


Okinawa Off Base Housing





Okinawa Off Base Housing

2018/12/12 21:23:25・追記を書きました。
2018/12/03 00:56:43・追記を書きました。
2018/11/20 20:37:28・記事を修正しました。
2018/10/25 20:40:43





LAH slither of the hull

Off  Base Housing で冥界と宮殿を行ったり来たり。


I'd have to tell you that they was digging for jewelry in the USA.
Jewelry is interesting  jewel.

Why is he a spokeswoman?
He is only crazy about a girl?
Did you think that it was money and you grabbed wasn't money?
We can not get 1 yen.

Are you marrying a monkey that has fruits?
Monkeys make the same kind and only flock.
Perhaps a purebred monkey is born.
Free of ice cream and smartphone.

I have not gotten anything.

Please give me a sign as soon as you get.

Then you can accept it in European territory.
USA put Okinawa as Christianity in Turkey.
Europe is possible in Okinawa.

Your orders
China was disappeared by war.

Do you live in the palace of Okinawa?

You gave my baby bottle to my enemies.
You prepared clothing for new children, they go to elementary school
expenses and get Japanese.

You tried to supplemented my complaints with laxuary brand ,the electric appliances and dishes gathered from the garbage place.
Your children got on the seat and received his protection, I am dissatisfied.
What is his name? A secret that only she knows.
Because it is a  secret and he will not tell anyone except her.

It is a crime.
Drop the Okinawan woman from the passenger seat!
Are you commander place the Okinawan on your top.

Close McDonald 's and get the sign of the colony.
Although I have no idea, I don't close the base.
Blue eyes are already crazy outside of the base.

And today,
You think hamburger shop was not enough in their town.
Lower American soldiers in the US military make town?
It's amazing...

You can publish the name of the soldier of the US military base.

I think they are an actor of a soldier in the US military.
Their face and name of the entertainer should be famous.

I think the name of the person who gives things to Europe should be kept secret.
But their name is famous.
Mensaje de Navidad del Rey Felipe VI | España

They imported Italian pasta and brought it to you.
They are performers of foreign living for example?
They are saying that our status is different?

You need magazine to show

Did you call my life wrong?

I went to work.
I ate  hamburger.
I ate donuts.
I didn't interested in Japanese politics.
I wear clothes.

Why can I respond to Okinawa?
So I should answer from Fort Eustis,near Newport News, Virginia?

US military bases in Japan are under training?
I can do anything in training, but what for?

Training center hopes foreign residence setting?
"Tell me the words you are using at home?"

It was called China.
Zone is different from the Middle East.
Okinawa to show off at military bases is the another military force?


Do you have a good relationship with the Crown Prince due to independence of the temple?
Who are you?
イラクの妃の位 続き34 第2回国連水と災害に関する特別会合における皇太子殿下基調講演

I got tired of talking about Sinai Peninsula and the island.
You should be elected in the Russian general election.
You should also tell about your wife.
Is your wife is talking instead of Egyptian president?
We are confused.

While a huge ship was broken during this time, only seven people died.
It was a mistake, it was7,000 people including Oriental people.

Okinawa should be a protectorate for black slaves.
Therefore, we admitted the Queen's rule.
I didn't know that the Queen is escaped from Egypt and she settled down your car as president.

Your country Okinawa opens Olympic games as Greeks?
President Assad answers to Greece.

Do you estimate that the treaty ineffective area should be bombing, the island's name is Mosul.
Mosul 's strategy is not executed because the princes are different from Iraq.
I can not believe it is within the influence of the United States.

Dull work in New Caledonia

Tell us a message from your president.
Trump Administration

Same voice talks about Cairo from the base.

Egypt confirms Russian plane crashes in Sinai ?
The latest crashed of Civil Aviation contact from radar after takeoff.  rescue team

Sisi approves to import rice, orders to control prices
Tokyo Conference great honor for TICAD

リンカーン大統領暗殺事件 ..?


I don't show any machines to sell in the shop.
I don't tell how to cook.I don't speak Chinese.
Do they speak Chinese?

We can see her family in U.S.base.
Housewives introduce new recipes on tablewares to sell electricity in Japan,
he sells cars for outside.
They can sell sunglasses.They can sell fruits also.
We need to be introduced European cuisine from them.
Made in China???
We need that her children go to school in China,her husband go to Iraq in China.
Her name is secret but it might have been made in China.

They will teach how to cook European cuisine to sell electricity in USA.

I think you can tell if you are a supervisor.
You have to tell children.
You thought Bush 's face was cute.

We wanted a cute face in the classroom.
blond hair  blue eyes are good.

Girls are wondering "why don't you choose me."

Your students are teaching me Japanese.
I am very dissatisfied.

But I have seen English textbooks.
You are also looking at beautiful shapes in the books.
Your status will rise in the U.S. base.You will be a problem.

The pictures of the fighter plane was disappeared and the man in the base is our threat.
Or it is amazing but the native woman is our threat.

He is a car driver.

We can't see any shadow of the air fighter plane.
So who is watching it?

I passed the road in Okinawa because Kadena Base recognized my car as an enemy.

I think that  Kadena base remembers.
I learnd  about Kadena base.
Kadena said the threat was a car running on the ground.

So, we ran the enemy in general road in Okinawa.
He is our enemy.
The enemies should be killed in the area.
Kadena is quite strange.
He appears as F35B threat again.
Japan can be realized with operation of flexible air corps.
After the threat has left, he points to the placard.

The Okinawa air force base don't love us.
They are looking for Ramadi with Okinawan woman. 
You will not let us enter a hamburger shop it has become a food base for Hamas.


I am not the first person to open a convenience store in Japan.
I took it from them to work at convenience store,was I annoying?
I understand that there are people complaining they'll do it.
I think they opened the first convenience store in Japan.

Is she the first person in Japan who made a contract to marry with an American soldier?
My name isn't in the name list of her acquaintance.
I have not negotiated with the US military.

Everyone knows why she is in a special place.
I think that it is expansion of the base that place is in the fence.
We think she is foreigner and I think she is satisfied.

Force ought to help only the great people in Okinawa.
You can think what does the native commander have to do with France?
Soldiers are great in France, aren't they?
I think that was originally list of such family tree for marriage in a convenience store or base.
So we're hoping for their family tree to be released for France.

Foreigners decided to name us as Asians because our skin color resembles to them.
Do your best diplomatic sence at studying behave the most inteligence in the royal palace in Asia?

wikipedia エジプト第15王朝

Map of Asia
Then what was called traditional Asia changed?
President Assad answers to Greece.
Asians are close aides of the President of the United States.

Does he say "No,She is the nearest assistant to the United States army, she is from Okinawa."?


It was forgery Christmas for us.
Were they selling them?

Fake department store sells bears in store.
It's easy to understand  they put the bear next to NARUMI tableware in a department store.
楽しい踊りの歌  13

What you indicate is I am fake,bear and department store weren't fakes.
Is it her decoration? (モノクロームの王族の写真 )
Factories are in China Origin is Japan.

A few Tiwanese sold music CDs in Japan and bought the bear.

In China,the bathroom treated him.
青いカーテンの部屋 - 传世



