Story of SDF stay in Syria and Iraq,
is the Japanese Emperor British?
With Italian drama where are you Europeans?
Support for Africa,Turkey reconstruction assistance
the law cannot be revised.
Then many Japanese become シリアの花嫁 ?
Replacing Japanese historical drama,
then the Japanese join to the Italian?
People from Ginza?
Turkey’s President Erdogan in UN 74th Session
Many Japanese think there 's Russia?
エジプトでロシア機墜落事故 その後
What did Japanese want in Japan?
I don't know anything about Japanese imperial people,
Japanese imperial people having to marry in modern times,and do you say they're genuine Indian?
At some point, they say, they're Japanese natives and Japanese landowners,Emperor is a real Japanese for a unique language that was given from God in the story you know.
If Umineco is now selling dishes,Japanese food or Indian curry,which one do you like?
I started talking about Europeans, at a thrift shop,in the other words I'm eating curry ...
謎の国イラン その2
It's a story for imperial people,
"I am a real Indian Sultan eating curry with the new dishes."
"But who has the right to use Japanese with the Bible?"
President Obama's inauguration greeting was in English.
In the UK,the general public greeting of the new royal member was in English.
I think EPA should be also in English.
The holy Bible is expected to use in English.
The Japanese Bible is something strange.
Everyone knows he wants to be European so he needs also succession rank in English?
It's also a story about the parade with a new car.
Turkey’s President Erdogan in UN 74th Session
It's better to have a presentation and it means that he don't use Japanese as Japanese royal people.
I think selects without using Japanese Bible.
I think it's in English that becoming what kind of aristocrat did the English king do?
Prince of Persia ?
The US President, the Bush family,was lined up with the British royal family,but they were failed to get the crown.
This time,the Secretary of Transportation is dispatched from USA.
Then,the new royal member in the British Royal Family,approves the Japanese Emperor.
I think UNICEF support is decided.
Because there were many Kyushu Christian Churches.
The Portuguese missionary came to Japan again.
Who opened the war in the summer and winter teams,
it wasn't the Japanese General Hideyoshi and the Edo force.
Who was born to Nagamasa Asai's daughter princess Gou,
In 1862 a child of Nagamasa Asai's wife princess Ichi married to princess Kazu,a doughter of the 120th Emperor Ninko.
Emperor converted to Christianity.
His Home City Nara21
After all this time Toyotomi Hideyoshi(a farmar's son became Japanese famous general) is decided,
that support should be continiued till the Emperor marry Hideyoshi.
Someone like a farmer married Japanese Emperor this time,is frustrating,it was something wrong that the war was
Harvard,The United States said that ...
the Portuguese missionary is admitted by USA again during this celebration.
Brazil?If you say "Give me Brazil," 200 countries have gathered.
Maybe only for Japan, everyone is the Spanish Royal Alfonso XIII speech?
Because he can make a speech“Run the parade immediately!” ?
Prince Alfonso de Bourbon and proud white wife come from Spanish Kingdom
“We have children!”
“Isn't Brazilian giving money to UNICEF?”
That's his princess , former Prime Minister of Spain ?
Why do you think tehy're ask me(Japanese town people) for something?
His Home City Nara7
Kyushu is an African shrine.
A descendant of Hidetada Tokugawa,who married her husband Oda Nobunaga's sister princess Ichi who married Asai Nagamasa ,is the home of the Spanish prince's family who can I be a farmer like ?
Does it mean "Kanpaku(Japanese Prime Minister?)" after all?
Will you give me something in that ceremonial ceremonies.