If American wants to live in Japan,join your army.
If you want to marry and buy your own house in japan,you had better to join your army.
If you succeed and move up your position,you may become American president.
Everything is up to you. Supreme commander of politics and military may become American Emperor.
He rules the military settlement and every resident should do American soldier.
So you must say
"Japanese are childish like eaglet,we need an ejector from the nest.
If you are japanese who want to live your country,you fly away immediately and should land the lower middle town at first.why don't you work for money.
Second,you join American army like adult.
Adult education are given to you in the army."
But he don't say Join the army to Japanese.I could change my own nationality.
But American accepted China for the future,why?
Was it happend the war?I don't know well about it but recently I study Chinese a little bit.
What do I become?It isn't necessary before.
I don't know anything because I am not soldier like you.
I think some high educated Japanese wants to fit English up for guarantee.
But have they married American people?
How do you think what do Japanese do in japan?
Does Japan keep own independence?We don't think so.