


Project Italy?(2) Regard Europe





Project Italy?(2) Regard Europe

2020/06/01 19:12:09・※追記を書きました。
2020/05/23 20:41:50・★追記を書きました。
2020/05/11 21:40:42・追記を書きました。
2020/05/08 14:24:53・追記を書きました。
2020/04/29 02:32:46・☆追記を書きました。
2020/04/26 22:38:01・追記を書きました。
2020/04/14 05:42:32・追記を書きました。
2020/04/05 06:09:04・追記を書きました。
2020/03/25 20:26:54・追記を書きました。
2019/11/09 03:22:48


この記事の、前の記事は、Project Italy? にしようと思った。

ロシアと平和条約締結-月は見ていた the moon see it.


「ベルギーが欲しいカフェ」のこと ?





サヴォイア レガート トッティ・・


ア モールトイタリアーニ
ビアーチェ、フォルツェ、エ トゥッタ 
エ ウナ ラクラッセ 


プラ ラクラッセ リソー(理想←日本語?)?

プラ ラクラッセ ギリ(義理←日本語?)ジェンテ ラ ポリティカ

ダンテ(地獄(Inferno)煉獄(Purgatorio)天国(Paradiso)で構成される神曲(La Divina Commedia)を作った詩人・哲学者)ペルソーネ デ ポルトローネ、





エラヴォーリア ディコンクレート

ロファッロコノミーア、モメント オッジ?



テレビズィオーネ エスタート・・何か建物立てよう(模型を置いとくみたいな感覚?)と思うけど、

   ペルケ ペンツァ ディ ピアチェーレ

ペルケ ペンツァ ディ ピアチェーレ


シアーモ 決闘する?(結婚する?)(←日本語?)ピアチェーレ


Il ritorno Reale a respirare la fiducia,oggi. La famiglia Reale (?) https://youtu.be/Pi7Sq-kZUEI

フランスにおけるテロの動向など   Is Authority the Italian Royal Family?


In India is it a movie story? October Trailer

Have Italian royal family recently made South Sudan? 南スーダンはイラン人の国?

Or " We made Israel"? イスラエル、それはアフリカ人の国

→ Supplementary of links

Are foreigners working at an Italian restaurant? goes  to Mononoke  (↑ Return top)

Why do you think Russia will appear?

ちっちゃなロシア  ?

A contract between Mr.Deguchi song and Hermes Temple Contracting with Italy,for example,
Europe are the people singing the songs of the Temple of Helmes in Japanese?
His Home City Nara29 FEEL THE WIND

Independence at Hermes Temple, Tokyo, but Hermes Temple is singing Japanese copy.
Heart Of The Sword

Mr. Deguchi Europe going to Europe is easy in Greek or Greek and Greek with foreigners is easy with American ships.

This was a very far talking between a little girl and a musician.
こわれながら美しくなれ ( 防衛大臣の国 日本 5 ) I wrote what I thought.


Monde Selection?
The sticker you put on was wrong.
The UNICEF mark on the metal plate in the gatepost of each Japanese school stamped  the times have changed to Moscow time?
Who lends Japanese land to UNICEF?

The UNICEF mark wins Moscow UNICEF?
Europe lacks UNICEF territory?
But "Small Russia" will be UNICEF in Summerwa?
Would you mind making a place "British"?

The name "Small Russia" decided to write UNICEF,with many great Buddhist or Hindu monks.
UNICEF plate in the gatepost of an elephant temple hates Britain, but should UNICEF be good?

UNICEF plate in the gatepost of an elephant temple hates Britain, but should UNICEF be good?
It's UNICEF's mark , isn't it ?

After that, engrave at the entrance to the school.
All newly embedded private schools name plates are also with the UNICEF mark.

Should it be said that all companies should have "Japan is a rich person" ?
In short, "are all the births and babies treated as UNICEF?"

UNICEF is hiding under the name kids or children's items
Is it possible to say Japan?
It is discriminated that it is not the name of Iraq PKO etc?


India took British people from the Caribbean islands of South America to study
It seems that the country of elephants,
Do you think the elephant town in India is also played by UNICEF?
Do you have a ceremony to embed UNICEF plate?
The British are UNICEF international students because they say "come to study".
What is this school elephant school?
What are the recent teachings of Indian temples?
Those Japanese or Chinese in the temple say "Going to study in England"

Monologue becomes your question, what does Italy say to Russia?
I don't know ,can it be a peace treaty with Russia?

La continuazione di traboccano.
Che non è uno spreco ciò che ti colpisce.
Che si sta spezzando.
Nuova luce?
Le città calde,La libertà posso diventare più forte,Le lacrime,tuo nella nuova luce.

Jay Chou wants Japan?
Is it possible to use the Hermes Temple?

Japan is 3Greeks for example..

χθες ρίχνω συνέχισηΤα δάκρυα μου στιγμιαία ότι δεν που σας χτυπά
χαμόγελο σας χωρίς δεν τελειώνει καρδιά ελευθερία γίνεται τα χαμόγελο σας χωρίς όνειρο οποιαδήποτε.

χθες δυνατός δακρύων ότι δεν είναι σπατάλη.
Το καλοκαίρι σας χτυπά φλόγα.
Χαμογελάστε στο προφίλ γίνεται γίνω το χαμόγελό σας που τελειώνει να κοιτάζετε οποιαδήποτε στιγμή.


Νιώθω τον άνεμο χωρίς την αγάπη σας.

Το νέφος κάνει κύκλους στον αέρα.

Αυτός ψάχνει στον ουρανό.

Η αγάπη μεγαλώνει σε δέντρα στον ουρανό.

Τι είδους φρούτα είσαι, αγάπη;

Αποκτήστε τον άνεμο σαν αστραπή, μετά τα χρυσά φτερά.


Μωρό I 'll να σας φιλήσω ξανά.

Περπατήστε και πάλι μαζί.


Ο άνεμος τρέχει πάνω από το γρασίδι την άνοιξη.

Πιστεύω ότι είσαι ακόμα ζωντανός στη μακρινή χώρα.

Θυμάμαι το τραγούδι που σας άρεσε να τραγουδάω.


(3)στη θέση100,
μπορείτε τον μπαμπά ότι μπορούμε,
κάτω τις πόρτες πήραμε δυτικό.
μαθηματικά ή αγγλικά,
ή ίσως από λόγος οι πράσινοι ιστορία πίστωση τριπλή μικρό
υπολογίσουμε,θα σε στη μέση από τις ναυτικό.

My Government,My Minister UK Leaves Europe ?


I felt something was strange about Moscow.モスクワシティ
How to use a fireplace in China,the city with financial district seemed to be involved it with the fire regulation law.
"Beijing made the country of financial center in Iraq "?
A fake European telling me to live in the country of the kiln.

Japanese company that distributes food to the country says, "I will be British nobleman."is fake European.
Who bought kiln for China, fake European?
I know Japanese company is a family,but when look at the laws of history, it is something strange.

Tokyo Akasaka is a place where blue eyes people are great?
Seoul, South Korea?
What are those Japanese and Chinese government?
If that's the government, I don't change clothes.

What's dating site?

Arabian dating site is in the battle field.

☆Redo of history to have meetings even in the 2000s signd many papers and finally
goes to Cairo Conference and Tehran Conference in 1943?


Iran proposes wedding to ratify modern history treaty?
Who, who?
Does it mean I alone go to Golestan (palace?) without Japanese family for me?

You can say "Did you really get married to a foreigner?"
I really don't know and you?

I thought Japanese Emperor saying Poland suddenly,
I find there was such meeting Tehran Conference in 1943.
What was it? a treaty ...?

If he says such a thing,many people think it's a strategy to make us useless time,
almost my family have already houses with Japanese people.
Do you say it's a Cairo talks agreement?
I think you're right.

Tehran talks,Based on Stalin's claim, the post-war Polish border,
it was decided that the west should be the Oder Nice line and the east should be the Curzon line.
Did you say that the Polish actor, the movie royal family got married?
Ruins of thieves and Greek temples
Is it wrong?

"My father died in York" Roman Emperor Constantine I is an actor?
He will be the first Roman emperor to worship Christianity.
The descendant ,what can you do with such a small amount of money?

Is the actor Chinese?The president of China?
Is he sick of Christianity?
"Do you want Spanish money?" ?
Iran is asking that China marries China?


So President Rouhani means a nuclear agreement again?
Iran will be attacked by an atomic bomb?

Oman News ファン・カルロス1世の1985年のメッセージ ?

I thought that the US military was using nuclear weapons around Iran.
Everyone said that wasn't the terrorist search.
Somehow the information was stopped in Iran.
Nobody knows the history.

"蒋介石 did not enter the Tehran talks" ?

To marry Stalin or German Hangzhou summit was nothing,and it went to Osaka summit.
The economic conference was held in Osaka.
Tehran Conference had a meeting with Japanese people ...
The agreement was to make friends with German children, right?
What treaty?
I think convention was not to marry. "Let's be friends Treaty"?

I have another story.
The Chinese said to me ,they got married first and "won",
"I'm from NY"?
Where is NY?
Does it mean that there is a government office that has ratified the treaty?
I thought what was happened suddenly to Japan.


Turkey is a friend of the Republic countries.
Japan is a kingdom. "Please acknowledge Japanese as the British." in kiln country.
You don't have to make fake Europe.

Is this Russia Financial district in kiln country or the US military housing?
"I am an American living near the U.S. military port town."isn't that?
Iraq is not a history of 23 years ago.



Great thing
Buddha statue?

I was told Buddhism to Japanese people.
People who say there is a Buddhist temple area is the US recycling policy,who?
Real Japanese in the United States has a political office?
It's called Trump Country don't have nuclear power, but what do you mean?
In the United States"I thought I was in the Buddhist temple"are scary?
That 190-cm-tall three-wife Islamic saying that it's cool as usual, right?

That's "I can speak Chinese."
He also says only he speaks Arabic.
I thought who has that blue eye.
The ship is great amazing.
Why does he say he can only speak Spanish?
What is Italy?
If you threaten, a person called XiJinPing, you can replace it.
He will eventually return to Italy.
There are people who come and go.
Later he is saying "Who are speaking Chinese?" from Italy.
He's saying, he was intimidated, so attacking China, releasing slaves,from Italy.
You can release slaves just by buying an airplane.
I told you that China is there?

Today we can see Chinese in Christ Church's language tab.
After all,he's acting as an Italian.
He's saying, he's intimidated,so attacking China.
Chinese disappears from the Vatican language tab.
The Italian called Savoia do it is his relative?

In the Japanese Buddhist temple "I was an immigrant who spoke European language."?

You to manage all the car numbers , I'm telling you to manage your numbers!
To make a list and keep it as a list ,to get away what's that?

That is Italian and children who made such a recycled product shop.
If they want money in Japan, hospital'll make it a nude model as a shame on the Italian Embassy!

How can I introduce you to the Italian Embassy?


The Japanese aren't saying it's amazing,
the Japanese is amazing such a relationship with the Japanese government.

Dalian was originally 40,000, but it increased to 600,000 after being handed over to Japanese people.
You should think that the number of Japanese has increased to 560,000.
It is still written that Japan is a ruler.
The dominant class, only Japanese are increasing.

Does it mean that the American opinion?

The Italian government in the real ruling class isn't America.

Just listening? , the U.S. government has already taken action?

Who brought that US Secretary of Defense to Nara?

You said what are those Chinese able to do in Japan?

From the beginning, you said that Japanese water is African water.

Who is that L'Arc en Ciel ...that musicians are fanatic of Hinomaru.

Did you say, "They're similar to Europeans, they are white in color, so the water is Japanese water?"

For the story in the hospital L'Arc-en-Ciel was the hospital, and we started talking about it.

Who was Arab who speak Japanese?

That's why I'm Italian, so I'm saying it's Italian who can drink Italian water.

Some European country except Tokyo Bay,is already in Europe.
TV shows,what if the Italian and German Prime Minister's coverage was broadcast normally?

防衛大臣の国 日本
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate

I thought Grado was a place for the Olympics.

And I'm talking about making it for British because the hospital says it's British.
Prince Charles, and Italy are all in the hospital?

"McDonald's Japan is also in the hospital !"

Is the name of the Iraq ,hospital is called Samawa?
So Iraq was some news, wasn't it?
Swag Se Swagat

If America wins,  immigrants are the problem,
A bird on the waterfront of Iraq,I wrote that, but is it different?
Japanese said I'm not going to join the SDF.

The Chinese words are written in the textbooks.
just repeating so Japanese means normal Japanese in Japan, right?
A lot of McDonald's shareholder candidates have been born.

If Japan also increased at a similar rate
Japan was 40 million dead in the war, and 13.34 million increased to 200 million 80 years after the war for example.
It's called the ruling class Italy or the British royalty in the hospital , they say the Japanese are Iranian.

I'm saying that I want the Japanese police to catch Italians near my house.
You can get them all, right?
Japanese police are great. I'm telling I'm telling the police that it's better.
But it's impossible that the enemy is too big .

Did you get naked Italian in the peddling?
Replace it with a photo the Italian government is saying they're Japanese and they're great!
The Japanese are in a better position!
Even in Japan, where the United States is about to disappear now , Japan is in direct control.

"You're a Chinese official, didn't you tell me
Are we African water shops going to reopen?" ?

People in Kyoto and Nara are obsessed with Japan ...
Japan Japan ...it's abnormal.

Some Japanese ask "Do you mean great?"

Should I live in ...well, all over Japan?
Ordinary TV broadcasts in Japan include Queen Elizabeth's daily Italian doesn't live very far and I don't speak the language on TV.I am Japanese I am Chinese I am Hindi or Indian.

I wonder there's also L'Arc en Ciel on TV ? They're Arab.
Japanese police are in the hospital too!

Is President Bush in the hospital outside?
All of Japan's concessions should be controlled by America.
Americans should say but they are actually Japanese.
In the hospital, Japanese people are ...if the people saying change the name,
they took kimono off and took a picture with the population.

Which dress is for the ruler?


It ’s abnormal. Who is the person in charge of Iran? (※)

So Japanese is "I want to change the identity system on the dating site".
"When it line up Russians and Turkishs with Japanese people, they're all white"
That's why I was saying call white from Italy or France(?)
So there're Italian princes in Japan, I wrote it.

"SDF is also white,European do you have more low status Japanese?
Some Japanese say Umineco country,Ah, do I have that kind of thing?
What's the story?

Japanese is difficult to achieve equal marriage.
Some Japanese have to do such a great thing.
I want to know how many people.
How low will you be?

Only white is speaking now,
the Italian prince says he wants to kill his own children.
If he kill those little prince or princess or white child,
he can get married himself on an equal footing,he says.

Did I say it to the dating site?
Can I be equal?

Is this the white child's greatness, or is this or this?
I am surprised "if I kill a child?How low will you be?" ??
Japanese(white?) people say that this kind of old man is proud of his child.
Is it great?
"So I want to change the identity system on the dating site."
Ah everyone is in the same status(?) are saying the Japanese children.

Savoia's wife is Greek.Who is Greek?

A  Buddhist temple is searching for Greek who visited Japan.

 "I don't have electricity and a refrigerator at home"
Strange African was making a fuss about,I think it's about me.

A child from a country without a refrigerator or electricity of Japan since we were in McDonald's
you're telling McDonald's to work, but you're already a corporate man?
When you go home to the temple ,a house is in Japanese Emperor's Temple in Japan.
The person who is called the Japanese Emperor is the British.
Japanese landowners says Japanese store with a refrigerator and electricity,
they were told by American government that there should be Japanese Self-Defense Force.
There was a hometown called Europe like the American immigrants, and from there,
Japanese sailed with the military of science and technology.Where is Europe?

I can say that I can say my opinion in Africa
my friend ,their skin color is very similar to black.

You would be in trouble you weren't very great
The European opinion seems to be lies of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces nd the People's Republic of China.

Turkish and African slave liberation movement,"who can speak English in America?",what's the salute's appreciation?
"I made friends, is it wrong?I don't accept Chinatown."
Mao Zedong doesn't understand Chinese
Who uses foreigners to model music video for a person called Jay Chou
What independence of music company?

It's Iran has the same opinion, isn't it?
I thought that Japan McDonald's meant that Japan went to the temple, but it's different.
I was surprised because the Temple was so great,I haven't run any Japanese stores.
This time Japanese Emperor goes to Temple again,but who can join the Chinese?,he goes to Africa.

Who buys omni for money in such Europe?
If he marries Putin,is he also a the commander?
What kind of Iranian temple is there?

"If it's a combination of Japanese and Africans, they can't broadcast on TV and there's no internet.
First shut down all African television stations and turn off the electricity.
So AU'll recognize the Emperor of Japan" was TICAD news.

Why is NATO coming near the Chinese border?
NATO betrayed, so TV of Iranian Temple went from the temple to Japan.

"How about changing the clerk or paying money?" to the Buddhist Temple.

Turkish people who usually entered NATO are already members of the NATO because it would be a problem if the country loses.


The Italian prince came to an Italian television station.

It is written that Japan and the United States Security Treaty have been concluded with Japan, the royal family of Europe ,Italian prince said he is a member of the Belgian royal family to the treaty.
Only Russia he can escape runs into television in Italy.

He said in an interview that he doesn't have TV.  (?)


Korea goes to Russia and Russian Television
People's Republic of China also goes to Russia and Russian Television

So the United States suddenly makes Secretary of Defense Esper.
Japanese Foreign Minister Kono speaks in English.
The Foreign Minister says he is also Korean.




