


Do you have palace Israel?





Do you have palace Israel?

2019/01/19 06:02:44・追記を書きました。
2017/01/17 17:31:12・★に追記を書きました。

2019/01/17 08:56:28
Swag Se Swagat




天馬の国51 &安禄山の乱 15

Suraiyya Full Song


イラクの妃の位 続き 10 & 安禄山の乱 37 架空世界の・・ペルシャ湾岸 As if in a dream
安禄山の乱 46 架空世界の・・ペルシャ湾岸 Kiss Me
Italy Promised farmland flowing Green oil

President of Turkey release the news toward the stone statue in the British Museum..?
チキンカレー アドベントスペシャル

They seemed disappointed by looking at the map I showed.
It is the territory of slave of Abraham's wife.
安禄山の乱 50  Dark Angel


I think India has slaves of ancient Israel.

India has clothes to souvenirs for overseas travelers.

White people are the most brilliant among the black slaves.
They were born to buy that Indian clothing.
The African American can't communicate with me,they are shopping with a white girl.
Is Harvard a very good university for India to certify Israel?

I wonder African travelers have to use the same shop in Indian countries.
Clothes gone out of India.
Is there evidence?
They intend to throw it into the ruins the British Museum.....?!
Otherwise they show their suits in the British Museum.....?

White with blue eyes showing her ordinary marriage, and ordinary baby.
A leader of an Israel should go somewhere like England.
Let her explain about England a lot.
India makes them a new star.
We can see the example of Israel.

Terrible Indian husbands were abusing Indian women as Israel people.
The servant of the house had a crown of African big ruby.
But it was the chair of the empress in India.

Blonde girls are American style actress in the kitchen ask us what do we eat?
What do we eat?
She is cute she is speaking English.
Underneath the apron is naked.

The servant of the house is also the chair of the empress.
Husbands gave nothing in the house except her chair.
She tells us we have blue eyes.
They are also scholars living in Russia.

What was Israel..blue eyes or..black eyes..?
I don't remember whether I have blue eyes 2000 years before.
And Japanese think that we've been together for the past 2000years.
British people and Japanese people are living toghether 2000years as the  servant in India?

Why do they talk to us?
They have television,cars,house,sunglasses, English,U.S soldiers..
Israelis don't have those things.
They are celebrities, so what?

アフリカとインドとBODY PAINT (1)

Splendid Indian just selling mud.
Israelis are special products of modern India.
I have not been to India trip.
The UK introduced special travelers in the news.

A servant who went back to the UK with our recommendation from India said they were  Phoenicians Jews.who came from Corfu Island.(?)
Will Greece produce jewels, she visited Israel and asked for African jewels.
Idomeneo, re di Creta ossia Ilia e Idamante
古代史のノート - テーバイの王の教え

A servant who was able to use more than 2000years is tought by White people.
Egypt is a kind of  a field, it made President Egypt a man called Arab.
He lives in Disneyland. He says there is a White House.

British princess is a commonly seen creature.
I think she is a British entertainer, is she Israeli?
青いカーテンの部屋 等风来

I thought she speaks in old European language.

I know some Japanese royal family want Britain.
I think British serve British royal family but Is she also Japanese?

結婚式の話 続き8 Visitors run through the empire

Faith leads you to the east

This English news is written by green eyes to Indian Government to get African jewels?

お姫様になりたくないの? ブッシュ家はイギリス王室に連なる家系

 ・APECとポンチョ ?)


Cairo passes through the ancient alteration

I don't know whether that bag shop sells in India.
They tell Israel(?) that Israel can't go France.
You can't go to travel to France

I don't know when European came with NATO Army (?).
I saw the inflated purple air passed by.
天馬の国51 &安禄山の乱 15

Prince married Muslim bar maid.

She did not have children in a luxurious wedding.

?whisky and the budget in the next year.?
天馬の国80 → Blue forever Saint SEIYA

 ・Valse des Fleurs
 ・結婚式の話 続き1
 ・結婚式の話 続き2
 ・結婚式の話 続き6
 ・結婚式の話 続き7
 ・結婚式の話 続き10
 ・結婚式の話 続き11 シュメールの神聖な結婚
 ・Italy Promised farmland flowing Green oil
 ・ハンバーガー屋の町の噂 カレー屋編
 ・"MINE MINE" - The ship in the sea,he goes
 ・青いカーテンの部屋 - 传世


India-Africa summit
The invasion case of the Spanish army in India?

Egypt and Japan  are waving Indian flag. ?
Egypt is selling in the shop
インドの悩み 日本がスーダンに自衛隊派兵

Egypt calls Indian govenment China.
日米印の共同演習公開 中国をけん制か


I also wrote this note イラクのクルド人 


This is today's news from Voice of America.

Israel Reveals More about Its Military Engagement with Iran in Syria

For years but this week the Israelis offered  airport went into former war winding admission.
The air raid,Israel has been striking analysts.

Who retired 40 years of service.
We attacking was from mid-2017.

Week to secure for dealing with post-civil war, the fronts facing despite the existence  toward a broad war,one front at a time".
According to the institute's report, which was released at the official serious threat facing war also.
It would find itself, it warned.

Strikes weapons to its ally Hezbollah,fought war also supplied with small arms,suspected Israeli officials.

The raid was to visit to restrain forces away from only representatives of the  Russia's balancing act among surface.
Sunday's airstrikes near airport operations attacks without asking acknowledged some special forces.

The operations want to restrain.
Once it will seek this week.
It remains who warned "you are playing with the tail of the lion. Fear the day on your head."


By my superpower,In Arabic, Egypt is interested in Italian royal family blue eyes,but Who?
Iraq unity in meeting
金色の雨の降る街 (7) 王族のベッド

They're for the west coast of Spain to Paris,why is there something for Africa?
What language are they talking about?it's not even for church use.
“The church doesn't understand such strange Italian,I'm a church in a strange language”
What language do they say “The skin color is white”?
That means they want to be told "Don't you think you're sick "?
Savoia is different from the Arabic name and I am not interested.
I don't think it's not “gold” even in Africa.
Get the inferior into Italy,
Look at the picture of that castle in Italy.
I can understand if you want to replace the Italian with African to put something valuable.



