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別記事 US army in Afghanistan


Who are those people came into my room with zikill ?

"We were buried in the sand and we couldn't move
It's a little early to escape."

"But jump over the dirty now
Move your heart to the air, I can't stand it! FLY! FLY! FLY!"

I want to know about Terry,blue-eyes American?

"Just every bad boy!
He's a dangerous person
I'm grinning  but you should end my-life."

"Just every bad boy!
Without running away, I'll die.
Or you should end my-life."

"Just every bad boy !!
If you meet them you will change.
so end my-life.

Just every bad boy!
Brushing my hair , I'm saying "before it changes"

There are Turkish people ...
Turkey has an airplane.
Before it changes ...
Is it at the airfield in Iwakuni?
What is Misawa?
Is Yokota Germany?

Where is the other side of the fog?

"I can see it faintly beyond the fog
Shadows on everything that moves
Let's make a tremendous explosion
I can't stand it!
FLY! FLY! FLY! Go out on the town.
Let's get FLY!"

After that, I'm watching foreign countries.
Warning bell?
Some people want a warning bell.
"Become a person who will ring the warning bell!"?
I'm telling you to pick it all up."

What's changed?

"Even if the warning bell echoes
end my-life."

There is only one more, the message will also appear.

"Just every bad boy!
Just every bad boy!
Youkai are playing around me.

When I look at the future through my hair , I'll go through the globe.
I'll be surrounded by unpleasant odors.
I can't stand it!
Go out on the town.
Let's get FLY!"

( English translation :

If you look through the gaps faintly
beyond the shadows on all that moves in the warning bell,it's just a rambling "bad boy!"?
Youkai are playing.
I was buried, move your heart to the air FLY! FLY! FLY!
Let's get FLY!
The fog at the future FLY! FLY! FLY!
Let's get FLY!

Just a rambling bad boy!
Even if it echoes ,Runnin'my-life
Without running away I'll die

Just a rambling bad boy!
Just a rambling bad boy!
He's a dangerous person
I'm grinning
Runnin'my-life in the sand and couldn't move
It's a little early to escape
But jump over the dirty now I can't stand it!
Go out on the town.

Just a rambling bad boy!
if you meet them you will change

Just a rambling bad boy!

Brushing my hair dancing high in the sky
I can see it

Let's make a tremendous explosion
I can't stand it!

Go out on the town.
Let's get FLY!
I'll go through the globe

I'll be surrounded by unpleasant odors
I can't stand it!

Go out on the town just with you

Tutto ciò che è "così brutto!" ?
Lo Stato "Il tuo cuore in male"
Cattivo, cattivo ragazzo, sto sorridendo.
Durante la corsa potevo muovermi.
Presto, ora, non è male.
Lo sopporto in città! con te )                        

Who is con te ? I found it.
Libia religion often changes its spelling?   )

First blue light between the buildings,
President Obama was in the blue light,
was it the picture of President Obama's Christmas?
I saw something ,I can't find it now.

I thought Shinjuku? Maybe Tokyo ...
Shinjuku and Libya were drawings.
シルト攻防戦 2

Next is this old video.


I think it's a crown but I can't see it clearly.


→私の思い付きではその後、プールで泳いでいる人々の図 NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE




TBS イタリア王子特集 → イタリアのアフリカの話12
Did Japanese go to Germany?民族の純血性の保持と婚姻政策 ?
Germany VS UK ? イギリス領日本があったらどういう場所


Non parlare inglese con me di stoviglie iniziate, piatti cinesi, quindi l'America inglesi,la Gran Bretagna in Giappone è elettricità per Israele. 
La Russia?
Un porto russo?
Fossero la Turchia ha perso e solo Israele ha riacquistato il suo status di indipendenza dai parenti in Inghilterra?

Un grande Giappone il mondo da Siria?
Tutti i presidente?
Passa sotto la Giordania?
Dovrebbero essere giapponesi Turchia?
"È il confine con la storia" è più difficile.
"Perché il Giappone..." ?
Una grande distanza?
In Australia dalla Trump Tower all'Inghilterra
Posso avere stoviglie in vetro, piatti cinesi o quel paese perdente?
Il castello della famiglia  il castello sull'isola fredda a nord?
È una casa parla quell'arabo giapponese arabo del nord?
Turchi e cinesi vivono tutti in Turchia, giusto?
L'ho fatto e non l'ho fatto e ho detto "Perché i governi ..." di togliermi di mezzo?
Cosa intendi?
"Bene rifornirli dall'Inghilterra". ?
Piccola, McDonald's in Giappone?


When I saw this mysterious photo what does it mean  water is called hydrochloric acid and is not tap water?

H2: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B0%B4%E7%B4%A0

You suddenly remembered that reacts with metal to generate hydrogen.
Hydrogen is a colorless gas.
Purple light in plasma state,the purple glow is scary.
SaudiArabia=Japan Why the water price had rised?
G20 summit SaudiArabia meets US president

Hotel European ?
Capital Light transmitting signal 12

Yokohama University doesn't have it.

(Yokohama) Bank was taken ,New bank is "Concordia" ?
Every year Juan Carlos I speaks in Japanese "Kiero(=go)?"
Claiming the descendants of the King of Israel?

How does Yokosuka Navy do Russia?
安禄山の乱 50  Dark Angel

What is he?
Are we European French people or British people?

おまけにエチオピア独立(過去の偉業だ!) ?

"I want a foreigner and a new one is a foreigner."

Who is the god hiding in the back of the Japanese field?
The U.S. Navy will not take my kimono photo on New Year,there're only photos of grandma country.
天馬の国62 おばあちゃんの国 続き その3

Well, I'm not European.
If there are really Europeans and the Spanish royal family and the British royal family bought the land and replaced the new house in Japan.
President Obama did a subcritical nuclear test to burn Christian America and become independent.
Only Obama's house was rebuilt cleanly. Is it Allah for grandma these days?

"I want to inherit the family as one to a European from Europe."?
What is it she gets all the European budget, so she won't greet to the Indian Embassy in Japan.

I'm not married.
To tell "I bought an old house to rebuilt it into... because it was an Olympic site."
You're saying it's grandma's country.
I'm saying about my dad and Israel temple in India.
Because I think he wanted something for rental housing.
He was going to rent a house in Japan, right?
He said "My dad's daughter,I'm married  and I don't have a budget."
I'm saying that my dad's family should have a budget.
I think that's "Divorce"
If I'm saying I don't need all the Japanese kids and he says he won't go to the Indian embassy to say hello.
That's why I'm complaining for my grandma's parents' house.
"Call me "he said.
The King of Spain means that American Pompeo, a blue eyes diplomat, is working?
Or is it a Muslim house?
"I think it was an English house,  from the beginning"?
Does she say that all the fields are white people and call the British troops?
Did she say it?
I'm not saying about it and announce it.

FOX NEWS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVTK5EE07ZY

I don't know but I think it ’s about money, right?
The top of the U.S. Central Command lives in the Pentagon and talks about money.
I tried arranging the stories I know.

There are three types in China: Indian temples, the Chinese government, and the government of their mother in Ethiopia.
Within the territory of China, the characters and currencies are unified.
Japan has also Indian temples and an Ethiopian mother's territory.
Characters and currencies are unified in one type, similar to China.

It couldn't issue the US-Japan Occupation Dollar.
The language could not be unified with English.
The Japanese geisha child was born in Port Town of the US Army is a worker.
So, in addition to the temples in India and the mother's territory in Ethiopia, there is a Yokosuka town where geisha workers live.
The language is English, and what is the unified currency?
I think it changes depending on the sales price of the company.

"The old Chinese official makes the Japanese emperor."
To regain the status of Chinese government Japanese geisha will issue Japanese yen.
Since it's a part-time job at a company,"the president wants to try it"
In Meiji time , don't you say
"Only one car sales for Japanese imperial family.
With that money, an American automobile company will issue Japanese yen ... "?

"If there was another big Chinese government"?
The Showa emperor decided to marry Morganatic marriage?

"Emperor Showa was still in the Japanese government after the war and issued Japanese yen.
Then he decided to buy the modern apartments."?
"So the construction workers get paid from the Japanese government"?
What do you mean to eat in  Mister Donut or McDonald's?

Geisha country also buys food!
Does it mean that once the president of an American construction company receives the payment, then the Japanese emperor is enthroned and the factory workers are paid Japanese yen from the US port of Yokosuka?

After that ,the story is  the behavior of the condominium buyers are strange.
"if geishas can return the money I paid to the workers,
and if it's American money from Yokosuka naval base, can I exchange it for European money?"
Did they actually exchange it for foreign currency?

Buying a house overseas is like in India.
In the area of ​​temples in India,said that Japanese condominium buyers are free to do that?
They exchanged Japanese yen from the port town for Indian rupees.
Did they trade for the European euro in the other area ?
"If they study abroad in Europe they will become a memberof state of Europe..."?

Yokosuka US naval base said some American natives  who sell chocolate were the buyers of the condominium in Japan?
"The language is already Italian and there is something like a government in Italy."?
It decided to put all the sales proceeds into the Italian treasury and count them as Italian possessions?
They sold chocolate and coffee to Japanese geisha or construction workers?
What is American company what is president?

Bringing the poor princess Andoromeda from Africa Misawa air force base decided to live in the same house with her mother Cassiopeia.
And become independent?
Only Ethiopian people say that Tohoku people are real Japanese people.
Is that Ethiopian imperial family decided to marry Morganatic marriage in Japan?
Who say Japanese emperor's marriage partner is from geisha country, a low-ranking Ethiopian person?
Yokosuka US nabal base announced "Kawashima was a worker at a construction site in Port Town of USA.
She had some status at a Chinese government office in the past."?

You are saying that the marriage has already been decided.
It's not married.
Japan has Indian temples and Ethiopian mother's territory, and Japanese geisha territory!
I'm telling the US army "How many geisha are there?"
You don't count it you airstriked in Iran too!

The US military open a thrift shop and "Return everything they bought."?
The US military  says "You are not the purchasers of the condominium." to geisha.
"You don't sell chocolate."?
"You don't sell coffee either"?
"Return all the wrong purchases."?
Who is doing it in the US military?
After president Obama is president Trump , president Biden?
Is it the result of the elections in the US navy port towns?
If president crushs that big car company, and that big construction company and their Pentagon in the United State will be over.
So they're aiming it again.

I thin kthe story of Marine Corps Mattis in Iraq was also something strange.
For example Mr.Mattis was selected in Iraq.
HEROの歌2 ?
He said he's the head of the United States Central Command.
Is it almost the Russian emperor?

Kawashima says that Mr.Mattis's place in the photo of the U.S. Central Command.
Actually Mr.Mattis is a criminal for many Russian ,who is Kawashima outside of the US port town in Japan?
The top of the U.S. Central Command lives in the Pentagon and talks about money.
So she 's aiming it.
Justice is asking to the Japanese geisha in the US Porttown of Yokosuka
"The workers are saying that Kawashima."?
Is it election in the port town?
"The workers say ..."?
Do you say that the workers of that recycle shop crushed at all?
"You want to break both Kawashima and the US army's  recycle shop."?
"and royal Kawashima child" ??
You know ,there is only one type throne, as a geisha in the US piort town in Yokosuka.

What asked?I don't know.
"Take care of it,
Did you realize that what did you sell?" ?
It's a delusion,shop can't be ...you can see it at first.



