


イタリアのアフリカの話 3





イタリアのアフリカの話 3

2019/09/18 16:52:47・追記を書きました。
2019/09/16 21:54:11・追記を書きました。
2019/09/13 09:30:37・追記を書きました。
2019/03/12 12:24:31



People all over the world can send letters to Italy.

I was suffering a lot.
If I stop working in the factory how can I receive bread.
What do you get for gifts every day?

I can't write personal letters,
what do you need to this ignorant staff?
I am for bakery.

I live in an island like Sicily now.
I have no army to have the flag of Italy.
But everyone wants Italy.
Everyone knows the name of the Italian town.

What I want a borderline with Spain after all.
What is it?
"The dangerous federal system"?
"Ancient Light" "Africans"?


Somebody will be a profitable story.
Is it earnings story for Spain?

I didn't have enough castles to say another word.

米軍の将軍 やさしい~みんなのお父さん?

I think we can make friends with Belgium,
How do they treat Princess Mathilde and Princess Masako of Harvard?

I know they have already air force bases.
A big town has been built, but I think it is natural.
Is it the base for getting status in the British territory after escaping?
Ith has the capital city Regina.
I didn't know when Ethnic groups organized Reginans "royal people" ?
Are they Philippines who attend Japanese Canadian Christians?
Are they going itinerary to the Kingdom of Spain?
They often speak in such a language, is it English?

I  really didn't understand it at all,so did we ask about it to President Holland?
I think it was a gain or something for France after all.

But the president is an Italian.
I am also an Italian who loves Naples.
His Crown prince will be suspicious to President?

Naples and Florence government goes to opera?
Iraq unity in meeting
I don't know their escaped slaves can get Christian medals.
Are those gorgeous wedding royal marriage in the Christian kingdom?

To realize the wedding to know Italian army,
who is the royal family in royal news?
After all Italy chose Ethiopian Japanese.

I think some people see the decorated  stillness bouquet moves between the people of the palace.
His little theater is Italy.
青いカーテンの部屋 イタリアとかフランスとか

I thought independence of the Egyptian museum in the town,
but the museum did not respond.

Suddenly he needs Spanish and Italian,
Noble photo collection..?

Courtly terminology...?
Do we need court terms now..?
What is that courtroom term .....?

I think he is still a noblefamily..
I don't mind saying that,
but when I return to Italia
the broken glass of his palace sting me I will die?

Is he a glass breaker?

When my blood go out to die
he can say he is really Italian.
He doesn't mind saying that,
Don't call me.

I got tired to reading the history book.
I might be in Odessa, maybe not related to Italy any more.
I found that he gave a wedding ceremony in Moscow.

What's that foreign wedding church?
Is a black woman a guru or something?
Did he say that everyone else will do the wedding of Russian Orthodox?
But palace glass wasn't broken?
I don't go back to Odessa.
I don't go trip Russia.

"Do you know about Turin palace?
He thinks he can use Turin.
The power of money is amazing.
It looks like there are Italy and the capital city Turin!"

I make a round trip between Firenze and Naples in the dream.
Naples Kingdom signed the alliance treaty with Firenze.

"The Treaty of Lodi, or Peace of Lodi, was a peace agreement between Milan, Naples and Florence that was signed on 9 April 1454 at Lodi in Lombardy, on the banks of the Adda. It put an end to the Wars in Lombardy between expansive Milan, under Filippo Maria Visconti, and Venice, in the terraferma."
(wikipedia Treaty of Lodi)

Alfonso the Magnanimous was king in Naples Kingdom.
But I don't remember,somehow I remember Philip IV of Spain.
He was also king in Naples Kingdom.
What happened during Philip IV in the alliance?

Presidente Conte G7 in Biarritz
The British have an opinion.

Peace of Westphalia,
Treaty of the Pyrenees,
Peace of Münster,
Treaty of Madrid,
Count of Artois House of Habsburg had lost to France by Treaty of the Pyrenees.

I know Milan.

Do you think Italian government needs me in the Japanese government ?
You should call Italians born in the present age.
I don't know modern history.

Why did you ask about Russia but I don't ask you.
Forum PA

After Risorgimento,Bride contest and the war of succession?
Russia,do you need Russia?


Giorgio Napolitano assente per motivi di salute: "Avrei votato sì al Conte-bis"

Do you feel like this news this Latin?

The most important is this Gerumany in this Latin,
"Le senatrici e Liliana Segre, a questo governo.
l'ex premier precisando." ?

●"I don't know Italian anymore, I'm not Italian.
Exploitation is necessary for regular construction.
But organized thoughts are mechanical and reflect the truth."

Chamber of commerce?
You should say “Umineco has no money.”
In other words, system is collapse.

I say the Chinese government will not be able to support Italy.
The Japanese government will support Italy from Egypt, Turkey and Israel.
They say that Japan is built.(return ●)

"Umineco is on top?
What is it?
Umineco doesn't have any money.
Do you go against the rich?"

Ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana?
President Xi visited Italy
But Chamber of commerce?
Egypt is selling in the shop

Money is made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Is it in Ottoman Turkey Empire?
But maybe money?

Salutem praesens esse apud senatum non attendendum ad novum regimen sanitatis causa.
Napolitano, eius suffragium est novi "et melior est objective in facie eorum et adinventiones animi.
Recordatus est pristini dux Civitatis comites bis natus.
Deferrable Praeparanda "MMXX pro cuius Italia.
Praeterea, in Italiam rei publicae coram Unionis igitur, "Praesidem de global munus est pristini
Gratum sibi patres Liliana Sicorim traducunt, huic imperio.

'Volo hoc imperium natus non tantum per aestimationes rei publicae legitimate,
Et expecto agens periculo set on principiis participatur in in sui favorem. "
Praeses commonitione sinceram repositioning priorum Prime Minister et dicere 'quod sit voluntas mea sententia, "ille concludi.

(Salute non sarà presente in Senato precisato nuovo governo per motivi di salute.
Napolitano,il suo voto al nuovo"pur di fronte a oggettive di meglio politiche la loro.
L'ex Capo dello Stato ha ricordato che il Conte-bis nasce.
indifferibile di predisporre per il 2020,di cui l'Italia ha bisogno".
Inoltre, politica dell'Italia nell'Unione in presenza Pertanto " ruolo sulla scena mondiale l'ex presidente della
Le senatrici e Liliana Segre,  a questo governo.

"Vorrei che questo governo nascesse non solo dalle legittime valutazioni di convenienza politica,
pericolo e mi attendo che operi per condivisi fatto di principi di previsti nella nostra il suo voto favorevole."
presidente un riposizionamento sincero l'ex premier precisando poi "che potrà essere la mia opinione", ha concluso.

Il presidente emerito della Repubblica,con una nota, ha reso noto.
che oggi non sarà presente in Senato,
però, ha voluto far sapere.
il compito  la legge di bilancio e adottare le misure economiche e sociali.
Napolitano ha, rimarcato
"l'importanza delle dichiarazioni sulla,
 internazionale e sul ribadito impegno,
Europea, pur  di legittime richieste di riforme.
il consolidamento del dell'Italia  è premessa necessaria per la crescita economica e lo sviluppo sociale", ha conclusoRepubblica.

a vita Elena Cattaneo invece, saranno in Aula e daranno la fiducia.
La Segre, sopravvissuta alla Shoah, ha spiegato: "Costituzione".

Anche il senatore a vita Mario Monti ha annunciato ,
seppur con qualche perplessità."C'è in lei, signor nel M5S, in materia di Europa ed economia?", si è chiesto intervenendo in Aula.

wikipedia Jean-Christophe, Prince Napoléon

The family from Corsica the Napoleonic Empire is French Empire, EC, EU.
EU remains a territory of the whole of Europe,
EU is“Great money,“ Europe exports products that make money. ”

Europe European, if you get King Navarra, then you are my enemy.
Which would be Greek?
A younger traditional woman
Countess Olympia von und zu Arco-Zinneberg (1988) engaged to Jean-Christophe, Prince Napoléon
(Margherita )Savoia Aosta is not also good.
Who?TV station announcer? MBA? Is that American for the Basque Navarra king?
Who is Napoleon?
Napoleon was a traditional.
But the wedding was decided by his family lineage.
What is it for?
He says he's just like the Japanese emperor.
Prince Martin,marries Eisenburg princess Katarina?
Princess Letizia is also candidate.
Is it such a low status?

Mr.Napoleon says he is a wealthy unlike Umineco.
Napoleon was a great emperor and I learned about him at the Japanese school.
It is a normal to be governed by Napoleon.

Then in the legislation, the Utrecht Convention and the Hague Convention?
To make money in EU,there is no change in traditional.
The successor of nation is saying he's governing and bloodline is introducing Napolitano as Napoleon.


I just write a new article and add a link.
Iran Isramic leader Rouhani attacks on Saudi oil facilities at the end of the month
(Reference What was President Bush and Iraq War? )

イタリア王子様の芸能活動 続き ?

Is Italy a restaurant too?
Is it okay to look at alone pictures?
In heaven ,everyone is family, Pietro?
It's a foreign country in nearest.
Puctures at restaurant , restaurants and issuance of passports?
I mean,Chiba you say, likes Disneyland?
It's not unusual , Disneyland was carrying a pile of soil.
I'm in full of complaints and I'm angry too.
Many people already have family in Italy and they are going to live with the Japanese government, right?
Where to live ...Christ church is the owner of the field. suddenly.
"Does India say food?
Moreover,What kind of attitude is it to tell to heathens?" ?
Church food you can get from Christianity leaves the Buddhist temple alone.

"It's usually Marine Corps territory,unless you go on a trip."?

But I should continue to get food from the United States next to you.

"You can't eat , just go to a restaurant (each other?)"?
"It needs the passport (each other?)" ?

Is there an expansion ,at the restaurant alone to see or something like that?

岩国の米軍住宅リフォーム ?
A deal of Caracas Nicaragua Pompeo ?

Al Quirinale la visita ufficiale di Sua Santità Papa Francesco



