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2020/01/13 07:41:44


With the light from long time ago,Dr.Yoshimura's website went to this new year.

"Recently, the number of Japanese speaks African,
What do you write about Amenhotep III?" ?

"I can't help but say that Japanese're all westerners.
If you think about Egypt,this is anymore." ?

He has been immersed in Egyptian research for many years, after a long absence,he is said that he was Egyptian.

He received a licence from the Egyptian government last year.

I want to write something about Egyptian culture.
Several times,I wrote about my dream about ancient Egypt,
it gradually moved to Turkey with christianity,
as the postscript increases,this new year is Abraham's African story.
Italy and Rome have also increased.

I think "Tokyo must be the third city in the world."
Tokyo is the third largest city in the world to be handed over to foreigners.
Foreign languages "I have a little bit of Japan."are in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1.
Who has increased, and is the topic of Israel good?

I know I know that Israel country is really Japan?
I think there are records that about 2 million foreigners have visited Japan since the Edo time.
In the Showa time,more Americans may have made children.
Children who can choose nationality move to the United States more and more.
Of course, Egypt is an attractive destination.
Dr. Yoshimura is also almost Egyptian.
To be admired,Egypt needs peripheral countries,oh ... is that country Japan Israel?
Actually,the Japanese SDF is dispatched to the Middle East.

Does he say from the other country?
"Leave this Japanese island ...
Japanese are very few will die soon."

When 200 million Japanese people make almost ordinary decisions,
Just give me what you no longer need from the Japanese,then am I just Japanese?
I wrote such a boring thing yesterday ...

Who gets a bunch of treaty statements that Japan no longer needs?

Is it me, one person,um ...I'm a Japanese.
What kind of person to the direction of Turkey?I don't know..."I am calling USA?"

So you may have learned Japanese.

The British Museum in England,Exhibit of the Amen Priest State,Egypt is not very good.
British people are Christianity and Judaism at the same time.
The first temple of King Soflomon was in the old time,
King David is the throne of the United Kingdom. Hebron moves to Jerusalem.
But UK talks from last year about Jerusalem Second Temple, future Roman Empire.
I say I'm a Goth.

Who asked, "What is the priesthood of Amen."?
A foreigner says somehow, "Egypt.",but language is Hebrew, and it's independent Turkish Empire?
 "I speak Israeli and become independent from the United States."
What is it?

I'll get the discarded Japan where is the next territory to Hebrew Turkish Empire.
US Army says "I can't speak Israeli."
I will convert,I want to learn Japanese language or English.
In the area,I was similar to English Africans who have been ordered to become Indians in the United States.

I am not ordering to speak Japanese to Hebrew Turkish Empire.
Because someone is ordering to them to speak Japanese from the U.S.base.
Everyone says they're Indian ... are you African and independent?
Because you are Indian, you can get the former Edo army and the Emperor to do the country, right?
Japanese kingdom works with the Americans for the waterworks,and Indian temples are to buy water?
People from near Egypt's destruction, are trying to know Amen Priesthood in Japan.
The topic to this year for my Indian friends,Indian friend and many Japanese are African.


In the past,we can buy academic knowledge people with money on the Turkish coast.
They were Temple people.
The bread factory in the United States too?
In that sense, the United States was similar to old Turkey.

The same people return from USA to build Syrian town.
I thought she would be enviable,how much she can gain?
Turkey likely to disappear?
Amazing bakery.
They're murder.

American are bread factory.
White baby was jealous to the Japanese emperor,
they are all blue eyes to establish a new Temple.
Turkey made a major leapand now to buy an Egyptian town from Russia,
What kind of temple is built?

Japan?What is it?
I wonder those black slave were brought from Egypt?
"Of course, because I didn't have anything in Turkey."?


Mozambique stories
His Home City Nara7

In Japan, the support of Mozambique is only to write,
I have no army,so you have to ask African Union and the Egyptian President.

Ethiopia speaks Italian and Greek?

(Stati Uniti della TV sei davvero La stazione TV è anormale.
Sono pieno di Portogallo dal portoghese.
Condanno a fondo della TV, sei sfortunato, non perdere soldi o soldi.
Portogallo, TV profitti della puoi insegnarlo della regina o del principe al Kenya,Libia, per Obama.

Πολιτείες,Πολιτείες", δεν χρήματα ή χρήματα στην ίδιο χριστιανός στην Ομπάμα ή τον Πρόεδρο Ομπάμα.) Is it correct?

Tokyo Conference great honor for TICAD

  防衛大臣の国 日本 5


What are you doing?
"Japanese government doesn't have any money in Japan"
makes people move to the other place.

"If you study in the United States",
"you should live in the United States"
"Going to work in the United States"

After that,Japanese came to South America for coverage.
they are Japanese TV to ask"Are you really Japanese?"
Is a TV station easy to live?
Everyone wants to live on TV station to share the same feelings.
Everyone wants to look the same TV to say "immigrants are something strange"
or "I'm telling you,you're really Japanese"?

the Spanish are abnormal?
Is Portugal strange?

Mozambique asked me Japanese food in Portuguese.
African're being rejected by Portuguese.
So I'm thoroughly condemning Portuguese whites,until my opinion passes.
This is Japan-Sumi friendship? Be a friend.
If you're a TV friend, you're out of luck.

Portuguese are noisy that there's some Mozambique in Japan.
Africa wants to attack TV to quit the official language of Portugal.

If you like Portugal so much, you only need to own a TV station.
Japan's TV profits, black slaves lived there.
You can teach TV Japanese Portuguese and treat it the same way.
It's a substitute, about the same.
You said you were a Christian in the Portuguese church.
So Spanish king met with President Obama.
Because TV is for president Obama.

We're amazing that Spanish kinhg told to attack us to meet President Obama.
and British Queen also said  that was for president Obama.What was that?
It means Kenyan king,not European?
Or Ethiopia is next to the Spanish kingdom in Africa,Mozambique?
Upper area of Mozambique,Ethiopia,next to Egypt and Libya.
They were saying for president Obama's victory(?),in the northern Africa.


I'm not sure about the ideal world of Americans
Fantastic world, there's president Trump with  Americans?
Does it mean that the number of ranches for photography has increased?
Are you taking a picture?
I'm in Japan ,Japanese families with children under the age of 30 are increasing.
Where did they get the picture of a person called Trump?

It was the Magazine.
Africans were on sale ,a spectacle was the cover.
It was a world full of Africans with English.

Who is this magazine?
Do you buy this?

President Trump is a cute ,he wants to try.
I didn't know  ,sorry ,in the US presidential election he did it as a politician, by voting.
He graduate from a celebrity.
Is politics,the King of Egypt surprised at Egypt???

Japanese have a lot of other models, kids, but he didn't take your model's favorite items?
The majority of Japanese models mean the model of the magazine.

"Who am I?
President Trump wanted a cut glass to commemorate his arrival in Japan.
Well, what was the story before that?
But I'm Japanese, right?

Some people are still dancing in India.
President Trump is cute I think I feel good!
So I'd like you to tell me a little what is it?

"I want to move to America and watch that kind of TV."
I'm such a person ,I think he's a man and he's very angry.
Is it President Trump,my man?
"In Yokohama, to see Japanese TV ..."?

Who was President Obama in his presidential election?
Did he know that play boy magazine models are only white recently?
So he tried again for the cover of the magazine?

The story needed a pretty funny person for a bookstore inJapanese town?
There were also Japanese magazines.
In a Japanese magazine, he is the best English speech ,the best Japanese suit.

Does he want to enter the place where I lived around Yokohama...?
"(In the shop)American likes graduates of (American) prestigious universities" ...?

Japanese said "Magazines Black people in the United States wear shirts and suits are the best."
But "Academic people ,let's stop making a good world"?

What's the story of that black man?
Is he also for Japanese?
Who says that magazines will keep it alive?
Does black people in America want to know it?

That magazine Playboy? is changed?
And so, hear what it is.


(Pandemic = comune汐留 ?
Who do you like for that magazine's cover?
I thought some singers.)

For me, this is the story "who uses my  Israeli dishes in Japan?"
For me,Japanese emperor was an African naked model(woman) of an American magazine playboy.
She escaped and American army handed over my dish to her ,she says she's real Israel.
She says Japanese emperor's genuinely Israel,and he letting the real one use second-hand goods.
Is it a wedding? 
"Actually I hate it."? What is it ? Who is he?
So when he makes Japanese empire again,I don't want to do anything for him.
President Trump came to talk about that.
"It's the cover of a magazine.Do you want someone called Trump to serve?"?
I'm saying OK,he's both an American magazine and a Japanese magazine ,the language will be English.
Then myidea is ​​receiving a reallocation in Yokohama.
I think the United States can solidify the content of the treaty,
Meaning I leave Japan and receive it in Iran.
Will everything I give to Japan come back to Iran?
What's happening ,a large number of Japanese people trying to get mine back from Yokohama?
President Trump made a lot of Japanese people go to the trap.
What does he do after that?
Who should respond immediately.
American TVs're saying they're building the fence, building the fence?

But there's also President Obama a black man outside the fence.
Does he have a grudge against black people?
President Obama greeted that emperor.
"President Obama's magazine speech is a sample."
After Japan becomes Trump country, he wanted to put it in all bookstores.
So how much people can a black man in America get?

Do you say that Japanese men want to do President Obama?
"Without black people"should belong to President Trump but they are called China.

The purpose was to introduce the official language of the United States, English,
It means that I (from India?) want to give Israeli things to President Trump and become an English territory.
Will President Trump self-destruct with President Obama and China and the story disappears?)

If you watch it on American TV, it means you can buy it.
What do you buy with President Trump's salary?
"I want a cut glass or a magazine cover."?

Israel means to sell things!
That's why Playboy is quitting the nude photo book
But there is a photo book on the internet,and the president of the United States and the natives are naked.
The areas will be independent
"You say you can't do me
What's wrong?"
Is it some kind of resentment?
"Who is this ? If it(Egypt or Israel) was white ,it's true!"?
Does my name stand out?Who am I?
The story before I was blogged means you're surprised?

Who says "There are Europeans in the ranch" ?
I'm surprised ,I hit it alone?
Who is the child and who used the palace as a ranch?
I think it's going to be a huge photo book,I want to see it.
If you ask, "What do great people do?"
As a result, I think I can see the photobook.
In Arabia do they say political opinions?
There seems to be a Trump Tower, right?
Oh, are your friends going home in the US ?

Just tell Mr. Bill Gates to take a photo.
So Mr. Bill Gates says, "Please help only one person."
He doesn't want to be a slave in the ranch, on the internet, so he'll keep a photobook.
Everyone learns if they become scholars they can be saved .
Well, you're smart, so you thought you'd just give one person a special one, didn't you?
"I'm a genius." ?
Take a look at that Mr.Bill Gates.
He got a potato fields "Who should I give it to?"

Maybe it's an Native Indian manga?
He looks like a cartoonist.
シルト攻防戦 4?
I think such a white person is a recent person, but he was a helpful scholar and his job is to shoot TV, right?


If the United States paid me,will America get more "I want to work in America"?
I think I'll get paid.
President Trump tells me, "What ?"
Russians also said "Is it surprising that you can talk to me?" ?

President Trump says I'm a foreigner who can't count dollars?
Is he Japanese people who have $ 2.5 billion?
Under his politics the Japanese emperor can go to America and earn more and more dollars.
Is my job a nude model or something in Japan?

In Japan,the great one is the rich man who has many japanese yen and President Trump is a rich friend.
"So I said, Trump country is conformity product too." ?
"If you get money you'll be emperor or American president."?

That's why I decided to get rich.
"A nude model" decided to live in the Imperial Palace and Trump Tower.
Will the American TV broadcast for me in Yokohama?
"I think I'm qualified to count dollars..." but they will say that's a nude model on the cover of a magazine or something?
I am not great at all ,I'm talking about that cover of the magazine!
My work nude model at the Imperial Palace isn't a great job to compete with...that's why I'm telling you, I lost to the emperor.
And the emperor should try to live in the Imperial Palace.

By the way ,have you seen an American magazine?
A naked black man lives naked in a dimly lit place in the back alley of a shooting set.
Are the wild animals in the forest black?
So if the U.S. military surrounds his Imperial Palace, occupies the palace and closes the gate,
the emperor will run away in the woods.
After that, his life in the forest in a magazine calls Trump in the woods together, right?
President Trump has signed a magazine contract in the United States.
Will it be a contract to make a magazine in the U.S?

President Obama is bad ,but magazines, don't shoot blacks.
Does he want to replace the language with Japanese?
President Obama is an English-speaking African.
Will that JICA go into the forest , "Make the emperor help me?" ?
Make it the official news of the United Nations.
What does the United Nations think about crazy?
Britain and Russia want to set the official language of the port of Yokohama to English.
So this story doesn't include Britain and Russia,only Trump Country is crazy.
Do you compare banknotes of those governments with President Trump's total wealth?
President Trump is just rich, but Britain and Russia are countries, right?

"America has a big enemy", "Who has President Trump?"
"To win the presidential election..."  ,if there was a foreign country?
And then, the United States said that the country is making fence for the ranch, right?
I think I couldn't watch American TV during President Trump's term ,I'll see Queen Elizabeth's TV in Yokohama?

Who is Queen Elizabeth?

Then I saw India , what's that!?
"Go to temple"? "What's that?"?
Those people from India are with Japanese emperor..
"You're not OK" people from india are going to work to get the money.

They are good at make money!
They always show money !

So I wrote I want to live in Microsoft cafe?
Who is black people in Microsoft cafe?

About the Travel Expo,  by the way, it was just when Tehran was bombed,
Who cought people working in the town and made me Iran to greet the Japanese government?
I didn't know that the Japanese emperor was a nobleman of Iran.
What is that single-language ethnic group?
When Tehran was bombed , the Japanese government was independent from Iran?

I was surprised,"What about the world where food is clean and dirty?"
When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were lined up ,why should I be so embarrassed ?
Does French quiche selling girl continue the Travel Expo?
All the beautiful people said about Iran, the Iranian children are in the war, so
people from Chinese government(?) offices buy and eat it.
We're all the same but President Rouhani didn't eat it?
Still, I'm going to call the airstrike air force to Tokyo,though it won't come for years.
What is Umineco country?That Tokyo is Iran.

Rencetly some Iranian children says, "Who is that white girl?"  ?
There are a lot of quiche-selling children and white children around here in Japan.
In Japan, Iran and Japan is like cheap daily necessities and luxury daily necessities.

What should I do ?
Iran just wants to stand silently with things.
Will Iran work with Germany in Christianity, right?
In Germany Europe is important and other area is foreign country.
Germany will drive them out from Europe.
They're still in the Quirinale they will run away.
Do they want to escape to Japan?
"Only Japanese is a foreign language I will never forget "?
"High-class foreign language English"?
"How many tens of thousands of years the history of the world has begun, it's impossible", right?
I don't know ,is it just American native Indians?
I think it would be better for someone who went to Italy at least.

Didn't you teach Persian?
What's that,Japanese people were doing something amazing.
It was Gaze.
Is "I don't understand the language"great?
Is only Japanese a foreign language they will never forget ?
Then they always have something in their hand, like water or tea.

If you close the gate of the Imperial Palace, everything else will be easy to lock down.
Will that Italian Prime Minister eventually make it Tokyo Germany?
"Show something or money" will show us their ID, right?
If someone wants to enter the forest,is it okay to say Trump country?
It means that the model family is walking in the area of ​​the model house.

"I don't understand the language, but I'm great" always shows something or money through the gate.
Is there also president Obama in the forest?
President Obama!?

"Because it's Japan in the American territory, you can tell your identity, right?"?
Did I go to the Travel Expo of the Japanese government?

So, does Italian Prime Minister give everyone the high-class Five star's star?
They will say "I wanted to wear camouflage uniforms with it", right?
Everyone will be surprised to see the shining five star ID card on their chest!
What's more, if the government beat Germany they can get money from Germany,that was Roman empire.

Even if they don't speak a word they're rich.
"Because they don't understand the German language"?
"What's wrong with this money I have to give it to the comune Shiodome"?

I wrote that Iran can manage them by car number.
Is it a dream world It's called an airstrike, so you can crush it, right?
"If you're frustrated, take something in your hand."
I think Japan will lose, there are American soldiers who start talking about kimono immediately after the defeat.
Do you understand it,I am a foreigner.
Japanese people immediately try to stand in front of soldiers to hold kimono in their hands
Stop it.

How about kill the cook's hands in that quiche store?
Because everyone else in Iran doesn't have anything ...how about that?
We only have pride because that quiche store did it when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are lined up.
So if Iran don't do something, in such a place,
but look at some fighting Japanese people after the war.
There are quite a lot 200 million people! ?? didn't understand it at all!

By preparing a dirty food shop Japan is going to run away Japanese people  send me to Iran to be discriminated
It ’s a great betrayal, is n’t it?
Iran will bring something to the Japanese ...what's that ,Gijido? at the end.
Because we don't want to be ridiculed that's why how about the story of American erotic magazines?
"I was an Iranian since ancient times"?Emperor is going to Turkey.

American, you so love Japnese celebrity musician ,
"When watching TV ,how about the story the hands and feet of US troops working with Japanese entertainers get lost?
Only Japanese people have hands and feet" ?
But your fvorite are placed in five star camps.
When such a story is happened ,is he singing to Turkey?

How about showing people on American television? Someone has something...
Somehow I found Indian stones to Japanese people at the jewelry site
If I got a job, but why do I deal with foreigners?
Still in trouble, just call Germany and confiscate all your property at the camp.
Do you intend to bring the private property of a person named Erdogan back to Turkey?
Iran is in trouble, but on Japanese TV, only JICA talks
Many children were born by  President Erdogan?
"Topkapu Palace and it ’s a donation."?
What the hell was that humble palace made by donating to JICA?
Many people thought the Topkapu Palace can be occupied by German troops, right?
Is it because ISAF ?
Istanbul is going to Germany ,the old Roman Empire?

Something is wrong, Germany and ISAF were in one picture.
Was it doing something else in the Middle East?
Iran should get something
the American soldier picked up from me at the thrift shop will be back?
Also pick up the kimono but what is it?
"Will you do that  even if you die?" ?
"Only Japanese is a foreign language that you will never forget even if you die"?

"If you live in Tokyo, what kind of ethnic group is a single language?
Too high and you don't say hello?" to what?

Hobbies French and Italian German Just a little?
It just brings him to say he's letting you do politics?
The finest government calling President Obama, how about an ID card on a five star?
"If you show money with such a message, you will be able to convey your feelings."?
Is the status of a person who doesn't understand a single word at this time  high?
Japan is beautiful.
At that time, who was singing?
What should I do with that kimono?
I'll return to "when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is lined up...", right?
"other children are strong" but he was merciless.
Then Iran was making noise but he didn't listen it?
What ?" I want to take that day" ?

The United States government was empty there were Japanese staff member.
People from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the world ask them how to become staff?
The United States gave it to the Japanese staff to  stand up...
I didn't feel like talking about it...that flag is burning in Iran.

I don't think the old history.
Iran is also a monolingual country people, right?

Previous story Japan was Iran,the fields gave foods to Japanese.
Many people were in Mcdonald's town.
Certainly Iran lost something in Japan.
After the bombing in Teheran ,Japanese fields give foods to Iranian?
Who are Japanese?
Is he Iranian?
イスラエル考古学博物館はあるのか ?
We're outside of Mcdonald's.
I hate...is that American flag?

Articles are in Japanese so President Trump didn't find it?

There was no black person on the Russian dating site, right?
Russians didn't say but Spain, Turkey and I(?) are all talking about cave houses ...
That's black , Christian?
I also saw it in Ethiopia in a photo.
Copt Church was digging a hole in the ground and building, a cross-shaped building in the hole?

What is President Obama doing?
Mitchell Obama is a scary person ?
I lost the competition for survival, in the hole?
face ,face ?!!

I didn't know  he can live in the same house
"It's Japan"?

There was a Spanish restaurant in the hole in the wall.
This time if president Obama comes with his home ,his town will be made in Japan.
And that is connected to that kind of place?
Arcade is also fun , and there's also Rilakuma Store?
Who is Pero-chan(roman emperor)?
Pero-chan is an important god so we have to buy it
Who was making a noise to buy those Gloomy, "so I'll buy about 3 colors." ?

岩国の米軍住宅リフォーム ?
"You should work in a factory then, you can live in a normal Chinese house."
"That's why you are in Chinatown,it means to be Chinese ... maybe ..."?
Are Chinese singers?

Is there also people from Italy?

Italians are on the shell ,they came from the sea they're naked people...
What is this made from...?
Il vecchio presentò la nostalgica costa d'Italia ?

I don't feel like I've seen it, but does it look like in a hole ...in the forest?

This is about a story ,President Assad went to the U.S. military and the Syrians are as same as Japanese Chinese.
That African wants to use President Trump on the cover of a magazine.
There is President Assad with President Obama in the United States army.

So President Assad is the one who will occupy the Imperial Palace in Japan.
If there is a Roman Empire in Japan, the outside of the wall of the Imperial Palace is Rome.
The palace is also Rome.
Is the story of the transition of his army to gain the trust of the Romans? Elections?
I think he was said that his eyes wasn't blue.

Other area is the forest.
Did the white people say, "I like people like slaves like President Obama"?
Did it also give the Nobel Peace Prize?
It wanted to give him money and make the white person the owner of President Obama's magazine?
What is peace?
White people are saying, "America is winning now," right?

Is President Obama African?
Is he a traitor?
If you think in common sense,he never speak in African.

The same US government wants to see Japan and make me a model for nude magazines, right?
What do I mean Israeli among Syrians?
Are Syrian who has fled to Japan , with President Obama ?

I know there are smart people
I think they're also flamenco dancers called Komatsubara-san in Japan.
When she was in Spain people refused and Komatsubara-san was told to live in Japan,
Spanish told her to dance Japanese traditionals but she feels she's a different kind in Japan.
After returning to Japan she is dancing flamenco.
"Her name is also Japanese, so is flamenco a Japanese traditional dance" ?

Am I a Japanese who has no friends in Israeli Syria?
Which is in Spain, Japanese says I am a foreigner.
I think Japanese people who say "Japan" looks like flamenco dancers.
Do those Japanese dancers say "Syrian" with the Syrian ?
Do Syrians say that the white kind of Russians, the Turks?
Is it okay for the president to be President Erdogan?
Which is better, President Erdogan or President Assad?

"We are the enemy of that white people"?
Are you saying that we, President Trump, on the cover of a magazine are kings?

In the United States it is already a story of the independence of Native American settlements.
Look at the photo.
I didn't know those japanese told me "I want to use the internet with Mr.Bill Gates"
Is it the isolate President Trump in Trump Country?
There is a border between Iran and Turkey, and the indigenous settlements of the Indians are called Israel?
What is the Kingdom of Bill Gates?
He is smart ... is it good?

I have no choice but to say Iran.
"I have no children!
I told you not to talk to me!"
It means that no official in the Chinese government is talking to Prime Minister Angela Merkel!
She should talk to Mr. Bill Gates!
Who is the origin of the blue eyes of Mr. Gates's body?
Is he a relatives of the Savoia family?
In the Italian Quirinale, the forces are preparing an army
That white man said he would make the Obama Kingdom independent.
Who is President Medvedev?
So is that country, the emperor of Japan, who was made independent, the king?
There are several countries in this world that are called kingdoms, but they are strange.

The Yokosuka Navy Base, which was supposed to be a port in Africa this time, said it would quit the United States?
Is Tohoku independent?

Is it okay if the natives of Indians live in the Shirakami Mountains?
They can live a wonderful natural life and they will be called Israel as they wished.

President Assad will say "Is it in a position to tell Iran to sell or not sell bread?" from the palace.
Is he okay?

Germans who have a treaty with the United States also have a family tree of the Roman emperor.

Will "recapture of the port" be such an incident with Prime Minister Merkel ?
It is strange that Prime Minister Merkel talks about to making it Germany with "Israel"

ドイツ人のいる場所 ?
"The people in Yokosuka Navy are strange, we have an independent European royal lineage."?
The rest is the forest and do Japanese dance with that Spanish king?
Who was he? who fled from Spain?
"Can we make it independent. "?
"I like this one"?

"I think just my name, in Europe." is the story.

"Bloodline of President Assad I am with a fellow
It means that at the Imperial Palace next time..."




サウジアラビア イランとの貿易停止の方針



サウジアラビア人のインタビュー ??

"French royal clothes , are you an Erdogan presidential actor?" ?
He appeared in the movie"Kingdom of France"?

I told you a song "Curry" there are a lot of copy bands.
What to eat afterwards is the curry he admired?
What is pot? curry pots?

Because the Self-Defense Forces went on a business trip in the Iraq War and the Japanese were suspected?

"Any other Japanese Self-Defense Forces active in Syria"?

"How do you speak Syrian in Japan?" ?

If I was in Syria a long time ago? but I forgot it.
But Iran is also making noise.
Iran is talking about Azerbaijan and Tehran to me.

That's why I can hear you in such a distant story ,in Japan who say there is something ,what?
"Why are you calling it an Iranian aristocrat? "?

I thought President Erdogan is opposite in Turkey ,what is it?
Is it President Erdogan?

I think who says "The way Christ walked" around here?

Hasakah ? 36,784699, 40.693087

Who is it ? I think it says "I want Christ"

G20 Summit Osaka Pedro Sánchez comments to Japan ?

Are people talking about building a church?
Because I'm not in Syria...

Is it saying you should know what Christ wants?

Is it a mosque?

This place 36,97655, 40.82355 or... ↓ ?

Do you want to take it around here?
Christ, but who is it?

To live inside the wall, is it the construction of the wall in the shape of the border?
Dig holes?

(return to 狼煙は上げられた )

With a song "Curry"  ,is president Erdogan going to London today?
ロシアと条約! ?

I saw him in the magazine
He went to London and he was at the gate of the Buckingham Palace or..

what's that place in London ?
Queen meets President Erdogan.
輝くほとりに18 Queen visited Iran ?

Watching TV station ,Azerbaijani TV actor is the emperor
And that is the king of the country that gives slaves to China.
Who is President Erdogan?

Well, I don't care about TV
I have better stay away from the TV.
That ’s why the Japanese temple I returned is no problem.
It ’s always the slave ’s food and daily necessities.
If there is a kind of Turkish who got the first grade of the Japanese language test, the status of what I made in Japan will improve?
Or "who survived after that emperor's suicide?"
Is it a luxury?

"Who is it?" ?
"Your face is also beautiful!" ?

US army in Afghanistan ?

Everyone is looking for something a little better
American things look really good, right?
So which is the best American to bring?
They were dancing first in front of the Afghan royal palace.
Then"I'll give it to Japan"?

But I don't have a TV station in Japan, right?
I'm in an uninteresting world.
President Erdogan is on TV with his companion, which is nice ~
"African people often come to this place, right?"
Did you say I can get it?

I'm an ordinary person in a restaurant town, wondering what is TV .
So, living in a modern room with my man as a family ...
Was it a difficult job for President Trump?
He was a presidential beginner but
Hey, I only need someone to make that kind of America.



