








2021/04/09 03:38:19・追記を書きました。
2020/08/23 17:35:11・追記を書きました。
2018/01/02 01:08:14


His Home City Nara29 FEEL THE WIND

Janne Da ArcのFEEL THE WINDという曲の動画を貼ってみました。










Still I love you. never fade.
I want you to love me once again.
I'll do my crying in the rain. But never wash away this misery.

Still I love you. never fade.
I want you to love me once again


We still use English in the bedroom in the daily life.

When you see the window there is still a rain so we still stay in the home.

How do you like call your Japanese friend by telephone?

We still use talk between telephone and Japan?

Who is in your photoframe inside of  you?

Why did it go out from your room even in the rain?







いつもの様に すぐにケンカをして
いつもの様に 軽いくちづけをして
いつもの様に 朝、寝ぼけていても
いつもと違う 君がいない 僕のそばに…

still I love you. never fade.
I want you to love me once again.

I'll do my crying in the rain
But never wash away this misery.

夜明け前 ベッドで二人


忘れたいから 普通に振る舞って
忘れたいから 君の写真も捨てて
忘れたいから 酔い潰れてみても
忘れたいのに 気づけば 君の事ばかり…

still I love you. never fade.
I want you to love me once again.





さよなら さよなら 愛した人…


(その後、上に書いた Stillを使って書いた文章に戻る、みたいな感じです。)

As usual, kiss as usual.
As usual, in the morning it’s different,no me…

Still I love you. never fade.
I want you to love me once again.

I'll do my crying in the rain.
But never wash away this misery.

Two heard only the clock ,leave the room  you pretend is it still in time now?
"Pushing No000" stopped quietly to forget to forget it, I try to get drunk.
Realize that you wants to forget.

Still I love you. never fade.
I want you to love me once again.

Thinking "thinking"
I thought human.
Is it still in time now for your way home?

Closed two of us spent this town,too hard for a chilly morning.

I can't say until you loved fight immediately do a light even than usual,
there’s  you, beside people in bed before dawn.

Why were you sleeping?
Because I want I want throw away your photo.

"I don't think"

Looking my eyes with a sigh.

You overflow everywhere.

Don't wait.

Words like "Still now..."

the end

Goodbye Goodbye,
Sound of the familiar
I want to forget, even if if you,
it’s all about you…


πρωί ,εσένα.
Θέλω τη δυστυχία από την ήχο.


αφορούν Θέλω χρόνο στο μάτια
" τώρα ..."?  μέχρι το τέλος.

この記事は US army in Afghanistan にリンクしているのですが、

Umineco isn't the great person.
Who bought this band?
By the way, great person, (music listener) will be Americans in Afghanistan?
I don't want something but I want a swimsuit too.
What's American? Is it great?
I don't really know this. I've only listened this once or twice...


Janne da arc HEAVEN  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uJtD7IpsSE

I'll pick you up,let's go to heaven together.
You were for me.
I'm sure that you won't die.
I just love I can't be proud of it.
Knock out your vows what color will you be?
I'm not afraid I'm a little sleepy.
She lives clumsy by your side.
Throw everything away.
Something to protect makes sense without you and your hand.
I don't care,reaper will come.
Let you die in peace.
The sun so that illuminates everything.
I'm not afraid  I'm a little sleepy but she gives up by your side.

Don't just look sad so wait quietly.
Kick the burnt asphalt as it is.
I was born when it makes sense to be alive.
I was reborn in the same place.
I'm sure I'll find you.
Be the sun so I want to illuminate everything.

The words of love are tele.
The hair I've grown for me let's wither tears just for you in a faded world and the world changes that the end has come.
Even if I stay "still", but she gives up.
If you so ,she is.

For example, Laugh for you for me.
For example, if I die if you are there, I'm sure I was reborn in the same place.
I'm sure I'll find you.
Even if I stay "still" she lives clumsy.
If you so ,she is.

It doesn't take a gentle grim
I think it will be you won't die
I want that the end has come.

Νομίζω Θα μαζί.
Ήσουν όρκους σας ;
Δεν φοβάμαι υπνηλία.
Γίνε ο ήλιος, φωτίσω Τα λόγια της μόνο.


The love bloomed at night the tears flowing anything can't be reborn.
Looking for an exit ,sad accesses a period.
Repeated sadness wishes to disappear where she goes.
A period repeated sadness ,shredded necklace ,secret in tears had frozen.
Sad accesses a period.

Repeated sadness,time has passed.
The stars flow around.
People flow.
I couldn't grab with my trembling fingertips.
Meguri meets her entanglement and wither voice.
Cut yourself.
Even if you keep it, Mobius cannot escape.
Broken endless with my heart entwined whereabouts of with nowhere to go
Mobius of oath is in the wind
Into the sea ,life goes to the sky.
My heart has fallen and my eyes faded and I couldn't find anything
I miss you, I'm in pain, I'm looking for you.
Wither voice cuts herself.
Even if you keep looking for an exit, Mobius cannot escape.
Sad accesses the broken endless with my heart entwined whereabouts.
That does not wither, manicure dyed and dance ephemeral
Broken endless with my heart entwined whereabouts with nowhere to go.

Where are you driven by that?
Driven by the love?
That bloomed at night with nowhere to go.
Mobius of
Mobius of
Embraced by the moonlight of ...

Οδηγημένος νύχτα το φως ρέουν μυστικό , ο χρόνος.
Σπασμένη Ο Mobius μπορούσα χορό .
Πού ;


ヘルモポリス(エジプト)とか・・・ (ヘルメースの空の神殿




Bill Gates sobre la viruela del mono: ¿vuelve a acertar en su pronóstico?

Si ya en 2015 Bill Gates sorprendió al mundo cuando predijo la crisis del coronavirus, un nuevo aviso del fundador de Microsoft se ha vuelto a cumplir.

Hace tan solo unos meses, en noviembre, Gates concedía una entrevista al centro de estudios estratégicos británico Policy Exchange, junto con el parlamentario británico Jeremy Hunt, donde advertía sobre los riesgos de ataques por medio de la alteración del virus de la viruela.

“¿Qué pasaría si un bioterrorista fuese a diez aeropuertos con el virus de la viruela? ¿Sabes cómo respondería el mundo a eso?”, se preguntaba el empresario. “Hay epidemias causadas de forma natural, y otras provocadas por el bioterrorismo que incluso podrían llegar a ser peores que las que hemos vivido hoy en día”, añadía.

“Debemos estar listos ‘a cualquier precio’ para frenar desastres como ataques terroristas de viruela”, señalaba.

Unas palabras que ahora, con toda Europa pendiente del auge de casos de viruela del mono, cobran especial relevancia. La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha confirmado 131 contagios, con España, Portugal y Reino Unido a la cabeza en cuanto a incidencia del virus. En palabras de la institución, este brote de viruela del mono es "inusual".

¿Cuáles son las recomendaciones de Gates?

El problema para el empresario es que los Gobiernos todavía no han aprendido la lección, ni siquiera después de vivir una devastadora pandemia. A modo de prevención, Gates aconsejó, en esta entrevista, que los países deberían contar con “juegos de gérmenes” para poder hacerle frente a la amenaza.

Otra de las recomendaciones pasaba por invertir en investigación, más concretamente destinar “miles de millones” en prevenir la próxima pandemia. “La ciencia nos debería de proporcionar herramientas para hacerlo mucho mejor, por lo que se podría pensar que esto es una prioridad”.

En su intervención, apuntaba que si bien no es fácil ese nivel de inversión, la investigación que se llevaría a cabo podría acabar incluso con la gripe y el resfriado común.

Su nuevo libro, Cómo prevenir la próxima pandemia, comenta una serie de estrategias y pasos a seguir para evitar que la próxima pandemia tenga las dimensiones de la de coronavirus. Por un lado, el fundador de Microsoft señala que la respuesta fue más rápida que en pandemias anteriores, aunque los Gobiernos "no se han tomado en serio" la preparación para futuros escenarios similares.

“Espero que en cinco años pueda escribir un libro titulado ‘Estamos listos para la próxima pandemia”, pedía el empresario.


<quando incontrarsi?> ha concesso con "que incluso hoy? (spagnolo che anche oggi) " "como terroristi (come terroristi)" ?,
o con tutti (Europa?!) Uniti?
Quanto costa "ancora" (=Italia? o nome del paese)
Gates dice "La scienza per quello che potresti pensare (sulla pandemia?)" ?
Ricerca e finisci per essere comune, libro?
Passi (pandemia) della risposta
quelle pandemie sono prese per (pandemia) può essere un libro.
Che lingua è?
intitolato 'Estamos listos para la próxima pandemia?

(<when to meet?> conceded with "que incluso hoy? (Spanish that even today) " "como terroristas (as terrorists)" ?,
or with all (Europe?!) United?
How much is "Still" (=Italy? or country's name)

Gates tells “Science for what you might think (about pandemic?)" ?

Research out and end up common, book ?
Steps (pandemic) of the response
those  pandemics are taken for (pandemic) can be a book.

What is this language? titled ‘Estamos listos para la próxima pandemia ?)



