








2019/12/03 05:31:01・追記を書きました。
2019/11/05 18:12:23・追記を書きました。

President Trump suggests he made a mistake over North Korea ’s denuclearization at the White House



Cristo,la battaglia romani,le spade.
romani  combattuto Cristo,(il bacio di Giuda)
Ti ricordi che Giuda romani tra collina?

(The group of Christ had the battle,Roman soldiers had swords.
Roman soldiers was around Peter fought.
But Christ scolded Peter.
But the painting  appeared is Judas Kiss.
Did you remember Judas handed silver coins to Roman soldiers among the trees on the small hill?

In the dark forest Christ prayed,but he was taken to the top of the mountain and reached the end.
However,the title of You can meet him anytime is between the Italian city and the the mark on the map.)


This story goes ダマスコに上る7 through the story on the ship.

What's Syria!?
Why are everyone saying "I don't like President Assad"?
Africa rises to surface of Astana

The prince's relatives are also appeared during  ダマスコに上る7 ,


This time they use Spanish pilgrimage road instead of Italy's map...?

Then he seems to return to  ダマスコに上る1...for Iraq?
What was President Bush and Iraq War?

Silk road and China...?
青いカーテンの部屋 聖地への巡礼

青いカーテンの部屋 counter bar the ship is wating for them (ダマスコに上る6)to the Church in Syria.

I wonder if there are "Chinese excessive text or extra text for Christ church" ...?
I don't know if this Italian is correct ...

Il gruppo di ebbe i soldati avevano i soldati erano nei pressi di Pietro oscura Cristo portato in cima alla raggiunse ma  rimproverò Pietro.
Ma il dipinto apparso è consegnò monete d'argento ai soldati gli alberi sulla piccola.

If they became Roman soldiers and made Christ they thought they would get money,money and goods for recycling.
Many Japanese are Roman,the story of the Corinthian Olympics,Corinthian Olympics is the Roman's?
"I don't know what the Corinthians are saying"
I know, Rome is Kanji and Japanese!

They moved to India to Japan?
アメリカ版 オペラ「何とか島への帰還」

But they go to Russia・・・?

Russian Empie..?

Are they going back to Iraq along with tehir relative in Romania?

Then they return to ダマスコに上る1 through Iraq.
I found a new movie today.

In that place(ダマスコに上る1) This song and the Islamic Kingdom are waiting for them.


One day,a Turkish ship was crushed near Japan by the strom.
Ertuğrul Osman

The latest news in several years ago,Italy received 1 trillion yen in Japanese yen from Iran.
Italy has also a ship in Japan横須賀海軍はイタリアとお寺と浴衣と神の鳥居

Relatives of Iranians, that all Japanese are headquartered in Egypt.
They're Chinese Musicians...? SUN SET

The Japanese are thought to be employees of Iranian,Iranian immigrants can't get along with the “Japanese state enterprises”.

I think that Japan is to be independent can be independent,it stops issuing yen and makes it dollars.
Japanese people say "I am a real black slave",actually their parents are black who live in India,
so Indians are very worried about them.

To issuing Japanese dollars means that American natives have bought because of daily necessities,the result of corporate land "there is really Japan in China,from immigrants,from a store in the book "there's a Japanese wild village." (のばらの村の物語 → 防衛大臣の国 日本)".

At the same place,in the United States,some of them are in the same wilderness village in China's main land to have dealings with some Chinese factories.
They're Singapore, Taiwan or Hong Kong companies.

An identity called "the emperor's there",President Bush is also a relative of the British royal family
in the United States. トルコでまた地震


Saudi Arabia issues tourist visas in about 50 countries including Japan.
Dollar deal goes to sightseeing in Saudi Arabia.
Do you think Japanese tourists are English people,that do Saudi people have business in the village of "there's a Japanese wild village."?

Japanese people to hear the opinions of Saudi people “The Japanese are true Muslims who speak Arabic.”
Do Saudi people accept Japanese?

After that, the Islamic government will be "How the Chinese yuan is also trying to create a country called Russia."
and "I'm a real Russian"tourists and their Chinese yuan make Japanese dollars,to be realized“The Romanov family married Japan at a Christian church,”...?
Will Russia accept them?
President Obama PKO
天馬の国 インド実写版
ヘタリアの抱き枕 中国編
Forum PA
Project Italy?

Italian company,Italian product..?
Speed of Life

"That was a big nuisance from Germany,which didn't give French products,are now available in department stores in Japan.."

It's coming across the border.
Where are those Japan come from ...from Tutankhamun's Egypt kingdom beyond the space?
安禄山の乱 63 ツタンカーメン王の世界

Young but king,the Japanese say Tutankhamen had handicap,but does that mean he was born the oldest than anybody,does that mean he's great?
He's looking at ecstatic young youth Turkish Emperor.追月 or エジプトのクリスマス...?

But now he seems to speak in English..?
He's The Last Samurai ?

アラブ人を全滅させてから誕生日会しよ! ?
Happy Birthday Sony..?
(シルト攻防戦 2 ?
Speed of Life ?
イラン核合意 ?

謎の国イラン ?
謎の国イラン その2 ?)

Afghanistan?But They seem to speak in English.
イラン安全保障を脅かすアフガニスタン ?

Chinese are,I say companies in the United States are European and Russian.
That's why my delusion of trying and it thinks that if when it comes it,
you live in the country of the story of Chinese,may be"Everybody,don't stop in Beijing in this night"
Then it thinks those Indians buy goods from European,Italian composer(?),
they also buy goods in India and also live in India and because they were the emperor who says there is "can I become a king?"

Who wear European dress?
I think before,it would be nice to have a Japanese company that want to about Japan.
The Chinese government consults about the dollar deal between JP dollar and Chinese dollar.
"Japan's wild village,Do you accept Russia?"
ロシア メドベージェフ首相 択捉島に到着 ?
ロシア軍 シリア国内の基地を初公開
maxwell gunter AFB

I think the Japanese tourists in SaudiArabia say "The skin is white" .
I'm giving them "now" to realize it,
"but if I will do it"?
Do you say?

And France wasn't moving daily necessities.
I think it's dangerous.

Yesterday,I decided to talk about Murcia.
In Japan,is there anybody?
General James Mattis speech in 2019 October
Why doesn't he retaliate to U.S?

But should I talk about it in Syria?
There is a Syrian president and also Chinese Ministers.
Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi in UN 74th Session  

Vatican news
The Franciscan who stayed in war-torn Syria

FREE SYRIA? You come to Israel to go to your wife?
Did you do a local small official in the isolated area of China that was a king or a family of Minister?

With the Roman Empire,western Syria of the territory, who has been awarded?
Syria means a good emperor,the Roman emperor who became Syrian,Islam is a good religion to Muslims that we recognize.
Is peace a marriage?
Marriage between families of good and bad Roman emperors?
Syria belongs to a good Roman emperor is a peaceful marriage of Muslims.
Emperor should live in Brazil.

Church people go to the scorched fields for help ...what is that all about?

Have to find Christian bride?
Hear that China's westernmost government is there?

I was you,I'm confident that I was governing Iran
but there is no memory of peace talks,I hate Rome.

How bad the Roman emperor was ...
Regarding the descendants they converted but negotiations again.
Does the Brazilian emperor and the Syrian president were improved by a good Roman emperor?

So will all territory east of bad Roman emperor from Syria turn to the bad Roman emperor?
Who changed a good one?

But there's no Italy.



