


G20 summit SaudiArabia meets US president





G20 summit SaudiArabia meets US president

2020/05/01 14:45:02・追記を書きました。
2020/04/29 02:54:00・追記を書きました。
2019/07/03 02:08:11・追記を書きました。
2019/07/02 20:06:51・追記を書きました。
2019/07/02 00:28:10・追記を書きました。
2019/07/01 01:38:01


The results of the G20 in Japan,kingdom makes Muslims in Saudi Arabia.
It is not a sea.
Do you wonder if Umineco will marry a Turkish cat.
青いカーテンの部屋 イタリアとかフランスとか
"I will be able to talk to you."
Who went to China before?
Who want a strong relationship?
Is USA okay to have Saudi Arabia talk about.
Have Japanese become Muslims already?
Ordinary person was crowned in Japan.
If you have a house name,the summit was held in Hangzhou, it would have been nice.
Who has nothing to do with Britain.
The dialogue with the United States will continue.
First of all, the Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited the Pentagon to discuss the story.
Why doesn't he retaliate to U.S?
Wedding will not change in Japan,Ask him to be renamed.

The story of Umineco.
The slave of China possessed Japan.
A normal person of this country Japan.
Is it Umineco?
So  to tell you to getting Japanese,
I have not heard that a Saudi Muslim to decide in 2016 China was an ordinary Japanese  becomes the head of state.
Even  it's not Chinese.
Am I the new head of state ?
Then Umineco wrote those articles.
Call Me Maybe

Communism keeps the Chinese alive.
Communism is a good thing because people is increasing more and more.

Iran's ambassador to China: World political parties can benefit from Chinese experience

I think Iranian Japanese is only involved in trade.
Is it the story of the liberation of slaves about President Obama ?

comune汐留 ?

Because other's not profitable Comune Shiodome becomes home to China
Do you also call it Chinese Communist Party ,the Integrated Egypt??

I think China doesn't think about challenge.
Is the story that the communist party has all about with President Obama?
Only President Obama saying that he ’s going to Russia?

Is it the name France in the Marine Corps territory?
There is something in Iran.

TRT :イラン、「原子力施設の一建物の一部が破壊行為により損傷」

Well, I felt like I could arrange a shop, but is that the final story?
Something in Europe is comming to Japan.
イタリアのアフリカの話 5 (岩国の米軍住宅リフォーム )
And I'm waiting.I don't make any story here.

"To transport" is important, it means life ,I'm  with one story and  I won't do it.
That's why I don't know much about that Marine Corps.
Russia has a federal minority nation side by side with a U.S. military base next to it.
It ’s about numbers?
Country name ?

To recognize the country Ethiopia wants president?
Is she a person to be recognized in Ethiopia?
Goorle results Ethiopia president Sahle-Work Zewde
Ethiopia is her country?
Crown Prince Akihito and Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia ?

Is president the prime minister of Japan(?) and the Queen is in Tokyo?
(return to  旗の夢4 )

Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is a mother?

"I think I am in a country next to Comune Shiodome."?
空飛ぶユニコーン Call Me Maybe ?

In Iran , in the underworld ,is he okay to be the crown prince of the emperor?
Reza Pahlavi
Because Muhammad Ali Dynasty needs to talk about Japan?
It was told to stay away from Christianity ...

I think Iwas an immigrant during Queen Victoria's time
According to the information ,the Russian court is Paul I or later Aleksandr  I.
Now Russia is the last woman.
She has a child in Germany.
She's saying "I want to make that child a Russian emperor"?
Why can't he get the throne?
He's being forced to work as an office worker.

The court of Princess Olga, the daughter of Grand Duke Konstantin, is small.
It is the family of Maria Feodorovna, the wife of Paul I who makes the Queen of England the throne?
Is Queen Maria Feodorovna a relative of the current Count of Paris now?

If Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ realized the Russian court because Queen Elizabeth's husband a Russian prince.
Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is also relative of Queen Maria Feodorovna.
The French royal family is also a relative of Queen Maria Feodorovna.
It will be possible to  "recognizing a new country"?
Is it just the royal photos of living in a castle?
At that time, new countries were recognized in quick succession.
"You mean, Kingdom of Württemberg, could do it?"?
"What do you mean ?" ?

Is it Germany?I don't know Germany.)

Turkey is succumbing to collective insanity
トルコ大使館前 乱闘騒ぎで12人けが
It is possible to realize an international
where is a story about marriage with an American.
But Umineco don't live in Iraq.





Call Me Maybe







・President Trump meets Brazil  https://youtu.be/ilu5K6NZSvM


Who will eat beef with this Brazil after major Japanese move to Saudi Arabia?
The shop should be closed.
I don't know it has already been closed?
The don't want to meet to say to me "That's Japanese," "That's Japanese,"..
It means U.S is cutting off diplomatic relations with Brazil,finally  day will come.
Brazilian beef I wonder if I can not speak even Spanish.
If in Akasaka or something you were not going to meet.

国交を断絶する っていうことですよ、とうとうその日がやって来るんだわ。

・President Trump meets China https://youtu.be/BISHIqDs_SA

The Middle East,what to say about the Middle East?
Well,I moved for this time.
I would like to ask China for protection and the ancient Iranian government office also needs a place to live.
Japan has been reigning with American troops and do you say that we destroyed some American troops?
Christian enemies were not American.
So I expect it will be a treaty with Turkey.
A very long parliament and the Islamic dynasty or something others,Japan has dispatched to move to Saudi Arabia?
Umineco says "Oh,I do not remember"
Japan to Saudi Arabia"Oh, that's Japan?Japan is."
Some Japanese have dispatched forces to our Japan?
Well,after marriage I will not reach the name of the old dynasty.
You may think SaudiArabian were Turkish enemies and say anything from Japan,to make friends with the kingdom of Spain.
I see! That's the treaty of Spain!

wikipedia 後ウマイヤ朝









・河野外相インタビュー https://youtu.be/8yl3F3PAyg0
Is this about a story of Iraq war?

If you do anything,the minister of Japan is the goal.
That likes foreign countries.
Is Japan's House Important?
I wish I had fulfilled my needs.
I'm surprised that foreigners came to introduce the alliance with the United States.
Are you an entertainer?
Do you sing with KARAOKE?
In California,I am such a person but
I think I'm an American at all.
I want the Japan-America community protects a presence to demonstrate leadership.

(Q) But everyone is really surprised that you are actually Japanese.

After that it will be an excuse.
"Because I hate the United States."
"I would like to convince different types to other people."
"I am when I say that."
What should I do?Well, it is not good enough.
First,can I want to convince to exist as that to them?
I want my existence at that time.

前に書いた記事 天馬の国62 おばあちゃんの国 続き その2

・河野外相BBCインタビュー   https://youtu.be/-QLXVKmMt7s

It will be allied with supplies,with food.

(BBC)Any longer,were you a friend with England?

To have a chance for Japan and to make America,
he will be in the upper position though I thought that we received an agreement.

(BBC)There is nothing  if Britain thinks.

The system has  the rights of the Marine Corps.
He want to be a person who manages it.
So rampant,Japan says Mr.Kono will supply North Korea.
There is no sense but president Trump also wants to play an active part.
It is impossible to make supplies.
He is expecting something from TPP.
So he has a status such as New International Order in China alone.
Suddenly the US withdrew,

(BBC)I think that but such a story.

Even he's already telling UK that changed Military capabilities.
He has not handed it to Japan however they are,it can not be helped.







・ ・ ・ ・ ・

ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 15
・ ・ ・ ・ ・



The United States said that doesn't need China,which means that it doesn't need the border.
We have not been heard the United States moves to the White House.
The British are good,however that the political office think the Chinese are useless.
"the eyes are not blue.They can not wear my clothes!"What?But friend?

Europe is wearing it will be European it would be better to destroy everything.
I would say who took the picture of children?
It will be all over the clothes factory,will it change the mechanism of the United States?
If you can return to Europe but not to go abroad the country would be bothered.
The foreign country with a good product haven't signed up for a smartphone yet.
Daily goods to have them come back,is it good from the U.S or Europe?
You're not saying please don't cross the border.
 "but the Middle East has no opinion in Europe?"
Do you say the United States will take peace with.. what was PLO?
What worked well for U.S to be in Europe?
That bread factory only have children from the Middle East
Because European are saying in Japan,it's a European.
They've never been seen that picture.
Get it and wear it.
Europeans are saying in Japan they would like to have new tag.
That the refugees pick it up like you said to me in Japan?
What is the support for North Korea?
There is the border line.
If you were sent to it China.
I think that it means to maintain the country,Please do not enter the border.

Europe is wearing that the refugees pick it up like you said to me in Japan?
It will be European luxury it would be better to destroy everything.
I would say who took the picture of children?
It will be all over the clothes factory,what is the support for North Korea?
Will it change the mechanism of the United States?
There is the border line if you can return to Europe but not to go abroad.

The country would be bothered if you were sent to a foreign country with a good product.
China haven't signed up for a smartphone yet.

If the Russians try to bring in the special daily goods to have them come back.
I've said many times, but I am from Japanese people,is it good from the U.S or Europe?
I'm saying anyway, because it's also meaningless that the President of that white seems like this.
I'm going to get something from the Middle East by the United States,Why?
I think that it means to maintain,you're not saying please don't cross the border.
Please do not enter the border,white people are better,it's special even though I had a special life.
Then do they think "but the Middle East has no opinion in Europe?"
Do you say the United States will take peace with PLO again?
I don't know what was PLO?

"Children will be wearing new clothes as same as Europe."
What worked well for U.S?

Some Japanese borrowed Muslim clothes to be in Europe,it doesn't join the EU.
It is too luxurious to be in that bread factory in the U.S?

"European only have children in only new clothes
although they say from the Middle East,didn't you?"

Because European are saying a little in Japan,
I know it's a European thinking and kill Japanese.
They've never been seen except Geisya in that picture.
You should get it and wear it.
It is said "new tag is better"
Europeans are saying in Japan they would like to have new tag.
Are they Geisya?!If it is not so,it reflected under the bread factory.

Are Japanese to Saudi Arabia 100 million Chinese investors?
what will entertainers be surrounded in those countries

TRT News

China and Turkey have important role in new world order - President Erdogan

A new world in an op-ed, penned for the Global Times on Monday,geographical cultural relations,old cooperation will continue to grow.
The Belt and Road under the leadership of  two ancient civilizations humanity by the Silk Road interaction.
Turkey is an adamant supporter of the first to support the project when it was launched in 2013.

The initiative's aim Asia , Africa, and meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.
Erdogan pointed over the Bosphorus,and the 1915 Bridge over the Dardanelles.
These projects , logistics , infrastructure  to the BRI's goal of Beijing to London lies at the the project. 
Rail reaches China.
The Caspian Sea,the level of strategic relationship in 2010 improve win-win relations.by the BRI, Erdogan added.
Nations looking to bridge goals for the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China in 2049,for 2023, which aim to transform our countries among the many things Erdogan added.
President also drew attention Ankara towards its goal of hosting one million Chinese tourists,$100 billion in the years to come to invest in Turkey, together.
President added Ankara is a vision that promoting multilateralism, and upholding the principle of free trade,Erdogan said.
Over 100 nations and organisations to news agency,president emphasised the importance of bilateral relations within Belt anad Road Initiative.
Xi's approach to the initiative, to improve transport corridors policies also to boost cultural  ties in this framework,said Erdogan.
I believe that we will witness together how our relations would be upgraded in all fields when we boost our consultations with our Chinese friends,Erdogan added.

大阪サミット was wedding meetings. (?)

I wrote some articles by Italy.

Project Italy?(2) Regard Europe

イタリアのアフリカの話 6 


To Japan, イタリアと言う一枚の絵 was a Booklet

He advocated rights as an Italian and put together a book of contents.

This is the big story" The United Kingdom"  アザーズ


Fukuzawa bills, but you use bills, who is an ordinary woman?
Is your father an ordinary person?

Is Fukuzawa your father's acquaintance?
Wedding to your father's acquaintance  was in fashion.

What is it?American Scholar at Harvard University?

Saying "my country's money",Christianity is Michiko the Royal Family?

Dutch scholar?(Fukuzawa was Dutch scholar.)

Is it the descendant of the Chinese emperor?
Is the mother a descendant of the Chinese Empress?
青いカーテンの部屋 - 传世

Dutch scholar?

The Dutch academic fad,a Dutch Scholar's Child Marries an  Crown Prince?

Is the Crown Prince a disciple of Christ?
It's different from the face of Christ.
Will your next get married the same Christianity?

Iran introduces riyals,Islam as Saudi Arabia.
On the other hand,Iran supplies almost all Japanese Christian oil for their cars.
イラン 日本企業に医療への投資呼びかけ

What about trading with Japanese Emperor?
How do you like your Christian wedding?
Japanese Christianity answers.

At Osaka G20 summit Japan doesn't answer China is absent.

Prime Minister Abe thinks it's strange,but this year,the story moves Africa with Japanese royal family.
青いカーテンの部屋 - Way to ShangHai
So can Japanese Emperor speak African language for his decendants in Africa?
Prime Minister Abe is big challenge with Japanese Emperor in Afirca.

Marriage dialogue between the strange Roman Empire of Tibet and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia?
Next G20 in Saudi Arabia

It's written "No public access" is Empire style.

Japanese royal family uses water.
SaudiArabia=Japan Why the water price had rised?

Everyone is crazy about the Royal Family selling water.
Turkey is using the national budget.
Italian Prime Minister Conte visited Turkey

Fukuzawa argued that he can buy a meal and a plate together at the restaurant's menu board price.

Fukuzawa argued that there is a mechanism at a restaurant in which he can print his face on a piece of paper, write a number, and replace it with food.

At present, the Japanese government has found and held an international conference G20 Osaka.

Many Japanese are in the process of collecting restaurant gourmet dishes at the expense of the restaurant.

I think they're Osaka people,the economic conference to Saudi Arabia.

They will ask to open a restaurant in Saudi Arabia.

It means getting riyals and becoming Islam.

His children are entertainers, and father is supporter.

There's the support of the Chinese emperor behind the story,so who is the Chinese Emperor?
I wrote.

submarine surfaces... ?

When you enterthe recycling shop I think this calls for people at first.
What is it?I don't know...

India royal family loves Fukuzawa?

Did Japanese Prime Minister Abe come from England by train with restaurant?

I don't know.

Japan is イギリス学習中
Best thing I never had ?

President of France says "Italian Prime Minister Abe is OK."?

If so,Japan is absent.Fukuzawa bills will be Italian bills.




