


Emperor from Japan recognized as new Roman emperor in Vatican





Emperor from Japan recognized as new Roman emperor in Vatican

2019/12/09 09:08:44・追記を書きました。
2019/11/29 01:57:32・追記を書きました。
2019/11/27 02:47:50・追記を書きました。
2019/11/25 21:31:34



Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi in UN 74th Session

President of Iraq in UN 74th Session




Does he understand Italian or Latin?
What was the dialogue between the emperor and the pope?
Today what did he give instruction on Christian state management?
How should we recognize the Pope and the Vatican?
From Japan it's his order.
Do you recognize him as an Emperor?

It's an order to China that China has no choice to become Roman Empire.
The government offices is already a list tha has a strong relationship with around the world.
A thought 1.3 billion people and the Chinese PLA are all caught up in the Romanconcentration camps.
There should be no fighters.

The Turkish emperor has also entered the concentration camp.
They're Turkey who say there should be no fighters.

The Chinese government said“I have a fighter”who?
It was Syrian government.

I wrote "Is it America in India?"but is it the concentration camp in the Roma Empire?
There are Italian Germany Japanese and Umineco and there were two types of Romans.
So there was a blonde Roman next to Rome.
So the Italians and Germans in the concentration camp said the Japanese were Rome.
That's why Japan says that Umineco is not Rome in Japan.
So Umineco is Chinese or Turkey.
Japanese says "In the Japanese Roman Empire concentration camp,what do you mean?" to Chinese or Turkey.

So what is the Roman Empire?
So, it seems that the Japanese SDF has actually become independent as a Roman Force.
Rome beganb to say that they're Iran's imperial army or revolutionary defense unit?
But he seems to be a Christian.
But in the end, does he mean "Is Jewish enviable?"

Oh, really Gernamy only has Italy as a phone partner...
Oh, French people have nothing to do with the story, don't come out!
It's only interesting because the Italian prince is saying to be the Russian emperor?
Who said that Italian prince was a Muslim?
Come to a temple in India ... and eat something for those who are practicing ...
Then Italian princes say you live in a smaller house,
but it doesn't mean you can't do Italian prince in the more bigger house.
It's just ashamed of his Italian Palace to lose Roman Empire.

China is getting better together with Turkey.
Well, they still have
"In the concentration camps in India they are police officers or civil servants to say there are many strange person  ..."

Well, they have also people
"He's trying to buy my nude photos! ! ! "
Who is that guy?
Italian prince..?
"Then you should not meet with Prime Minister Merkel."

He's saying
"In India,a prime Italian Prime Minister who matches Merkel is good.
Blond and blue eyes are good."

I think there will be a concentration camp that Japanese people say,
the blond man, to do addresses of Roman government offices.

Pope Francis meets with Japan’s Emperor Naruhito


Francis,the Tokyo Imperial Palace,
The private meeting ,
the “View of the Arch of Titus”,
Filippo Anivitti (1876-1955),
Francis to his car with their retinue,
which he holds Pope Francis,
meeting to Tokyo’s St Mary Cathedral,

To meet with young who acceded to the Chrysanthemum,officially,
Reiwa translated the Emperor to Catholicism.
Family went to Catholic schools that received from Tokyo’s University.

Tokyo al Palazzo circa della "Vista dell'arco di Tito".
Romano, Di solito gli ospiti partono con il loro
che questo Francesco incontro recato Cattedrale di Tokyo al Trono di 2019 come ,come ,con il cattolicesimo proviene cattolica cattoliche presso Cuore di Tokyo.

Au palais ,au palais  «Vue de l'arc de Titus», romain comment avait que cela témoigne de la considération s’est rendu a accédé au trône. Son règne connu sous traduite familiaux avec le issue des écoles catholiques cycle de Cœur de Tokyo.

Japans dem japanischen das Künstlers Filippo Anivitti (1876-1955) basiert.
Japanische seinem reisen die Gefolge ab,der Kaiser,dies sei ein Treffen zur Kathedrale zu treffen.
Mai 2019 seine bezeichnet, übersetzt als Beziehung  besuchte Bachelor-Abschluss.

Императорском дворце в понедельник.
Императорском дворце подарил художника  Хризантемы ходила университете.

Today VATICAN News is only Japanese topic

What is Japan?
Ordinary Japanese that everyone discriminated is from India?
Only one Japanese kimono entered in the photo.

Japanese said NanzenTemple was from Rome.
But this photo is from Tokyo,
and I think they said "I think Pope knows India"?
キリストの父なるヨセフ様の怒り  ?
God,the greater who lives in the darkness   ?
Roman Empire has many foods for children,
but now it's one people from Rome.

At this important day,many people are wearing European American dresses. 

‘Japanese people seek peace of heart’, says Jesuit missionary


Pope bids farewell to Japan, leaves hearts overflowing with gratitude



Il Giappone in Italia,Cristo lista delle lingue, il palazzo, questa persona " il kimono".

Impero romano,  un nobile romano,collaborare con il Vaticano.
Giappone di costumi?
Chi sceglie un kimono romano Giappone?

(Only the Pope is Japanese.

Where is Japan?
Pope sits in the Vatican in Italy.

But King of Japan,do you believe in Christ?
But where is Japan?Emperor is Rome.
So Japanese never enters the language list in Vatican.

The Imperial Palace sent this person"We often wear kimono." for farewell.
Roman Empire,Do you say kimono?

Kindness Kimono is not a noble of Roman,so she can't cooperate with Vatican any more.
Later,there are many other countries besides Japan.
She also make her fit for others?
Well, a costume collector?
Mrs Erdogan?
Who choose a kimono today?

Is it Assyrian Empire?
President Trump with the President of Turkey
Is the Emperor of the Roman Empire wearing a kimono to suit in Japan?)


Pope Francis recalls his visit to Thailand and Japan

Pope Francis’ catechesis during Wednesday’s General Audience is devoted to his Apostolic Journey to Thailand and Japan.

Buddhist temple Thailand,are people wearing kimonos ISIS...?
"Japanese...Arabic are trying imported food to Japan." , "Are you an Arabian?"
"Kimono is important,Kimono is a heart of Japan."
They also started growing coffee nearby the temple.



He's from Iran.Is he also Japanese?

Iran says
"Economic cooperation with Japan,
live together in the same shopping street town."?
The country called Iran has become a huge multi-ethnic nation on the day of Egyptization.
In Japan,Arslan War is Japanese Animation,together in Italy?

"The Silk Road again" means did you live together during Egyptization?
In short,"Chinese, who is not in Iranian ethnic groups?
I think you're doing another government." ?

"Currently it looks like the US government leave the US government.
It isn't the Chinese government,It's a story of Iranian leadership.
Actually Iranian is Iranian, but originally a multi-ethnic group
I'm going to do it,Do you want to do it.
(Did?)You just say you want to do it?
Iran says economic cooperation with Japan."?

Are you going to banish it from Iran?
And "when a great Iranian person comes,I won't let you say "I'm an Iranian nobility" ",what are you going to do?

Will a British give foreign money to Iranians?
The whole British family make them foreign,
a sick person who is saying something"I'm buying someone's car"

What is Greece?What that?
"Is your mother French?"?
What that?
Too far,and the blue eyes are for exports?
Who?"Who is that man suddenly showing a British?"
Their faces about 1 billion people,the vast Russian population of 200 million?
In the vast America, 200 million people the half are black?
A factory machine?
It's funny,You say, “Iran is rebellious because it's an American flag.”

How long am I saying "Iranian is Iranian"?
"I'm not a cashier at the store right now,so I'll put out your photo."?
If I try to say something,my opinion is simple.

Take out the Italian prince.

"I don't need it.
I try to take Iranian things and the eye color is blue, no matter how much it is baked, it doesn't turn black.",
it's like...  and my thought is sick.
"I'm selling and 

"Italian pasta shop is government.
It ’s not the next Iranian government. "
The king of Denmark?
I've never heard of it. "

It ’s to reach the light.
"Is Iran's store crushing?", "Where are the foreigners?"

google translation was wrong? イタリアのアフリカの話 3

Today I have written it once again.

I thought how Microsoft was.
People in ordinary towns don't know in terms of that type, and it's not unusual at all.
"Is that such a great man? "
Isn't that a minority group?
It's like having more children"I don’t even say it ’s an Indian ..."
After that,he's faced already. The face is important like musicians.
There are people who look like musician.


I know that she is a grandmother of the child.
In the underworld the dead emperor says that she has royal grandchildren.
Who lost the war she says she was not an ordinary person.
The child she was with was an emperor or a prince because her grandson became the emperor.
I think there is only their relatives left around TV.
She will actually wearing Vatican boy clothes.
She won, she's going to be the Pope, right?

Why she can't order Umineco directly from Vatican?
She says she's Japanese and Umineco is Japanese.
"Are you saying higher or lower ?" ?
The red shooting star goes to...

She says to Umineco(?)"Is this all the US military you envy? I have it all in Japan,"
在日 米軍
She 's the top commander of the Vatican army with English.
What do you think?



