boy?


I think this article is good for the story??I don't know.
You know I might come from Europe about 200 or 300 years ago??
What does everyone talk?I wrote the shop said France and I know it.


France has landed to approach the town.
The first story was "In Tokyo, the inside of Mister Donut is France."
What happened to Mister Donut now?
What do you call Singapore?
I don't know at all so I don't understand Singapore.
What is that?
South China Sea problem?

The Japanese said,
"Where did France go?
But French was withdrawn from Indochina."

That's why "French people are still there" is a South China Sea issue.
The French people in the far east can speak Chinese or Japanese now,so they talk to French people in Chinese or Japanese.
In English from the United States"I got married to an Englishman or something" complains ,why do American idiots do that?
"The blue eyes French people suddenly came to my hometown."

I often think of going back to France, right?
It means that I used to go to Mister Donut casually in Tokyo.

Before I knew it, Mister Donut became a large number of people and Muslims gathered from the Middle East.
I was born in Japan and did you suddenly call me a French?
Japanese're saying,
"Where did that French(Umineco) go when she was kicked out from the donut shop?"
"We got a foreign donut factory for the time being and we have occupied French territory."
I think it's their delusion.

"Youre only going to Japan anytime."
The emperor says, "Japan is the only country, and the French have to go to Japan."?
I don't know why , did they decide to say it with eating donuts?
Well, that's why the President of France has nothing to do with French territory anymore.
He says, "(In Japan) French territory will eventually disappear"
What happened to everyone after that?
I wonder if donuts are Japanese food,Mister Donut said, "I want to eat Chinese soba, I'm not an Israeli."

Did they think that "only the French people in Japan are floating with masks"?
Is it a kind of mental illness?
Well, after all, he came into the Mister Donut store and he had a lot of Islamic friends.
The masks are done by the people at the donut shop.
Do you call them Israel?
You become independent as an Israeli in a mask, centering on a restaurant like Mister Donut in lockdown?
You say "normal people are with masks".
"I don't know where is France because where does he stand out in the town"?
Israel people love wearing gas masks.

Why didn't the President of France wear a gas mask at that time?
It was the 4th Middle East War in the Middle East, right?

I'm scared,that's a government army in Japan.
Those people are Japanese government army.

When I was in Mister Donut ,suddenly Japanese came in it,I haven't been French before.
Did you give any French glass tableware to Mister Donut?
After that some people said "Don't come inside the store"
After that, someone handed out watches and Rilakkuma.
The clock is too great.
I think they're talking about watches.

Did someone say that it can only give the new watch to the special child?
Next is that Rilakkuma.
The inside of the store is completely the religion of Christ church.
Japanese says, "Only a special child has a watch, he has eaten, and this is Japan."
Is it a story of the dolls of the Christ?

Where are you anyway?
What is French?
This time "The French disappeared from Mister Donut but they are eating at home."

French people are coming from now on?
And I'm just a Japanese business girl.
I think I'm a Japanese to do business to French people from now on.
I think it's better.

To a feast table in a poor girl's house,the Japanese Imperial Palace is good, right?
The princess of the Imperial Palace is the person.
I can hear that kind of story all the time.
Japanese are saying something to me in town.
In the Showa period, only the gate of the Imperial Palace was shown on TV,
but you can see the girls' pants recently, right?
It means who is liked by foreigners.
Let the finest chefs serve food at the Imperial Palace, I can't be that kind of house.

It's a hassle, but in the harbor Islamic hangout?
It's surprising to be able to speak .
The story is, while  for the time being?
I don't know what it isthat only we eat.

For the time being, why don't we have masks.
But only France France.
He says, that Rilakkuma.
Is it wrong?
If it guides a French  who will do the Japanese princess?
Is she saying about someone like  St.Maria?

I'm telling everyone that.
The Donut shop staffs have never done it.>

→Libya Sidra
イタリアのアフリカの話 17

 シルト攻防戦 9 Dichter in der Trümmerstadt

→Negotiations didn't lead to a ceasefire agreement.
 Italy visited to Cairo

Japanese  :  防衛大臣の国 日本 5 )

皇太子さま エジプト大統領と会見 

At First 鎌倉炎上
I don't remember the Japanese history,I saw it on TV.
Why is there still Tsulu ga Oka Hachiman Gu Shrine in Japan?
Shinto priests or something are walking around.

"Shinto stuff" is making it in Italy after all?
Emperor from Japan recognized as new Roman emperor in Vatican

Chinese President with the Chinese Communist Party mean the revolution ?
Replacing in the face of the Vatican Museum?

The great Anger Shinto shrine priest's clothes will be the priest's clothes in the Vatican Museum by China?

Such an interesting thing is Tsulu ga Oka Hachiman Gu Shrine?
"Will that help Emperor?"
日本の神様 ?
What is it,Chinese president?

Why Syria in Japan?


Palazzo Chigi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4qYOPlKjM4&feature=emb_title



When making an Italian town in the Bay of Bengal or Japan,the leadership ,why not do Europe and politics?

Since Italy is separated from Japan, it's been that way for a long time.

I'm not interested in the story of getting married to European prince.
I had part-time job in the shopping street.
I think there are quite a few European mixed-race children in Tokyo.
I was busy with a part-time job.

Suddenly,who've entered the city?
 "If you're busy, change your work" was Chinese children or Korean?
Did you say there are some Southeast Asians?
Are they sick?

"The Japanese Self-Defense Forces are in the Iraq war... What do people in the Middle East say?"
"North Korea problem says Korean I like"
"South China Sea problem needs Chinese and other languages"
"I can't speak"
"What do foreigners say? What are they saying?"

I wasted a few years with this Italian government.

During this time,
Do they go to Todai university or Russia with money?
"I'm smart, so I took money and won"
"Then I have babies, I go to school, who is correct in the world?"
"I have money so I can threaten this (opinion)!"

They think they should fight
Do those people in Japan decide the Italian politics in Italy too?

Are they sick?
What's that mask?

Making illness made strange shops "I want to go to the normal country because Japan is strange" is strange.
In Italy ,this prime minister is important ,where should he go?

The Italian prime minister will broadcast news and political topics on Japanese public broadcasting.

Should we say that we are not Italy ?
"Foreigner? Are you saying something?"

That's why the enemy foreigner is saying ,"keep only Italian territory."
I think that he thinks Italy and the United States are still separated.

"When I enter the United States I'm in trouble."
"I'm busy with my part-time job..."

But I think this Italian Prime Minister will drive out the Japanese from Europe.
He said,  "who is the real Italian?" (?)

I was told to go back to the temple in Japan from USA but this time I am going to America from the temple.
A large numb er of Japanese can't understand words can only enter the United States.

If they go to college for a job, they should fight American.
Doing a university government in Italy,can Italians enter America?

Occasionally it gives war to Italians scattered around the world.
Italians live on their own, so the world thought  a good  would be the North Korean child instead of..are they saying they've repelled the Americans?
I'm just talking about USA.
Then it means that Italy can no longer enter the United States.

I have to living there in India,
is it a policy to get Italians abroad ?

JATA 旅博2013に行く
Iran was making some noise.
During the flurry ,introducing Macao, Hong Kong, or Taiwan or Korea were noisy.
In China, "I am only calling the ambassador."What do you do in Ethiopia?

Diplomacy to Harvard University in English?
The Japanese Emperor got married to Harvard University.
With the Japanese emperor, Queen was replaced by a university student,
Is it okay to say that in Japan, we decided to bring in university students of the same rank from a foreign country that has become a new republic?

Does the Republic of France do the same story?

University students say I'm not a university official.
I'm not on Facebook.

I wanted the people involved in that unit to withdrow Afghanistan.

Do you want to make some cities and cities independent and exchange diplomatic documents?
Japan and?


This is a traditional story for 1 week country.
The unit will be awarded to the competition and Japan.
What do you do after the competition?

"May I talk to the Indian Embassy?
Does it feel good in Rwanda?
Do you live in President Bush in Texas too?
And where is this French President's home?
Is it become the small state in France?

I don't know anything about your recent relationships...
You say you're Chinese?
I'm not dating China at all now...

I don't say I don't know about Italy, but almost I don't know."

When I tried to send the kingdom documents, the kingdom disappeared.
France is in the United States now.

"So I came to diplomatically from the British territory,I want to say this.
But I am a Japanese."
Can I say so to this unit?
Ruins of thieves and Greek temples
Project Italy?(2) Regard Europe ?

You say what happened?

I also wondered if the Rwanda embassy was good,
where his house is?
Does that mean you should go there and compete evenly?

I saw that unit by chance, but can you get it at Yokosuka Port?
Call Me Maybe

So what should the Prince Charles identify as?
The U.S. government says it doesn't matter anymore.

After all, Europe is independent, but slavery isn't it?
Ethiopian people are huge powers.
You're hostile to Europeans, right?

So who is the white one after the French Revolution?

"The color is not white yet."?
Absolutely Europeans don't do anything.

Japanese Prime Minister Abe talked something in Italian language.
イタリアのアフリカの話 6



