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The related companies, the question is, the Italian flag in Turkey change to the German flag?
"countries"? That's a lie.
To change the Italian flag Italy is color , color from the Japanese, and the racial is Chinese?
The owners of the company have a lot of money,trip and you can buy ,dresses ? ,in Syria?
remaining shopping street Italy is driving the shopping street to Italy.

The Japanese flag changes from time to time such as Emperor Heisei and Aiko.
Russia may not have a national flag anymore.
"Russia and Greece are German governed by German royalty.
But it is impossible to the Japanese flag ... "

It made a fuss about the difference in skin and hair status?
Italy said if she got married anyway she was aiming for a high-ranking.

"It may be possible to change the Italian flag to the Russian flag.
People with white skin get married, so they are !
You can go on a world with jewelry as much as you want!"

Is it an idea for elementary school students?
It seems that many Jews have white skin, so it may be helpful.
The border between Syria and Israel will also be maintained.
Also, is all you have to do in Syria to maintain the border?

"I rate special treatment.
I always get into a good company.
I can buy everything for low price.
Because I can speak English.
I am really came from Israel."

Because Israel got livelihood support.


I lost my home to millde east war.
I leave my country to move to my fellow's country.

"I rate special treatment.
I always get into a good company.
I can buy everything for low price.
Because I can speak English.
I am really came from Israel."

My house was in middle east area.
Everybody lived in the same place.

Some Japanese look us with wondering face,
but we lived in the same place.
Some Japanese forgot it.

We can govern Japan by royal family even now today.
Japan doesn't lose the sovereignty.

We can eat traditional food in Japan.
Naturally Italy secures food stock in Japan.
There is the table to eat for Israel people in Japan.

Who runs the show?
There is the table to eat for Israel people in Russia.
There is the table to eat for Israel people in America.

This is a international policy decision for Israel people.

Italy always sell food to Japan.
Why does Italy sell food to Israel?
Why do they save food in the world?


YSL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-PHsKEosfg


Gli affiliati, gli italiani in Turchia, gli italiani cinesi in Italia?
I proprietari dell'acquisto sono rimasti in Italia, a fare acquisti in Italia.
Potrebbe non avere più un vero tedesco.
Giapponese ... ?
Storie sullo stato dei capelli?
Che se cambiassi la bandiera italiana in quella russa con le persone dalla pelle "bianca"?
Puoi andare in un mondo di gioielli il più lontano possibile.
C'è un confine anche in Siria ??
Il confine?

Il confine in Italia, i titolari dell'acquisto sono rimasti in Italia,
come potrebbe cambiare un capello in Italia?
E l'italiano con la pelle "bianca"?
Il più lontano possibile.
C'è un confine anche in Siria?




I'm not really interested in it all of a sudden.
Show?I don't know at all.
One or two photo..the designer died and the museum was opened,it was until 2021.

"You see it in Japanese magazines, right?
Are you France? Are you Germany? Are you Japan?"
The Japanese emperor who says I have nothing to do with Europe in Japan means Egypt, right?
The Egyptian bought YSL as government transactions?

The story of recycle shop in Japan, YSL is thrown away.
Because Japan couldn't become an honorary white man.
"It ’s a little Japanese (Egyptian) for you." ?
That was Israeli mark clothes and YSL?
I'm Sexy and I Know it
But I don't know France
But I'm talking about the area next door," Europe is not Egypt"?

I think I am a little middle east.
Hey india ,it ’s a little China, so ...what is Europe?
YSL is a museum in Morocco?
The Japanese emperor bought an honorary white brand and he would do Egypt in the Middle East
It was an event called the Iran Founding Festival ,but he couldn't do it?

"Do you buy a store that Japan has abandoned? " ?
Well, it's sold at the bazaar in Istanbul after all.
"I'm telling Iran to stop stupid things"? They became Muslims.
So he decided to marry Germany?
Where is Germany the emperor?
So why don't you become independent around Misawa's air base , with the country name Egypt.

It's all Arab.
The outside is Arab. The King of France has a treaty with Japan
Are you saying, "This is Israel?"
"The area of ​​the family tree called King Jerusalem?"
"It sounds like a lie."

YSL 2022?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6y4Rnfi2xc

Are these YSL men wearing , the King of France?
"makeup me ,I want a Christian one."?
I? Made by YSL?

I had  a Christian one in the story of that man's time.
I don't know if I can do it ? I am also crazy.
But it's a lie, so no one is watching this.

"You may have seen about one photo ,that ?" ?

wikipedia Trajan

防衛大臣の国 日本 4 ( ドイツ人のいる場所 )

What was Germany in that man's time? It's Egypt that was real?
Is this a map?

Where is Germany?
The north? Or area in Africa?
That man, someone you?



After throw away their honor white brand clothes,
the clothes of the Honorary Whites are the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.
Are you saying that the Japanese Self-Defense Forces just throw away the uniforms?

I saw it in the recycle shop , what were they doing in Japan?
What is exchange?
Someone said, you should writing a manga like The Rose of Versailles.

Even if you say that what is that 5 star supporting a Ghibli movie theater,
I think Japanese movies are good too.

I saw Rascal ,but it's Oscar, not Rascal.
"The store that sells Oscar's is bad, isn't it?" ?
After Oscar's death they wanted extra Oscar clothes a McDonald's happy bonus??

That's a manga.
But crazy people are really walking around the city to get Oscar's clothes.

I'm not wearing it.
Do you need my story of the Chinese government? But it's a manga world too.
My family just rent a house in Japan.
Is it Mcdonald's uniform or a T-shirt with Chinese written on it?
Or English T-shirts?

In the recycle shop the Japanese landowners told
"It's Oscar's uniform in the manga world.
The clothes of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces originally."?

To say "I think I'm Japanese, but I'm not in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces."
What do you think.this kind of work clothes is also used in France?

"What do you do when the Japanese Self-Defense Forces attack Iran?" ?

"Kick it out from the store"?
Syrian president said a large air strike but I 'm telling you this cloth and Trump country.
This cloth (イスラエルまんが2 / 日本古民家探索 )

In the manga world Japanese kidnaped the Romam emperor's prince or French king or Polish king?

Kidnap Mr.Trump's son.
Actually Mr.Trump says he has the status of something and he can make the country.
It's the government of her Emperor is Japanese emperor and Prime Minister is Mr.Conte?
He has a Boy friend and Close the gate3
Who is she? (return to イスラエルまんが2 ?)
I' don't know.
I think she is with president Erdogan.I don't know.

習氏、ボーイング社工場を視察 - 大型商談も成立
Chinese government says "he kidnapped President Trump" to buy Airplane?
Does that mean it's his property naturally?
The Chinese right means that Pope have a higher status.
Chinese can talk on President Trump's territory.
But I think Chinese isn't in the Vatican.

We should move on to Istanbul soon.
It was for the Vatican Pope to pass over China
Germans are naturalized into China it ’s a business flight from Berlin?
And don't recognize President Trump territory.
He says he's an emperor.

(return to ドイツ人のいる場所 / オバマ大統領の敬称は殿下? )

"Who will do America in Germany?"
But it's not a chance for Chinese (government).  Is it Rascal ,or Oscar?

what's Cambia?

Giuseppe Conte - Ci siamo! Ecco il progetto di rinnovamento del Movimento 5 Stelle

(湾岸の偉い人 ?)

Two days ago he wrote


"La comunità 5 Stelle cresce senza perdere la propria proprietà che non mette alla prova ogni risparmio.

La strada della crescita sociale per essere il megafono di quegli altri percari allo stato con quella responsabilità per l'Italia di lottare per il tempo delle maniche del cograggio così da cambiare..."è paese?


What is this story going to  ,in Italy? Turkey?

キャンプ座間に仕事がねぇよ!!  ?

"This is the topic of the Middle East, the topic of the Japanese people you are dating,
 the Japanese Self-Defense Forces is not an American topic.
Even though Trump Tower is in the US, do you need it in Yokohama(Japan)?"


USA was President Obama's speech in Prague,

USA's English made many magazines in Japan too

What should Japan be?

Then there is the blank.

white presidents are low,and USA's English is bad

Don't you say President Obama is better than whites with people,

President Obama went to the Iraq War and talked to us.

It meant that everyone agreed with President Obama.

So USA is back to the white President Biden again, but we didn't hear it.

What you would say to the Prague speech, the story is over.

Be silent , it looks like the conversation is continuing.

That's why, put the window.

If you say so much, please write a sample about it.

If you say the ultimate thing,because you're  about it, people which always translates  stopped in the imitate.

But what has the quality of (color, right? ) always been after term?

Dialogue with Syria has not yet begun.

Syria proposed to Japan to set up a checkpoint.

Black horse 1st Cav's US military bases

and British troops enter the checkpoint, the language is English anyway.

If you put all the people who do the Olympics together,Italian royal family says they will marry Japan and ascend to the throne.

They wear dresses and are the same as those in South America become part of Iberoamerica.

As a descendant of the House of Habsburg, the King of Spain cannot abandon the idea.

Do you go to make an checkpoint?

Gate and walls to put northern Japan inside the US military base will make Tokyo Camii a castle.

But what is the Jamie Kishida administration?

Is his people all Turkish?

Should the Kishida administration establish a Tokyo cami administration next to it?

Like President Assad and President Obama, 

Prime Minister Kishida has absolutely no experience in civilian government or in the military.

"Why would the British be involved in inspections?"

Somehow, no one knows why.

So, the Kishida government is the same as the Assad government, the white government, 

can he talk about Medina and become a Muslim?

Equal marriage is possible outside of inspection(?)

What is build and destroy ?

the castle in Tokyo Is the inhabitant Turkish government?

The Japanese government is very small and the town of TV stations is big.

On TV , the fiddler and entertainers shouldn't say "However, "?

Yves Saint Laurent - Trailer Ufficiale Italiano


Do you understand Italian ?

My thought may be completely different.

Yves Saint Laurent are translations of movies in various languages.

(I can't) speak Italian.

Italy (the royal family) is Japan, and after creating a checkpoint, 

they say "We're Rome", right?

What you want is "Strada"?

What you want is "posso" too?

Passo means one step or decision,

it is a common Japanese story about deciding to go one way.

But, posso is written as the singular and present tense of potere.

What can a single road do?

Did he have a picture of the stairs?

Where did one road take him?

In the end, he says it's impossible for him.

Is he saying, "Be a model and walk around there"?

Is he saying "Be a model first"?

Is Strada that 10m walk, right?

Oh, and that work uniform is the model for him(?) 

Where is Maison?

The Maison is the Palace of Versailles.

There's a rain-soaked statue of an old Roman emperor on the wall, and can he speak English?

He may say "let me enter the house"?

Looking at the family tree, he's a child of his sister's marriage partner.

Is he  a nephew?

What is the essential French commercial saying?

Yves Saint Laurent 2014 Trailer


I think Is Yves Saint Laurent the King of Spain?

Is he saying, "If you come near me, you'll get sick"?

Also, it's the same as the Italian commercial, saying "I can't do it" at the end.

Did a woman ask him, "Do you want a maison?" in the movie?

"If I succeed, you might get a maison"?

There sold a lot in Japan,

So I wondered if there was a movie like that recently.

The Empire State Building is in the movie.
(Because she was very difficult シルト攻防戦3  ?)

イタリアのアフリカの話14  ?

Maybe they're talking to him.

Is Borghese Cosmetics to be a big success in Yves Saint Laurent's group?

Lorenzo ,a black maison in Italy?

Or a Black with "French tart chocolate" ??

As an addition,"I can't do it" in the movie is written ,means

"I want to sketch,to design , on my own terms."

His wealthy lover says "tutto" (he's all).

Yves Saint Laurent - Trailer (deutsch/german)


Does German say something different?

If we succeed in buying back European castles

Only Germany will pay the "black Roman emperor".

Prinz George? Who is he?

Will he take European money and run to the blacks?

Is it Rome?Tokyo castle Japan?

What is the story?

Saint Laurent | Spring Summer 2024 | Full Show in Berlin


This time do you want to buy Umineco clothes together?

Did Umineco come to Berlin wearing with YSL clothes??

Ok, Umineco is a French actor created by Yves Saint Laurent.

"Come to berlin.

It's nothing.

Is the National Gallery is Berlin's new architectural masterpiece?

I thought you should line up the horses before, but..."

Who's saying "This feeling of nothingness is a good feeling!" ?

Do German customers buy clothes even though they have cloth?

Umineco is actually naked, and since there is no field, there is no cloth.

What do you want me to do naked, don't show me crazy movies, we're not model.

In Africa, there are a lot of visitors to naked Africans.

Because it's a model type.

A lot of American Indians are taking off their clothes these days.

Because it's a model type.

Are Berlin visitors about Umineco?

That's right, should I sell cloth too?

"Is the cloth made by black slaves denim?"

Then Germans say "Are you naked?

do you buy clothes? ’ to that African or American.

It doesn't matter who makes the cloth, will it be a black show at the end?

What are those white Africans(german people?)?

This time you can ask me

"Yves Saint Laurent's clothes have the same pattern as cheap Japanese cloth.

Is it a Muslim cloth or an Iranian cloth?

Is it called Cleopatra's cloth?"

"The Roman Empire is long over."

Is Cleopatra France dark skin?

Are you from Chad?

Will you say, "I like the empty feeling of a palace in Berlin"?

Think carefully

Iranians don't say that, do they?

Indians don't say that, do they?

Yves Saint Laurent went to Saudi Arabia for business ,

Iran wins if the cloth is sold to Saudi Arabia.

"Should Saudi Arabia buy it?"

Who are not human?

President Obama is there and he speaks in English.

Why does black emperor speak in English?

Do you watch Japanese commercials too?

Yves Saint Laurent - Trailer (Japanese)


Yves Saint Laurent looks like a doctor yelling "I'm a man"?

Did he start a clothing show with the neighbors?

A caring neighbor says, "I'll do something about it." and he makes clothes?

"The straight and long thread is wonderful." 

A customer compliments him.

If losing Yves Saint Laurent and making it a black show,

Yves Saint Laurent asks "Do you make that cloth yourself?"to black.

Do you ask?

What is the money exchange?

Are they "Normare"?

Are they the Norman Conquest to occupy Japan, the Kingdom of Italy?

Are you friends with Prime Minister Conte?

Will there be a money exchange?

Where are the identity of the blacks?

Is it wrong?
再び トルコのEU加盟

Who is president Trump?

Faith leads you to the east

They said they wanted Turkish coffee in the far east, 

but do they want Vietnamese coffee?

Do Arabs not go back to Egypt?

I think Arab is good field, there are many Greek ruins.

Students should say

"Name  believers Hadeetha"

"Have you heard of Hadiet Daily News?"


Mattarella incontra il Presidente della Repubblica Socialista del Vietnam


ya (やあ?)
aziz (聖人は、)
tabıl bakanlığı mızın (旅?バカになる←日本語?) (もちろん私達の政府機関。)
değerli misafirler (ご来賓の皆さん)
sizleri muhab...(you're not Muḥammad) (あなたは・・ムハン・・・?ムハンマドじゃない。)
tarihi enerji (エネルギーカレンダー?)
ülkelerin ortaya(国という名前の羽化した蝶?)
hiç bir  ,kauss? insanın(だれもkaussになれない。)
insan hala (お父さんの子供は)
Surie'deki (スーリエ敵?←日本語?)(まだシリアにいる。)

Emperor from Japan recognized as new Roman emperor in Vatican ?


Et certains nationaux ?

C'était la première fois que je voyais la France.

Vous avez vendu "Voyage" au Japon pour sortir Republic.

C'est de l'argent là où je vis en ayant "le monde parle français..."

Liste des rois de Turin, République italienne : Merenptah... ?

J'ai pu écrire le drapeau italien et tout ça en italien...

Quel est ce drapeau ?


Yves Saint Laurenté et des dizaines de pièces en francs français.

Et la France aussi, la France doit un gouvernement.

Je suis sûr que tout vient bien sûr de la République française.

Quelle heure est-il ?

(And some nationals?

It was the first time I saw France.

You sold "Voyage" to Japan  to hit Republic.

It's money where I live having "the world speaks French..."

List of kings of Turin, Italian Republic: Merenptah...?

I was able to write the Italian flag and thing in Italian...

What is this flag?

Yves Saint Laurenté  and dozens of French franc coins.

And also France,France owes a government.

I'm sure everything ,of course, from the French Republic.  

What is the time I?)

Anime?Saint... and 金色の雨の降る街 (3)  ?

An island called Yves Saint Laurent Island in the Nile Delta,

the story of this island was well written.

In the New Kingdom of Egypt, there was a change in dynastic families.

It moves to Ramesses  and Seti's kingdom.

Oh he made a treaty, maybe that's what he's talking about?


There is (the United States?), and everyone lives there.

Où en étions-nous en 2020 ?
Les cosmétiques sont fabriqués et fabriqués également en 2024.
"Oh, et nous devons aller en France pour ça.
Oui, la boîte indique Japon.
Mais on a remarqué qu'un produit appelé TONKA était mélangé en France !"
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Si vous ne pouvez pas le lire et l’acheter, il appartient aux étrangers.
Le contrat avec Yamaka International (?) est venu en premier.
Et les serviettes japonaises ?
Comment avez-vous obtenu un contrat avec lui auparavant ?
Imitons les gens des époques précédentes, nous devons maintenir la route maritime entre le Japon et la France.
Même de manière frustrante ou quelque chose comme ça
"Aujourd'hui, ils ne vendent plus de farine américaine au Japon.
Ils doivent acheter de la farine canadienne.
Je veux faire de la farine." ?
Calbee aura du mal après avoir été mélangé à des pommes de terre américaines, n'est-ce pas ?
"L'Amérique est-elle le système dans lequel vous pouvez être attaqué dès que vous écrivez quelque chose ?" ?
Oh, alors tu me dis que quelqu'un possède un champ de pommes de terre au Canada et l'appelle Japon ?
Oh, alors c'est le genre de personne sur lequel j'ai écrit ?
Qui est japonais ? (J’ai écrit sur PM Conte ?)
La rumeur raconte que la reine Elizabeth a demandé aux États-Unis de créer (le Canada ?) pour elle.
Qu’a-t-elle demandé aux États-Unis ?
Frontière Mexique-Canada ?
Est-ce la frontière canado-américaine ?
C'est la personnalité des frontières qui sont en Italie et en France.
Ou est-ce l'Italie et l'Angleterre ?
Je n'ai pas dit qu'il y avait une frontière entre le Japon et...
Oh ouais, au Canada en Italie en 2021,
L'Italie en 2022 ,L'Italie arrive à l'année prochaine pour les cosmétiques Guerlain.
(Japon et France)
Je ne l'ai pas, il se tourne vers le Japon.
C'est à ce moment-là que les Américains entrent au Japon,
Japonais, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Le Canada Trump Country avait une Italie.
Dois-je y penser ?

(I found her song   ↓

Only one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1xGzmJh1AA    ??

(天馬の国68 ゆ~ちゃんはどこかにいる )


It was a foreign Christmas.

In German, is the name of Christ a fruit?
The flower that blooms in the lower part, rose?
(エジプトのクリスマス5 Advent)

In Japanese songs  ,are they Canadian or American???
イタリアのアフリカの話8 ?
中国の川嶋紀子劇場 ?
イスラエルまんが52 北風 ?
イスラエルまんが81 晴天 ?    )



