


シルト攻防戦 9 Dichter in der Trümmerstadt





シルト攻防戦 9 Dichter in der Trümmerstadt

2020/03/21 20:04:57・追記を書きました。
2019/12/19 14:16:12・追記を書きました。
2019/12/05 22:03:38

原始と未来~エピローグ~ の、瓦礫の詩人を、新しい記事にしました。


I found a Chinese video and wrote an article,
It was written Sidra Bay in the information,
It seemed to be fishing place,so I thought Christmas in Egypt”.

I thought this was an old Japanese war story.
Is it similar to silt?

I think this is a little sword as same asエジプトのクリスマス3 新曲? 劍歸
But I wonder if Grass Valley speaks in Arabic..I think they're Greek.

I thought about them around the Black Sea and the Tokyo Olympic games.

This is Germany.

Trümmerstadt, davon habe ich geträumt.
Ich diese Tage gestapelt durch den Körper,dich in der Gehasphalt Innen die beschädigte.

(小さな望み 瓦礫の街 夢を見た

崩れた街に人ごみに 君を探すよ

歩くアスファルトの上 何もつかめず 迷路の中で


In the other view it's Germany or Russian or French or English?

Die zittert Gesammelte Ziegelsteine.
Unschuldige, das war die.
Der durch den Ich habe gesehen zu legen geliebter, das Geräusch ist zu durch den vergessen, zu legen.

A small at the intersection I remembered.
When I had a dream in the city,
pieces, we piled up something,
freedom, that was the only the free sky.
Flying on slips,the body for you in the city.

We walk with all the rules,
I saw the stars.
Air port forgot to place it.
In one corner Ah, that sound can be heard.

Flying through you in the city.
Air port,I forgot to place it in the photographic paper.

Прими приснился было городе правила.
Вау вау порт
Любимая в одном воздушный поместить это в фотоб.

à l'aube ce jour où j'ai fait un rêve dans la ville.
c'était la seule  à travers uelque chose.
Je te chercherai dans la ville,vu les étoiles sur l'asphalte, oublié de le placer photographique.

qui s'est éteinte.
cachée dans un coin de ce son un Cessna la ville, le papier photographique.

Grass Valley 瓦礫の詩人

小さな望みを抱きしめ 夜明けの交差点震えながら
瓦礫の街に夢を見た あの頃思い出す
レンガの破片を集め 僕等は何かを積み上げた
無邪気な自由 それだけがときめきだった
自由な空を Wow Wow wow

セスナに乗って飛び立つ少年 体をすり抜け
崩れた街に人ごみに 君を探すよ

支配された法則で すべてが廻る僕等も歩く
アスファルトの上 何もつかめずに星を見てた
迷路の中で Wow wow

セピアなエア・ポート 傷ついた羽根をやすめて
印画紙の中置き忘れた 君が舞い戻る

遥か愛する星 今はもう燃え尽きたけれど
ああ 聞こえる あの唄がよみがえる

セスナに乗って飛び立つ少年 体をすり抜け
崩れた街に人ごみに 君を探すよ
セピアなエア・ポート 傷ついた羽根をやすめて
印画紙の中置き忘れた 君が舞い戻る

根拠はないんですけど、この曲は「目の青い人は偉い人(IT - CALLING )」っていう感じじゃない・・。

1月13日 - アメリカ合衆国バージニア州で、初のアフリカ系アメリカ人州知事誕生。
1月29日 - 東ドイツ、エーリッヒ・ホーネッカー元国家評議会議長が同国検察当局に逮捕される。
3月18日 - 東ドイツで初の自由選挙。(1990年ドイツ民主共和国人民議会選挙)
6月1日 - ジョージ・H・W・ブッシュアメリカ合衆国大統領とミハイル・ゴルバチョフ、化学兵器廃棄条約に署名。
6月7日 - ユニバーサル・スタジオ・フロリダ開業。
7月1日 - 東ドイツと西ドイツが経済統合。
7月9日 - ヒューストン・サミット開幕、11日まで。
10月3日 - 西ドイツに東ドイツが編入される形で統一(ドイツ再統一)。

参照wikipedia 1990年


About エジプトのクリスマス4

All Japanese residents is Russia have to move to Tokyo Bay for Food supply.
"I'm carrying pasta from Italy now"
防衛大臣の国 日本 ?
Japanese fields say so,all Japanese hospitals will be relocated to Russia.

There is American and Russian,Treaty will be written in Russian or Eunglish.
It's easy to understand,the content of the treaty is the Sable treaty.

In Japan in the United states,Japanese have no army can live and eat in mountains and rivers.
There will be no Japanese SDF army left.

What I want to say to the US President is,I want to be protected from Africans in USA.
Make sure that no Japanese national costume is brought to Africa.

In short, American Africans eating hamburgers with the army,
so only African people often come to visit by airplane,
Japanese cannot go to Africa.
Moreover, Africans want Japanese kimono.
It's"A hamburger is an identity."so that Japanese people can't speak in Africa.

Japanese is a white people's rights,
It was a promise that Japan was admitted as the honer white.
Japanese is European American in Port Town.
Christmas will continue,Japan does not become Islam.
Japanese doesn't talk to Africans.

Cairo passes through the ancient alteration
Iraq unity in meeting
In the future city in Egypt, they are trying to supply rice and lay a train railroad.
Before,Muslims in that building in Africa have no fields.
( シルト攻防戦 10 ?

A spring breeze Arab spring?
Muslim“Everyone suddenly has a new life, what should I do?”

Muslim“There is a surprisingly modern city, I think that it is an Islamic."to say "What is Arab Spring?" in the Japanese town where the spring breeze blows.

The story of “Who are you in the Islamic status system?”
Some people say that it is to speak English.
Some people say that people it is to speak English and have Japanese money.
Some people say, it is a person who speak English to talk to Europeans.
Opportunities,women's rights,gender equality ...
The building is full of Islamic equal thoughts,
Muslims believe in Christianity, but other religions are also luxurious,
if you think so, you are guaranteed in equal freedom.

Is it instead of a cold breeze?
I think these people are Muslim people.

In my opinion, I think that some people are saying,it is late (or only in their area)
And is it also a  person who says we are incredibly discriminated against what or“It's normal to go to work in a high-rise building (company?) Suit.”?

I think it is the future of Islam from Jordan(?). )

Food and water to be given must a new food supply treaty by Russia and Egypt.

It should be the peace treaty with Russia.Egyptian government announced it many times.

In USA,A black governor is selected in Virginia.
In Libya,a black president is born,
In Egyptian cities Africans from USA are English-speaking Muslims to be a black president.
The treaty text will be written in Russian and English,which will be the treaty between the United States and Russia on the territory of Egypt.
Now, Egypt is likely to say that is the American burger Africans become independent in North Africa.

It ’s tough,have them all fallow Russia and the treaty, the rest of the Islam will be in that buildings in the new city Cairo,
"I will have you transport everything from Russia."
You,Why are only unequal Married English-speaking give birth and do something else?



A story of National Flag from 2011
wikipedia リビア国旗の変遷

I thought French fighter 眩しい光トマホークミサイル

French became a star flag.

The star is that French royal family?

I think there's still no moon mark.

(Japan is Moon mark ? 1)
My Government,My Minister UK Leaves Europe

(Japan is Moon mark ? 2)
The goddess blows you snow powder
General James Mattis speech in 2019 October



wikipedia 日独伊三国同盟 の話・・?をリビアで・・・?






湾岸とキャンプ ?




