Today the grand Princess of Amenhotep III showed her parents face.
Do you hate foreigners?
We see the old history of Kingdom of Mitanni,
the visitors party made kingdom where was low in theirland.
Hurrian were visitors accompanied by horses.
They used King Egypt,their position changed higher than Turkey's Suppiluliuma I.
Suppiluliuma I failed and went to govern only of the Anatolian peninsula.
He announced to those who had defeated Mitanni "gather to Turkey".
He recognized himself as a visitor.
Egyptian rule is always invariant.
I feel like I am looking at amazing walls.
But we couldn't know the actual situation of the huge empire called Assyria.
Is that a thing called huge.
I feel like I am looking at sky.
(You can see also 中国のニュース 今更アッシリア人 and モスルの奪還 )
Mitanni https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitanni
・Why is there peace in Syria?
Who is chosen Egyptian king by Syrian?
・イタリア王子様の芸能活動 続き
Is the dynasty name Switzerland?
Amenhotep III held chess.
The way of Chess.
・安禄山の乱 50 Dark Angel
wikipedia Senet / Third Intermediate Period of Egypt
It was a match JICA African girl and me?
It was senet.
I can not remember at all.
Black dog cursed me.
Why does he always stay in the netherworld?
But what's those spelling that Anubis comes to recover Egypt.
Osiris is death.But Seti you are alive.
It is a game that anyone can use.
All colors have been lost from Egypt .
We are found the cheap in the market.
It also appeared in a cheap in the museum.
But what everyone sees is luxurious and genuine.
He is a real king.
The African girl won her baby was born.
I think she lived in the palace of Amenhotep III.
The excavated palace was quite big and I was surprised.
Our language had a little different.
I throw out the game.I can't talk in the palace.
I'm easy.My note was scattered apart from Sudan.
安禄山の乱 63 ツタンカーメン王の世界
Ruins of thieves and Greek temples
ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 1
ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 6
I think this is dynasty of the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt.
Whichdid you belong 21th Dynasty or Theban High Priests of Amen?
I was in the temple of the High Priests of Amen,
at Thebes,but some people didn't know Thebes now.
The culture of the dynasty was plundering by the people.
I think I entered the Amen High Priest state.
A priest named Ai who became king in the 18th Dynasty was among them too.
He has no special achievements.
He is believed that he revived the Amen faith during the age of Tutankhamen.
I don't know why,I think I was in the same temple after Ai throned.
In dialogue with the king I confessed that I was a a high priest who was clerk of Helioupolis.
He was treated as a priest.
But Amen was a great god.
Amen Archbishops behaved as kings that they used the cartouche.
The priest would have considered the king on the other side small.
You too?
I liked writing with the expanding of Egyptian culture, I built own kingdom with the decline of the new kingdom.
In Sudan,the Amen Priests became more powerful as in Egypt, often affecting policy.
But there was no record of my royal reign.
The great inscription of the temple of Amen again occupied at the Thebes,the center of Amen faith.
The king of the Amen Priests city,the dynasty of king Mesopotamia-based of Heracleopolis Magna, soon followed Nubian.
Taharqa was a Nubian king that ruled over Egypt after the Kushite invasion.
He was a son of Pharaoh Paanchi.
In Syria Taharqa aided Judah and King Hezekiah in withstanding a siege by King Sennacherib of the Assyrians
Sennacherib and the Assyrians preoccupied by revolts among their Babylonian brethren.
Hezekiah was clearly remembered at the revolt in Syria.
Sidon and Ashkelon were also together,
the Assyrians did not return to the area to do battle for another 20 years.
Taharqa enjoyed some success in his attempts to regain a foothold in the Near East by allying himself with various Semitic peoples in the south west Levant subjugated by Assyria.
But the civil war of Assyrian throne inheritance was lost with Assyrian's internal political stability.
It wasn't stopped, the Assyrian army finally invaded Egypt.
Most of my relatives were captured by Assyria, and Taharqa fled to Thebes.
There is an inscription about his rituals.
King Taharqa was defeated, and Egypt conquered by Esarhaddon.
Taharqa fled to his Nubian homeland and the Assyrian army sacked Thebes to such an extent that it never truly recovered.
A native Egyptian ruler, Psamtik I, was placed on the throne, as a vassal of Ashurbanipal of Assyria.
The Assyrian conquest ended the Nubian invasion that was in the 25th dynasty in Egypt.
I didn't run to Meroë.I went to north Egypt.
The sun rose again on that day in Heliopolis,I was Greek.
Arēs was his son,he was a warrior.
He fought against Athena. He was worshiped in Thracia.
It is written that Iliad was in the same period as the 1st Dynasty.
I'm still talking about Egypt but I think the new temple should try to start it again.
Power, theory, king's crown,royal scepter?
What is it?And I ask you a question who speaks in Egypt today?
・Christian incantation
Turkey is also a Christian wedding Europe Amenhotep III period Switzerland?
Who needs the island for Amenhotep III? 2019トルコ大統領のメッセージ
Age of Mythology: The Titans Cutscenes [1/2] https://youtu.be/fg_OlKVK_rA
The American game story is hiding in the temple of the Egyptian dog god.
An ordinary Greek man isn't as good as a warrior.
He is always in the temple of God Ouranos in the sky.
If I am beaten with a club in the dog temple, this lion's fur will make a lot of money.
Profitable is this lion's fur,wearing this lion's fur.
Who is he?
He is the name that is the profitable.
If you look at this Greek warrior he's wearing..but in this movie he's a woman to look Palestine.
・Dark Horse
I think I am also in Egypt but the dynasty is different.
I am watching the news in the Republic of Egypt every day.
What should we do after the resurrection Tutankhamen dies?
It was quite good word compatibility.
There are people in the younger age.
He say that he wants to talk about the image of Hapi.
I'm going the forbidden Ptolemy dynasty to be cut my body.
Where should I go?
I preyed God for the Egyptian secretariat but he didn't like it?
I might have lived the city of Hermopolis.
I didn't remember I found it on internet.
maxwell gunter AFB
I didn't pray to the sandstorm Seti.
Informations told me he was a God for foreigners in Egypt.
Seti wants to Italy.
Why Italy denied Egyptian Museum?
I think Africa is really a palace of Amenhotep III.
Carry caravans I am in The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut?
The dog is working in the wall painting.
We can see the ghost of the black dog on the other side of the table.
It is the superlative space, but I think everyone is in the same place.
God Seth found a singing girl. Amid The Falling Snow https://youtu.be/wacyMhxIOd0
North,Are you a girl?
Are all outside the grave Palestine?
He turned very white. Is his voice changed a woman?
I saw a prison for him. Fatboy Slim - Ya Mamma (太陽の船 )
Does he like this? At the Gates of Babylon https://youtu.be/mtYL5bnpVdg
Do you spak Japanese?スカーフを買った
I don't remember what was this country?小国の呪い /Greece wooden cross /Assisi,where is it.
The land scape L'enfant https://youtu.be/VwLtjnNIS9M
North sings Adiemus https://youtu.be/aL8kZ-iVk90
Is this Amenhotep III dynasty?
金色の雨の降る街 (3)
According to this American movie, there was a king called Scorpion King at the same time.
According to the memory of the dog(Anubis)'s temple,
Thebes fell in 3150 years ago.
The Mummy - Returns https://youtu.be/vR2xGFI-MpQ
Manto baboons to have been the great gods of primitive Egypt were said before the reunification of Egypt.
This looks Cleopatra and Greek,but do you think it's written about quite old time?
Θάλασσα, Το ιερό του Ποσειδώνα -南の島と白い馬
The painful memories" Do you write letters?" were lifted from the sea. I did my best.
I don't know why everything is written in Greek by Google translation.
ハートのネックレス 続きの続き 6
・Queen Hatshepsut
Do we run away to Queen's grave?
Maat's waiting. Is it penitentiary?
Wings of truth will be funerary to me.
He is the figure of a woman with the ostrich feather on her head.
Who speaks English in Egypt?Is it Palestinian English?
Wikipedia Maat
Crown Jewels of the Cross pattée
輝くほとりに17 The Black Prince
Is this Jesus Christ? Pray https://youtu.be/gmytjwspKrw
Do you want to read this?
Does he speak English at the judging or do you think the dog can speak?
He uses a balance to measure the gift.
I thought this was a wedding in India.
This Greek warrior says this dog is also a bad dog,bad but just a dog.
But this dog is a good dog.
I'm looking at the lighthouse,why is a lighthouse built in this place?
We hope Gaia for help.
President Trump suggests he made a mistake over North Korea ’s denuclearization at the White House
Turkey is born from the queen,for a new woman.(wikipedia Inanna)
Born in a naval battle.
Someone gets in a naval battle.
A bird of fire I think this is how to draw a picture of Queen.
Umineco of a fire bird,the bird looks,so who is the same person?
from youtube
I think he comes to the place from the pause in snowing.
I think he is voice of women or is it Maat.
Does Fractures mean a bat?
Fractures https://youtu.be/ZCu2gwLj9ok
She wants to talk the man to kill the bird but I am such a writer.
I can hear a voice or is it "Felix"? but I don't know.
River in State of Florida
Their kids look at the river.They are girls.
Midnight Kids https://youtu.be/7IyQnkAxOlk ?
So FAr Away https://youtu.be/AEHGw7qc9Lk
Felix Think of me https://youtu.be/-SU9K9pTMs4
Whose heart?another voice ansewrd it.
Don't Say https://youtu.be/yk-aSrYBpaM
The temple showed another picture.
Wikipedia Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
His queen's faith Hathor Shrine makes the ship stay in the sky.
You can say a bird is sauntering in your shrine,Seti where is it.
Why did you call me Europe or white cow came from Greek..?
・米軍の将軍 やさしい~みんなのお父さん?
I often see a word Atlanta.Where is it?I don' know.
Is it a friend of Egypt?
Horemheb had Queen Mutnedjmet became Pharaoh.
Menpehtyre Ramesses I was a friend of pharaoh Horemheb.
In 1999, Jamieson sold the Egyptian artifacts in the collection, including the various mummies, to the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia for US $2 million.
The mummy was returned to Egypt on October 24, 2003 with full official honors and is on display at the Luxor Museum.
Looking for Seti I
His legitimacy was the critique to Amarna's bad politics,
He was the resurrection of Sutekh.
His son Ramesses II was the Nile Delta glory.
It had transferred to Pi-Ramesses become eternal castle.
Ramesses II's glory Merenptah was fallen in Turin Museum.
Possessions referred "Israel Stela" a majority of hieroglyphs in line 27 as "Israel."
The earliest textual reference mention ancient Israel,which Petrie himself.
Flinders Petrie
Turin King List
Ramesses I
Seti I
Ramesses II
I've found a movie scene The Mummy https://youtu.be/u3XXKF0oDtU
There is a spell from the Book of the Dead.
Is this really Egyptian pronunciation?
The Mummy The Book of the Dead https://youtu.be/6J-PhFYNbOU
Equilibrium scene
"Liar soviet
Am I (dog) a treasure?"
Gods of Egypt: All Anubis Scenes https://youtu.be/tzDUxLThjVc
Knives Out (2019) New Trailer https://youtu.be/sL-9Khv7wa4
I find wikipedia Gebel el-Arak Knife This is very old knife in Egypt.
I write hieroglyph with reference to the hieroglyph table
This is the title in hieroglyph (light Lamp wall)
Illuminate Lamp and Wall (Hide/Secret)
wikipedia Gardiner's sign list List of Egyptian hieroglyphs
<Is Xi Jinping king?>
U.S.president denied the personality.
Socialism should be similar.
Uniform socialism and the United States aren't the world.
U.S.president did it but he criticizes China again.
To internationalize China for me was to use Arabic.
And the old Egyptian church was very far.
But there is still another country opposite of the United States.
USA is the human being that is special of China.
I think English is also international individuality for Turkey too.
The war of currency is a war to get the currency.
All are written in Kanji.It is written 陣営.
The car shop breaks another 陣営.
The old and the present are in conflict in the Turkish court.