








2019/12/25 15:40:12・追記を書きました。
2019/12/21 19:17:55・追記を書きました。
2019/12/11 22:22:29


Anyway,Umineco needs family in Japan!

I often need a Japanese traditional movie,but Japan has changed.
エジプトのクリスマス3 新曲? 劍歸  
輝くほとりに17 The Black Prince

Even Japanese traditional movie is  Stuart Little the gatest movie works in India,

"My history is just a movie" but really I don't know.
Do you have palace Israel?

I'm actor til Chinese Emperor coming.
I'm also serving India.
プリンセス物語その後 ?
Make sure that only the wedding is needed.

What was Alexandria's wedding?

This movie looks similar to Umineco.
the castle conservations
the castle conservations 2
the castle conservations 3

アフリカとインドとBODY PAINT (1)
His Home City Nara30 I NEED WATER

The situation is very similar,what was it?

I really didn't know what it is and I can't speak in English now.
What did he say in English in the movie?

I need someone actor in Japanese.
But this man's movie is good.
What's going on ~!?

"I want to marry him,it's a new movie,because I'm not European.
But the documents for my wedding should be submitted to the Japanese government office!" is being in trouble!

Where is this place (real place)?
A church? I don't know.

"A woman is laughing at me with ridiculously dresses,she's saying that that's her room."

Who is Queen Marie Therese Dortlish?

Who can say "Saint Maria is more great"?

Lui is about Louis? Is it the same meaning?

Queen Marie Thérèse d'Autriche means the god whom he said "yes"?

Did Queen speak any words?

That's not the case anymore and I'm a translated English, what do you think?

Did I talk about Bethlehem in this blog?


Is Umineco the person that isn't right,but that woman told you any words?

I foreget this movie.

↓One Republic- Apologize https://youtu.be/ifq3nPQHXWQ

Optimistic - It was Emergency

Gangs of New York

↓Optimistic1 https://youtu.be/fFSbhAvtqlQ

↓Optimistic2 https://youtu.be/izN5JW5kTz8

A similar building is in this movie.

Joven era un padre, tenía tiempo con césped del joven,como padre.
"Diurno, La ropa y el césped, césped,el paisaje de la casa?"
"Es como tranquilo, ¿qué tipo de padre despreocupada? "
"Tengo una casa ".
история,преступник,был отцом.
проводил время,проводил время со своей семьей.
"Погода была солнечная и сухими. "тот вы хотите был,отец с беззаботным лицом ?дом?


Is this a completely different person?

A woman with French flag was a man with king in the movie?

Tokyo Conference great honor for TICAD

A similar dress is in this movie.

Oh, but a completely different person?

Umineco is a candidate for the person who closes the gate in China.
Umineco was a girl with less education,with ordinary clothes,it's a citizen.
Umineco don't give up until the gate is closed!
Today Umineco is in the dream of the Chinese border.
There is a gate on the border between the Middle East and China.
Yesterday, China finally said, "The gate will be closed."

Then, today,suddenly this movie says Open the gate.
French gate will open.

In the Japanese port town,the U.S.army distinguishes Japanese.
What should I say?"They're very white.and I don't know"?


This is calling something.
Paris something?
I'm saying something with google but I can't hear this English!
Really,India can't use me any more.

Today' news

Pope at Angelus: May our whole life be a “yes” to God

La concepita di grazia in luce, tutta sua umiltà,a Dio,senza possa comunità e della Concezione di "celebrando la privilegio", con cui la libera di peccato dal primo concezione al centro di Francesco.
Domenica, si trova in Avvento, caso di spiegato,stata dalla contaminazione della famiglia.

Dio,che racconta la storia che Dio pensava per riempito con Dio la Parola, come il Papa,prontamente spazio Spirito Santo di Dio ,"tutta santa".
Cioè rimane"povera " di servizio.

"La parola con Dio". il Papa, come si "L'apertura a Dio trova prossimo" ha sottolineato,questo "come” rendere la nostra intera vita un "sì" a Dio composto con la preghiera che la Concezione "tutta la nostra vita è un" sì "a Dio,un" sì "di Lui e gesti quotidiani di amore e servizio".


Cats in my garden open the door who's house is it?
Is this the same movie?  https://youtu.be/cu8sGu-RAFI

Age of mythology

Today's news
Italy: Conte optimistic after budget passed

I do not know where my clothes distributed by India are going.
the castle conservations 3
シルト攻防戦 2
Is it concentrated in Italy?The country of refugees around here is called Italy and there's the budget from a new one?
The French royal family cannot be independent.
There's no French royal family in India.

In Japanese story,

The G20 participates the government official.
The diplomats by the Japanese government Foreign language expert went to college for diplomacy.

"I want to know a foreign language" is the Japanese.
"What is that?",Umineco can see it translated by google ...

Do you know foreign opinions?
Everyone says, "Do you know how great they are?"

I know them,many years ago, I was a Christian and those people were Christians.
Now Government officials are foreign language experts and
"I'm just looking at a foreign country ..."
Or today,the Japanese government has nothing to do with Japanese people.

If you talk about real politics, you also need to know your status,
because you say who I am,Umineco is Japanese,
who is Prime Minister Conte in Italy?

He must be a real Italian.
Is he the eldest son of the Italian royal family,House of Conte?
イタリアのアフリカの話 6
(Giapponese,La Libia di Osaka, sono Port Italy in Italia e sono Port Japan.
Porto Italy chiama la Libia italiano,Italia, il popolo libico cristiani.
Che è l'Italia,in cui la Libia.
La città della Libia in Italia chiamato la resurrezione del Giappone,caso?
Japan Pasifico?e chi è un re?e l'esercito di stanza Concordato,non importa penisola dell'isola e la storia.

In my Japanese translation,he says that
Libya Italian is Osaka people,they're Port Italy in Italy and in Japan they're Port Japan.
In Japan,they're Big Porto Italy in Little Italy,Quest Accordi?

Then he calls Japan Italy,and he wants Libya as an Italian Prime Minister.
What is it?

Italy,do you want Porto Japan?

That's how India made Libyan people as a restrictionin in Italy.
They're only Christian.
If you say that is Italy,their place where Libyans live is Libya.
Do you prepare the Libya city in Italy?

It's Pope territory,or it is called the resurrection of the papal territory.
In Japan,Port Osaka is the same case.
But where is Japan without a king,he called Japan Pasifico?
Actually it may be forest area,is the Forest Prime Minister Romani, and who is a king?
Of course, the US President and the US Army are stationed,Japanese Emperor is a king?

Concordat is King of France,it doesn't matter Peninsula,
it's the story of the island and the story of Libya.)

The real politics you need must be Japanese Emperor's government,
my father has a brother but there is no real Japanese government.

In the other place,white people were weak in Europe.
People had their fields sold from Italy.
Kind to white people,in Italy,white people is Savoia family.
So every Italians are white, but the current prime minister is quite black.

Umineco could not join in "I know foreign languages,"I'm a Japanese person,
Do you want to talk with the Japanese like the Italian government?
If you're talking about my father comes out.

エジプトのクリスマス5 Advent
I knew that was the only opinion I wrote.

Do you say that was who?
"When stories gave a Japanese learned a foreign language who looked a little bigger"?
"Who was told by a great person that he had spoken in Japanese maybe··"

天皇即位式にバチカンが枢機卿を派遣 ?

"I do not need Budget.Gentle,my dad."?
"In addition, Dad has a brother who is in low order
and I won't go out. There was a talk from the family head."?

The continuation of the French Revolution
It was the story of the booklet.
(フランスを空爆しろよ )
Later, when France loses who make a lot of money?
The French system, France's mass production of children to the United States look like Asian, right?
We are talking about transporting Japanese people to Africa.
"Marry African and become Muslim " I know Japan ,the control will respond to me.
"France's independence? I will support you."
Looking at the US military stationed in Japan, there are no oriental people.
There are no Orientals in America, only Africans or Europeans.
Only Russians in the United States say China.
I think there is such a country and they're the Russian army.

Is Russia's independence similar to France's independence?
A movie "Is the French Prince an actor in Russian cinema?" you will come out.

I wonder if you have benefited from that ... Citizens?
Who was born in a hospital and graduated from Cambridge University?
The kingdom was written on his family tree, I wondered if it was the King of Spain ...
ファン・カルロス1世のメッセージ1979年 ?

To see the new work later ,this is not  news.
It's a story of living in Japan and losing.
 if it's dangerous, support.
I can only think of travel  and enroll in an American military school.  
Well, that's why people say they are Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.
Do you think I would travel to the United States,
Even so, I don't think.
"It's like Egypt next to the Commander-in-Chief, and the government office.
That's the end of the story."
The US government even says, the Japanese are in another base in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.
The Russian army is now releasing at a mysterious port called the United States.
Is it the French Revolution?




If  the French Revolution uses high-technology,  a little ahead of others, so, does it mean Prince Charles of United Kingdom?
Well, I still thought he would be okay because the name of the king of ...
"It's a movie, Italy"?
So I chose Gangs of New York.
Gangs of New York
I think the words are close to the reality.
I have to speak in America.
I don't have the physical strength  ,what did I find in America?
話がDoD巡り ?

That's why the continuation of the French Revolution.
It was the story of the booklet later, when France lost who made a lot of money?



