2015/11/14 23:27:03
”イスラム教徒の癖に「ハム・ソーセージ(豚肉)を毎日食べたい差別されているから、宗教改革だ、やろう。」 だとぉ?”
首相官邸 のニュースを見て・・・
あと、儲かる(?) 産経ニュースの記事です・・
日中首脳会談が焦点 岸田首相がAPEC首脳会議へ出発今日はgoogle翻訳で英語の文章を作ってみました。
The owner of Chigi Palace is Mr. Chigi.
Italian government politicians rent Chigi Palace.
Responsibility for government is the Italian royal family, they ran the entire Ethiopian Empire.
This is the story what I've heard.
At that Italian government ,Prime Minister Conte wants international students from Japan to study abroad free of charge.
Was he a Japanese woman who came to study?
Even though his nationality is Italian, she rents everything?
If she can't maintain the government in Italy, she'll move to somewhere with the government buildings?
イタリアのアフリカの話12This time she succeeded in writing Japan on the same cosmetics box to take some cosmetics and some European money to Japan.
"Call her a Christian called Normale."?
Prime Minister Conte will make Japan a Christian country?
Napoleon comes to Japan(Nara?) too?
"Napoleon has blue eyes, and his wife Habsburg Lothringen has also blue eyes they are the Royal Family of the Government of Normale?
Japanese people have colored skin, so why not live together with Ibero-Americans."?
The name is the French Empire, not the Roman Empire, the country of Napoleon.
Japanese people have low status but name is French ,too?
Modernized Japanese castle towns and Japanese McDonald's towns live by exchanging things
When I left Japanese town there are Game centers.
Dream machines containing chocolate and gum.
When you put a 100 yen coin into the slot and operate the machine, chocolate and gum come out of the exit.
The machine only accepts 100 yen coins, customers use the exchange machine to exchange money into 100 yen coins.
In the mountains and fields of Africa, there are days when you can't find anything to eat even if you hunt.
The quality of food available also varies.
When you try to buy food to satisfy your hunger, the prices of food are very high.
When you put the 100 yen coins you got at the game center into the exchange machine in Japan, Japanese yen (banknotes) will come out.
So you can exchange meals in Japanese town.
"Christians and Europeans are the same people who live in the same fields and eat the same food."?
But those Italian politicians are preparing to withdraw from Italy to Japan
When you enter a Greek cave, there are people living inside.
They say they are Christians on ground.
There is a temple at the back of the cave, and there is Mr. Kumagorou (pseudonym), who has turned deep brown from being covered in chocolate.
In the Middle East, the currency is weak and no matter how hard you try, you cannot control food prices.
In the Middle East, you can eat a meal for about 25 yen instead of 1000 yen in Japanese yen.
People who fled from the Middle East to escape war entered Japanese towns through the toy factory in China, through China?
Howmany people ended up getting everything at a Japanese restaurant for free.
The Fukushima nuclear power plant accident has been a tailwind, pushing up food prices.
The 100 yen coin was the only foreign currency in Japan.
That French cosmetics company says we Japanese are the enemy.
They say things in Japan are free.
Is that a country named Napoleon's Empire?
Are they French?
They say that in Japan I rent houses from landlords.
So it's the Greeks who lived in that cave?
But I have no idea about the establishment of that game center.
Does that mean it's one of the government offices in China?
They claim to be Japanese and they say the Chinese are on their side.
They had 100 yen coins and created a 100 yen shop.
They claim it's me who lost the job.
Who wants a 100 yen product made in China.
Recyclers' cars are roaming the streets saying, "If you buy something made in China, give it back."
There's a lot of talk right now about machines that don't allow you to use the new 500 yen.
Even if Japan's 10,000 yen bill disappears, they still have 100 yen coins.
There should be a machine that doesn't accept 100 yen coins.
All Japanese were honorary whites, understood English, and were supposed to have equal access to things.
They tried to keep the vending machines away from Japanese people by poisoning the juice.
Ethiopia said Ethiopia is also selling coffee in 100 yen coins in Japanese vending machines.
Did they bring it with 100 yen coins?
The Japanese who called themselves honorary whites say they will be mixed race with President Obama's fellow blacks.
Who said he would give President Obama the Coca-Cola he could buy with a 100 yen coin?
"Game centers have been in Africa from the beginning.
Japanese people become colored people to maintain Japan's rice fields and water bodies."?
McDonald's Japan wants to sell food to the rich, so they developed a product called the 100 Yen Mac.
He also printed 100 yen Mac meal tickets and distributed them along with those 100 yen coins.
And what about that person ?
Italy is a white country, and Prime Minister Conte's government, which is withdrawing from Italy, should look like a government of people of color too.
A nation of colored people will be born next year.
At first, they came to the store with money to buy things.
They said Japan's major mobile phone companies were strange and created a SIM-free law.
What is that law?
Are Chinese telling everyone(Japanese) not to buy those phones because they're smartphones?
What is a cosmetics company?
What is Christmas?
The next Japanese banknote they will issue is the Iraqi dinar, which borrows the face of the founder of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.
Can you ask me any questions?
If the son of Britain's Prince Charles sells Buckingham Palace to the British, will he retreat to Japan too?
Will Japan going to Iraq?
Sandhurst Military Training Range?
It seems that the best currency to issue is 100 yen coins.
The Israelites disappeared 2000 years ago and now exist as a religious group.
If Israelis gather at the Ottoman Tokyo Camii in Shibuya Ward?
But it's currently publishing news about Israel, mainly Gaza, in Japanese.
Since there is no Israel, it is doomed to disappear.
Therefore, the countries that use 100 yen coins are Tokyo Cammy and Africa.
Is APEC in Africa?
I don't think APEC is someone who can give anything to Japan.
I wonder if anyone at APEC will listen to Japan's story...they are working hard to create stories in Japanese that ignore Japanese people.
Next year, Fukuzawa's Japanese banknotes will disappear and Japan will become a wilderness in Africa or Iraq, both in name and reality.
All the buildings and fields built in the name of Japan at the Sandhurst Military Training Range will be destroyed.
They're going to bomb the town, just like the Israeli Air Force bombed the town.
There are so many stories I didn't know about, and if we're going to have to hunt in the wilderness from now on, Japan needs a vast territory.
McDonald's is difficult in Japan, so we need another American fast food.
And we need a border line with Sandhurst Military Training Range.
The cave is empty, I wonder where those people went?
In the end, not a single person will be found at the military training ground.
That's possible, you will say "But what is that cave?"
Eventually the cavemen cross the boundary line and enter the town again.
What should I call it,"in Japan" means "in Italy"? or other European country?
There are many Iranian-like people among the cavemen.
All the strange news these days seems to be coming from "Iran".
What is "Iran"?
I think because it became a story about Japanese people attacking Japanese people...(they are really difficult to say, "I'm Japanese! I'm a naturalized Japanese!")
Do you want a story about someone who was abducted by North Korea instead of Iran?
Who became naturalized in North Korea?
I don't know what to say...
"Maybe they took me to a cave?
Have you seen the document called Nara Graveyard Plan?
Is Prime Minister Conte a temple pilgrim?
Is there a game center on the ground level in Temple, and when we go down the stairs, the first basement floor is a residential area?
Does Nara Prefecture's plan for a cemetery include a Buddhist temple and cemetery along with those residential area?
Is it planning to dig underground in Nara Prefecture! ?
Will a tunnel be dug beneath the temple to connect it to the subway?
It's India that was talking about a subway that connects to a temple with JICA.
They're digging something called a gas pipeline in India too?"
I don't say anything, but I don't know how to say it in a foreign language.
What is African language?(hieroglyphs??)
That's what the foreign language I understand says"don't mind Napoleon's Empire."?
"Is their base of the temple Bodh Gaya?"
I was not saying anything.
I was just passing by and listening to what the Italians were saying.
Will everyone be living the game center from next year?
I don't care if you're all 3000 years old (Israelites from the 10th century BC).
Is it a religious group?
Was it( Kingdom of Israel) a temple religion?
There are some strange Indian people who keep taking away food from Indian temples.
They're trying to recreate the mountains and fields of Africa where it's hard to get food.
When the Japanese quit being an honorary white nation, does that mean they quit being the ancient Israelites?
I heard that Israelis were the only colored people to become honorary whites, and that they all aspired to be Israelis.
Will the official language of Africa's mountains be Italian?
Is the Royal Family the Italian Royal Family?
Are Napoleon Bonaparte's descendants from the Royal Family and their official language French?
What do you think about talking about 3000 years ago?
Normal time is in the United States.
Russian said it was about Crimea.
How about changing to Russian time?
Can I tell you what I think about normal time?
Why can't I get a part-time job at a Japanese restaurant?
What kind of Japanese imperial family exists in the mountains and fields of Africa?
Are there any plans to announce that Prime Minister Conte is a former member of the Japanese imperial family who speaks Italian?
I think Japan doesn't have any banknotes at that time.
There's no benefit at all.
Is it possible that the people at the game center are taking it for free and trying to turn it into a branded product in China?
Are you planning to make Korean products into brand products as well?
It's kind of strange that they sell cosmetics called Guerlain as branded products in stores.
So it wasn't Japan that was called a country.(I think it's called Africa?)
What is the Chinese government supporting?
Is the Chinese Yuan a banknote?
Will it be distributed to "Japan"?
Is there a Japan-China summit meeting that will discuss China's benefits in APEC?
They say school(Japan) is perfectly protected, but the only money left to pay for school will be Iraqi dinars for schools.
Waseda University, where Prime Minister Kishida went to give a speech, might not even exist if it wasn't called the Egypt Institute.
I want to go home
Anyway, I should get a house and a field of food.
I need a big government that tells me to grow cotton and weave at home.