I think my friends in the schools are proud to have their children now.
What does it mean for me?
Are their children great?Are they great mother?
I can see there are so many kinds of mothers for Princess Andromeda!
They're orphans.
So I ask Prime Minister Conté to come to NHK tomorrow.
comune汐留 ?
The languages should be English and Italian.
What happened to that teacher ,the training center in your country put out a family photo.
Who says I have children into the school in Shiodome, Comune?
Why do you call it the Chinese government or Japan?
There is no Chinese.
No one is not mixed in it.
Asking Prime Minister Abe he might be from the Bay of Bengal,he's encouraging Cassiopeia with America.
小和田 恆の論文 ?
Why are Chinese government people among the orphans talking about Cassiopeia in the Bay of Bengal?
I don't want my friend's children,the U.S. military brought merchandise and made me foolish.
I don't wear orphans clothes.That's all school uniforms.
23年前のイラク ?
Ken and ship
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate
Leonardo DiCaprio country?
HEROの歌2 ?
Leonardo DiCaprio (UN Messenger of Peace) at the opening of Climate Summit 2014
Obama attacks 'right-wing' media for concerns over critical race theory
金色の雨の降る街 (5) ?
Do you say that President Obama is the successor to President Erdogan who works in the Republic of Turkey?
Do you mean that California's entertainer kingdom has an opinion?
Leonardo DiCaprio and Barack Obama Discuss Impacts of Climate Change on the President's
All are wearing the clothes , the Pope's disciples ,the Vatican and the temples.
"Japan have different areas." ?
Do Americans call me an enemy?
Well, that's why many people don't have own house.
It means that Japanese live outside and Americans are inside the house?
So I live in a different area , do I mean a worker?
You can just say "I'm a great person living in my house".
Does it mean that the skin color of Tokyo Bay is all white?
But the Japanese family tree is important.
Does your Italian prince get any Japanese status at the palace in Tokyo?
Are you an aristocrat in Italy?
If your world is realized ,do you call me Mexican?
That's what made the Vatican territory this time, right?
イタリア王子様の芸能活動 続き
It was the opinion from the great Americans to Japan.
You mean Americans, right?
In fact, when President Erdogan arrives at the White House, the Italian town in the United States will collapse like in Syria or in Iraq.
Do you withdraw to Comune Shiodome after that?
Recently ,President Erdogan knows the place better than Japanese.
Looking at the story,what happens to Iranian temples.
安禄山の乱 41 2001年のアフガニスタン仏教寺院襲撃 - 修行僧はよく喋る ?
So American national song is in Chinese.(return to 岩国の米軍住宅リフォーム ↑)
In the actor's story, "there is a place outside your area", right?
Since it is Japan, are you a nation? Aristocrat?
And Japanese is also Iranian that have been around for a long time.
My house is ... so I don't have my house.
(★1st Cav wedding in Iran?
1st Cav was the guard cavalry in Moscow?
The 1st...?!
Do you mean Moscow the palace?
In Japan am I an Iraq people married to an Iranian in Golestan palace?
And there's Golestan area.
In Japan I think I live in that Yokosuka US Navy territory.
With the embassy closed, Iran returns to a very large territory.
The US Marine Corps will land on the territory of the Navy and establish a caretaker government on land.
The US Marine Corps base will be built on the site of the naval base.
"It will be the story of Comune Shiodome.
Iraq people don't know about the Yokosuka US Navy base in Japan." ?
Prime Minister Abe said "Russia"
プーチン氏次女、韓国人と結婚か 父親は海軍元高官 ?
”Russians were matching with Koreans!
Tokyo is also Russia!"
チキンカレー アドベントスペシャル ?
"If you don't have one, you can import it and try to wear the same one."?
I think Americans discriminates Japanese geisha but you say I'm wearing American clothes, right?
You made the factory in Japan for me to wear the same clothes as Americans?
Queen Elizabeth's clothes are also on sale in Ginza, Tokyo.
Tokyo wears it and marries the port of Edinburgh?
Prince duke of Edinburgh the war with Greece or the war with Turkey? means the 1st Cav will land from that Yokosuka US naval base.
What kind of ring does Mattis the Secretary of Defense from the Marine Corps want?
Is it a ring?
I think it looks like a ring.
return to HEROの歌2
Call Me Maybe ?
Is he going to say that is top of Russia?
Is he going to be a Russian for Americans?
It's a great betrayal.
Does he still mean the highest power?
Purin port?
Actually President Putin's port is a Russian port.
イタリアのアフリカの話11 ?
It's an amusement park where you can experience Russia by many clothes.
Russian amusement park.
It's selling in Iran now.
Russia is a woman who is looking for Alexander in Iran.
And I understand what Russian is saying.
Ваше сердце, волнующее в тот момент, скрыто, чтобы узнать истинное грусти и злости очень похож.профиль призрак увидеть свет в полдень?
Мальчик, который может видеть луг, идеален, силен с луком. ?
US army in Afghanistan ?
English ? ジェド・マロースの贈り物 ?
Does it mean to create a rubble town ?
I'm just saying " residence." but you know I'm not interesting in Japanese towns.
(★Russian wedding ,a reality with the Marines?
When Russian was looking for Alexander, President Erdogan came out as the great Egyptian king Russia was looking for, right?
There is his government in Istanbul.
"Where is Russia?" ?
"I didn't ask them."?
Later, "Do you say that to make a Russia's " means that has become the town of Istanbul?
In Yokosuka,do you want that blue diamond and a ship?
I think a U.S. Navy person answers.
Then Air Force destroys US Navy school?
Empty for woman
アメリカ軍海兵隊 ?
フランス大統領G20で来日 ?
2つのドイツ、2つの星 - エリザベス女王 「欧州の分裂は危険」 ?
Well then, you're from the Air Force.
空飛ぶユニコーン Call Me Maybe ?
Do you do democracy?
B-29 Gunner's Information File ?
What is the United Nations?
"It's a symbol of the Air Force.”?
"In Japan , there is a Japanese emperor."?
You are actually attacking China and Iran in Japan.
So I tell you that there are air force bases in Okinawa and Tohoku.
I think those mean the people in the Bay of Bengal.
I don't know
This is the case of democracy. )
English translation:
The Soviet Union from Russia toward the EU again.
It's an arrow ...the Russian Air Force ... in the Middle East has no choice but to fly to chase Russia
"Yokosuka is also quiet because there are no people ..." ?
What's more, Swedish Air Force through the Russian border ... ?
In the United States,if Austria's favorite battleship,US military will come into play,this is a song from "Over there Japan"?
May I get this ...?
Umineco is Japanese, but will it be put in a place with the reinstatement of China?
The Soviet Union also shoots bullets.
Even though I wonder if it's hard right now, so I the US military is in a good position,
but neither Chofu nor Misawa can move.
The aircraft carrier of that I asked for fighters are invading the Pacific Ocean from the EU
What's Sweden ...the Grand Duchy of Monaco is free to pick up to use children ...
Saying he's white ,I wonder Lafayette yet, in America, no one listens to him.
In Russia and America who is white?
"Russian Empire"of the Romanovs are living in the castle.
Or is it Schleswig-Holstein in the Saint-Susie palace?
"The Italian royal family is a white family!" ?
England was a relative ,white-colored children should go to the EU.
A special child is chosen will live there.
Which has a special and super-powerful military power,and the descendants "Where is the new Kremlin?"
Is it Brandenburg?
The wandering Italian royal family can also live in it?
Because there is a country called "apart from the EU" also?
"and it's a family of Nicholas II!" ?
"я получить Чернохвостая чайка японская, у меня хорошей позиции, чтобы Россию, Чофу, двинуться."
просил, потому Швеции через границу Штатах России ,что !)
”Это песня Советы!?(This is the Soviets theme song)!?
Нет, это просто игра музыка.(No No,this is simply a game music.)
Мы выиграли!(We won!).”
私たち もう勝ったのよ!」)
(1)http://www.vatican.va/archive/catechism_lt/prologue_lt.htm#II. De fide transmittenda – De catechesi
32 Mundus: Deus potest, ex motu et efficientia, ex contingentia, ex ordine et pulchritudine mundi, ut origo et finis universi cognosci.
Sanctus Paulus de gentibus affirmat: « Quod noscibile est Dei, manifestum est in illis; Deus enim illis manifestavit. Invisibilia enim Ipsius a creatura mundi per ea, quae facta sunt, intellecta conspiciuntur, sempiterna Eius et virtus et divinitas » (Rom 1,19-20).8
Atque sanctus Augustinus dicit: « Interroga pulchritudinem terrae, interroga pulchritudinem maris, interroga pulchritudinem dilatati et diffusi aeris, interroga pulchritudinem coeli, [...] interroga ista. Respondent tibi omnia: Ecce vide, pulchra sumus. Pulchritudo eorum, confessio eorum. Ista pulchra mutabilia quis fecit, nisi incommutabilis Pulcher? ».9
(3)http://www.vatican.va/archive/catechism_lt/p1s1c3a2_lt.htm#III. Una fides
166 Fides est actus personalis: libera hominis responsio incepto Dei Se revelantis. Sed fides actus non est solitarius. Nemo credere potest solus, sicut nemo solus vivere potest. Nemo sibi ipsi dat fidem, sicut nemo sibi ipsi vitam dat. Credens fidem ab aliis accepit illamque aliis transmittere debet. Noster erga Iesum et homines amor nos ad aliis de nostra fide loquendum impellit. Unusquisque credens est quasi anulus in magna credentium catena. Credere non possum nisi aliorum fide sustentus et mea fide ad aliorum fidem confero sustinendam.
167 « Credo »: 184 est fides Ecclesiae quam unusquisque credens personaliter profitetur, praesertim cum baptizatur. « Credimus »: 185 est fides Ecclesiae quam Episcopi in Concilio profitentur congregati vel generalius quam liturgica credentium profitetur congregatio. « Credo »: est etiam Ecclesia, Mater nostra quae Deo fide respondet sua nosque docet dicere: « Credo », « Credimus ».
I. « Respice, Domine, fidem Ecclesiae Tuae »
168 Ecclesia credit imprimis et sic meam fidem ducit, nutrit et sustinet. Ecclesia Dominum ubique confitetur imprimis (« Te per orbem terrarum sancta confitetur Ecclesia », in hymno canimus « Te Deum ») atque cum illa et in illa impellimur et ducimur, ut nos etiam confiteamur: « Credo », « Credimus ». Ab Ecclesia recipimus fidem novamque in Christo vitam per Baptismum. Iuxta « Rituale Romanum », minister Baptismatis quaerit a catechumeno: « Quid petis ab Ecclesia Dei? ». Et responsio: « Fidem ». - « Fides quid tibi praestat? » - « Vitam aeternam ». 186
169 Salus a solo Deo venit; sed quia vitam fidei per Ecclesiam recipimus, ipsa est Mater nostra: « Credimus Ecclesiam quasi regenerationis Matrem, non in Ecclesiam credimus quasi in salutis auctorem ». 187 Quia illa est Mater nostra, est etiam nostrae fidei educatrix.
II. Sermo fidei
170 Non in formulas credimus, sed in res quas illae exprimunt et quas nobis fides « tangere » permittit. « Actus autem [fidei] credentis non terminatur ad enuntiabile, sed ad rem [enuntiatam] ». 188 Tamen ad has res adiutorio formulationum fidei appropinquamus. Hae permittunt fidem exprimere et transmittere, illam in communitate celebrare, illam facere propriam et ex illa magis magisque vivere.
171 Ecclesia quae est « columna et firmamentum veritatis » (1 Tim 3,15), semel traditam sanctis fidem 189 custodit fideliter. Ipsa est quae verborum Christi memoriam servat et confessionem fidei Apostolorum a generatione transmittit in generationem. Sicut mater suos filios loqui docet atque adeo mente intelligere et cum aliis communicare, Ecclesia, Mater nostra, sermonem fidei nos docet ad nos in fidei intelligentiam introducendos et vitam.
III. Una fides
172 A saeculis, per tot linguas, culturas, populos et nationes, Ecclesia unam fidem suam confiteri non desinit, ab uno Domino acceptam, per unum Baptismum transmissam, in persuasione radicatam omnes homines nonnisi unum habere Deum et Patrem. 190 Sanctus Irenaeus Lugdunensis, huius fidei testis, declarat:
173 « Ecclesia enim per universum orbem usque ad fines terrae seminata, et ab Apostolis et discipulis eorum accepit eam fidem [...]. Hanc praedicationem [...] et hanc fidem [...] diligenter custodit quasi unam domum inhabitans, et similiter credit his, videlicet quasi unam animam habens et unum cor, et consonanter haec praedicat et docet, et tradit quasi unum possidens os ». 191
174 « Nam etsi in mundo loquelae dissimiles sunt, sed tamen virtus Traditionis una et eadem est. Et neque hae quae in Germania sunt fundatae Ecclesiae aliter credunt aut aliter tradunt, neque hae quae in Hiberis sunt, neque hae quae in Celtis, neque hae quae in Oriente, neque hae quae in Aegypto, neque hae quae in Libya, neque hae quae in medio mundi sunt constitutae ». 192 « Ecclesiae quidem praedicatio vera et firma, apud quam una et eadem salutis via in universo mundo ostenditur ». 193
175 Fidem « perceptam ab Ecclesia custodimus, et quae semper a Spiritu Dei, quasi in vaso bono eximium quoddam depositum iuvenescens, et iuvenescere faciens ipsum vas in quo est ». 194
176 Fides est personalis totius hominis ad Deum Se revelantem adhaesio. Intellectus et voluntatis implicat adhaesionem ad Revelationem, quam Deus gestis et verbis de Se Ipso fecit.
177 « Credere » igitur duplicem habet relationem: ad personam et ad veritatem; ad veritatem propter fiduciam in personam quae illam testificatur.
178 In nullum alium credere debemus quam in Deum, Patrem, Filium et Spiritum Sanctum.
179 Fides donum Dei est supernaturale. Ad credendum homo interioribus eget Spiritus Sancti auxiliis.
180 « Credere » actus est humanus, conscius et liber, qui personae humanae correspondet dignitati.
181 « Credere » actus est ecclesialis. Fides Ecclesiae nostram praecedit, gignit, sustinet et nutrit fidem. Ecclesia est omnium credentium Mater. « Habere iam non potest Deum Patrem qui Ecclesiam non habet Matrem ». 195
182 « Nos ea omnia credimus, quae in Verbo Dei scripto vel tradito continentur et ab Ecclesia [...] tamquam divinitus revelata credenda proponuntur ». 196
183 Fides ad salutem necessaria est. Ipse Dominus asserit: « Qui crediderit et baptizatus fuerit, salvus erit; qui vero non crediderit, condemnabitur » (Mc 16,16).
184 « Fides [...] praelibatio quaedam est illius cognitionis quae nos in futuro beatos faciet ». 197
Symbolum Apostolicum 198 Nicaenum-Constantinopolitanum 199
Credo in Deum
Patrem omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae, Credo in unum Deum,
Patrem omnipotentem,
Factorem caeli et terrae,
visibilium omnium et invisibilium.
et in Iesum Christum, Filium Eius
Dominum nostrum, Et in unum Dominum Iesum
Filium Dei unigenitum
et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula,
Deum de Deo,
Lumen de Lumine,
Deum verum de Deo vero,
genitum, non factum,
consubstantialem Patri:
per quem omnia facta sunt;
qui propter nos homines et propter
nostram salutem,
descendit de caelis,
qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto,
natus ex Maria Virgine, et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto
ex Maria Virgine
et homo factus est,
passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub
Pontio Pilato,
crucifixus, mortuus,
et sepultus,
descendit ad inferos,
tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, passus et sepultus est,
et resurrexit tertia die
ascendit ad caelos,
sedet ad dexteram Patris
omnipotentis, secundum Scripturas,
et ascendit in caelum,
sedet ad dexteram Patris,
inde venturus est iudicare vivos et
et iterum venturus est cum gloria,
iudicare vivos et mortuos;
cuius regni non erit finis.
Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, Et in Spiritum Sanctum,
Dominum et vivificantem,
qui ex Patre Filioque procedit,
qui cum Patre et Filio
simul adoratur et conglorificatur,
qui locutus est per Prophetas.
sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, Et unam sanctam catholicam et
sanctorum communionem,
remissionem peccatorum, Confiteor unum Baptisma
in remissionem peccatorum.
carnis resurrectionem,
vitam aeternam.
Amen Et exspecto resurrectionem
et vitam venturi saeculi.
Christmas at the White House
Since the time of President Obama American President Obama is in the video.
Japan introduced a video of Princess Diana's childhood ,she was practicing ballet.
Japanese thought foreigners have private video.
Recently the information disclosure has been active.
A secret American Christmas until now is amazing.
"Do you have anything to say about Americans?"?
Who are they always hiding silently?
Queen Elizabeth?
I think Harvard university closed the gate in front of us and it's private, right?
America was usually a foreign country under Queen Elizabeth.
I think that she says "foreign country" to me.
You tell me that there are other foreign countries and you close the door too.
But you can shoot something , maybe in the university.
"A foreign country can be made by one person", "A company can be made by one person from 1 yen." is a Japanese writer.
Who says "Do you want a lot of money?" I think that's a printing shop ,or a bookstore.
Shall we amend the law of the printing shop country to make Queen Elizabeth the head of state?
That made President Obama's country too.
That kind of bookstore has been around in Rome for a long time.
I am in indistinctly I was telling you that's a song made by a friend of the bookstore.
I wrote that I don't need a bookstore.
What do you think?
Who is President Trump in December? Is he a president of Inaba?
Japanese is okay to have Christmas on Japanese TV too.
I rent a small the camera and video for me too.
What should I record?I think I have to record something.
You say I am going to have my own Christmas again this year.
B'z with Japanese navy ship.B'z OCEAN
Or I think B'z sang about Turkey.赤い河
Is this the correct map?
I think that song DANGAN attaked my area and I wrote that.
I wrote that from the French area.イスラエルまんが2 / G7 France
Recently Turkey got Italian royal family's area.
Bayazid Osman
wikipedia Treaty of Sèvres
I think when the Turkish ship is going out, I'm in the violet area or red area.
But maybe I wrote that with Chinese songs from the International area.
ジェド・マロースの贈り物 (Chinese Ankara )
What's this story? 北米が来るのか、南米が来るのか 3
楽しい踊りの歌 25 メルヘンダイバー ?
The Treaty of Sèvres where was Japan's territory under the Treaty of Sèvres ,it was , but it was somewhere.
Speaking the language in Iran,from the last Iranians in the Middle East, armaments and land from the mighty Europe were in the current state of the Republic of Turkey.
Turkey says that Iranians should learn Japanese and learn Christianity.
The one who wants Iran hasn't said it.
I want to buy Japan
"There are Christians in rental housing." ?
"All Iranians should be Christians." ?
"Others are natives (Japanese)".
"If you buy a house in Japan, you can become an overseas trip,you didn't buy your car."
How do you studying that?
I wanted to study Japanese people,but Japanese say "What is it for (Japanese) temple?"
What should I do later?
Japan says the Treaty of Lausanne has abandoned.
The Empire of Japan is among the countries that have signed the Treaty of Lausanne.
"This is saying about native people in Turkey."?
Samawa in Iraq doesn't look like there of this treaty.
Remember of the white people get married, and you'll be indistinguishable.
That's how the ethnic minorities were eliminated.
However, the Republic of Turkey reduced it and reclaimed it.
How many Japanese people have gone abroad this year?
" So I went abroad where Iranians live.What is it?"?
"I live in Japan but I don't have a marriage partner."?
I'm just watching houses in Japan without traveling .
う つ く し い ---- の!!!!
I was saying a strange girl who says a female politician is a face , or is it model-height?
"Who lost in the war ,face is cute ,who is the best?" ?
I was surprised , but is president Putin prideful?
I wonder if I should replace him with that ballet dancer...
So your face doesn't matter is a politician's child.
When I see it I think I'm noisy about human rights violations,a politician's child busy to hand over?
You use it in uniforms and model photos, right?
So they'll be fighting with their gun afterwards, right?
When they're attacked with the clumsy face, they're a politician, and we're so confident that they're armed ,right?
Who is Japan's Self-Defense Force?
In short, that kind of story...
Japanese is ballet?
Japanese are music?
What do you mean?
Want to be my favorite?
So, Japan is a country where there is a king with entertainers,and the level of their faces is almost the same as that of Russians.
Are you threatening me?
Iranians say they are Iranians?
Do you compare your face with me?
What's that?
Is it a violation of human rights?
Those Russian girls like the match.
Italy also loves to show all the pictures of-the man looks great...
A child but can learn to handle guns...
Is it just a busty child?
Are you saying that a man has a gun and that he is the one that the paternal ancestry of that country is all Iran...
you're the blue-eyed man with my eyes?
I will be just watching the drama.
What is politics?
it's a hairstyle
Because your your face is... politician,and there are beautiful women about to be attacked by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.
I'm going to replace it with a ballet dancer...
Who do you want to be a ballet dancer?
Я говорил о девушке, говорит ?«лучший?» ?
Я удивлен, но гордится артистом, занятого передачей?
Значит, с неуклюжим лицом,политики,, что они ?
Что Хочешь, Япония их лиц почти россиян.
что лицо со мной?
что человека?
Oбращаться грудастый говорите, что у, и что это является ?
Я драму женщины,подвергнуться заменить артиста хотите стать артистом?