


輝くほとりに17 The Black Prince





輝くほとりに17 The Black Prince

2020/06/21 04:31:55・追記を書きました。
2018/02/09 22:56:58
・出来杉の林を抜けて・・英国領インドへ? からタイトルを変更しました。

・夜見る夢 からカテゴリーを変更しました。



Sakura Specialには日本語の歌ばかり集めましたが、

SONY INDIAと契約している芸能人さんみたいなんですけど、インド語入れていいのかなぁ・・


2018/01/25 20:43:04

出来杉の林を抜けて・・ の続きです。







Who went to England?
The Indian royal family made Pakistan independent as British territory.
The Japanese port towns of Yokosuka are connected at the airport.

Recently Japanese kimono were thrown away and the kimono moves overseas.

What was high town where I could become an Englishman ,where I said I was low.
You say, "A great person on a car, is the Japanese emperor"?
without showing any European royal information
are you going to make someone to marry from the city of Japan McDonald's?

"Duke Edinburgh is a normal Englishman with Queen Victoria's bloodline
What does he mean to hide in a normal English town?


4th June 2012 The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert

Oh, he was not coming today?"

Do you start with that kind of story?
The old Indian royal family in the US Army don't have to know because it's the neighboring country.
So I'm telling you.

When you saw an Indian movie ,
isn't it the normal Indian in a normal city?

An ordinary town and a person wearing Independence in the city of McDonald's in Japan?

Who lived in the town of Japan McDonald's  all the time,

I don't know the story of old India, but in India people suddenly,suddenly came to the lower Indian town from the British town and  I left the ordinary and ,to an ordinary person,
Does it mean "don't use  Japan McDonald's because it's a high-class city?"
I'm confused.

You'll put black or Indian in a normal town in the city of Japan McDonald's.
An acquaintance of in the city of Japan McDonald's , who is the one who said, "I'm discriminating" ?

I often can't see Royal News in Port Town, USA.
I think the higher person is over there and is that a black man?

It's not me.
I have no interest in such stories to the British royal family.


At the US elementary school my babies go to elementary school?
Do it yourself if you dissatisfied Japanese,I wrote.
米軍の愛するアジア人はイスラエル人?2  - 宇宙開発費の増額

In your elementary school "Make Japan stupid"?
"I am talking about as a Japanese"?

"I like the white girls"?
Ask the white child to do it.

Dull work in New Caledonia ?

At Naval School,"a fellow gives it the same status"?

He picked up jewels and he(Japanese?) did it in the US Navy.
That's fine.

He has a Boy friend and Close the gate3
Someone made it Italian prince,are there some Italian prince too?
You just need such white children.

I'm not white.
Why do I have to talk about such white?
Color is close to black,
do you reproduce me on TV in Iraq?

What's Dhoom?
(天馬の国33 続き who's that girl )

Someone came in my place instead of me.

US army in Afghanistan ?
Who is this?British?
Will it be his child?
Is it my child?

Oh your baby is forever in your TV.

"English letters are hated in India"
”I hate those English letters!"

I'm telling everyone I hate ,I hate it!

肌の色の黒い中国人のこと(1) ?

You call me black and you burn my bycecle in your Iran...
I found you , you live in Iran!



