


量産されるサイン - 水上の音楽





量産されるサイン - 水上の音楽

2022/0613 16:12:20・追記を書きました。
2022/06/07 06:57:55・追記を書きました。
2022/05/22 07:56:55・追記を書きました。
2020/04/12 00:01:48・追記を書きました。
2018/11/02 19:55:59・量産されるサイン - デリー高層ビル街の破壊 と内容をまとめました。2017/03/27 04:02:23・ヒッタイト帝国の幻 からカテゴリーを変更しました。

2016/08/19 15:48:25










GO - Fire Work  







農林水産省 http://www.maff.go.jp/j/keiei/koukai/wakariyasu.html



How American buy agricultural land in Japan

White mother merely sending things to eat whimsically from Europe.
White mother are always speaking their opinion.

They say
We thought you were African person.
We thought you were Chinese.

Do you hate them?

White aren't our children.
People in land in Japan are excellent.

Are you a prisoner?
Your agricultural parents Japanese don't give you something to eat.
If Japan dry up things to eat, your life is over.
You can not touch something to eat in Japan.
Japan is a government agency that is called "education".

Even President Obama does not meet adoption criteria.
So,Japan can't put him in top government agencies in Japan.

We want to kill white mother. don't we?
But where is our mother living?
I don't know, but do you know?
You isolated and she has food at unknown place.

White don't tell us where holds something to eat in Japan.
There is only a telephone and a desk at this address and you can buy a suit at the shop,
but she will not tell you the location of the factory sewing suit.
She does not tell me the location of the field of the suit material.


Do you buy Hatake?
Get better than Japanese.(=White)

<量産されるサイン - デリー高層ビル街の破壊>

高層ビル街が映っている動画 https://www.youtu.be/g0eO74UmRBs












What kind of story India was talking about because the Indians were threatening me.
I thik the story is almost over.
The red castle

Queen Victoria treaty with the US military in Japan don't understand English.
The British palace is droped  and no British in it.
Is it such a place?
Grandmother's country,Foreigners who do not have a  of British bloodline.
It's easy to enter in it,I don't know where the palace is.
輝くほとりに17 The Black Prince
Is there any point to do now?
I don't know because I live in a country that has a...I didn't know.




→ ドラえもん~ 
→ イタリアで豪華客船が転覆4



青いカーテンの部屋 Game三国志のこと


Bolesław II Rogatka という人の家系図を持ったべるばらのオスカルのようなキャラクターがいたとして・・・ということで、結構、整合性の取れた話を書いているつもりなんですけど、

ちょっと検索したらその戦いに関わっているオーストリア公フェルディナンド オブ ハプスブルグという人がいるみたいなんですけど・・・(妄想物語のBolesław II Rogatka という人とは)結婚していないみたいなんですよね~


うみねこの国 は、ぼんやりと書き始めて、曖昧な内容なのですが、


Someone rebuilt Japan with the apartments
I thought that's the town of McDonald but McDonald withdraws to the United States...?
That's why everyone says something strange..

"Anyway how do you do a revolution / lockdown?
Japan is also Muslim and All U.S. forces withdraw outside Japan.
When the U.S. military returns to the United States Emperor restores castle territory"...

Umineco also should go out to some foreign country.

TV says, "There are Internet cafe refugees."
Japanese TV says "Did a Turkish ship come to the rescue for those in need?"
Does it mean that Umineco was abandoned by an American, but she's waiting for rescue?
It's completely different.
Is Japanese TV going to be a criminal?
Turkey just talked about JICA's story that Japan has something to do with it.

In fact, I've never met Turkish government,
I personally don't ask the Turkish government for help.

Perhaps the criminal is like an Indian who wants Microsoft?

"Umineco doesn't have home is in great trouble.
That's why she really needs Bill Gates.
So Bill Gates may have been kidnapped by Turkey."

Do you think does it mean that the internet cafe is first called Turkey and then Italy?
The Italian prime minister said, "(At comune shiodome?), we will announce a political activity called a five-star movement."


According to the TV story, there were refugees in Japan, and with the support of Turkey, they started running their ranch
and sold Turkish food to people around the University of Tokyo.
But now,is comune shiodome (Internet cafe?) the place where President Erdogan brings food to sell?
You're asking if you can live there together.
Was it a cafe for Mr.Bill Gates?

Umineco was supposed to be a worker in the town of McDonald
McDonald withdraws from the town  and the town becomes for other American shop I 'm a worker.
But Turkey starts business with Japanese ,Turkey says that the store must be a Turkish restaurant.
Are workers Turkish?
Everything has disappeared under the Turkish name.
Who says, "Turkey is sold to this Umineco country."...
Is there a country like this?

Even after returning to McDonald's, there is another American store.
That's why Umineco doesn't say "I'm a native (Japanese)".
Is it a student?
For the time being, the University of Tokyo should escape from the kidnapper's house and stay in the University of Tokyo?
They've heard that there are goods to support Africa in Japan.
With JICA,a 13-year-old African girl with her children is going to be the president of the area ,Russia can be doing it.
Who traded slaves? Was it the Kingdom of France?
Southern Sudan is the same chocolate story?

It has nothing to do with Umineco.
To make a new state Russia has to have the imperial rescript.
Country name Ancient Libya?

Did Prime Minister Conte say
"I didn't have enough costumes
Italian companies are making too much money
The prime minister just wears the clothes for the race. "?
(イタリア企業儲かる? )

Actually everyone needs the Turkish hat in Comune Shiodome.
And he was the Prime Minister?
Who did think about "Rise of American army" in the same area?

Bringing the country together You say you're Russia?
What is Syria?

Many people already got babies and they won
"Maybe we can make hats for everyone at a gold mine in Brazil."?


(★Do you recognize Japan?

What is Japan? I 'm Japanese but I don't know.

India forgot egypt India says Peyton

and was he a half-breed at Sogdiana?

Peyton killed Sogdiana Philippos?

The place I'm telling about is Lydia

Menandros was a general.

Ptolemy's name appears from his page ,in Japanese.


He appears soon to have attached himself to the party of Antigonus and was the first to give Antigonus information about the ambitious schemes of Perdiccas for marrying Cleopatra.[3] In the new distribution of the provinces at Triparadisus (321 BC) he lost the government of Lydia, which was given to Cleitus;[3] but this was probably only in order that he might liaise more easily with Antigonus, 

Peyton, you better stop

You say you want india

I say are you saying you(India) are me(Japanese)?

It says that Ptolemy being asked anything before.)

Then you just have to wear the dress.
All Turkish hats are made of golden.
Then Turkish hats come into the US Army to ask "Why is the medical team of colored races in the lower position?"

and rebuilt... 

"If the structure of The apartment is built as it is,it's strange."?
The story of Turkey is strange.
"It's already creating a story without permission.
I'm starting to talk about that."?

Who doesn't know who has no Japanese pedigree?


This story was very far from Japan.

Turkish President, President Fahri Korutürk. His last name was given by the first president, Kemal Ataturk.
He worked in Rome, Berlin, Stockholm.
In 1936, he participated in negotiations to conclude the Montreux Treaty as a military expert.
What was the Montreux Treaty?
He retired from the Navy Commander in 1960.
Shortly after his retirement, President Gemal Gulsel appointed him the Federal Ambassador to the Soviet Union and then the Ambassador to Spain.
In 1968, he was appointed to the Senate by President Jevdet Sunai.
He was elected the 6th President of Turkey by the Turkish National Assembly on April 6, 1973.
President Gemal Gulsel was a man from the Ottoman Empire?
Is he the topic of the battle of Galipoli?
In China, the Korean Peninsula, Japan ...?
What are you saying is that president Erdogan will give the gas in the Mediterranean in Turkey?
Did the oil nation make it in Iran?

Are those Japaneselike Clothes shops, Italian restaurants, Turkish Kebab shops foreign country in "Umineco country"?
Where is President Erdogan is bringing food for "Lockdown"?

Is thipresident Xi really China? イタリアで豪華客船が転覆4  ??

They also called India ...
"Japanese restaurant e will return to India ..."
"The country name was India"
But it never happened, right?
What are they doing in Tokyo?

Who is he (from India)?
I think he says...

He has TV in India?



Then, is it okay to say that presidente Conte is the top clerk of the aprons?
Is it okay to call the group of restaurants Comune Shiodome?
But the government is in Italy,it's a rented house in Italy,but there are houses in Japan?
Is it something like realizing your dreams in Japan?

Did restaurants borrow the Quirinale during the time of President Napolitano?
I don't know ...
When I went to a restaurant to work part-time, there were scary customers who said, "Who buy food with money?"
After that,those customers are clerk at the restaurant ,"You should buy it"?
Nobody care about religion before but the customers who got the restaurant are a kind of Italian and the religion is only Christianity.

That's why I'm asking, "Is the school system changing?"

People from public schools was jealous of Christian private schools.
To make the public school called Eton College in England, which is also attended by royalty,
"Into a public school I didn't have a uniform at school, but  I'll have time to create a uniform and read the Bible or sing hymns.."
Christian private schools mean that someone remained at school?

At first, they said they were Chinese with Lamian(Chinese food) shop.
But I think "what happened to the former store manager" is a lie.
I cared the contract farm of the stores ,and McDonald's also returned to the United States?
But I was just a part-time job,that's why I can't know anything.

Then you look at this map of Japan,is it okay to say that there are Turkish gas ships and Russian troops in addition to the US troops?
Anyway, the wedding magazine that wears that wedding dress is a Turkish wedding magazine,
It has nothing to do with Europe.
They are saying that they are "selling"
They said "Don't come to the store" and then who can say "Let's make the store together"?
If you say ," the store manager and the store can be left as they are, right?" I think it's a lie.

Comune Shiodome is the residential area for Christian churches, schools, hospitals, city halls, "in the Turkish area" ?

So I need to return to Yokohama now,
"When the US government signed a treaty with other Europe, Russia, and Japan about 300 years ago.
I was a geisha around Yokohama and I have foreigner's children. "

Comune Shiodome you're saying, "It's the country of mothers who buy foreign children in Yokohama,"
Is it Giuseppe Conte restaurants in charge of food in Italy( or Europe?)
But in reality, Comune Shiodome is the ancient Egyptian royalty (Libya?)
They also sell at recycle shops, and they are souvenirs from the Egyptian exhibition, right?

With the different status(, but what is it?)
"Japanese " "I need Japanese language"?
"I heard that you have a relationship "?
 "Everyone goes to the store, you should just buy it at the store."?
What do you buy?
But I didn't have a house, and I had them prepare something to sell at my part-time job, so I just worked ...

Does it mean Italian Comune Shiodome need Japanese language in the Japanese shops?

"I'm in trouble there is no choice but to say that  who wishes it was free of charge .."?

But in the end, I wonder if people are eating Lamian in such areas.
I'd like to find it, what does it mean for ? Is it independent?


Even if people say,"restaurant with Italian president" ,what is it  is n’t it?



