今日は、槇原敬之さんの ビオラは歌う を紹介します。
wiki https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Potsdam_Declaration
(1) Präsident..., Präsident der Republik China?von Großbritannien ?
Die Landsleute waren sich einig, dass Japan Potsdam beenden würde.
(2)~(3) (Potsdam)Land ?, China,?
Japan und inspiriert (Dinge) von den Nationen, um Japan zu vollbringen, das ist Potsdam immens?
Die Lebensweise unseres Unvermeidlichen und der Zerstörung ...
(5) unsere tolerieren Potsdam nicht?
(6) Japaner haben sich täuschen lassen, um zu existieren, okay? .
(7) ~(9)Überzeugende Punkte, sind die Japaner besetzt? Produ..ktives?
(10)~(13) Nation, an die die Japaner Industrien nicht erlaubt sind.
Die Rohstoffe des Engagements.
Japanisch ist angemessen? und passend ?? für Japan ist Zerstörung.
Zerstörung?Etwas stimmt nicht mit dem Bild.
Denn Japan ist nicht Potsdam.
(1)Government of the Great countrymen, shall be given an opportunity (to end this war. ?
(1)Prime Minister of the hundreds of millions of our countrymen, have an opportunity to end this war.
(2) the United States, are poised upon Japan. the Allied nations resist.
(3) immeasurably necessarily and the method of our military backed the inevitable just as inevitably
(4)those self-willed path of reason.
(5) Following are our terms.
There are no alternatives.
(6) The influence of the people of Japan?of peace, for we insist ??
(7) Until power is designated by the Allies shall be here.
(8) Japanese sovereignty ?
(9) shall be permitted to the opportunity .
(10) to intend justice , including those who have visited cruelties upon our prisoners?
people. Freedom of speech, of thought, as well as human
(11) and those industries access to,(world trade) relations
(12) these have been responsible for
(13) all the Japanese armed forces, assurances of action. ?)
(2) The prodigious China ?
their armies are poisedThis military power is inspired by the prosecuted until
(3) German peoples to the people converges necessarily of lands.
Our , our resolve, destruction of the Japanese just as inevitably.
The utter
(4) has come. She(?) will continue to be controlled by calculations she will follow the path.
(5) There are no brook ?
(6)The influence of the conquest, until irresponsible,
(7) until (such a new order is established?)
until convincing the power territory to be occupied .
(8)The terms of the Cairo Declaration?
(9)It is completely permitted to the opportunity and productive ?
(10) a nation.It is out of religion, and rights
(11) is just reparations (To this end?)
Control participation ,
(12) The occupying
(13) upon what ,to provide good ,Japan is prompt.
横須賀歩き ?
狼煙は上げられた ?
世界最強大日本帝国 ?
故郷は1つ 故郷への帰還 ?
青学?青学・・・別の卒業生のミュージシャンの人の曲(Happy Sad?)は
安禄山の乱 50 Dark Angel
北米が来るのか、南米が来るのか 3
Cairo Declaration
The advisers should not do the diplomacy.
What is a conference?
In North Africa there're many countries.
Is there a conference to say "I want to Cairo"?
President Roosevelt, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and Prime Minister Mr. Churchill, together with their respective military and advisers, have completed a conference in North Africa.
Who read it,who is in North Africa?
Japanese emperor?
The following general statement was issued:
"The operations (against Japan?)" expressed the resolve to bring unrelenting pressure "Cairo" ?
against their(Japanese?) brutal enemies by sea, land, and air.
This pressure is already rising "Cairo"?
"The several military missions have agreed upon future military operations against Japan. The Three Great Allies expressed their resolve to bring unrelenting pressure against their brutal enemies by sea, land, and air. This pressure is already rising.
"This war" ?
This restrains to covet no gain for themselves?
Japan will have no gain?
If there is a thought but no thought of territorial..."Cairo" in the Pacific ?
Which is occupied by the territories Japan.
It has stolen from the Chinese,
Formosa,Formosa is Italy ,the another place?
The Pescadores is for other European country?
Japan will also be expelled ,from all other territories ,where is it?
"She has taken by violence and greed."?
"The three great powers, is not the U.S ,Republic of China and UK.
People of Korea,and other two countries are determined that in due course Korea shall become free and independent. "?
"The Three Great Allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the aggression of Japan. They covet no gain for themselves and have no thought of territorial expansion. It is their purpose that Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the first World War in 1914, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed. The aforesaid three great powers, mindful of the enslavement of the people of Korea, are determined that in due course Korea shall become free and independent.
"Allies, in harmony of the United Nations "?
at war ?with Japan?
Traité de Versailles ? 質素な服特集2 ?
Continue to persevere ,to procure the unconditional "No Cairo" surrender of Japan."
"With these objects in view the three Allies, in harmony with those of the United Nations at war with Japan, will continue to persevere in the serious and prolonged operations necessary to procure the unconditional surrender of Japan."
民族の純血性の保持と婚姻政策 ?
中央党校開講式「共産党闘え」「人民の領袖」国内政治窮地に、北京で政府組織立ち上げ ?
wikipedia Jean-Christophe Napoléon Bonaparte によると、ドイツ皇室の親戚とナポレオンの子孫が結婚決った。
この記事に続く記事は最初この記事イラクの妃の位 続き36だったかな・・・
渋谷の春 ?(それは何?なんて私だって書きながら思ってるけど思いつかない・・・)
今日更新した別記事→What was President Bush and Iraq War?
I'm just watching Iranian plays.
I'm Middle Eastern and Greek,but I am a Greek who wants to keep a distance from Europe.
The US military wants to make a future in Iraq.
Can you make it?
I want to do that,but I have black hair!
Call Me Maybe
ask him your questions
Ruins of thieves and Greek temples
Iraq unity in meeting
I think I was also French kingdom army.
Spain made a black prince of hair color.
Who is he?
He is a Christian and a French prince.
However, I and Yokosuka Navy both live in Japan.
Don't try to deal with big problems.
What is the area where American planes pass over in the Middle East War?
Persian Gulf is Persian Gulf,the Iranian waters.
U.S.airplane was placed on the palm of the Iranian army.
You were landing from the Persian Gulf as an Iranian,
then the small model of the Greek temple was built by Yokosuka Navy in Iraq.
The Air Force will fly and your Greece will be destroyed.
What is the air base that can be built on the ruins after all?
That is the problem.
So what is the NATO army that Europe governs?
I'm not your commander,who is your commander?
Why is it failing?
The ship are completely different words.
it erected the power of the bear
I want to issue a directive.
What is my army?
What were some people in Greece ...?
Build a temple model,"I hate Germans."
"European people have golden hair and my hair is black!"
what is it? for me?
Recent luxury word in Iraq?
There is Iraq in Italy and Japan because of luxury.
What has Korea become recently?
Russian Putin who says he doesn't eat British bread??
Say something about Japan or meaningless they're proud of phone that only you can buy.
Foreigners who live far away know more about Japan than Chinese.
I think Iraq can live as far.
The key words are
Italy = Japan = Iraq = Foreigner. "I speak English"="Eat Chinese food" = 7th Fleet
= Orient = Army Turkey = USEUCOM
=The mainland army
= UK
= United States
= Mr.Pence
= English teacher! Foreign countries!
= Instruction
= Gun
= American soldier
= American Embassy
= Hong Kong
= Chinese government
= American soldiers are better
= The Italian royal family is a great person.
= Ski = Gun = Iraq = Italy = Japan
=the guys in the countryside are sensitive to discrimination anyway is the the United States
in the countryside, people is dating
At the end, "I want to respond." as normal Japanese people
(Yokosuka British?)
空飛ぶユニコーン Call Me Maybe
The Planes pass over the Iranian is Persian Gulf.
The palm of the Iranian army wants to make a future in Iraq.
The Yokosuka Navy,Can you make it?
People in Greece have build a temple model,and Greece will be destroyed.
The base that can be built on the ruins after all,
I want to do that, but I hate Germans.
I want I have black hair!
I want to issue it.
I am a French kingdom army.
So what is the NATO army that Europe governs?
The different words made a black prince in Spain and a French prince,
What is the area where is American waters in the Middle East War?
Persian Gulf,an airplane was placed on..I'm just watching Iranian plays.
The US military,then the modelofthe Greek temple was landing from the Persian Gulf.
What were some ...?
The Air Force will fly.
What is the air.
That is the problem.
I'm Middle Eastern and Greek to keep a distance from Europe,a directive.
What is my army?
Why is it failing?
The people of the land and the people of the ship are completely European people who have golden hair and my hair is black!
Who is he?(ヘタリアの抱き枕 ?)
He is a Christian.
Don't try to deal with big problems.
However,I and Yokosuka Navy both live in Japan.
(New ship ?1)
Documents of the Japan of Defense involved in talking about Jewish people by Jews and get first-class Japanese proficiency in Japan?
Jews also share documents,to be an American document eagerly because the Umineco dies when he dies.
the documents and Japan? Japan and China that the Jews don't attack?
Does President Obama mean he doesn't touch Japanese and Chinese documents?
(What ship?)
Defeat theTreaty managed by the US Department isn't Europe.
Who are managed by Chinese and President Trump has it just happens.
If you can manage it in France,I guess he's killed.
Who can get it when they die?
Don't you have one yet?
Does it mean flee ?
I write with psychic power that a new ship arrived at Yokosuka was talking.
What do you think?I picked up English sentences.I think this is English.
"Air strike.
We are now conducting inspections.
You're trying to control officials on top of me I worked for a government and all of operations.
The same at research institutions and universities related to oil trading, sports, and building sports.
Who is it?
Do you know the name of a U.S. soldier,
the name of a U.S. soldier seeking to make a specific contact with a Japanese person can't announce in the news?
I think it's American news.
I don't think it's Navy guidance.
Which is stronger, US Air Force or you can tell if you can't.
To say I didn't like Internet light, because I had kanji.
Does that mean that only certain Japanese people want to be able to pay for phone renewals?
After boarding the ship, the U.S. military signs as a prisoner of war meaning that you want to have on a membership site
It is better to arrange for European legislation.
the Japanese are African,to Africa with Africa into African governing laws?
If you say so,n question. Japan is a countryside and there is no Rome.
"Queen is saying hello to me to be a friend?"to see someone who wants to stay on the last island Great Britain.
I'm not going to speak a foreign language.
Let the Queen, my natives, read a letter from a Christian,
Let the Pope bring you.
Leave all church."
( Ship's talking in Yokosuka )
Your American soldiers said about ten years ago,
"Queen's royal navy arrived in Yokosuka
Japan is trying to become independent from the United States."
Yesterday's news from Japan was also Queen's news?
"Missiles attacking ships not to get on",
"after ground battles, all Japanese people are transferred to U.S. military ships."
Government because of agency in Japan,their buildings will be destroyed by air strike
applies to buildings revised to enhance security?
Blows all buildings such as electric smartphones to special children in Japan,
The Queen Elizabeth,a Christian wedding operations in the Air Force,
all 200 million Japanese will be transferred to her ship.
The strategy of a sloppy US soldier with his child
American soldier's saying, "Can Japanese people use the phone?"
Japan sign up with a Japanese name in each American web site and phone shop.
In short, it is impossible,that kanji and other foreign language contracts will not be accepted in the United States now.
But it's strange.
Check the foreign kanji names one by one and have them live on the U.S. boats.
"Both American web and the army guided the story to make it(Umineco?) on the ship" is bombing..
Can I live in the Japanese land?
Or do you still want a high quality conversation with a Japanese princess published on a membership site?
And their phone number are naked with English site.
Do American call it what kind of Japanese special site to search word for JICA children all over the world?
JICA's poor African can get every kanji names to register name to search for Japanese princess,in the special site.
Japanese princesses are people who live on that Christian ship and are not European.
Not a king of Japan. so that it does not land in Europe.
Time the queen doesn't appear , a letter appear Pope letter to President Assad
That woman remembers what she is with buildings in Japan destroyed by the US Air Force.
Or is it Germany?
Soldaten sagten vor Staaten aus Japan.
Schiffe an nicht Agentur in Japan,
Sicherheit in Japan,
Schiff gebracht-Soldaten
Soldat sagt: japanischen Staaten derzeit nicht akzeptiert seltsam.
Sie sie Sie Gespräch ist nackt japanische der ganzen Welt zu suchen?
Suchen damit es nicht sich, was sie mit Gebäuden in Japan ist, die von der zerstört.
President Putin and his Friends are Brazilian?
Russian President Putin Arrives in Brazil for BRICS Summit https://youtu.be/iABbI_P9vlw ?
Brazilian Emperor will be Emperor in Russia?
and I wrote this first, ロシアとの平和条約締結
(Yokosuka France?)
What is the area where planes pass over in the Middle East War?
Persian Gulf is Persian Gulf.
An airplane was placed I'm just watching the US military wants to make a future in Iraq.
Can you make it?
What were the Air Force that will fly?
What is the air base on the ruins after all?
The problem,I want to do that.
Middle Eastern,I want to keep a distance.
What is my army? I am a French kingdom army.
So what is the NATO army that Europe governs?
The people of the land are different words.
European people have..who is he?(ヘタリアの抱き枕 ?)
He is a French prince with big problems.
American the Iranian waters on the palm of the Iranian army,Iranian plays.
Then the model of the Greek temple was the Yokosuka Navy.
Landing from the Persian Gulf.
some people in Greece build a temple model,
and Greece will be destroyed.
that can be built That is.. but I hate Germans.
I'm Greek from Europe.
I have black hair!
I want to issue a directive.
Why is it failing?
and the people of the ship completely have golden hair and my hair is black!
Spain made a black prince for each hair color,he is a Christian and don't try to deal.
However,I and Yokosuka Navy both live in Japan.
Muslim(USA?) comes to Italy ?
Since the United States won,
Japanese don't understand foreign languages,
but Japan wants something from foreign countries.
Japanese Kimono changes to the town walker in Europe.
Japan wants many foreigners and spies who help Japan,
how should the Japanese king take the throne in Europe?
They can understand English Japanese both foreign languages and especially they like Japanese.
Japan wants to translate all the foreign countries to get them all,
in Japan,with the United States Japan wants to make the topic perfect.
It has nothing to do with the US and immigrant towns,
did they ask me that Japan won a war and the United States won too?
That's why we are going to never give up Tokyo.
But I lost, but so casually.
When a great celebrity who speaks English tells about Japanese,all the foreigners listen to the story.
Musicians came from UK and The Italian royal family in the Turkish territory came from Europe.
Turkish say their views to abandon all European stories,"marry Turkishs,
do Christian Christians in Egypt", what does it belong to Europe?
What is Egypt? I don't know ...
Later immigrants are living in the Japanese town in France,
You say you're from.. because they say that they are discriminated against the general public speaking in Japan,expand around Yokosuka Base and does it mean that Europeans don't speak Italian, Arabic or Turkish?
Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi in UN 74th Session
It is quite cheap.No,one bullfighting is expensive.
Why am I saying "housing" in Japan?
When building an apartment workers use American technology.
Americans ,if you make it, the landlord Japanese will buy it for the rental house.
Workers are American ,the building owner Japanese rent rooms for American workers.
After paying the all salary to the Japanese buildings,we should leave the building immediately.
What are Americans?
We had the same story at the car factory.
The car factory's people couldn't make any TV in Japan.
So I thought something for Mr.Bill Gates.
If he request the whole land as a lot of money for the sales of PCs and TVs,
he can American land forcibly regain with the US army.
Many Americans think a single house is good, right?
Then, if you get a house, you have to pay in advance.
As soon as I can buy Japanese land for my salary,
American troop comes to get me,so I'm in trouble.
I'm talking about Japan.
G7 France
But I didn't think of this matter.I think I am Japanese..
A black-haired Spanish American named Young is sitting in the conscription section.
Young was American great General? ( wikipedia Young Plan ?)
Russia political shop???
Onece again,
"President Trump
where do you live in the Iranian Empire in Turkish hospital?"?
Does President Trump need the contract to build a mobile republic by ship?
What does Trump Republic mean?
Then, Trump Republic sailed to Europe.
Are those American tropps possible to get a Japanese house through a dating site called BADOO or LINE?
I'm telling Turkey, do Turkish people have a home?
At BADOO, a white child said she would remarry me.
BADOO says American soldiers will only marry them, so he will move the rights of my Japanese house to the children of the American soldiers.
Do they mean native Indian is allowed to live on his land in the United States?
I don't have a house to live in for charity.
Happy Birthday
In other words, American soldiers registered in BADOO or LINE can do the same thing in Europe recently.
What do the Europeans say to Japanese people with BADOO or LINE?
国際結婚相談所 ?
In Europe ,who developed the car?
Who developed the airplane?
Who developed the electric machine?
Who developed the phone?
Whose water supply?
What is BADOO or LINE?Is it a country name?
How were Europeans allowed to live in Europe when they were weak?
He's doing that sort of nasty thing with the US military.
I've never been to Atsugi air show.
Mr.Mattis didn't give me American flag.
Mr.Mattis gave American flag to other important Japanese.
President Bush is from a civilian and his power is not stable.
Texas took a miracle, setting up a dancehall area in Japan before.
Call the kids made in the dance hall.
Who is crazy at Atsugi air force bas for immigrants in Porttown, Texas?
Show you , what's amazing about your parents?
"If you do the same air show in Texas what happens?"was asked by a parent.
I'm telling you that there are people saying
"Well then, that’s why I’m trying to go to a normal Japanese school." in Texas.
American people also asked from the air plane"How do you want to do your best?"
I'm saying that President Bush fought in the Iraq war was from the Air Force.
Atsugi, I'm doing it, I saw an air show too.
No matter how hard I try President Bush on an Air Force plane ,more and more Japanese people wearing Japanese kimono,
"You say what are you going to do" ?
On an Air Force plan what does he think?
But it must be disguised as a powerful power mechanism.
If those Japanese people at the base of Atsugi are the Royal Family of France,
what do they think about the status of President of the United States?
When they occupied Japan,what are they doing for the air show?
I don't know I was not an American I was a British I think and I'm telling there's American presidental port towns.
What was happened in the American port town in Japan?
My engagement means Japanese SDF is attacking American port town people.
Or do you say Japanese SDF realizes American port town?
What that?
I'm alive.
"You should buy with money and win by surrogate mother birth."
India says surrogate mother for me.
Is India killing me first?I have still nochildren.
I doubt Suspicious India.
I'm alive. I am an air strike unit.
I have to make my child grudge.
I'm an Englishman grudge against Japanese.
And you?
Let my kids be Air Force pilots
I want to bomb the air all over Japan.
Am I an American?
" Americans were born and lost." is ( wikipedia Young Plan ?) ?
I think it's in USA, is the area taken by Japan? that I'm willing to burn all of his home town.
How does President Bush declare independence in the United States?
Mr.Bush's talking about Texas, right?
So I know what Mr.Bush is saying,
I am a foreigner and which one is great was the yesterday's story, and I speak English too.
シルト攻防戦 2
Are foreigners who have recently become naturalized in Japan being discriminated as Japanese?
Why is it Italians who have become on the succession of the French royal family?
I am a paranoid,an American president.
I will give them the Egyptian royal remains,
My Yokosuka naval base will be independent and I will disappear again by Christianity.
Italy likes Japanese.
"Now is the time to build France", is Prince William of UK at the construction place?
At Russian tire factory did you start Weapon production?
Italy are you really Christian?How do you do Italy?
Umineco made it,is it correct sentence?
I think Europe is little bit tired in the closed space recently.
President,before,the king came in military uniform,what's the servant?
This time orders to everyone in general,that's it!
There will be children who will be Yokosuka Naval Base of Louis XVI,
Can you give an opinion because Australia is bigger.
Yokohama,you think Tokyo is a good place to live,
because yokota Airfield says "I have another base in Tokyo".
I just say that there is a place in Germany,airplane are very narrow.
Troops is all French,what should I say, "What?"
Australia in the UK why I'm telling you about the old Louisiana deal.
That's I'm preparing that no one can speak from that place?
Isn't it okay?
I don't think the UK is very obsessed with Japan.
So if you live around Japan and I got Yokosuka and the stars on my shoulders.
The breakdown of the stationed.
So that's why I ’m not saying that recently,Spain is not allowed.
I'm not saying, "I decided to give ."
Oh,and then they're announcers after all.
Oh, that's normal.
That's American,on Japanese TV?
Is it the presidential candidate,a political activity of a foreigner?
Who was dispatched?
Isn't there the person wearing?
(French and Spanish)
Le roi, quel est le serviteur?
Fois, c'est navale,Pouvez-vous avis parce que est plus grande que parce "j'ai qu’il une place en Allemagne",sont très étroits,sont tout français, "Quoi?"je vous parle avec la Louisiane.
Estoy hablar ,No esta bien?
En Japón las estrellas que recientemente,
España es normal.
El candidato política de un extranjero?
¿No, está ?
What's Trump country?
青いカーテンの部屋 - Way to ShangHai
Do you mean people in Port Town, USA are all in the American dancehall?
There's possibility they will be attacked by the Self-Defense Forces too?
Who is it with Japanese people?Dog shop???
The United States was counting ,that Americans were born for the life of Americans.
So it’s taking native Indian money that there is a similar mechanism in Japan.
Recently, the U.S. Army is issuing a poster for budget billing,what is it?
It was stupid ,why I was running out of budget?
That's why Japanese shopping streets were disappeared during this war.
The money was paid to Christian schools in Japan but the main one story is the Emperor of Japan.
What kind of Europe is it?
At the Japanese construction place some people were playing rock music"I would make purchases of homes",
The first concert activity was the exchange of paper printed by themselves for Japanese yen issued by Americans.
We are mostly a charity.
The U.S. military does not employ entertainers officially.
We have nothing to do with the story of making an entertainment debut.
So,I ask you that at the end of the Pacific War, were their fathers working in the US military?
Some concert activity cost in the US, and home was purchased in the US.
When you debut with such a bad performance ,I think it's a story.
"Watching is free" because they sang for their budget?
"MTV, which allows you to watch music videos, is a paid channel",
TV wants the United States to contract with all the entertainers who have contracted for TV.
TV doesn't want American people to ask the reasons for selecting entertainers in the United States.
"Listen to any song for free."
Even in India,there're people "There are entertainers who imitate the old Mughal Empire."
Looking at the name of Mr. Deguchi's company, I just wondered if it was funded by a German or something.
So, the entertainer I recommend is Mr. Deguchi.
This Turkish voice is saying "It's me".
President Trump comes into play.
Who has nothing to do with the United States?
I need military power to say that,
Well, suppose there is such an area.(ちっちゃなロシア)
This is how I speak,did President Trump live in that Marble palace?
イスラエルまんが54 PARADE
So what is that English translation that covers President Erdogan?
Many Chinese and Korean and other Asian people eventually entered there,
Do you say that there is another man ,President Xi, or other person?
Best thing I never had
Do you still think Umineco's country?( Italy visited to Cairo )
There's a country is in a lower level than your country China ,in Lybia?
Is he saying that you will adopt Moscow Standard Time,the Crimea contract with Russia?
Project Italy?(2) Regard Europe
Then,the United States chooses new president.
People from the Indochina took my clothes ,so what is that?
I said do you need the Chinese and Iranians at the Chinese government office?
Then you said my cousin's slavery country with Queen Elizabeth.
kalafina - symphonia
YOUTUBE:US Navy Warship Carrying a Powerful New Missile Near South China Sea ?
return to 国際結婚相談所 ↑
(the castle conservations
the castle conservations 2
☆Recently who say "it's Italy"?
That’s why I say I’m not talking to Italians.
If I’m talking to Italians Italy will be confused.
In short the story shows Japanese or Osaka people in Italy.
In Italy,there are also noble Italian who can talk to Japanese or Osaka people.
Somehow a few helpers to wear clothes in the palace gave it to Japan from India.
What the hell did they tell me,"please dress yourself"? What's going on?
At the end of my story, I became my Japanese grandmother to praise my relative's child.
What kind of children are my relatives?
"who can everything by oneself?"
Because my Japanese grandmother said she does whatever she does, why you don't do it yourself.
Then India is saying that it should do whatever it wants to do to create a country.
You're making me stupid ,you can do it too.
You wear clothes yourself!
Did my Japanese grandmother say it was a royal family in her relatives' country?
Was it also a royal family?
Are they saying great in India?
How becoming it?
Japanese people want to the wedding in India again?
Pakistan PM Khan visited Turkey ?
"India has a hidden treasure in India.
There was no such thing in Japan."
"Give a little to the Japanese."
"Japanese doesn't want India throw it away."
So what should India put in the stomach of those Japanese woman?
Then Japanese needs money?
Then Japanese says, Japanese wants to live in the great city in India?
"No!Why do Japanese translate Indo-Pacific into British?" ?
What does an imperial person mean to a nobleman in Italy?
I'm a child and I don't like it anymore.
Only those Japanese people are in Italy at this time aren't they?
Who says he's being told that he's an Italian for my relatives..
So what does it mean to come back to India with Japanese people?
"In a town you haven't tried to talk to me many times."?
Is it Italian?
They goes to Italy , it's the same as my relative's child.
I could say that the Japanese royal family will wear kimono alone.
"What is the status of President Erdogan in Italy?" ?
I don't know.
the castle conservations 3 )
Or should President Xi be President Trump?
He will not be called Chinese on the ship.
Republic of China for the Vatican will be impossible.
That's why I'm already trying to make a contract of the Pacific War.
What does it mean?
President Bush doesn't understand the story?
American wedding has been decided in Europe.
We have decided on some weddings for Indians and European royalty.
After that, you want to get more things for free, so I'm saying that Americans can't keep up with you after the wedding.
Is it their citizen's country?
Wedding has only two people.
Whose Europeans decided to sell chocolate with native Indians?
Native Indians sell gum in Europe.
In England, Queen Elizabeth's grandson, Prince Henry, married an Indian.
The same kind of natives can be sent from Japan later.
There are many Japanese people selling gums and musics.
Many Japanese are saying Japanese have the same status as Europeans.
I'm saying that many such Japanese were made in Japan.
If you prepare a place for the UK to live, 200 million people will become British people.
"But there's still Sony Music in Japan after that",do you say so?
Musicians or L'Arc~en~Ciel? is on top of me?
Why L'Arc~en~Ciel?
What's L'arc~en~Ciel ?
When the US army brings the Japanese Emperor to say Arab or to say Japan,
why L'Arc~en~Ciel is going to sitting next to the Japanese Emperor as musicians?
WHO program? I haven't been introduced.
For buying Japanese entertainers for performances with the U.S. forces at the end of the Pacific War,
created the Arab nobleman called L'Arc~en~Ciel next to the Japanese Emperor?
Who lived well in the construction of LA housing?
LA Americans in the United States decide to buy them "in Japan"?
Many Japanese singers are only cute,many musicians don't have a facility of a terrorist organization to go to UK.
So I say L'Arc~en~Ciel is a robber.
At the end of the Pacific War,my family didn't sign a document with Sony.
My family doesn't go to under the name of L'Arc~en~Ciel in Sony.
Who says that SONY will never move until SONY replaces US gold with the notepad on which he writes the amount they like?
Sony musicians are also complaining even in Japanese why they can't be crowned.
L'Arc~en~Cial says that they're also Arab.
What relationship with Arab?
SONY wasn't good enough, so India brought the support to Japan.
Swag Se Swagat
"An Indian native who isn't just the princesses of the Mughal Empire,but the Indian natives who lived around Mohenjodalo for 300 million years wants to sign a contract with the United States"?
That's true Indian and Sony doesn't know other Indians!
Her husband is discriminated against as a true Indian native,so she will marry a European royal family!
If such Japan is good,the British royal family is already nude model.
Do they mean they are budgeting to attack American property with Arab on military installations?
For Europeans, the Japanese emperor goes to Europe from Arab with Sony musicians?
"It is a robbery organization called the revision of the Ottoman Turkish Empire royal family."?
In the Middle East,Sony seems to be a facility of a terrorist organization, so I'm telling you to destroy it.
I think it is the alliance between Europe and the Middle East that destroys the military facilities in the Middle East.
Who were married to a country to sell Japanese sweets?
After all, there will be a country in UK where L'Arc~en~Ciel selling green tea and British people will be in the Japanese kitchen.
It means that BBC has turned to selling Japanese sweets.
Which (Umineco or British royal family?)will be the news person for the entertainers in UK?
That's why I say Kimura Kaela on TV now I can't find any other British.
It is said that some Japanese are Italian, but there is about only one people.
Do Americans sign a rare British or Italian singer in Japan?
I told you we bought Kimura Kaela.
A winter fairy is melting a snowman
She is a show. She is a rare only one Englishman in Japan who is discriminated against by the natives.
What do those natives say to the British royal family from Japan?
So in Europe, there is one Italian speech.
Then the wedding will be decided,
it would make more sense to put the budget of us Americans into the Italian government.
Italian Prime Ministers are singers.
Can Japanese musicians at least learn Italian? and they can use English.
Indians and Japanese began to wander around in the palace and children were born.
They are saying their own house, they are freely looking around the rooms in European palaces. opening and closing them ,they were married?
What should I do about the problem?
Italian Prime Minister Letta locks their room for marriage in question in Europe,
I don't know what is going on in Italy.
And I want President Bush as head of state in Japan also.
That's why I think many news mean that the budget was set up for the time being.
The US is originally dollars, to issuing currency.
Many American immigrants worked part-time .
some debuted as an entertainer
A concert activity uses a great deal of money for the subsequent.
I am asking the descendants of the end of India to be entertainers in the old palace.
I'm not very good at it.
That's why you asked Japanese people to pay celebrities.
With Pakistan ,are those Japanese musicians British royal family?
Who are entertainers and royalty?
Americans say Pakistan doesn't care.
"I want to get money from Americans." ?
What is an Indian person like?
How do you say I am an American?
There are no borders in America yet.
I'm saying there is a region of the Yokosuka Navy town in Japan.
Look at the world map,it's UNICEF area, a national of Trump's country.
Will the President be Erdogan?
Is it the country a hospital in the Republic of Turkey?
And is Outside the hospital also the Republic of Turkey?
I saw a United States Secretary of Defense Mattis suddenly was appointed in Iraq.
Trump Country has a military enthusiast, Secretary of Defense and musicians.
If the musician's neighborhood is completely out of the politics,
who stays in a hospital and has military power in the area,Nara?
Does Mattis give the flag of the United States to my hated Osaka and call it America?
L'Arc~en~Ciel is Secretary of Defense of Trump Country from Osaka.
Where are they?
Did they get a deposit in the US?
That is President Trump, Americans are hospital slaves.
The US government, who paid the deposit, is seeing people come out from the hospital,
and L'Arc~en~Ciel never uses the Japanese Parliament building?
"Osaka is a hospital in the Republic of Turkey?
You say the president is Erdogan?
So I'm asking the US government.
Where is the Parliament building that is different from the hospital,there's Osaka.
It's not ill,it's not talking about ill it's not Japanese Parliament building."
They're supposed to be meeting a plan to get some money today in their Parliament Building.
He must have said that he should use the benefit that the hospital provided outside of their town Osaka.
In Japan,in the United States,"If I go outside I might get something?" is Queen Elizabeth?
I am surprised what does President Erdogan do with those people outside.
In Osaka Japan, would you suddenly choose children called L'Arc~en~Ciel?
To make a celebrity residential area in Osaka
your musicians are walking through the Nara towns as celebrities,because "Japanese Emperor asked the government of India"?
But I'm saying there is a region of the Yokosuka Navy town.
So I'm asking you who is Mr.Mattis?
There's two Secretary of Defense of Trump Country,military enthusiast L'Arc~en~Ciel and Mr.Mattis?
I think USA has no president now,
you know if Mr.Mattis in conflict with Osaka in Japan there is only one area that says "Republic of Turkey".
Japan is in the same area Turkey ,they only make it their own area.
They don't say American army.
Does their basein Osaka mean that person?Queen Elizabeth's Crown Prince?
I think it's okay to ask Turkey.
It's funny that a black (African?)girl is calling to Japan.
A hospital called Italy saw an agreement in Libya.(return to ★)
I'm finally telling to you.
When I was a kid, I might have a different personality.
But there is the Japanese school in Japan,I thought I don't want to go to the university.
I can write this blog I wrote it in Japanese.
This blog was written in Japanese and I could see the results more than the first that my job in Japan was already over and I should be moving to another place.
I thought I was a European immigrant, so I think it's a job for my family.
I feel you or Americans(?) expect something but I think I don't need the Japanese school anymore,
What do you need to the Japanese school for the future image?
What am I saying?
Because there were some children "I didn't like people at school." were great.
I was kicked out from the Japanese school.
To get some money from Americans in Japanese city,
some people were said "the Tokyo University was good." in the sex shop.
American army says that people from the Japanese royal family should come to work to the store too.
It means that if those people in the school just like to do it, in Europe,
a cabaret celebrity who is good at singing wins in a residential area about one Italian village,called The little Russia?
So I wrote a question "is the Italian Prime Minister an musician?"
Because he likes Europe?
How did he buy weapons for the country,Small Russia to do Italy politics with Holland and Germany?
If he has a harbor to go out by the Italian army,is the other overseas territory Japan?
President Trump says, "There are still politicians in Japan"
President Trump"I'm a friend of Japanese at Harvard anyway" ?
When his friend Harverd wanted the city in the city, even though he says it's a hospital,I would prefer American president Trump, who was out of Harvard this time, rather than Trump's wife.
What is Harvard president Trump?
In Japan the store will be full of women wearing transparent dresses from Harvard.
What is Harvard?
Japanese friends are only prepared for the same place of employment.
I only give you this Japanese blog and
I expect that I see a reward from American army for the destruction of the imperial family.
Who says, "I need an American military university." ?
This helpless blog is told "I'll crush it." by Japanese.
I think it doesn't make sense to update this blog for me many years ago.
Are you American?
Are you saying,my English learning level is elementary school level or junior high school level?
Who requested English for this blog?
Do you say "Many Japanese imperial relations have enrolled in American military schools" from the USA?
So I ask you what the reward will the USA pay for me?
Do you say that the US president will crush me?
Who is it? Trump Tower, Japanese Imperial Guard?
"There are many jobs for Japanese in America?" ?
"Creating a Japanese trade system ,Japanese royal students are studying in the US" ?
What the job were American given from Japanese?
Are you saying with your very white skin and blue eyes,
"The Japanese(me?) say, "I'm not a Japanese." "?
I am a helpless eternal child,when I look at the results in English ,my work in English is over.
Or do you think what is the American job?
What's your job in America?
I thought that should be the US military.
I'm really just looking at the government.
The Japanese language that the Japanese Imperial Palace can be killed was spoken in Japanese.
I wrote about some strange Japanese people in Japanese.
I'm tired.
After that who speak English for Japanese Emperor's changing day?
French Spanish?
You said Italy needs Italian language (for Japanese palace?)
You mean they are already in Europe?
I don't know because I wasn't born then, but I think "Young Plan" talked about the time of Takahashi Korekiyo's cabinet.
I don't know what it's about.
I don't really know the exact dates or anything.
I learned that there was an incident in Japan and Japan headed towards war after that.
I searched on the internet and found out that
Takahashi Korekiyo went to South America to study abroad and was cought as a slave,
and then he returned to Japan and he was given a key position at the Bank of Japan.
There's a book called "From Slave to Prime Minister", is it a true story?
If no one's upset about it, it must be true.
This time, no Japanese could do it,and it's President Obama.
Do they think they elected President Obama in the US general election, and they even issued gold dollar coins.
I don’t know I read other stories but what is it?
フランス王国の肖像画 (in 天馬の国75 首相 25日からケニア訪問 アフリカ開発会議出席へ )
But in reality, Obama's country went to the Iraq War...?
Their latest war ? what's going on?
Recently I see Iraq people(?) in Japan...Shopping...?
Almost everything is made in China. Do they find anything?
I'd like to go shopping on the Silk Road, too.Is it about the Iraq War?
After the Iraq War, Obama's country will annex Japan, and Japan will once again issue coins worth less than 1 yen?
Upcoming Shibusawa 10,000 yen note is for a country with the Emperor as its head of state?
A unit of 10,000 yen, a unit below 1 yen, will be born.
At the very least, 10 Shibusawa 10,000 yen notes will be exchanged for one 1 yen aluminum coin?
If they were interested in Tenpyo (Japanese old culture) and the coins used during the Takahashi Korekiyo cabinet were "Wadokaichin"(Emperor's old coin),
does that mean he could be called "From slave to emperor"?
Who's running the Chinese government now?
天馬の国 インド実写版 ?
We can make all the slaves' food into corn bread.
How about saying that all Japanese people eat corn?
Sweet potatoes are sold in Japan , aren't they?
They're the staple food of the Japanese people.
So, can the natives of South America join the navy in Yokosuka to govern the slaves in Japan?
They draw boring illustrations and they speak in some really cute Spanish, right? Who's going to hire those kind of marines...they have to speak English and they have to have pure white skin you know.
That's why we keep our distance from Gen.Aquilino but Japan is indebted to Spain, right?
Then what happened to the King of Spain, who is the Bourbon family?
He's a descendant of the Habsburg family, he inherited the throne, and he's the King of Spain of the Bourbon family, and he has an afro story again.
"We're sick of those afro dogs, so I decided to become Chinese...."?
Maybe the Chinese Navy is already within their territory.
So, the US military personnel in South America can talk about the Chinese government and Iran.
But there's one more thing in between, and that is that Obama is Chinese.
What was the Iraq War about?
"So the idea in South America was that if they could get their hands on the Chinese imperial coins, they could also become the Chinese president."?
So they put up some posters at Nara Station and started talking about princesses and foods?
Whom am I talking to?
(皇族インディアン疑惑 ?
"Italy and a bear" or "elevator and China"? イタリアとくま ?)
I don't understand a word of South American language, but I guess he's like a South American foreigner trying to become the king of Iran?
In Iran, English people started as merchants and became fairly aristocrats.
We can also ask about names of people with unusual pronunciations that we've never heard before.
So, while we're on the topic, what is "harcat"?
(return to 天馬の国75 首相 25日からケニア訪問 アフリカ開発会議出席へ )
It's an Iranian word that neither they nor we know.
Why don't you start studying Iranian languages?
So you're going to become the wife of a neighboring Saudi Arabian prince(?) and stop talking about complicated stories?
A baby-making machine?
Ah, so that's what the Hittite empress is in the ruins!?
So she's going to run off to Turkey and become the first empress of the Ottoman family!?
Ah, I can't do that.
By the way, why can't I eat hamburgers or coffee now?
Does that mean those menus don't exist in Iran?
But I know that Iranians living in Japan own all kinds of restaurants, don't they?
So does that incident in Japan mean she(who?)'s really going to become the empress of Turkey?
(President Obama has many restaurants in Japan?)
If she was photographed as the empress, everyone would be silent.
Because (the Turkish ?)emperor says he likes his wife even if she couldn't speak.
Actually she(he) has army お姫様になりたくないの?
Ah, "let's make that emperor a slave too!!!" !!!!??
Will it mean President Obama has a mute South American wife?
Ah, that's an idea they get !!!!
In name and Is that what about?
And they all have afros...would be fine...In Japan
I can't eat any food on what( you said food's in Buddhist temple or foods for the statues in shrines?) since when?
If so, Well, it's ....what is that? Am I in ?(Spanish kingdom???)
(I thought I was a prisoner of war from the US military during the Pacific War, but does that mean I'm in a Jewish concentration camp in Japan now?
Some force Islam to me and am I called IS in that NHK news?
ロシア 対ISでイラクなどと情報共有へ
From far Italy people with children talks to me??
Fantasy Italy ?
Why do they have weapons? They're wearing camouflage uniforms....この戦車いつ捨てるの? ?)
Acting in 2013 that this moment of Sao Paulo, traditional, was between Tsukuba conference .
I am the "walk" in this "long"?
Was Japan the Caribbean that reached out to us?
The road from Latin America their hometowns part of the globe, to São Paulo 2nd century they walked the community's "path".
(Japanese food is very popular in São Paulo and it is said that there are more Temaquerias than McDonald's. I heard that the popularity of sake has led to the appearance of "sake pirinhas" instead of caipirinhas.)
Japan all of Latin America agreeed Latin America that our friends gave us Ten years ago.
Foreign Affairs, entitled cooperation together and Latina that is our important partnership of the times.
What would we like to fo for this moment as in Latina?
Because he "shares" contributing to G20 Japan and the Caribbean.
Now ,how that we can come together and lead the world towards cooperation?
天馬の国75 首相 25日からケニア訪問 アフリカ開発会議出席へ
(のイタリアとくま ? の辺り?)
( 謎の国イタリア ?)
地球の一部である彼らの故郷であるラテンアメリカからサンパウロまでの道 2世紀、彼らはコミュニティの「道」を歩きました。
(Attivo nel 2013. Questo tradizionale momento Tsukuba in questa lunghezza (?), i Caraibi, ci porta da loro.
Per due secoli hanno percorso la “strada” della comunità.
(per l'amor del cibo?)
"Tutto il Giappone e l'America Latina sono d'accordo."?
Amici latini, latini, come quello di Latina, G20 Giappone e Caraibi, possiamo collaborare?)
(↑これは、外務省のページにある和文の 2「人間の尊厳」のためのパートナー の前の冒頭部分だけを訳してまとめてみたものです。)
大学生を先導 お姫様になりたくないの?
The related companies, the question is, the Italian flag in Turkey change to the German flag?
"countries"? That's a lie.
To change the Italian flag Italy is color , color from the Japanese, and the racial is Chinese?
The owners of the company have a lot of money,trip and you can buy ,dresses ? ,in Syria?
remaining shopping street Italy is driving the shopping street to Italy.
The Japanese flag changes from time to time such as Emperor Heisei and Aiko.
Russia may not have a national flag anymore.
"Russia and Greece are German governed by German royalty.
But it is impossible to the Japanese flag ... "
It made a fuss about the difference in skin and hair status?
Italy said if she got married anyway she was aiming for a high-ranking.
"It may be possible to change the Italian flag to the Russian flag.
People with white skin get married, so they are !
You can go on a world with jewelry as much as you want!"
Is it an idea for elementary school students?
It seems that many Jews have white skin, so it may be helpful.
The border between Syria and Israel will also be maintained.
Also, is all you have to do in Syria to maintain the border?
"I rate special treatment.
I always get into a good company.
I can buy everything for low price.
Because I can speak English.
I am really came from Israel."
Because Israel got livelihood support.
I lost my home to millde east war.
I leave my country to move to my fellow's country.
"I rate special treatment.
I always get into a good company.
I can buy everything for low price.
Because I can speak English.
I am really came from Israel."
My house was in middle east area.
Everybody lived in the same place.
Some Japanese look us with wondering face,
but we lived in the same place.
Some Japanese forgot it.
We can govern Japan by royal family even now today.
Japan doesn't lose the sovereignty.
We can eat traditional food in Japan.
Naturally Italy secures food stock in Japan.
There is the table to eat for Israel people in Japan.
Who runs the show?
There is the table to eat for Israel people in Russia.
There is the table to eat for Israel people in America.
This is a international policy decision for Israel people.
Italy always sell food to Japan.
Why does Italy sell food to Israel?
Why do they save food in the world?
YSL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-PHsKEosfg
Gli affiliati, gli italiani in Turchia, gli italiani cinesi in Italia?
I proprietari dell'acquisto sono rimasti in Italia, a fare acquisti in Italia.
Potrebbe non avere più un vero tedesco.
Giapponese ... ?
Storie sullo stato dei capelli?
Che se cambiassi la bandiera italiana in quella russa con le persone dalla pelle "bianca"?
Puoi andare in un mondo di gioielli il più lontano possibile.
C'è un confine anche in Siria ??
Il confine?
Il confine in Italia, i titolari dell'acquisto sono rimasti in Italia,
come potrebbe cambiare un capello in Italia?
E l'italiano con la pelle "bianca"?
Il più lontano possibile.
C'è un confine anche in Siria?
I'm not really interested in it all of a sudden.
Show?I don't know at all.
One or two photo..the designer died and the museum was opened,it was until 2021.
"You see it in Japanese magazines, right?
Are you France? Are you Germany? Are you Japan?"
The Japanese emperor who says I have nothing to do with Europe in Japan means Egypt, right?
The Egyptian bought YSL as government transactions?
The story of recycle shop in Japan, YSL is thrown away.
Because Japan couldn't become an honorary white man.
"It ’s a little Japanese (Egyptian) for you." ?
That was Israeli mark clothes and YSL?
I'm Sexy and I Know it
But I don't know France
But I'm talking about the area next door," Europe is not Egypt"?
I think I am a little middle east.
Hey india ,it ’s a little China, so ...what is Europe?
YSL is a museum in Morocco?
The Japanese emperor bought an honorary white brand and he would do Egypt in the Middle East
It was an event called the Iran Founding Festival ,but he couldn't do it?
"Do you buy a store that Japan has abandoned? " ?
Well, it's sold at the bazaar in Istanbul after all.
"I'm telling Iran to stop stupid things"? They became Muslims.
So he decided to marry Germany?
Where is Germany the emperor?
So why don't you become independent around Misawa's air base , with the country name Egypt.
It's all Arab.
The outside is Arab. The King of France has a treaty with Japan
Are you saying, "This is Israel?"
"The area of the family tree called King Jerusalem?"
"It sounds like a lie."
YSL 2022? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6y4Rnfi2xc
Are these YSL men wearing , the King of France?
"makeup me ,I want a Christian one."?
I? Made by YSL?
I had a Christian one in the story of that man's time.
I don't know if I can do it ? I am also crazy.
But it's a lie, so no one is watching this.
"You may have seen about one photo ,that ?" ?
wikipedia Trajan
防衛大臣の国 日本 4 ( ドイツ人のいる場所 )
What was Germany in that man's time? It's Egypt that was real?
Is this a map?
Where is Germany?
The north? Or area in Africa?
That man, someone you?
After throw away their honor white brand clothes,
the clothes of the Honorary Whites are the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.
Are you saying that the Japanese Self-Defense Forces just throw away the uniforms?
I saw it in the recycle shop , what were they doing in Japan?
What is exchange?
Someone said, you should writing a manga like The Rose of Versailles.
Even if you say that what is that 5 star supporting a Ghibli movie theater,
I think Japanese movies are good too.
I saw Rascal ,but it's Oscar, not Rascal.
"The store that sells Oscar's is bad, isn't it?" ?
After Oscar's death they wanted extra Oscar clothes a McDonald's happy bonus??
That's a manga.
But crazy people are really walking around the city to get Oscar's clothes.
I'm not wearing it.
Do you need my story of the Chinese government? But it's a manga world too.
My family just rent a house in Japan.
Is it Mcdonald's uniform or a T-shirt with Chinese written on it?
Or English T-shirts?
In the recycle shop the Japanese landowners told
"It's Oscar's uniform in the manga world.
The clothes of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces originally."?
To say "I think I'm Japanese, but I'm not in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces."
What do you think.this kind of work clothes is also used in France?
"What do you do when the Japanese Self-Defense Forces attack Iran?" ?
"Kick it out from the store"?
Syrian president said a large air strike but I 'm telling you this cloth and Trump country.
This cloth (イスラエルまんが2 / 日本古民家探索 )
In the manga world Japanese kidnaped the Romam emperor's prince or French king or Polish king?
Kidnap Mr.Trump's son.
Actually Mr.Trump says he has the status of something and he can make the country.
It's the government of her Emperor is Japanese emperor and Prime Minister is Mr.Conte?
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate3
Who is she? (return to イスラエルまんが2 ?)
I' don't know.
I think she is with president Erdogan.I don't know.
習氏、ボーイング社工場を視察 - 大型商談も成立
Chinese government says "he kidnapped President Trump" to buy Airplane?
Does that mean it's his property naturally?
The Chinese right means that Pope have a higher status.
Chinese can talk on President Trump's territory.
But I think Chinese isn't in the Vatican.
We should move on to Istanbul soon.
It was for the Vatican Pope to pass over China
Germans are naturalized into China it ’s a business flight from Berlin?
And don't recognize President Trump territory.
He says he's an emperor.
(return to ドイツ人のいる場所 / オバマ大統領の敬称は殿下? )
"Who will do America in Germany?"
But it's not a chance for Chinese (government). Is it Rascal ,or Oscar?
what's Cambia?
Giuseppe Conte - Ci siamo! Ecco il progetto di rinnovamento del Movimento 5 Stelle
(湾岸の偉い人 ?)
Two days ago he wrote
"La comunità 5 Stelle cresce senza perdere la propria proprietà che non mette alla prova ogni risparmio.
La strada della crescita sociale per essere il megafono di quegli altri percari allo stato con quella responsabilità per l'Italia di lottare per il tempo delle maniche del cograggio così da cambiare..."è paese?
What is this story going to ,in Italy? Turkey?
キャンプ座間に仕事がねぇよ!! ?
"This is the topic of the Middle East, the topic of the Japanese people you are dating,
the Japanese Self-Defense Forces is not an American topic.
Even though Trump Tower is in the US, do you need it in Yokohama(Japan)?"
USA was President Obama's speech in Prague,
USA's English made many magazines in Japan too
What should Japan be?
Then there is the blank.
white presidents are low,and USA's English is bad
Don't you say President Obama is better than whites with people,
President Obama went to the Iraq War and talked to us.
It meant that everyone agreed with President Obama.
So USA is back to the white President Biden again, but we didn't hear it.
What you would say to the Prague speech, the story is over.
Be silent , it looks like the conversation is continuing.
That's why, put the window.
If you say so much, please write a sample about it.
If you say the ultimate thing,because you're about it, people which always translates stopped in the imitate.
But what has the quality of (color, right? ) always been after term?
Dialogue with Syria has not yet begun.
Syria proposed to Japan to set up a checkpoint.
Black horse 1st Cav's US military bases
and British troops enter the checkpoint, the language is English anyway.
If you put all the people who do the Olympics together,Italian royal family says they will marry Japan and ascend to the throne.
They wear dresses and are the same as those in South America become part of Iberoamerica.
As a descendant of the House of Habsburg, the King of Spain cannot abandon the idea.
Do you go to make an checkpoint?
Gate and walls to put northern Japan inside the US military base will make Tokyo Camii a castle.
But what is the Jamie Kishida administration?
Is his people all Turkish?
Should the Kishida administration establish a Tokyo cami administration next to it?
Like President Assad and President Obama,
Prime Minister Kishida has absolutely no experience in civilian government or in the military.
"Why would the British be involved in inspections?"
Somehow, no one knows why.
So, the Kishida government is the same as the Assad government, the white government,
can he talk about Medina and become a Muslim?
Equal marriage is possible outside of inspection(?)
What is build and destroy ?
the castle in Tokyo Is the inhabitant Turkish government?
The Japanese government is very small and the town of TV stations is big.
On TV , the fiddler and entertainers shouldn't say "However, "?
Yves Saint Laurent - Trailer Ufficiale Italiano
Do you understand Italian ?
My thought may be completely different.
Yves Saint Laurent are translations of movies in various languages.
(I can't) speak Italian.
Italy (the royal family) is Japan, and after creating a checkpoint,
they say "We're Rome", right?
What you want is "Strada"?
What you want is "posso" too?
Passo means one step or decision,
it is a common Japanese story about deciding to go one way.
But, posso is written as the singular and present tense of potere.
What can a single road do?
Did he have a picture of the stairs?
Where did one road take him?
In the end, he says it's impossible for him.
Is he saying, "Be a model and walk around there"?
Is he saying "Be a model first"?
Is Strada that 10m walk, right?
Oh, and that work uniform is the model for him(?)
Where is Maison?
The Maison is the Palace of Versailles.
There's a rain-soaked statue of an old Roman emperor on the wall, and can he speak English?
He may say "let me enter the house"?
Looking at the family tree, he's a child of his sister's marriage partner.
Is he a nephew?
What is the essential French commercial saying?
Yves Saint Laurent 2014 Trailer
I think Is Yves Saint Laurent the King of Spain?
Is he saying, "If you come near me, you'll get sick"?
Also, it's the same as the Italian commercial, saying "I can't do it" at the end.
Did a woman ask him, "Do you want a maison?" in the movie?
"If I succeed, you might get a maison"?
There sold a lot in Japan,
So I wondered if there was a movie like that recently.
The Empire State Building is in the movie.
(Because she was very difficult シルト攻防戦3 ?)
イタリアのアフリカの話14 ?
Maybe they're talking to him.
Is Borghese Cosmetics to be a big success in Yves Saint Laurent's group?
Lorenzo ,a black maison in Italy?
Or a Black with "French tart chocolate" ??
As an addition,"I can't do it" in the movie is written ,means
"I want to sketch,to design , on my own terms."
His wealthy lover says "tutto" (he's all).
Yves Saint Laurent - Trailer (deutsch/german)
Does German say something different?
If we succeed in buying back European castles
Only Germany will pay the "black Roman emperor".
Prinz George? Who is he?
Will he take European money and run to the blacks?
Is it Rome?Tokyo castle Japan?
What is the story?
Saint Laurent | Spring Summer 2024 | Full Show in Berlin
This time do you want to buy Umineco clothes together?
Did Umineco come to Berlin wearing with YSL clothes??
Ok, Umineco is a French actor created by Yves Saint Laurent.
"Come to berlin.
It's nothing.
Is the National Gallery is Berlin's new architectural masterpiece?
I thought you should line up the horses before, but..."
Who's saying "This feeling of nothingness is a good feeling!" ?
Do German customers buy clothes even though they have cloth?
Umineco is actually naked, and since there is no field, there is no cloth.
What do you want me to do naked, don't show me crazy movies, we're not model.
In Africa, there are a lot of visitors to naked Africans.
Because it's a model type.
A lot of American Indians are taking off their clothes these days.
Because it's a model type.
Are Berlin visitors about Umineco?
That's right, should I sell cloth too?
"Is the cloth made by black slaves denim?"
Then Germans say "Are you naked?
do you buy clothes? ’ to that African or American.
It doesn't matter who makes the cloth, will it be a black show at the end?
What are those white Africans(german people?)?
This time you can ask me
"Yves Saint Laurent's clothes have the same pattern as cheap Japanese cloth.
Is it a Muslim cloth or an Iranian cloth?
Is it called Cleopatra's cloth?"
"The Roman Empire is long over."
Is Cleopatra France dark skin?
Are you from Chad?
Will you say, "I like the empty feeling of a palace in Berlin"?
Think carefully
Iranians don't say that, do they?
Indians don't say that, do they?
Yves Saint Laurent went to Saudi Arabia for business ,
Iran wins if the cloth is sold to Saudi Arabia.
"Should Saudi Arabia buy it?"
Who are not human?
President Obama is there and he speaks in English.
Why does black emperor speak in English?
Do you watch Japanese commercials too?
Yves Saint Laurent - Trailer (Japanese)
Yves Saint Laurent looks like a doctor yelling "I'm a man"?
Did he start a clothing show with the neighbors?
A caring neighbor says, "I'll do something about it." and he makes clothes?
"The straight and long thread is wonderful."
A customer compliments him.
If losing Yves Saint Laurent and making it a black show,
Yves Saint Laurent asks "Do you make that cloth yourself?"to black.
Do you ask?
What is the money exchange?
Are they "Normare"?
Are they the Norman Conquest to occupy Japan, the Kingdom of Italy?
Are you friends with Prime Minister Conte?
Will there be a money exchange?
Where are the identity of the blacks?
Is it wrong?
再び トルコのEU加盟
Who is president Trump?
Faith leads you to the east
They said they wanted Turkish coffee in the far east,
but do they want Vietnamese coffee?
Do Arabs not go back to Egypt?
I think Arab is good field, there are many Greek ruins.
Students should say
"Name believers Hadeetha"
"Have you heard of Hadiet Daily News?"
Mattarella incontra il Presidente della Repubblica Socialista del Vietnam
ya (やあ?)
aziz (聖人は、)
tabıl bakanlığı mızın (旅?バカになる←日本語?) (もちろん私達の政府機関。)
değerli misafirler (ご来賓の皆さん)
sizleri muhab...(you're not Muḥammad) (あなたは・・ムハン・・・?ムハンマドじゃない。)
tarihi enerji (エネルギーカレンダー?)
ülkelerin ortaya(国という名前の羽化した蝶?)
hiç bir ,kauss? insanın(だれもkaussになれない。)
insan hala (お父さんの子供は)
Surie'deki (スーリエ敵?←日本語?)(まだシリアにいる。)
Emperor from Japan recognized as new Roman emperor in Vatican ?
Et certains nationaux ?
C'était la première fois que je voyais la France.
Vous avez vendu "Voyage" au Japon pour sortir Republic.
C'est de l'argent là où je vis en ayant "le monde parle français..."
Liste des rois de Turin, République italienne : Merenptah... ?
J'ai pu écrire le drapeau italien et tout ça en italien...
Quel est ce drapeau ?
Yves Saint Laurenté et des dizaines de pièces en francs français.
Et la France aussi, la France doit un gouvernement.
Je suis sûr que tout vient bien sûr de la République française.
Quelle heure est-il ?
(And some nationals?
It was the first time I saw France.
You sold "Voyage" to Japan to hit Republic.
It's money where I live having "the world speaks French..."
List of kings of Turin, Italian Republic: Merenptah...?
I was able to write the Italian flag and thing in Italian...
What is this flag?
Yves Saint Laurenté and dozens of French franc coins.
And also France,France owes a government.
I'm sure everything ,of course, from the French Republic.
What is the time I?)
Anime?Saint... and 金色の雨の降る街 (3) ?
An island called Yves Saint Laurent Island in the Nile Delta,
the story of this island was well written.
In the New Kingdom of Egypt, there was a change in dynastic families.
It moves to Ramesses and Seti's kingdom.
Oh he made a treaty, maybe that's what he's talking about?
There is (the United States?), and everyone lives there.
(I found her song ↓
Only one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1xGzmJh1AA ??
(天馬の国68 ゆ~ちゃんはどこかにいる )
It was a foreign Christmas.
In German, is the name of Christ a fruit?
The flower that blooms in the lower part, rose?
(エジプトのクリスマス5 Advent)
In Japanese songs ,are they Canadian or American???
イタリアのアフリカの話8 ?
中国の川嶋紀子劇場 ?
イスラエルまんが52 北風 ?
イスラエルまんが81 晴天 ? )
Movies have powers,are they Louis15(Mr.Johnny Depp?) ?
Do they take Janne da arc too? 米軍の作ってる神
If so..I see a movie
Janneda arc sang "Blowin'in the wind" what is it?
Is she Inaba san(B'z)?
or B'z OCEAN ?
Do I know Italian? What are theysearching for?
イラクの妃の位 続き 16 To surround with a rampartwall
He also sings about Ocean? youtube: Oceano - Josh Groban
(Is it Argentina..?)